Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Chapter 1: New Beginnings. (Part Two.)

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here (I'll just repaste this section on every chapter.)

Chapter 1: New Beginnings. (Part Two.)

After ten minutes of heading towards that warm feeling light, I oddly woke up in a very comfy bed. The room that I was now in looked like a high class medieval style room, that perhaps a king would sleep in. I looked around for a few minutes but didn’t see anyone else in the room.

There was no mirror in the room so, I couldn’t see what I looked like. I don’t know why I’m here but, I could easily tell that my body was different. Though I didn’t have a mirror, I could still slightly figure out how I look just from feeling around my body.

I have short jet black hair that went almost to my shoulders. As for my height, I seemed to be sort of short. I don’t know for sure but, I think I was about 5’2” or something along those lines.

I looked down at my chest and again, I can’t really tell for sure but, I’m pretty sure that I now have c cup breasts. Much to my chagrin, since I used to have a bigger cup size... Farewell big breasts of mine that never got any use and were only a hindrance... I say to cope with my loss.

I was wearing an almost see through white nightgown. Despite this probably being a medieval world, I was wearing modern style bra and panties, which were also white. Like I said, I didn’t have a mirror to confirm this but, I am most definitely pretty cute in this new body. I don’t know my exact age but, going by my height and breast size, I’m probably either 17 or 18.

???: “Oh good. You’re finally awake, Erika.” A woman said with a voice that was extremely pleasant to listen to.

Apparently, the name of this body is Erika. As for the woman who just spoke to me, I don’t know who she is since I didn’t gain any memories from this new body of mine but, as for her appearance…

She is an absolute beauty. She has long light pink hair that went down to her waist. She also had heterochromatic eyes, one being light pink and the other one being a darker shade of pink. She is pretty tall for a woman, about around 6’2” tall.

She is even taller than I was in my past life. As for her outfit, she’s wearing an elegant black dress that showed off her breasts and perfect hourglass figure. Me being a killer who’s killed countless people, I could tell that an aura of death radiated off of her. An aura much like I had in my previous life.

???: “Erika? What’s wrong? You’re acting like you don’t know who I am.” The woman says with a sad tone before going to my bedside and making a chair appear out of nowhere and sitting down on it right next to me.

???: ”Do you have a fever?” She says before putting her beautiful and smooth hand on my forehead.

Erika: “I’m sorry, I don’t recall who you are. I didn’t even know what my name was before you called me by it.” I say after taking her hand off of my forehead.

???: “I see… Seems like you have a case of amnesia. As the strongest of the group, you were the most affected.” The woman says with a sigh.

Erika: “Affected by what?” I say while tilting my head to the side.

???: “Ara? That head tilt is quite cute! First of all, my name is Victoria.” Victoria says while patting me on the head.

Erika: “It’s a pleasure to meet you Victoria.” I say while separating her hand from my head.

Headpats are nice but, only from someone you know and care about. She seemed to be a little upset that I did that, though.

Victoria: “I’m sure you have a lot of questions so, ask away, I’ll answer them to the best of my abilities.” Victoria said with a bright smile.

Erika: “What happened to me?” I say with a rushed tone.

Victoria: “You were captured along with 99 other members of my harem by a high rank Savior. That Savior was planning on sacrificing you all to summon a powerful demon.” Victoria says with a solemn expression.

Erika: “Harem? Savior?” I say with a confused look on my face.

Victoria: “That savior, he really did a number on you, it seems.” Victoria says while looking at me with pity.

Erika: “Could you answer my questions, please? And I’d rather you not pity me.” I say with a slightly angry tone.

Victoria: “Wow! I have never seen you so feisty before. It really turns me on, if I’m being honest.” Victoria said while looking at me with a perverted expression on her face.

Erika: “Answer please.” I said ignoring her lewd gaze.

Victoria: “Fine. I have over a thousand members in my harem. No men, of course. Currently, I only have 5 main wives. The rest of the members of my harem are just women whom I seduced and added to my harem.” Victoria said with a neutral expression.

Erika: “So I’m just an object to you?” I said with an angry expression.

Victoria: “Of course not! Though I’ve forcefully seduced a few members of my harem, I love every member of my harem greatly. I just love 5 women the most.” Victoria says with a proud look and tone.

Erika: “I see… What about the Savior and what about him trying to sacrifice us?” I say while ignoring her line about forcing some of the members of her harem.

Victoria: “He was part of a group of people whose main job is to be summoned to different dimensions and complete tasks. Their tasks usually include tasks as extreme as saving the main planet in that dimension to as small as killing weak monsters. Their group is called the Saviors. From my intel, they’re controlled by 6 leaders who give out tasks and send people to dimensions.” Victoria said with many breaks in between her explanation.

Erika: “That’s a mouthful… What exactly did he have against you?” I say after thinking hard about what she said.

Victoria: “I am a Demon Goddess belonging to the group called The Dimension Destroyers. As you might be able to guess, their group is against mine.” Victoria said matterfactly.

Erika: “If you’re a Demon Goddess, then why did he try to summon a demon? I’m guessing that since you’re a Demon Goddess, most demons would follow you without question.” I say while doing a thinking pose.

Victoria: “Your guess is correct. As for why he did something so stupid, he acted immediately after being sent to this dimension. As this dimension is my home base, it’s very secretive, so the leaders of the Saviors were not aware that a Demon Goddess is present in this dimension. He wanted to summon a demon to make it a Demon King and then control the dark forces of this dimension in the background for the Saviors.” Victoria said without taking breaths this time.

Erika: “How did he manage to capture so many members of your harem?” I said maintaining my thinking pose with my hand on my chin.

Victoria: “He was a very high ranked Savior. Due to this, he was able to evade detection and stealthily enter my city that houses me and my harem. It happened purely because I didn’t have any magic arrays set up to detect high ranking Saviors. Your and their capture is my fault. I’ve since beefed up my security and such a thing won't happen again.” Victoria said with a stern expression.

Erika: “That’s good to know. What did you mean when you said that I was the most affected by that ritual?” I said after releasing my thinking pose and returning to a neutral one.

Victoria: “Most of the girls in my harem are just normal dainty women. Whilst my wives are quite strong. Every one of the girls in the group that he kidnapped was just an average girl with no fighting experience or power.” Victoria said while looking at me with gratitude.

Erika: "What about me?" I say with a head tilt.

Victoria: "Ah, another cute head tilt... As for you Erika, you were formally an adventure so you had the most powerful soul out of them and, because of that you received the most damage. Most of the girls are fine since you took on their burden and because I was able to stop the ritual in time." Victoria said in a serious tone after switching from a happy one when she was talking about me tilting my head.

Erika: "What happened to that Savior?" I say with a questioning tone.

Victoria: "Dead and gone. We didn't leave any trace, and the ones who sent him most likely won't send another one." Victoria said with a shrug.

Erika: “Besides the amnesia, what else happened to me?” I say with a concerned expression.

Victoria: “You were in a coma for a week." Victoria said with a sad expression on her face.

Erika: "A whole week?" I say in shock.

Victoria: "As for if you’re hurt anywhere else, we’ve already treated you with every healing spell and potion we have but, you still didn’t wake up until today." Victoria said with a sigh.

Huh? Magic? Potion? What kind of world have I ended up in? Well, there is no use in worrying about it now I guess...

Erika: "Why didn't I wake up until now?" I say while doing a thinking pose.

Victoria: "Since it might be your soul that was damaged, I’ve asked a friend of mine to come to check you out and make sure that you’re alright. Don't worry, she is also a cute girl like me.” Victoria said with a laugh while gesturing me to look at the door to my room.

???: “Looks like she’s awake. I seem to have perfect timing as usual.” Said the woman with a slightly monotone but proud voice.

A loli came into the room. She had long black hair in twintails. Her eyes were both bright gold. She was wearing a black Lolita dress and holding a stuffed bunny doll. Most people would assume that she was just a little girl but, I could tell that she radiated an almost holy aura of death.

Victoria: “Erika, this is Alice. Don’t be fooled by her appearance of a little girl, she’s actually a Creator. Specifically the Creator of Darkness. Alice, Erika seems fine but, has a case of amnesia.” Victoria said while switching between looking at me and Alice.

Alice: “Does she remember you Victoria?” Alice says while looking at Victoria after walking towards my bed.

Victoria: “She doesn’t seem to remember much but, I can tell that it isn’t complete amnesia.” Victoria said with a sad tone.

Alice: “That so? Well, let me look at her soul for a bit.” Alice says while looking at my chest intensely.

Erika: “Why are you looking at my breasts!?” I say after covering my chest with my arms.

Alice: “No need to be so bashful. Your soul just so happens to be situated in between those two wonderful mounds of yours.” Alice says with a chuckle and a flirty tone then returned to focusing on my soul.

Victoria: “So? How is her soul?” Victoria says with a concerned tone.

Alice: “It looks like her soul was recently heavily damaged. The reason she was asleep for so long was most likely because she was repairing her own soul. I don’t really understand how she managed to do that without the help of a Creator or, at least someone who knows and has the power to work with souls.” Alice said with a thinking pose.

Victoria: “Hmm… That sounds pretty odd. Erika?” Victoria says while looking at me.

Erika: “Yes Victoria, what is it?” I say with a head tilt.

Victoria: “Ignoring that cute head tilt, what did it feel like when you were asleep? Were you even aware?” She said while looking at me with concern.

I guess that I’ll just tell her about that void. I won’t tell her about me not being from this world and that I’m not the original Erika because, if I end up making her mad by me taking over Erika’s body who just so happens to be one of her lovers, I doubt that I’ll have anything good happen to me.

Erika: “Before waking up, I was in a pitch black empty void. I don’t really know how long I was in there but, it felt like an eternity.” I say with a sad tone.

Victoria: “Did anything happen in that void before you woke up?” Victoria said with a head tilt.

Erika: “The last thing that I remember was that there was a bright light. It took me a few minutes to go towards it but, when I did, I woke up in this bed confused.” I say with a sigh.

After listening to my explanation, Victoria and Alice spoke to each other in a language that I didn’t understand. The language that I did understand wasn’t English but, I could still understand what they were saying.

It must be a language that the previous owner of this body understood. I’m guessing they were talking in a language that either only Creators or Demon Goddesses know. They talked for about eight minutes.

Victoria: “Erika, it’s just occurred to me that you haven’t been told my title." Victoria said after she finished talking to Alice.

Erika: "Title? What is your title exactly?" I say with an interested look on my face.

Victoria: "My title is The Demon Goddess of Love.” Victoria says with a hand on her chest in a proud tone.

Erika: “That’s a really important sounding title. But wait, can you really be a God of Love if you only love women?” I say with a head tilt.

Victoria: “I’m a Demon Goddess mind you, I’m not bound by any such restrictions. You’re thinking of the Goddess of Love. Though, if I remember correctly, she also only likes other women.” Victoria says with a chuckle.

Erika: “I see…” I say with a slightly shocked expression.

It seems like most of the most powerful women in existence only prefer other women. Wait… Is that why Leader killed me? I mean he did try to make advances towards me but I flat out denied him…

Anyway, going by how Alice referred to my breasts, I figure that just like Victoria, she also only likes women as well. Not that I mind. If you're wondering why Alice called my c cup breasts "mounds", it's because her breasts are even smaller than mine.

Victoria: “Erika, Alice told me that your soul is far more powerful than it was previously. Could you say “Status” for me please?” Victoria said with a smile.

Erika: “Hm? Sure. Status.” I say feeling a little embarrassed at saying something so odd.



Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 25/25 (0/5)

MP: 5/5 (0/5)

INT: F (0/18)

STR: F+ (0/15)

AGI: F+ (0/20)

END: F+ (0/10)

DEF: F+ (0/10)

LUCK: F (0/50)

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 1.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 1.



A semi transparent screen appeared before me. It had some information that I couldn’t really understand at all. I mean, I get my race, age, sex, and name but, what do stats even refer to? It kinda reminds me of a game.

Unfortunately, I was always too busy to play any kind of game. I only know about them because one of the members in my unit would play games on their off time. He showed me a game he was playing once. He said it was an RPG or a role playing game but, that’s pretty much the extent of my knowledge of games.

Victoria: “Going by your reaction, I assume that a screen showed up for you?” Victoria said with a bright smile.

Erika: “That’s correct, a screen did show up in front of me.” I said with a confused look because I’m still trying to figure out what all of this means in my head.

Alice: “That’s pretty interesting. Isn’t it Victoria?” Alice says with a smile.

Victoria: “It indeed is, though, she looks quite confused.” Victoria says with a smile.

Erika: “Could you explain what stats are and or do?” I say looking at Victoria with a pleading expression on my face.

Victoria: “Answer one of my questions and, I’ll answer yours.” Victoria said with a mischievous smile.

Erika: “What’s your question?” I say with a head tilt.

Victoria: “Do you have any titles?” Victoria said with a curious expression.

Erika: “No, under my titles it just says “None”, am I supposed to have titles?” I say with a hand on my chin.

Victoria: “That so?…” Victoria says dejectedly.

Alice: “I’ll answer your questions on behalf of Victoria.” Alice says after walking over towards Victoria and giving her a pat on her head.

Erika: “So, about my stats?” I said after looking at Alice.

Alice: “Most living creatures that have a soul have stats but, not everyone can check their status. Only those who can increase their stats can check their status at any time.” Alice says with a smile.

Erika: “Have I always been able to do that?” I say with a questioning gaze.

Alice: “No. Your stats are higher than they were before you were captured and used in that ritual.” Alice says with a wave of her hand.

Erika: “You can see my status? Can everyone do that?” I say with a shocked expression.

Alice: “Don’t worry. Only beings that have an inspect skill and beings like Creators like me are able to see someone else's status. For instance, Victoria has a inspect skill. Even though we can only see someone's difficulty rank, their HP and MP as well as their general information. We can’t see titles or skills.” Alice slowly explained to me.

Erika: “I see. What do stats do exactly and why are there numbers in a bracket after every stat and on my HP and MP?” I say after digesting what Alice said.

Alice: “HP is how much life force you have. MP is how much Mana you have.” I said before I cut her off.

Erika: “Mana?” I say quickly. I can understand life force but not mana. For example, in my last life, I clearly ran out of HP.

Alice: “You need to use Mana to use magic, as well as some skills that require Mana to be used.” Alice said calmly not getting mad that I cut her off.

Erika: “Okay, I understand that. What about my stats other than MP and HP?” I say gesturing for Alice to continue her explanation.

Alice: “Those are all abbreviations. For example, HP is Health Points and MP is Mana Points.” Alice said calmly. Didn’t expect something like a God to be so easy to talk to.

Erika: “So if I’m understanding correctly, INT is Intelligence, STR is strength, AGI is Agility, END is Endurance, DEF is Defense and Luck is self explanatory. Right?” I say after thinking about it for a few minutes.

Alice: “That’s correct! Such a smart girl!” Alice says while giving me a pat on my head.

Erika: “And what about the letters after my stats?” I say after looking away and hiding my blushing face for a few minutes.

Alice: “Those are rankings or grades. They dictate how good your stats are. The lowest grade being F and the highest being SSS+.” Alice says after smiling at my reaction.

Victoria: “For instance, all of my stats are above S+.” Victoria chimes in after not talking for a while.

I really don’t have a reference on how powerful God and Demon Gods are but, I think that Victoria must be quite strong. Though even without an inspect skill, I can tell that Alice is more powerful than Victoria.

Alice: “Your last question should be the numbers in the brackets, right?” Alice says after letting me digest the information for a few minutes while I look down.

Erika: “I have one more question after that but, please explain those numbers.” I say after lifting my head up towards Alice.

Alice: “Those explain how much Stat points you currently have in a certain Stat grade and, how many more Stat points you need to invest to make that Stat advance it up a Grade.” Alice once again explains slowly so I don’t miss anything.

Erika: “How do I get more Stat points?” I say nervously. Going by these two, I really need to get stronger fast.

Alice: “Killing monsters and absorbing their cores will give you Stat points. Killing strong beings that don’t have cores will also give you Stat points but, you will just absorb their soul and convert it into Stat points instead.” Alice says after taking out a hexagonal crystal out of nowhere and letting me examine it.

Erika: “Do all Monster Cores give you the same amount of Stat points?” I say while twirling around the Monster Core in my hand.

Alice: “No, each monster is ranked using the same grading system for Stats. Each rank of Monster Core gives you a different number of Stat Points. I can’t tell you the exact amount because, it’s different for every race and person.” Alice says with a shrug.

Erika: “How can I tell what grade a Monster Core is without an inspect skill?” I say while still playing with the Monster Core.

Alice: “Once you put an item into your inventory, you can see information about that specific item.” Alice says calmly.

Erika: “Inventory?” I say with a head tilt.

Victoria: “It’s truly mysterious what memories you still have and what you don’t have. I’m starting to get even more worried…” Victoria said with a concerned expression and tone.

Alice: “You can store items and take them out whenever you want. Just in case you’re wondering, the amount of space you have in your inventory is dependent on your INT Stat. Take that Monster Core and hold it in your hands then, think about storing it away.” Alice says with a smile while gesturing towards the Monster Core in my hands that I was playing with.

Erika: “Okay, let me try.” I say before thinking about storing the core away and then it disappears out of my hand.

Alice: “Great! Now just say “Inventory” and then you can look at what items you have in it.” Alice says after clapping her hands and then praising me.

Erika: “Inventory.” I say to no one at all.


*Current Inventory*

Steel Dagger: F

A basic steel Dagger.

One Handed Steel Sword: F

A basic steel sword.

Monster Core: F

A Monster Core from an F Rank monster. Gives 2 Stat points.

*Remaining Inventory Slots: 15.*

Another semi transparent screen showed up in front of me again. It had little information on the three things that I had in my inventory. The information on the dagger and sword wasn’t important but, the information on the Monster Core is pretty helpful. Giving only 2 Stat points isn’t too bad, I think… It also looks like items share the same ranking system as stats.

Alice: “Play around with your inventory for a bit to get a feel for how to properly use it. Or just until you get bored.” Alice said with a laugh.

I took a few turns taking the Monster Core in and out of my inventory. I don’t have to push any button on the screen or anything, I can just think about what item I want to take out and it gets taken out of my inventory and placed either in my hand or floating in front of me.

Erika: “Okay, that answers all of my questions regarding my Status as well as my inventory. Here’s the Monster Core back, thanks!” Say while handing her back the core.

Alice: “No problem. You had another question, right?” Alice says after gesturing her hand towards me.

Erika: “Yes. What’s the difference between a God or Goddess and Creator?” I say while looking at Alice.

Alice: “A God or Goddess is just a powerful being, whilst a creator like me, is more powerful and are the overseers of certain dimensions. This dimension is one of mine, though, I do have other dimensions that I’ve made. Each Creator specializes in certain fields. Like how I’m the Creator of Darkness.” Alice explains slowly.

Erika: “Well, that answers all of my questions. Thanks, you two.” I said looking at Victoria and Alice.

Victoria: “If you want to thank me, then give me your hand.” Victoria says before gesturing her open hand towards me.

Erika: “Sure, I guess.” I say giving my hand to let Victoria for her to hold.


Accept a Task pact with The Demon God of Love Victoria?



Another screen popped up and presented me with a question with two choices. There was no explanation of what kind of pact it was other than it being a task pact. Only just two options to choose from. I figured that I should probably accept just to not incur Victoria’s or Alice’s ire so, I pressed down on the “Yes.” answer on the screen.


Task pact with The Demon God of Love Victoria accepted.

Initializing Task System…

Task System initialized.

Use of Task System now available.

So the screen said but, nothing popped up after it went away. Looking at the expression of pure happiness on Victoria’s face, I don’t know if I just did something that’s going to screw me over or something that really help me but, at least she’s happy. She looks really beautiful, but even more so when she smiles.

Erika: “What exactly was that pact?” I say after removing my hand from Victoria’s.

Alice: “Shouldn’t you have asked that before accepting it?” Alice smugly says with a chuckle.

Victoria: “Shh Alice! Don’t make her feel bad. I am extremely happy that she accepted so easily. Even happier that it actually worked!” Victoria says happily.

Erika: “Huh… I’m really lost here, you two…” I say with a sigh.

Alice: “The pact you made with Victoria just lets you complete tasks for her in other dimensions. All you have to do is accept to complete tasks in another dimension and then you’ll be summoned to that dimension.” Alice said while ignoring Victoria jumping around happily.

Victoria: “Erika, to accept tasks, you have to open the Task System by saying, “Show Tasks.” and then it’ll open up for you and present you with tasks to complete.” Victoria says after she calmed down.

Erika: “What kind of tasks?” I say with a sigh.

Victoria: “I don’t have control of them. The tasks auto-fill depending on the dimension and, the tasks are in line with what I and the other Dimension Destroyer’s want.” Victoria says while maintaining her happy expression.

I guess even in this new life I’m still destined to be a soldier. Well, at least I can do what I do best. Though, I wonder why Victoria is so happy about this. Shouldn't she have made this pact with another woman before? She reacted like a girl who has just gotten married…

Erika: “I understand but, why are you so happy about it?” I say with confusion.

Victoria: “I’m happy for two reasons.” Victoria says after returning to her seat.

Erika: “Those two reasons being?” I say gesturing for her to continue.

Victoria: “First reason is that no one has been able to accept a task pact with me before. Not even my wives are able to do so. I’ve even been to other dimensions and haven’t found a single person that was able to accept a pact with me.” Victoria glumly says.

Erika: “I see. Why could no one else accept a pact with you?” I say while looking at Alice for an answer.

Alice: “It’s unknown. I’ve been trying to figure it out for Victoria for many years. Due to her not being able to make a Task Pact with someone, she’s long since fallen behind many other Gods and Goddesses. As a Goddess that I sponsor, it’s been pretty hard to accept. Ah, don't get me wrong. I don't blame Victoria for this at all. I was just confused about why she couldn't make a Task Pact with someone.” Alice explains with a slightly sad tone.

Victoria: “It’s been hard on me as well. I’ve tried to make a pact with every single girl in my harem to no avail. Including you, Erika. As for why you’re able to accept one now is also something that’s unknown. It’s not like you’re the only one in my harem that can check their status… Anyway, the second reason is that if you complete tasks it will make me more powerful.” Victoria with a sad tone before switching to a happier one in the last sentence.

Erika: “Does it help me as well?” I say nonchalantly.

Victoria: “Yes. Each task will give you a reward for completing it. How good the reward will be is dependent on the difficulty of said task. Difficulty ranking follows the same grading system as everything else.” Victoria says after calming down and returning to her mature attitude.

Erika: “I see. Let me check what’s available. Show tasks.”


Current available dimensions for tasks: 51852.

Current tasks user can complete with their current Status: 2.

Showing Available tasks.

Task dimensions.

Dimension 1:

Dimension Name: Dead Globe.

Planet Name: Earth.

Main sapient Race: Humans.

World State: Undead Apocalypse.

Available Main Tasks:

Kill five Saviors.

Difficulty: F

Reward: 3 F+ Grade Monster Cores.

Kill all Saviors.

Difficulty: D

Reward: 2 E Grade Monster Cores.

Find a cure for the Undead virus.

Difficulty: A+

Reward: 1 A Grade Monster Core.

Kill all Undead.

Difficulty: S

Rewards: S Grade weapon of your choice or 5 A Grade Monster Cores.

Save Planet.

Difficulty: S+

Rewards: S+ Grade weapon of your choice or 5 A+ Grade Monster Cores.

Note: The Kill all Undead, and Find cure for Undead virus, tasks are needed to be completed for completion of this dimensions tasks.

Available Side Tasks:

Kill 5 Undead.

Difficulty: F

Reward: 2 F Grade Monster Cores.

Kill 15 Undead.

Difficulty: F

Reward: 5 F Grade Monster Cores.

Kill 50 Undead.

Difficulty: F+

Reward: 2 F+ Grade Monster Cores.

Kill 100 Undead.

Difficulty: F+

Reward: 5 F+ Grade Monster Cores.

Get an Undead to kill a Savior.

Difficulty: D

Reward: 3 E+ Grade Monster Cores.

Get a Savior to kill another Savior.

Difficulty: C

Reward: 1 C Grade Monster Core.

Number of Tasks required to return from dimension: 1 Main Task or 3 Side Tasks.

Restrictions: None.

Dimension Difficulty: F+

Dimension 2:

Dimension Name: Tainted Garden.

Planet Name: Harus.

Main sapient Races: Humans, Elves, Demi-Humans.

World State: Corrupted World.

Available Main Tasks:

Kill three Saviors.

Difficulty: F

Reward: 4 F Grade Monster Cores.

Kill all Saviors.

Difficultly: D+

Reward: 3 E+ Grade Monster Cores.

Solve the dimension’s corruption problem.

Difficulty: S

Reward: A Grade skill or C+ Grade Monster Core.

Available Side Tasks:

Kill 5 Corrupted Monsters.

Difficulty: F

Reward: 2 F Grade Monster Cores.

Kill 15 Corrupted Monsters.

Difficulty: F

Reward: 5 F Grade Monster Cores.

Kill 50 Corrupted Monsters.

Difficulty: F+

Reward: 2 F+ Grade Monster Cores.

Number of Tasks required to return from dimension: 1 Main Task or 2 Side Tasks.

Restrictions: None.

Dimension Difficulty: E

A screen similar to the other ones showed up and gave a list of two dimensions that I can complete tasks in. I’m quickly getting used to this whole semi transparent screen System with ease. Or at least, I think am...

Victoria: “How many dimensions are available for you to do tasks in?” Victoria said after confirming that I was done reading all the information on the Task System.

Erika: “Not many, just two.” I say with a shrug.

Alice: “That’s pretty good.” Alice happily said.

Erika: “How so?” I said with a head tilt.

Victoria: “Most Dark Saviors or Saviors don’t even get one dimension to choose from at first. They usually have to have the God or Goddess that they have a Task Pact with to forcefully throw them into a different dimension and have them complete tasks so that they can increase their status to get better dimensions to invade.” Victoria says while looking at me happily.

Erika: “Dark Savior?” I say with another head tilt. I don’t have to tilt my head but, Alice and Victoria seem to enjoy me doing it.

Alice: “It’s just the darkness version of a Savior, nothing special.” Alice says with a shrug.

Erika: “Makes sense. Both of the dimensions available to me have a task to save it but, isn’t our group called the Dimension Destroyers? Isn’t saving a dimension counterproductive?” I say with a thinking pose.

Victoria: “Not exactly. Us “destroying” dimensions just means preventing the Saviors and other groups from overseeing that specific dimension. Think of making that dimension independent and not controlled by someone. The Saviors and others consider us doing that as us destroying a dimension.” Victoria says with a chuckle.

Erika: “I see. Thanks for the explanation. My only other question is, lots of the tasks involve killing Saviors. How do I know who’s a Savior or not?” I say while looking at Victoria.

Victoria: “That’s easy. Once you make a pact with a God or Goddess, they can choose to let you gain one skill of theirs. They don’t lose the skill either. I just gave you my inspect skill so, you can easily just inspect anyone that you think might be a Savior as well as items and monsters.” Victoria said with a smile.

Erika: “That’s pretty useful, thanks!” I say with gratitude.

Erika: “Status.” I say in my mind.



Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 25/25 (0/5)

MP: 5/5 (0/5)

INT: F (0/18)

STR: F+ (0/15)

AGI: F+ (0/20)

END: F+ (0/10)

DEF: F+ (0/10)

LUCK: F (0/50)

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 1.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 1.

Inspect: Level 1.


Dark Savior: S.

Just like Victoria said, I have the inspect skill now. I decided to try to inspect Alice and Victoria but, I just got an error no matter how many times I tried inspecting them. I guess you can’t inspect beings that are significantly stronger than you, maybe? Well, I could ask but, honestly my brain is pretty fried from all of the information that I’ve just gained.

Erika: “Any obvious tells that Saviors have?” I said after looking at Alice.

Alice is more concise when explaining things compared to Victoria so, I asked her for answers instead of Victoria.

Alice: “They’re usually very narcissistic. Other tells are either they act like they’re the Savior of everyone or they don’t act like a person from that dimension.” Alice explains while looking at me.

Erika: “That’s really useful information, thanks.” I say while looking at Alice with a smile.

Alice: “No problem. The more tasks you complete not only makes Victoria more powerful but also makes me more powerful as well.” Alice says cheerfully.

I wonder which Dimension I should try first? Fantasy or zombies… I guess that maybe I should do the one that I would hate the most, that being the dimension with zombies. Pocketing some firearms to use in fantasy dimensions might be a good idea as well… Zombie dimension it is then.

Erika: “Should I head to a dimension to do tasks right now?” I say after looking at Victoria.

Victoria: “No, I don’t think that you should.” Victoria says with a glum expression.

Erika: “And why’s that? Don’t you want me to complete tasks for you?” I say with a confused expression.

Victoria: “I do but, you need to rest first before you do so. You did just wake up from a coma, you know.” Victoria says while patting my head.

Erika: “Are you sure? I feel completely fine.” I say while continuing to let Victoria pat my head.

Alice: “Erika, you should rest for a few days before doing any work.” Alice says before getting up from her seat.

Victoria: “She’s absolutely right. Erika, at least just rest until tomorrow.” Victoria says while heading to the door with Alice.

Erika: “Fine, I’ll rest.” I say with a shrug.

Victoria: “Good girl. Sleep well!” Victoria says before leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

Erika: “Rest? I think not!” I say to no one at all.

I’d rather work than just lay in bed for a few days resting. I mean, I’ll probably end up meeting the friends of the original owner of this body. I really want to avoid that as long as possible. Even with me having amnesia it still would be pretty awkward. I can count the number of people that I’ve talked to for more than a few minutes on one hand after all…

Erika: “Show tasks dimensions, omit tasks.” I say with a sigh.


Current available dimensions for tasks: 51852.

Current tasks user can complete with their current Status: 2.

Showing Available tasks.

Task dimensions.

Dimension 1:

Dimension Name: Dead Globe.

Planet Name: Earth.

Main sapient Race: Humans.

World State: Undead Apocalypse.

Restrictions: None.

Dimension Difficulty: F+

Dimension 2:

Dimension Name: Tainted Garden.

Planet Name: Harus.

Main sapient Races: Humans, Elves, Demi-Humans.

World State: Corrupted World.

Restrictions: None.

Dimension Difficulty: E

Seems like I can only make the screen show the data that I want to see. I could probably do the same with my Status but, I’d rather just have to remember one embarrassing thing to say rather than multiple if I can avoid it.

I reached my hand out and selected dimension 1 Dead Globe. After I did, I felt extremely heavy and I passed out before I saw a flash of light. Right before I passed out, I saw a woman with brown hair in a maid outfit open my door and come into my room…

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