Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Chapter 6: Tester?

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here (I'll just repaste this section on every chapter.)

Chapter 6: Tester?

*Victoria’s POV*

Since my surprise last time, Erika has been quiet. I do wonder what she has been doing this entire time, though. Were her side tasks too hard to complete? Usually, most Saviors and Dark Saviors just do the bare minimum and leave the dimension that they have tasks in… No! I refuse to believe that she is trying to do every task… Surely, it’s taking her so long because she is new to this, right?

???: “Victoria? What’s wrong?” She said with a yawn.

Victoria: “Oh Sofiel, I’m sorry for waking you up.” I say while touching her cheek.

Sofiel: “It’s okay but, is something on your mind?” She said with a smile.

Victoria: “Did I? Since I saw your face just now, my mind now only has you on it.” I say with a flirty tone.

Sofiel: “Oh you flirt! Come on, just tell me already.” Sofiel said after lightly tapping me on the shoulder with her hand.

Victoria: “You know that Dark Savior that has a Task Pact with me?” I say while playing with her pretty silver hair.

As for the person that I am talking to right now, she is Sofiel, one of my wives. She is slightly taller than Erika, but she has smaller breasts. Sofiel is absolutely beautiful.

With her bright golden eyes ,and her long silver hair, contributing to her beauty further. Her breast size might have been a problem for her just like most women but, since she is an angel, modesty suits her.

Sofiel: “If I remember correctly, her name was Erika, right? What about her? That is, apart from her being the first able to make a Task Pact with you.” Sofiel said with one hand on her chin.

Victoria: “You’re correct about her name, as for why I brought her up, she gave me quite the scare a few days ago.” I say with a sigh.

Sofiel: “A scare? I don’t think that I’ve ever seen you scared before.” Sofiel had said that with a cheeky tone.

Victoria: “You’ll understand why I reacted that way when I tell you the reason.” I say with a laugh.

Sofiel: “Don’t leave me hanging, tell me already.” Sofiel said with a pout.

Victoria: “Fine, she killed a Savior.” I say in a serious tone.

Sofiel: “She… She what? Wasn’t the dimension she went to the first one that she has ever been to?” Sofiel asked with a shocked tone.

Victoria: “That’s correct. Now you know why I reacted that way.” I say in a cheeky tone.

Sofiel: “Won’t the Saviors target her now?” Sofiel said in a serious tone.

Victoria: “She is fine for now since the System had protected her. They have no idea who killed that Savior.” I say in a calm tone.

Sofiel: “That’s good but, what if she kills another one?” Sofiel said with a concerned tone.

Victoria: “Funny, Alice said something similar but, I doubt that would happen. She must have killed that Savior just as a fluke.” I confidently say.

Sofiel: “Are you sure? I can't even count on my hands the number of times that you’ve jinxed yourself.” Sofiel said with a look as if she didn’t believe my words.

Victoria: “Please trust me. Have I ever lied to you?” I say before wrapping my arms around her waist.

Sofiel: “Not that I’m aware of.” Sofiel said with a joking tone.

Victoria: “Good girl. Now let’s continue where we left off last night…” I try to say before cutting my words off.

Sofiel: “What’s wrong? You were just flirting with me; now you look scared.” Sofiel said while putting her hand on my cheek.

I didn’t reply and just let her comfort me. I still had to process the notification that I just got. What kind of monster did I just bring into this world? I am a Demon Goddess but, surely I haven’t allied with something too dangerous before, right?

Erika… Who is or more accurately, who was she in her past life? Her progress so far is unheard of. And I already thought that before I got this notification just now… After the ever so beautiful woman who is my lover, and is an angel, comforted me for a few minutes, I was able to tell her what happened.

Victoria: “Erika killed another Savior.” I say in a nervous tone.

Sofiel: “Did the System not protect her this time?” Sofiel said in a serious tone.

Victoria: “It did but that’s not the reason for my reaction.” I say with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Then what is the reason?” Sofiel said with a questioning tone.

Victoria: “Victoria killed one Savior but, turned another one into a Dark Savior…” I say with a sad tone.

Sofiel: “She… Erika can do that?” Sofiel said with a shocked look on her face.

Victoria: “Yes, it is possible but, it’s extremely hard to do. Both parties have to consent to it and they both have to want the other to be one.” I say with a serious tone.

Sofiel: “I see… But why are you upset? Shouldn’t this be a good thing?” Sofiel said with a confused tone.

Victoria: “Normally, I would be happy but, Erika has just started out. If she grows too fast then, someone might want to stop her before she gets any stronger. She won’t always be with me so, I can’t always protect her.” I say with a sad tone.

Sofiel: “So, you are worried about her?” Sofiel said with a laugh.

Victoria: “Yes, it seems that I am.” I say with a laugh of my own.

Sofiel: “She’ll be fine, don’t worry about it. Me, on the other hand, I am quite upset that, with the oh so beautiful me lying in your bed completely nude and wanting your affection, you’d be thinking of another woman.” Sofiel jokingly said with a pout.

She was right, it’s not like worrying about Erika would help her at all. I just have to have a long talk with her when she gets back. I didn’t respond to Sofiel and instead, I gave her a deep kiss.

An angel’s tongue and mouth are quite tasty, you see. You wouldn’t think that an Angel would be so good in bed… I put the matter of Erika aside and indulged in her body for hours before we fell asleep once more.

Until the oh so lovely Erika makes me more powerful, I don’t really have much to do. Though luckily, I have a lot of lovers that I can “do” so I am not bored at all. I just hope that Erika tones down her efforts, otherwise I’ll end up wanting to lock her up and throw away the key. Let a beautiful girl die? That is the one thing that I am unwilling to do.

*Erika’s POV*

Kora and I were still making our way out of the subway. Nothing much has happened besides us killing zombies with ease. It seems that luck increases the drop rate of items since, even though we’ve only killed a few thousand of those zombies, far more F Grade Monster Cores were dropped from them.

After every break we took, we would have more cores to use. I didn’t need to pump my Stat Ranks up at the moment so I just gave all of the cores to Kora. I mean, she did help me kill them after all.

Due to this whole process being a little boring, my mind wandered to different topics. One topic that it was stuck on was, why was me increasing my Luck Stat so surprising? Kora acted really shocked by what happens when you do so.

She even passed out. I could ask the system but I doubt that it would give me any useful answers so, my only option left is to either ask Victoria, Alice, or just ask Kora directly. Asking Kora would be the fastest way, so I went with that.

Erika: “Hey Kora, do people not increase their Luck Stat Rank?” I say in a questioning tone.

Kora: “They do not. The effect of it increasing drop rates and giving you more Stat Points per Monster Core, is an unknown thing.” Kora said with a sigh.

Erika: “Really? I find it hard to believe that no one has ever tried before…” I say with a thinking pose.

Kora: “They have.” Kora said with a sigh.

Erika: “Then how was that information unknown?” I say with a head tilt.

Kora: “That head tilt is quite dangerous Erika… As for why it was not known, either it was information that was a closely guarded secret, or the more likely answer being that anyone that does increase it would be at a loss.” Kora said with one of her hands on her hip.

What’s up with people telling me that me tilting my head is cute and or dangerous? Is it really? Maybe I should pay more attention to people’s gestures and reactions. I need to know why they think that someone doing a head tilt is cute.

Erika: “How so?” I say with another head tilt since Kora seemed to enjoy it.

Kora: “I knew the risks but, I still decided to try it. Mine has already reset back to F Rank. Regardless of who has tried increasing their Luck Rank, it would always reset within either a minute of doing so or an hour of doing so.” Kora said with another sigh probably from the loss of her Stat Points.

Erika: “Really? Mine hasn’t reset, though…” I say with another thinking pose.

Kora: “It… it hasn’t?” Kora said with a shocked tone.

I really have to stop surprising her like this; otherwise, she may have a heart attack. Let a cute girl die? That’s something that I would never do. Unless there were good reasons to kill, or let them die.

It’s not like all of my targets in my past life were male, I was assigned to kill women too. If their crimes were too horrible, I would kill them. But if their crimes weren’t too horrible, and if they were beautiful, I’d help them fake their deaths. Assuming that they would stop doing crimes, that is.

I helped her calm back down and got her to focus on killing zombies. Since she was very good at killing them, I could focus on figuring out about the Luck Stat.

It’s surely a mystery. Do I really have to ask the System? I have a feeling that it would just either give me basic information or just not tell me at all. The longest it’s ever talked to me was when there was an error with my Status…

Erika: “System, why is the Luck Stat unused? And why does it reset? More importantly, why hasn’t mine reset?” I say in a small voice so I don’t distract Kora from fighting the zombies.


System: “I cannot answer those questions unless you accept a offer from the Administrators.”

Erika: “Administrators? Do you mean that there are people who oversee you?” I say with a confused tone.

System: “Once again, I cannot answer those questions unless you accept.”

Erika: “That’s really annoying but, what’s the offer?” I say with a sigh.

System: “You seem to not want to accept the offer so, the Administrators have given me the approval to give you information about the Luck Stat. Luck is an unfinished Stat. One of the Administrators didn’t complete their work before the last update was pushed out as such, the Luck Stat exists and has some effects but isn’t complete. It resetting is a bug.”

Erika: “They released an update that was unfinished?” I say with a questioning tone.

System: “That is correct. The problem is already fixed in the latest update but it won’t be released until a long time from now.”

Erika: ”Oh? How long exactly?” I say with one of my hands on my hip.

System: “Roughly 1000 to 50,000 years from now.”

That… That is a really long time… They’re willing to let people use this out of date System? Surely the latest version is better and I think most people would be fine even if it was released with some bugs…

System: “The proposal that the Administrators have offered you is simple, and it would benefit you greatly.”

Erika: “Alright then let’s hear it. You’ve buttered me up enough already.” I say with my arms crossed.

System: “Become a tester for the next update. To date, if you accept, you would be the first. With your help, the update would be released much earlier than stated otherwise.”

Erika: “A tester? What would I have to do exactly?” I say with an interested tone.

System: “Use the System as usual and report bugs when you find them.”

Erika: “That reporting part sounds like a pain. What do I get in return?” I say with a smug smile.

System: “All of the features of the latest update. Which includes, a personal AI System with a unique personality that can assist and or chat with you at any time. Custom themes. Custom sound effects. Stat’s will have better results for instance, with your current status, your Stat’s would be at least two times more effective. The Luck Stat will no longer be bugged. The only reason yours hasn’t been reset is that the Administrators prevented it from doing so. The Luck Stat will not be as effective as it was prior to the update. If you want the same effect as it does now, you must have your Luck at least S Rank. As a bonus, your Luck Stat will be increased to S Rank. A very early feature that you won’t be able to use right away is the increased number of Stat Ranks. Having to talk out loud to access the System is a liability, as such with the update all you have to do is think about what part of that you want to access in your mind. You can even talk with the System in your mind as well. There are various other improvements and features that the newest update would add. Going into all of them would take too long.”

Erika: “That is already too much information…” I say while rubbing my head.

Are they trying to kill me from information overload? That said, this update would be extremely useful for me. I mean, I would have an edge over pretty much everyone that uses or doesn’t use the System.

Should I accept?… Do I have a reason to not accept? What if I can’t tell anyone about it? Would I get in trouble and the Administrators revoke my access to the System?

System: “User, Erika Ardent has an elevated heart rate. The Administrators have an idea as to why you are worried. No one can know about you being a tester. There are exceptions, however. Alice and Victoria are outside of the main system that most users have access to. The age where Gods and Creators will compete against each other will begin only when the next update is finished. Although it isn’t the same for all Creators and Gods, both Victoria and Alice know about the Administrators. Those who reach a certain level are stuck and require them to use a Task Pact to increase their power.”

Again… Too much information! I feel like my head is going to explode… If my INT Stat wasn’t so high already, I might have passed out. Well, at least I can talk to Alice and Victoria about this. I do feel bad about leaving Kora in the dark, though… I guess that I should accept but, I’m still worried about a few things.

Erika: “Are there any restrictions? What if I find a bug and use it to my advantage?” I say with a serious tone.

System: “There will be no restrictions placed upon you at all. If you find a bug and exploit it to your benefit that is also fine as long as you report about any and all bugs that you find. Being a tester will not be a one sided thing. You will receive rewards for reporting bugs as well. For instance, increasing your Luck Stat was because you reported a bug with your Status. Just be aware that you won’t be only testing one version of the System. New features will be added and bugs you report will be fixed.”

Erika: “Okay, fine. I accept.” I say with a sigh.

System: “User, Erika Ardent, has accepted the task of being a tester. This is farewell, be aware that I won’t show up again and a AI personality will take over my duties. You should also be aware that you will no longer have to talk out loud to use the System. Please acknowledge this statement.”

Erika: “I acknowledge.” I say with a dismissive tone.

System: “Understood. Initializing update and tester ID. Please be aware that you will feel immense pain in your head.”

Erika: “Wait, what?” I say before passing out.

Kora: “Erika? What happened?!” Kora said in shock after she stopped me from falling.

I was able to see her catch me before I passed out. The pain… It felt like when I lost my eye, but with my entire head being in pain instead and fifteen times more painful.

I’ve walked back to base with bullet wounds, shrapnel, and other injuries without a complaint so, you should be able to understand how painful this was since it made me pass out. Me, the one who the people in my unit would say that I couldn’t feel pain. It could also be because this body hasn’t ever experienced such pain before, though.

Honestly, I don’t know how long I was out cold for but, when I woke up, my head was resting on Kora’s lap under a tree. Looks like she managed to drag me out of the subway. It looks like the sun has just come up as well. Once again I am thankful to Lut and to Daniel for losing his badge.

Erika: “Thanks for taking care of me while I was out.” I say after sitting up from Kora’s lap pillow.

Kora: “It’s fine. Though, I would like it if you told me why you passed out.” Kora said with a concerned tone.

Erika: “I would like to know that myself.” I say with a sigh.

I couldn’t tell her the truth. Either Kora believed me or she realized that I wouldn’t give her the real answer but, she didn’t pester me about it.

Though, she made me lay back down on her lap to rest for a bit more. Perfect for me, I do have to check out the new System update after all. Her lap pillow is quite soft and relaxing as well. Why was I unaware that girls were so soft? Another new wonder of life for me, it seems…

Erika: “System.” There wasn’t any emotion or sound in my voice since I just spoke inside my head.

???: “Hello there! The original System is gone. I would like for you to give me a new name.” A peppy voice responded.

Huh? The System doesn’t reply in text now? It’s voiced? I guess that would be an upgrade over the old text based monotone System. This one sounds like a young girl who loves life. What name should I even give her?

Erika: “Do you like the name Lilith?” I say with a slight smile on my face.

Lilith: “I absolutely love it!” She said with an excited tone.

Erika: “It’s a good thing that you love it so much.” I say with a chuckle that Kora didn’t hear since she had fallen asleep.

Lilith: “I am Lilith, your new AI System Assistant, and confidant. Based on your previous complaints that were logged, the System was altered to suit you more. All sound effects have been muted, the theme is now a modern style one similar to the ones in your past life. Previously blocked off features such as being able to receive rewards in battle have been unblocked. The Administrators and I look forward to how you will improve the System. And as such, please feel free to make suggestions and improvements.” Lilith said in a pleasant tone.

Erika: “Right now, I only have one suggestion.” I say with one of my hands on my chin.

Lilith: “And what is your one suggestion?” Lilith said with a questioning but cute tone.

Erika: “At least for me, having to use keywords to access different parts of the System is a hassle. I think that it would be better to have them all in one menu with the separate sections in nested menus.” I say with a thinking pose.

She didn’t reply for a few minutes. I was beginning to think that I might have suggested something wrong but, she eventually replied with a cheerful tone.

Lilith: “Erika, the Administrators agree with your suggestion and are upset that they didn’t think about it themselves. Such a change is easy and can and will be done in five minutes. Your suggestion is a huge improvement to the System. As such you will be rewarded when a reward is decided upon. Please tell me when you have another suggestion.” Lilith said with a bright tone.

Erika: “Will do. Thanks again.” I say with a smile even though Lilith can’t see me.

I didn’t feel any pain this time, luckily. Originally most of the parts of the System were text based. Items in my inventory were displayed via text. My equipment was also only shown in text form.

Now all of the Systems that I have access to are in one menu. The main section of the menu shows my Status and Stats. From it, I can see my HP and MP as well as increase my Stat Ranks.

My inventory slots are now in a scrollable grid with rounded off borders for each slot. Items are displayed with pictures so searching for specific things is faster. My equipment is also shown with pictures as well. Each slot is separated and displayed on a darkened female humanoid figure by where they go on the body. Very useful indeed.

All the parts of the System were just a tap away, though, I didn’t even have to touch the tab for a specific part of it, I just had to think about it. There are several blank tabs that if I clicked them, would also show a blank page.

I’m guessing that they just left space for new parts and or features of the System for when they wanted to add them. The System looked like a modern UI you’d see in most software from my old world. At least, UI in the good software…

All in all, this whole becoming a tester thing was a good choice. They didn’t lie about my Stat’s doing more as well. Although they were vague about it, I do feel a certain amount more powerful than before.

It sucks that I can’t tell Kora about this. It’s even worse since the only ones that I can talk to are Alice and Victoria but, I can’t until I am done with the tasks in this dimension…

Erika: “The sun will be going down soon, wake up sleepyhead.” I say while shaking Kora awake.

Kora: “Ah, I’m sorry. I must have dozed off.” Kora said with a slightly red face.

Erika: “It’s fine, you watched over me while I slept so, it’s only right that I do the same for you.” I say with a smile.

Kora: “That so? Anyway, we’re near a small town protected by a few Saviors. Me and Hurst skipped it but, it should still be a safe place to plan our next objective.” Kora said after I helped her up.

Erika: “What’s it called?” I say with a questioning tone.

Kora: “Nothing too original, it’s called Sanctuary.” Kora said with a laugh.

I gave my response to her via a laugh and then we set off to Sanctuary. It took us three hours to make it there. The sun was going to go down in an hour or two… Actually, the System tells me that it’ll set in an hour.

We were pretty lucky to make it here before the sun went down. We’d be fine but, I doubt that they would let us in the city. Two strangers show up in the middle of the night? Yeah, that’s pretty suspicious.

The ones guarding the gate were two Saviors. They didn’t recognize Kora at all but they still let us in without much trouble. The trouble only occurred after we entered Sanctuary. You have to have a full body check before you can fully enter this place.

I went first ahead of Kora, because I did not mind, since I was used to similar checks back in my old life. Back then, all of my body checks were done by a female doctor, though…

The problem only occurred because the “doctor” if you could even call him that, said doctor had told me that if I wanted to live a good life in this town, I had to give several high ranking members such as him sexual “favors” to which I responded by saying that I would be doing no such thing to which, he responded by trying to feel me up.

He, of course, did not get the chance to be the first person other than myself to touch my body because, I had broken his hand and punched him in the face.

His shouts of pain alerted the guards. I was going to explain why I did what I did but that bastard! He talked before I had the chance to…

He said that he thinks that me and Kora are infected and when he told me that, I reacted violently. As such, the guards took me and Kora away and locked us up in a cell. We could have easily fought them off, but clearly Kora and I were thinking the same thing. Best not to make a scene, and just escape later.

That doctor whose name I didn’t even receive, showed up a few minutes later. His hand was fixed and so was his face. I’m guessing that the Saviors gave him a potion. He said that he had already cleared us to enter Sanctuary but, we still had to stay the night in this cell.

He even gave me the location of where he was staying at in this town so that when me and Kora get out of this jail cell, we can both “apologize” to him personally. Of course, he meant sexually. I didn’t reply and just took the note with the directions to his place on it, and then he left with perverted smile on his face.

Speaking of us getting thrown in jail, like I said, we could have easily resisted but, me and Kora did not want to make a scene. These cell bars are quite easy for me and Kora to bend and break so escaping from here would be easy.

Instead, we waited for nightfall. Since we were in the same cell, we just talked about things for a while. There were no guards watching us, so we were free to talk about anything we wanted to. I guess they thought the bars on our cell would keep us here.

Kora: “I’m sorry that this happened… I shouldn’t have suggested going here.” Kora said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It’s fine. You didn’t know that this would happen so it isn’t your fault at all.” I say with a smile.

Kora: “Even still…” Kora said while looking down at her feet.

Erika: “As I said before, it’s fine. Besides, we can easily escape.” I say with a shrug.

Kora: “And when will we?” Kora asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “The sun is already down, please head to the entrance and wait for me there.” I said after breaking the bars to our cell.

Kora: “And what will you be doing while I wait?” Kora said with a questioning tone.

Erika: “I am a very spiteful person to those who have wronged me and those that I care about. So, I’ll be giving that “doctor” a very “special” visit before we leave.” I say with a sinister smile.

Kora: “Hm… I would like to go with you but, I know that I am not very good at being stealthy so… so just please be safe.” Kora said before giving me a hug and leaving.

This place was really interesting, to say the least. There were no lights around at all. There were some fires used as a light source, but it seems like most of the people here used a flashlight.

I would have assumed that getting such a thing would be hard in this kind of world but, maybe the Saviors smuggled some resources in?

It was easy to avoid all the sources of light and even easier to find that man’s house. As expected, it was quite big. The house was a two story one. The design was of a very basic American styled one. This town looked to once be a suburb.

The were a few guards posted at the entrances of his place. I didn’t kill them since my target was that “doctor” and him alone. Sneaking past them was very easy. They weren’t on high alert and honestly looked sleepy as well.

The hard part was sneaking around in his house. There were nude women everywhere. Some sleeping, some in a daze. They must have been drugged. Because of their lack of awareness, sneaking past them unnoticed was kinda hard but, possible in which, I succeeded.

In the master bedroom was where the man was. Nestled in between four different naked women. Their bodies were all in different disheveled states and covered in various liquids. The smell of sex and alcohol was prominent within the room. And what a luxurious room it was. At least for apocalypse standards.

I might be petty and spiteful but, I don’t have the need to let my enemy know who it was that killed them if I could avoid it so, I didn’t wake him up. Instead of using my dagger, which would have been quiet, I used my handgun. I quickly chambered a round and then shot him in the head once, and three times in the center of mass, and two times in his heart for good measure.

The sound of a gun going off does two things for me. One, it’ll rile up the zombies, and two, while they’re trying to figure out where the gunshots came from, Kora and I can escape without much hassle.

I didn’t want them to think that these girls were the ones who did this so, I picked them up and carried them one at a time to the couch in the room.

The windows in this house were locked so, I couldn’t get in through them earlier, which would have been the far more easy way to get into this house.

I opened the window that would let me out to the roof and closed it back. Then I jump off of the roof. And then I stealthily headed to the entrance of Sanctuary.

Kora was waiting in the shadows nearby. She said that she wasn’t great at stealth but, most people wouldn’t have been able to see her. Maybe she didn’t have much faith in her abilities? I doubt that she would lie to me about it…

We didn’t speak any words and left Sanctuary without making a sound. The guards at the gate were distracted by the gunshots and went to investigate I assume since, they weren’t at the gate and no one was guarding it at all.

As expected from me shooting a firearm, there were zombies surrounding Sanctuary from every angle. The walls can’t be destroyed by them though, so this place is safe from them, at least for now.

I grabbed Kora’s hand and walked into the swarm of zombies, who had parted the way for us, due to the Badge of Undead Allusion, that I had “acquired” from that Savior Daniel a little while back. We didn’t stop running until we were six hours away from Sanctuary.

We had ended up in another city. Kora said that this city was the first one that the Saviors had set up camp in. But just like the one that Daniel was in, it was abandoned. It was in a similar state to the one that I first ended up in when I came to this dimension.

Kora had told me about some safe houses that the Saviors had built and guided me to one of them. I was beginning to think that she was playing a prank on me because, the safe house was a rotted high school. I mean, really? A high school in a zombie apocalypse?

From the minor amount of fantasy books that I could sneak from the maids, even I knew how cliche such an occurrence was. Apparently, I was right about this body being more expressive than my old one since, Kora had realized my thoughts from the reactions on my face. I need to think about stuff like this in a mirror when I get back. That way I can tell what kind of facial expressions that I now make in this body.

She told me that even though it’s a cliche, this place was used as a base by the Saviors. After hopping the school gate, I could tell that she wasn’t lying. There were military vehicles parked everywhere around this place. As well as various medical equipment. Human remains were also present in various places.

We came to a sealed medical looking tent that had a metal door with a keypad. Kora said that this place was already abandoned before she came to this dimension but she still knew the code since the Saviors just reused the same code always. And she was right, the door opened up quickly after she entered the code.

Rather than a tent used for research, this one seemed to be used as a place for rest or more accurately, a small apartment. There was a small kitchen, a living room, and a small bedroom with one bed.

Does Kora want to sleep in the bed with me? Is this her way of flirting? I was looking at Kora while thinking this and once again, my thoughts were displayed on my face since, she immediately went beet red.

Kora: “Erika! You’ve got it wrong!” Kora said while waving her hands in front of herself.

Erika: “Oh? And what is that I’ve gotten wrong?” I say in a smug tone.

Kora: “These tents are one per person! I was just going to show you this one and then go to a different one.” Kora said still with a red face.

Erika: “I don’t think that we should split up. What if something happens to one of us?” I say with a serious tone.

Kora: “A-Are you saying that we should sleep together?” Kora said with an embarrassed tone.

It’s almost like I could see the steam coming out from her head. Cute…

Erika: “What I meant wasn’t that if you wanted to sleep on the bed together. I meant that I would sleep on the couch and you can sleep on the bed.” I say with a laugh.

Kora: “T-there shouldn’t be a problem if we sleep together. I mean, I’d feel bad about making you sleep on the couch.” Kora said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” I say in a serious tone.

Kora: “Oh… Do you… do you not like me or something?” Kora said with a sad expression on her face.

Erika: “I like you quite a lot. It’s just that I’m only attracted to other women. You are not only a woman but a beautiful one at that, it’s most likely not a good idea for us to sleep together in the same bed.” I calmly explained.

Kora: “I see… Hearing you tell me your reasoning does make me feel better and, I’m also only attracted to women. You’re right, it would be a bad idea for us to sleep together since we both like women. If only one of us was a lesbian, it would probably have been fine. One of us would just have to restrain ourselves though, we most likely wouldn’t get a good sleep.” Kora said with a sigh.

Erika: “I’m glad that we agree and I’m sorry that I upset you.” I say while giving her a pat on her head. I could get addicted to doing this…

Kora: “It’s fine, though it’s a little embarrassing that I acted so childish when I’m older than you.” Kora said with a red face once again.

Erika: “I actually think it’s quite cute when you act like that sometimes. It makes me wonder which you is the real Kora.” I say with a laugh.

Kora: “C-cute?… Anyway! We shouldn’t sleep together but you should still sleep on the bed instead of me.” Kora said in a pouty tone.

Erika: “And why is that?” I say with a head tilt.

Kora: “Again with the cute head tilt… Just think of it as me making it up to you for taking you to Sanctuary and letting you have a bad experience.” Kora said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Alright fine, I’ll sleep on the bed. Do you want to eat first before we sleep?” I ask with a smile.

Kora: “Honestly, I’d rather eat sleep.” Kora said with a sigh.

Erika: “Likewise. We’ll just have to eat a big meal in the morning. Also, did you make sure that the door is locked?” I say with a questioning tone.

Kora: “It locks by itself, you need to enter a code and enter and exit it. Anyway, goodnight, Erika.” Kora said in a calm voice while walking out of the bedroom.

Erika: “Goodnight Kora.” I say in a warm tone.

The sun was already coming up by the time we made it here. I checked the walls of the tent and even an enraged zombie wouldn’t be able to break into this tent. The walls looked to be plastic but plastic that was extremely hard to puncture.

I felt safe with this knowledge so I took off my clothes leaving only the lingerie, that Victoria gave me a little over a week on me. Once again, I am mesmerized by how comfy and pretty they are.

Sleeping when it just became daytime might throw off my internal clock but, I plan to sleep until the morning of the next day and just skip this day’s night altogether anyway.

Besides when I passed out, Neither Kora and I haven’t really gotten a proper rest at all in many days so, I think that she may do the same as me.

Before I lay in bed, I went to check on Kora. She had a blanket on her and was sound asleep. She was fine so I had finally lain down onto the soft bed. It’s been so long since I slept on a bed and because of that, I fell asleep right away.

I had woken up at one point, the System showed that the time was 5:30 AM at night. I wondered why I had woken up at this time, instead of sleeping longer and then I realized why. There was a dark figure standing right in front of my bed…

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