Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Chapter 12: Running Solves Nothing but, I Have Work to do! (Vol. 1 End.)

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Chapter 12: Running Solves Nothing but, I Have Work to do!

*Sofiel’s POV*

Sofiel: “Ugh!… What happened yesterday?” I say with a groggy tone.

Sofiel: “Aaaaa!!” I screamed.

Luckily, my room is completely soundproof otherwise, people would have heard my screaming. I… I can’t believe that I did that to Erika… I wasn’t fully myself but that doesn’t absolve me of the guilt. After leaving that dimension, it was like my mature self and my child self had merged rather than my child self disappearing.

I’m back to normal now but… What will I tell Erika and Victoria? Hello you two! You see, I wasn’t fully myself so, Victoria, I’m sorry for cheating on you, and Erika, I’m sorry for forcing a deep kiss on you.

Should I just kill myself? No... I like living too much and I'd hate to leave Victoria and Erika... Maybe I should just stay in my room for a while… I don’t think that I could face them right now.

While I was thinking this, Nadia had came into my room. Oh right, she has a master key to all of the rooms in this estate… Nadia... she is the most reasonable person here so, she is the best person that I can talk to right now.

Nadia: “You sure look sad and remorseful.” Nadia said with a deadpan tone.

Sofiel: “Well I am. Nadia… How do I talk to Erika and Victoria?” I ask with a weak voice.

Nadia: "With words?" Nadia said with a joking tone and a head tilt.

Sofiel: "That's not helping! I don't think that I can talk to both of them..." I say with a nervous tone.

Nadia: “You’re in luck! You only have to talk to Victoria.” Nadia replied with a smug tone.

Sofiel: “Wait… what happened to Erika?” I ask with an extremely concerned tone.

Nadia: “The same thing that happened last time, she left for a different dimension.” She sighed after she said this.

Sofiel: “So… because of me, she ran away…” I say with a sad tone.

Nadia: “You aren’t at fault. You did overstep your bounds by kissing her but, she did seem to be okay with that.” Nadia said in a calm tone.

Sofiel: “Are you just trying to cheer me up? For what other reason did she leave then?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

Nadia: “No need to get angry, I told you the truth. She left because Alice and Victoria wrongfully bombarded her with questions which caused her to pass out from the stress. Though I don’t know what happened in that dimension, them piling on to her stress surely didn’t help.” Nadia said with a remorseful tone.

Sofiel: “What I said and did surely added to her stress as well, though…” I say with my head in my hands.

Nadia: “I won’t deny that but, you would have to ask her that yourself. She didn’t leave without saying anything this time. She left a note and said that she just wanted to get some work done to help her think about things.” Nadia said with another sigh.

Nadia… That look on her face when she talks about Erika… Dammit, she has feelings for Erika now as well. Is there anyone here that won’t fall for her? I understand now why Victoria tried so hard to keep me apart from her all this time...

I need to help her keep the other members of her harem away from Erika otherwise, it’ll become a double harem with Erika and Victoria at the top…

Nadia: “I’ve already talked to Alice and Victoria. Around Erika, they will now act their age and not like teen girls flirting with their crush. Do I also have to convince you to do the same?” Nadia asked with a scary tone.

Sofiel: “Isn’t that ship already sailed? It’s doubtful that Erika doesn’t have feelings for me now but, yes, I won’t do anything crazy.” I say with a shrug and a smug tone.

She didn’t answer me but looked me dead in the eye and forced me to swear that I wouldn’t hurt Erika. Nadia… she is so damn scary… At first, I didn’t take her threat seriously until since realized that I didn’t, she whispered in my ears, “Leader of the Angels, surely your identity shouldn’t be revealed yet… Right?” to which I didn’t answer and gave her a nod as a reply and then she started to walk away.

How… How the hell did she know this? No one should about my true identity, I’ve told no one… The System and the Administrators should know… While thinking about this, I blurted out the words, “Maybe she is an Administrator…” to which Nadia stopped dead on her feet, turned to look at me, and then put one of her fingers on her lips and shushed me with a dreadfully evil smile on her face. Then she left my room.

Oh shit… I just stepped on a land mine… No wonder she can keep all of us in line, she knows everything about us due to the System. Erika and Victoria… Both women who can attract Nadia and me... Victoria’s place in the next age is already obvious. As for Erika and what her role is, I have no idea…

While I was lost in thought, some maids came in and started to take care of my needs. Damn… I was a fool to think that Nadia would just let me go after I had discovered her secret. These maids, they’re directly controlled by Nadia. She is going to constantly keep tabs on me from now on. So that I don’t expose her and so I don’t hurt Erika…

I planned to take Erika on a date in a different dimension as an apology. Somehow, word of this got to Nadia… How!? I didn’t even say it out loud or leave any piece of evidence…

Nadia said that it would be fine for me to do so, assuming Erika agrees with the date. She said she’ll keep on an eye on me, though… How can such a cute maid be so damn scary?

*Erika’s POV*

I woke up with a splitting headache… I do remember what happened yesterday, just thinking about it is enough for me to want to leave once again… I saw a piece of paper on one of the pillows on my bed. It was a note from Nadia. The note reads as follows.


Hello, Miss Erika, I am deeply sorry that I forced you to answer Sofiel’s question yesterday. Please be aware that she wasn’t in her right mind fully and I beg you not to be angry with her too much.

As for Victoria and Alice, they were completely in the wrong and acted like children. I will straighten them out so that they won’t do something like that to you ever again. I will tell those two, as well as Sofiel, that if they wish to be in a relationship with you, then they must act their age in pursuing you.

Don’t worry, they will definitely listen to my words and fix their bad behavior. You can trust me on that. Speaking of trusting me, please enjoy your new room. I took the liberty of moving your clothes on other stuff of yours to this room already. If you're curious about it, this room was reserved for Victoria’s next wife.

Do you think of Victoria as a pervert who sleeps around with a lot of women? I’m happy to say that is wrong. Although she has a lot of lovers, it’s not like she got a new lover every day of the week. Maybe one or two lovers every few years. As for wives, each one is spaced apart by hundreds of years. Sofiel is her newest wife and has been married to her for over 800 years.

Although you aren’t one of Victoria’s wives, or even one her lovers yet, this room should still belong to you. You’re very special to Victoria, Alice, and as well as Sofiel. There is a high likelihood that you will end up being in a romantic relationship with them. Though, I’m not saying this to pressure you.

Let me guess what you were thinking about doing the moment you woke up, you were going to leave to a different dimension, right? It’s not because you hate them or their affection for you, I know that it’s because you’re overwhelmed.

If you wanted to, you could easily break the pact that you have with Victoria and never see any of them again but, you haven’t done that and definitely won’t ever do that, right? Aren't they just far too interesting to abandon?

Erika, if you still wish to leave for a bit, please write a note down on the back of this one and it will instantly be transferred to me. Leaving without giving us prior warning might make them think that they’ve truly hurt you but, you aren’t that hurt, right? You’re a soldier who just wants time alone to think through this situation.

Do not worry about Kora. She feels remorseful that she got swept up in Victoria’s and Alice’s pursuit of you and damaged her relationship with you. She is fine though and is okay with taking a backseat until the rest of them have a relationship with you.

You were a soldier, this whole situation is giving you too many choices, right? Then I’ll tell you what I think that you should do. Start a relationship with Sofiel first.

She is the most calm of the four. Yesterday might make you think that my words are wrong but, again, that is just because of her not being in her right mind. Victoria has complained many times that Sofiel wouldn't indulge all of her desires in bed. As for what she meant by that, Victoria would never go into detail. I’ve never pried into the sex life of Victoria’s lovers.

Sofiel will teach you how to love and be loved. Give it a month and you’ll be a pro. The next one that you should start a relationship with is Alice. Victoria will be third since, she has many lovers to sate her desires.

Alice, on the other hand, is far older than Victoria and yet she has never had a lover. She will be a handful since she requires a lot of love that she has been missing out on.

After Alice and Sofiel, you won’t have any problem with Victoria. The last one that you should start a relationship with is Kora.

This is just my opinion. Please think it over but don’t do it just because I said so. I look forward to your answer.

Ps: Please I beg of you not to bring back yet again another woman. Kora is fine but, Sachael is a big handful. That girl was so starved for affection and attention that I feel sorry for her. She did inform me that she kept alive all those who came to her dimension. According to the System, they have already been saved so don’t worry about it.

And that was the entire note… She makes some good points and dammit… How did she figure out my plan? Not just me leaving but also my plan for my relationships… Nadia… She is really scary. She knows too much and can keep control over everyone in this estate, even Victoria, Alice, and Sofiel are no match for her…

I have to keep this thought to myself forever but, I think she must be a high ranking Administrator… I don’t know why I think that, I just do.

What should I do now? I’d feel stupid doing exactly what Nadia thought that I would do… But do I really have any other option? I need to cool off… She wasn’t wrong that I need to be alone to think but, it’s more because I just need to get away from them, before I let myself indulge in my long pent up desires…

Do you know how amazing Sofiel’s kiss was? If Nadia wasn’t there, I would have ended up pushing Sofiel down on the bed. Good thing I didn’t, since her mentality was still partly a child at the time…

Erika: “Lilith, show me the hardest but also quickest dimension that I can do.” I ask in my head.

Lilith: “Roger!” Lilith said in a playful tone.

Task dimensions.

Dimension 1:

Dimension Name: World Tree.

Planet Name: Divulia.

Main sapient Race: Elves.

World State: Dying.

Available Main Tasks:

Kill 10 Saviors.

Difficulty: A+

Reward: 1 A+ Grade Monster Cores.

Kill all Saviors.

Difficulty: S

Reward: 2 S Grade Monster Cores.

Save the World Tree.

Difficulty: SS+

Reward: 1 SS+ Grade Monster Core.

Available Side Tasks:


Out of the 15 dimensions that Lilith showed me, this one was the easiest and fastest to complete. Not too hard, but also not too easy. With my decision made, I wrote what my intentions were on the back of Nadia’s note.

Nadia had left a pen next to the note that I could use. After I finished writing, the note vanished in a flash of light. I need to stop being surprised at magical things happening…

Elves huh? I remember that squad mate of mine who liked games and manga, he said that he wished that elves were real so that he could marry one.

I feel sorry for him that I will be able to get to see some elves and he never will. With this cheeky thought, I pushed the yes button and accepted taking on the tasks in Divulia.

*Three days later.*

This place is absurdly boring! I haven't found any elves at all… There aren’t any towns around or anything. This dimension is just a forest with huge trees. I have been here for three days and haven’t seen the World Tree either… How am I supposed to tell what tree is the World Tree in a giant forest?!

I did find a few Saviors. They were completely lost as well. Killing them was easy but honestly, they were weaker than the ones in that dimension of zombies. I only killed the ones that refused to give up and abandon their faith.

Most of them chose giving up rather than dying, and in only three days, I had completed the Kill 10 Saviors, and the Kill all Saviors, tasks but, couldn’t more just show up? Would the Kill all Saviors task be invalid if they do?

Erika: “Hey Lilith, why did the kill all saviors task complete?” I ask in my head.

Lilith: “Because you killed and or converted all of the Saviors in this dimension.” Lilith explained calmly.

Erika: “Okay but, what’s stopping more of them from showing up?” I ask with a questioning tone in my head.

Lilith: “Although Saviors do tasks, unlike you, they have to rely on their higher ups to send them to dimensions. They also don’t get rewards from the System from doing tasks, since the ones who give out the tasks are their higher ups.” Lilith said with a yawn.

Erika: “I see but, that didn’t answer my question.” I say with a head tilt.

Lilith: “I know. I just wanted to see you do another cute head tilt. Sue me!” Lilith said with a giggle.

Erika: “Could you just answer my question, please?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “Depends.” Lilith said with a stifled giggle.

Erika: “On what?” I say with a nearly fed-up tone

Lilith: “Do another head tilt.” Lilith said cheekily.

Erika: “You can’t even see me though?” I say with a head tilt unintentionally.

Lilith: “What do you mean? I can see you perfectly. Also, that head tilt didn’t count since I couldn’t take a picture in time!” Lilith said with a pouty voice.

Erika: “Fucking fine! I’ll do another head tilt. Why was I given such a cheeky AI?” I say with another sigh.

Lilith: “Who told you that I was AI?” Lilith said with a laugh.

Erika: “You did, you cheeky AI!” I scream loudly in my own mind.

I didn’t just scream in my head, I also stomped on the ground a few times… For the first time in my life, I had acted like a child... And it was all Lilith's fault!

Lilith: “Okay so… Yes, I did but I was doing a bit.” Lilith said with a slightly remorseful tone.

Erika: “What do you even mean? I’m going to have a stroke…” I say while rubbing my head.

Lilith: “No, don’t! Look, the AI Systems aren’t ready yet. They’re still in testing. I am one of the people whom they will base the AI on.” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Erika: “So you want to make the AI cheeky by it learning from you while talking to me?” I ask with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Yes, that’s what I meant by me doing a bit.” Lilith said with another laugh.

Erika: “So you mean this entire time, I’ve been talking to a real person and not an AI? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

Lilith: “If I did that, then the bit wouldn’t work! I had to play my part perfectly.” Lilith said with a pouty tone.

I can’t believe it… This whole time I was talking to a real person, a person who saw and heard me do tons of embarrassing things. And all while I thought it was an unfeeling AI… Can I request that she get punished for this?...

Lilith: “Look, I understand that you’re upset. The AI is already done learning from me so we can just talk normally now.” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Okay fine… Let’s just pretend that this didn’t happen. Will you still be helping me?” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “Yes, the AI system won’t be complete for a long time. Also, please do a head tilt so I can take a picture.” Lilith said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “Why do you want a picture of me doing a head tilt?” I ask with a confused tone.

Lilith: “I’m an Administrator, and a fellow Admin wants a picture of you doing a head tilt. Actually, I’ve been sending her pictures since a few days ago.” Lilith answered with a tone as if she didn’t do anything wrong.

Erika: “Why would you send pictures of me without my consent and to a random ass person?” I ask with an angry tone.

Lilith: “They aren’t a random person, it’s someone you know.” Lilith cheekily said.

Erika: “Someone I know? Is… it can’t be Nadia, right?” I say with a thinking pose.

Lilith: “…”

Erika: “Your silence is damning.” I say with a cheeky tone.

Lilith: “Please! I beg of you to not out me to her! In fact, don’t even bring up that you know she is an Administrator!” Lilith asked with a disparate tone.

Erika: “Fine but, help me cheat in this dimension and I won’t tell her.” I say with an evil tone.

Lilith: “Cheat how?” Lilith asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Tell me where this stupid world tree is so that I can go home.” I say with a serious tone.

Lilith: “Well… That I can do but, could you please just do another head tilt for me? I really need to get a picture of you doing that…” Lilith said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “Is Nadia threatening you or something?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Lilith: “No… more like, she is bribing me.” Lilith said with a small voice.

Erika: “Fine…” I say before doing the most natural head tilt that I can do on purpose.

She then thanked me for giving her illicit material of myself and gave me the location of the World Tree. She also told me why there aren’t any elves around anywhere.

Apparently, this dimension had basically ended, but the World Tree absorbed everyone and everything that wasn’t plant life, and kept it safe within itself.

Annoyingly, the location of the World Tree is within the core of the planet Divulia… I tried to dig into the ground but it kept regenerating over and over again.

Lilith wasn’t any help either, she also couldn’t figure out what to do. Did she just scam me again by giving me useless information?

When I was about to give up and leave this dimension, a woman neatly covered in vines popped out of the ground, and she stared at me with a curious gaze. She looked mostly like a plant in the shape of a woman.

???: “What do you think you’re doing to my body?” She asked with an angry tone.

Erika: “Your body? Well, sorry. I was just trying to get to the World Tree.” I reply with a remorseful tone.

???: “And what business do you have with me?” She asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “Are you the World Tree? My purpose is to heal the world or something like that.” I say with my arms crossed.

World Tree: “And how would you go about doing that? I would accuse you of being with those annoying Saviors but, I did see you deal with them for me. So thanks for that.” She said with a composed tone.

Erika: “Lilith, uh… how exactly do I heal the world?” I ask in my mind.

Lilith: “How should I know? Oh wait, just make her a Dark Savior.” Lilith replied with an uninterested tone.

Would that really fix this whole situation? Honestly, I don't even know if Lilith is just messing with me once again...

Erika: “If I make you a Dark Savior, then the world will be saved. At least, according to the System.” I say with an unconfident tone.

World Tree: “You wish for me to join your group?” She asked with a questioning tone.

Erika: “Yes and no. I don’t think that you would have to do anything if you join us.” I say with a thinking pose.

World Tree: “Very well. If doing this will save me and my people, then I agree.” She said with a serious tone.

I told her about how she can become a Dark Savior and she performed the ritual. For the second time in my life, I made another woman a Dark Savior. This time however, I didn’t kiss her on the lips though. I just let her kiss the top of my left hand. After the pact was made, a mist of darkness surrounded her before disappearing.

I got a notification that I had completed the Save the World Tree task. Lilith didn’t read it to me this time and was oddly silent. The World Tree thanked me and said that she had needed to work and fix the world so she had to leave me. Which she did by going back into the ground.

Erika: “Lilith? Why are you silent?” I ask with a questioning tone in my head.

Lilith: “No… hold on… I have a headache…” Lilith said with a confused tone.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I say with a head tilt.

Lilith: “Look… Erika, I lied about the whole Dark Savior thing…” Lilith said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Huh? Do you mean to say that you had no idea if that would work? Please don’t tell me that is what you meant…” I ask with an angry tone.

Lilith: “Yeah…” Lilith responded with a small voice.

Erika: “Could… could you please stop messing around with me? The World Tree was super strong. If I pissed her off, I would have probably died.” I say with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Oh, I’ll stop don’t worry. Though, because of me, you’ll be getting an earful from Victoria and Alice.” Lilith said with a laugh.

Erika: “What… what do you mean by that?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Lilith: “I’ll leave that as a surprise for when you get back.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “Why… whatever… Hey Lilith, why did you let me give you a name?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “Only because Lilith is my real name. I was just going to mess with you by denying each name until you got to my real name.” Lilith said with another giggle.

I did not reply to her since I did not want to be rude to her. If she was actually here, I probably would have bopped her on the head a few times. Note to self, if I ever get to meet her in person in the future, bopped her head a few times as payback.

Lilith: “Erika… did you just have an evil thought?” Lilith asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Huh? How’d you know?” I ask with a head tilt.

Lilith: “Do you not realize that you just made the prettiest but most evil smile that I've ever seen show up on your face?” Lilith said with a concerned tone.

Erika: “That so? I have completely no control over my facial expressions.” I say with a shrug.

Lilith replied with “That so?” and nothing more. Now that I think about it, is Lilith really a real person? Or is she still just an AI messing with me… If not, she was very dedicated to her bit… That very thought made my head hurt so I decided to not think about it anymore. Ignorance is bliss sometimes.

Instead of going home, I decided to consume some Monster Cores and increase my Stat Ranks a bit. Doing so is a pretty addicting drug and I feel like I haven’t had my fix in a decent while… Currently, my Status is like this.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 500/500 (0/285)

MP: 125/125 (0/320)

INT: S+ (0/965)

STR: B+ (0/560)

AGI: B (0/460)

MAG: C+ (0/285)

DEF: A (0/785)

LUCK: B (0/1250)

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 2.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Using two E Grade Monster Cores, one A+ Grade Monster Core, two S Grade Monster Cores, and finally one SS+ Grade Monster Core, gave me 35,856 Stat Points to use as I please. I did not use any of the F Grade Monster Cores that I got from the zombies and decided to still keep them in reserve.

How should I spend these Stat Points… According to Kora, the amount you need per Stat Rank is completely random… Thinking about this, I figured that asking Lilith is probably the best choice. Assuming she won’t mess with me again…

Lilith: “Good thing that you asked me, the number of Stat Points needed is not random with the latest update. Everyone will get the same requirements once the update ships. The old system isn’t bugged, it was just a poor design choice.” Lilith said with a dismissive tone.

Erika: “Any idea on how I should spend these Stat Points?” I ask with a serious tone.

Lilith: “Erika… I’ve waited so long for you to ask me that…” Lilith said with a motherly tone.

Erika: “Are you going to cause me to have another headache?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “That wasn’t my intention. Look, Erika, are you crazy?” Lilith asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “Again… I have no idea what you mean.” I reply with a sigh.

Lilith: “Erika… Most people bump up their HP before doing anything to their Stat Ranks… With your current Stat Ranks, you’re the strongest person who could be killed with a thousand paper cuts that I’ve ever seen.” Lilith said like a mother telling her child what they did wrong.

Erika: “Are you just going to berate me?” I ask with a hurt voice.

Lilith: “Sorry… I teased you too much but can you blame me? You even increased your MP even though you don’t even use Magic…” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “Ah… I’m getting tired… Could you please just help me with my Stats? And I beg of you, don’t play a trick on me by doing something funny with my Stat Points.” I say in a defeated tone.

Lilith: “You Status is permanent, I wouldn’t play a trick on you with it.” Lilith said with a pout.

Afterwards, she told me that as a special service, or more accurately, an apology, she would use the Systems available to her to figure out how to best use my Stat Points. Unfortunately, it was very slow, and took fifteen minutes to crunch the numbers before she could actually use my Stat Points.

Lilith: “…”

Erika: “What’s wrong?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Lilith: “Uh… nothing! I’ll get to using your Stat Points now!” Lilith said with a hurried tone.

I doubt that pressing her on the matter would make her tell me why she was surprised. I don’t like to sound narcissistic but, considering it’s me, that System of hers probably spit out some interesting data about me.

It did not take Lilith long to use my points. She told me that I could ask her again in the future to help me with my Stats. Lilith was now aware that I’ve never played a game before so I basically had no idea what I was even doing with my Stats…

My new Status is as follows.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 175,000/175,000 (0/8,650)

MP: 45,000/45,000 (0/2856)

INT: SS+ (0/2363)

STR: S (0/1564)

AGI: S (0/895)

MAG: A (0/735)

DEF: S+ (0/3456)


:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 2.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Why… Why did she max out my Luck Stat Rank?… At least she managed to get most of my Stats to above S Rank… Wait… Was that really enough Stat Points to rank up my Stat Ranks that much?

Lilith: “You’re confused, right?” Lilith asked with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “I… I can’t believe that I trusted you to not mess around…” I say with my longest sigh of the day.

Lilith: “Oh come on! I didn’t do anything bad!” Lilith said with a pout.

Erika: “Why did you max out my Luck Stat? Did I even have enough Stat Points for all of this?” I say with a thinking pose.

Lilith: “Nope, not at all!” Lilith said with a loud laugh.

Erika: “Then… how the hell did you get my Stat Ranks this high?” I ask with spiral eyes.

Lilith: “I did a little cheating.” Lilith said with a proud tone.

Erika: “What… what kind of cheating exactly?” I ask with my nth sigh of the day.

Lilith: “You know how I asked you to not tell Victoria and Alice that the Administrators lied about helping you? Well, that pissed Nadia off greatly.” Lilith said while trying to hold back her laughter.

Erika: “How bad did it piss her off?” I ask with a confused tone.

Why would Nadia get mad about that? I’ve barely even talked to her… Oh no! Don’t tell me that she also has feelings for me… Ah, now I super don’t want to go home…

Lilith: “So pissed that she forbid any other Admin besides me to see and speak to you. Although she can do the same, she refrained from doing so.” Lilith said through laughter.

Erika: “Why do you find this so funny?” I say with an annoyed tone.

Lilith: “I didn’t even do anything, but now I’m on the chief’s good girl list, and I even got a promotion.” Lilith said before breaking into laughter once again.

Erika: “Chief? Nadia is your commander?” I ask with a curious tone.

Lilith: “Ah fuck… please just pretend that I didn’t say that… Anyway, I convinced her to max out your Luck Stat for testing and also give back all of the Stat Points you spent in it. The funny thing is that the System gave you Stat Points that you didn’t even have all the way up to the max of the Luck Stat so you actually had way more.” Lilith explained with a calm tone after she calmed down from her fit of laughter.

Erika: “Am I not going to get punished for this?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Lilith: “As long as I don’t report this, you won’t. I would also get punished so there is no way in hell that I would report it.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

My head… It hurts! Lilith… I don’t think that I have ever met someone who has made my head hurt this much like… fucking ever… Ah, whatever… At this point, I just want to go home and rest for like a week…

Lilith: “Are you ready to go home now?” Lilith asked with a bored tone.

Erika: “Yeah… I just want to go home and sleep.” I reply with a sigh.

Lilith: “Okay… hey, Erika?” Lilith asked while holding back a laugh.

I could tell that she was once again trying to give me a headache but I still decided to indulge her. She is responsible for my System. Getting on her bad side would be huh… Bad...

Erika: “Yes Lilith? What is it this time?” I ask with a deadpan tone.

Lilith: “Do you think that me sending you to a different dimension is some complex thing that I have to do each time?” Lilith asked with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “It’s not?” I ask with a head tilt.

Lilith: “Nope! All I have to do is push ONE button! Here look, I’ll push the button, and then, boom! You will be instantly in the next dimension!” Lilith said with an excited tone.

It’s not like I can see her push the button though… Lilith... She must be a cheeky loli like Alice... At least that's how I see her... Well, Alice isn’t cheeky but, I feel like Lilith would be a cheeky little girl… Wait... Uh… why am I still here?

Erika: “Lilith… did you perhaps push the wrong button?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

Lilith: “Um… hey Erika?… don’t freak out but… you can’t return…” Lilith said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Huh? Why? Did something happen to that dimension?” I ask with a concerned tone and expression.

That was what I said to her, but Lilith did not respond no matter how many times I tried talking to her… Did I just get left on read by my cheeky assistant? No… Surely she is just busy trying to fix this problem, right?

Oh God er… Oh my Demon Goddess! Am I going to be stuck in this boring ass dimension? And for how long? Lilith didn’t give me an ETA, so I have no idea how long I will have to wait… Dammit! I should have brought a book or something…

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