Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Chapter 9: Extermination and Salvation.

Chapter 9: Extermination and Salvation.

*Victoria’s POV*

It has only been thirty minutes since I agreed to Alice’s, and Sofiel’s bet. There is no way that Erika can complete all of her tasks. She is probably taking so long because she is struggling to do so, and is embarrassed to come home without completing them.

Alice was right, we should have told her that most people that take on a Task Pact only do the bare minimum. Only the veterans do all of the tasks in a dimension.

Another thing that we didn’t tell her was that she can break the pact at any time. Task Pact veterans are in high demand and are hard to win over. They are the only way for Creators and Gods to increase our power after all.

I tried getting one of them to make a pact with me but, even they couldn’t. I was thinking about this while we were still drinking tea and chatting. All was fine until Alice dropped her cup of tea and it shattered everywhere.

I was really surprised by it, and so was Sofiel. Alice has never done something like this before. Only then did I realize why she dropped her tea… I also dropped my cup as well, Erika… I might really have to lock her up…

Alice: “Victoria… Did you also get a notification from the System?” Alice said with a serious tone.

Victoria: “I did… What the hell is Erika? How did she even do this?” I say with a concerned tone.

Sofiel: “You both dropped your tea… Did something bad happen?” Sofiel said with a caring tone.

Me and Alice both know cleaning spells so it didn’t take but a few seconds for us to be dried and clean. We didn’t answer Sofiel. Me and Alice needed time to think for a while. Alice spoke first.

Alice: “It’s just one thing after another with her… We need to talk to her right now!” Alice said with a concerned and slightly angry tone.

Sofiel: “What happened? I don’t like being left in the dark.” Sofiel said with a serious expression.

Victoria: “Erika… She made a Savior renounce their faith, and because of that, they stopped being a Savior, and were sent back to their original dimension.” I say with my head in my hands.

Sofiel: “That shouldn’t be possible…” Sofiel said with a shocked tone.

Alice: “It’s absolutely impossible… Victoria… Look, I’ll help you with the rebound from invading a dimension. Go get her. It’s too dangerous for her to be left alone. She needs our protection.” Alice said with a serious tone.

Victoria: “That was my plan… But the System won’t let me…” I say with a distraught tone.

System: “User, Erika Ardent, will be perfectly fine. There is no need to save her. Besides, user, Victoria, and user, Alice, as well as user Erika, no one knows about this.”

Victoria: “Is what the System said.” I say with a sigh.

Alice: “I got a similar message… I guess there is nothing else we can do but wait for her to come back.” Alice said with a sigh.

Ah… My head hurts so damn much… Why? So many mistakes… Was it because I was just too excited about being able to make a Task Pact? No, that can’t be it… Neither me nor Alice gave her any warnings at all. Have we ever been that reckless before? Alice and I, we haven’t…

I think that the System intervened… If that’s the case, what do the Administrators have planned for Erika? I just hope that it’s something we can deal with… Will she truly not come back until she has completed her tasks? Our talk with her will surely last for days at this point. Assuming that she doesn’t do any more crazy things that is…

Erika… Is she trying to seduce me? Right now, she is the most interesting woman I’ve ever known. Alice didn’t just look worried. I could tell, she is thinking the same as me.

What else will Erika do? How much more interested in her must she make us?… Hell, even Sofiel seems to be thinking the same. I have to be sure to not let Erika and her meet. Otherwise I'll end up getting cucked by her...

*Erika’s POV*

Two weeks in, I had made four million doses of the cure and didn’t make more because this lab completely ran out of materials needed to make it. As such, I had to go on a looting spree in hospitals and labs for them. Once again, I asked Kora to stay at the lab. It didn’t take me more than five days of looting to get enough to make the rest of the doses.

At the four week mark, I had finished making 15 million doses of the cure. It only took Kora less than a week to make the maps that we needed. Although everything was ready, we still took a break for a week after I finished the cure.

I even made a simple to follow guide on how to make it. I really have to thank my high INT Stat, otherwise, I don’t think that I would have been able to make the cure at all.

After our break was over, we set off to cure and liberate the world. I only have two tasks left, I just hope it doesn’t take long for us to complete them. We did rest but, clearly, we need a more thorough rest when we get back.

There are 32 camps in America. The first one that we set out to was the closest to us. That being Sanctuary.

Killing the Saviors was very easy. None of them were willing to betray their faith unfortunately so we had to kill them all. There were eight of them in Sanctuary. Though I did slip the cure into their water supply, I still got all of the civilians there to take the injection of the cure. There wasn’t another camp for miles so, I gave them all firearms and ammo to use for protection.

The next thing that me and Kora had to do was to kill all of the zombies in the area. Doing this took far longer than it took to deal with Sanctuary. It took us so long because if we only used firearms to kill them, we would run out of ammo.

We had to kill every group with my dagger and the sword that I gave to Kora. Once the horde was gone, we would shoot a shot to draw more in. I used a .50BMG sniper rifle to lure them in. With just one shot, it was enough to bring thousands of them to us.

All in all, it took us three days of non-stop killing to kill 350,865 zombies. After that point, no more would show up when I tried to lure more. The zombies had dropped a lot of F Grade Monster Cores for us.

I did not use the Core I got from making the cure nor did me or Kora use any of these cores. We’ll just wait until we’re done killing them all. Whoever killed the zombie would get the drop so, there was no need to split them between us.

On top of that, Lilith told me that I could convert Monster Cores to Dark Savior points that I could spend so, I’ll be keeping a lot of the F Grade ones on hand and not use them yet.

Neither the zombies nor the Saviors in this dimension were strong enough to bother Kora and I, so we didn’t need to bump up our Stat’s for now anyway. Although, I was pretty strong now, the System still prevented me from getting items from the Saviors that I killed.

I was rewarded with Monster Cores again instead. Lilith said this was to protect me from being put on the Saviors radar for now, and I would be able to get items from killing a Savior in the future. I just hope that future comes soon, killing things without getting much of a reward is annoying.

It took Kora and I two weeks after that to fully cure everyone, and kill all of the Saviors and zombies. Looting cities as we passed kept us fully stocked with food, ammo, and guns to give out to survivors. In the entirety of America, only 25 out of the 130 that we killed, gave up being a Savior.

Kora said that this dimension was a lost cause, but a lot of Saviors still had faith…

How did we clear all of America so fast? Each camp was connected via a portal. Only the Saviors were allowed to use them. Each country had a main camp, said camp had portals to each main camp of every country.

According to Kora, due to this dimension being a lost cause, communication with the operators in the Saviors was cut off, and they wouldn’t reconnect until there was progress in this dimension.

This was a way to “motivate” the Saviors since, without the operators, they couldn’t leave this dimension. When we had made it to the main camp, the rest of the Saviors were waiting for us. Killing them was actually a bit of a challenge regardless, we managed to do it without getting hurt at all.

Kora was not a soldier so I didn’t let her fight. Most of the Saviors really didn’t have good command and were practically fighting solo. Picking them off one by one was so easy, I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming.

The fight only lasted for eight hours. Fifteen of them surrendered and the rest were killed. Once the battle was done, Lilith informed me that I completed the task involving killing all of the Saviors in this dimension, and I was given two E Grade Monster Cores for completing it.

With the Saviors dead, their camps were left unguarded. Time was not on Kora’s and I’s side so, we didn’t have time to take a break. It took us a total of two months to get rid of every zombie and give everyone the cure. With that all done, I had finally finished all of my tasks in this dimension.

Kora: “Alright, you perfectionist, can we leave now?” Kora said with a joking tone.

We were currently standing on top of a building, over looking a city. The view was quite nice, even with the city being a ruined state.

Erika: “My tasks are done so, I see no reason why we can’t.” I say with a laugh.

I grabbed onto Kora’s hand and asked Lilith to take me back to Alice’s dimension. Lilith oddly asked me multiple times if I was sure that I wanted to leave. I didn’t really understand why at the time so I just said yes.

There was a flash and suddenly I was once again in my room. Kora was interested in looking around when I told her that this was my room but as for me, I was pissed off!

Erika: “Lilith! Where are my guns?!” I scream loudly in my own head.

Lilith: “I did warn you, Erika. The only things that you can take from a dimension are drops. Anything else will be discarded after you leave.” Lilith said with a remorseful tone.

Fuck… I even lost that badge… Oh well, it did have a niche use case… Ah, my guns… My fantasy world firearm smuggling plan… Gone… At least I kept what I had when I went to that dimension, as well as all of the Monster Cores. The total was two E Grade Monster Cores, and 414 F Grade Monster Cores. I did not receive the rewards for the last two tasks yet.

Lilith: “Erika, would you like either an S Grade weapon, or five A Grade Monster Cores for the killing all of the undead? And would you prefer a S+ Grade weapon or five A+ Grade Monster Cores for saving that dimension?” Lilith said with a bright tone.

Erika: “I’m good on Monster Cores for now. Just give me a S+ Grade knife and an S Grade sword.” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “Understood! I’ll give you the sword first.” Lilith said with an excited tone.

A short sword appeared in my hands, it had a beautiful light blue tented blade and a black handle. It was… It was a little to show offy for my tastes… At least I could use it to blind someone I guess…

Erika: “Inspect.” I say while looking at the sword.

Defiled and Corrupted Mage Short Blade: S

A high quality and rare short sword. It was once owned by an expert mage that had gone crazy. Because of that, his sword was corrupted.

That name… It doesn’t really fit with how it looks… I honestly thought that it was going to be a holy sword from how it looks. I guess that you can’t judge a book by its cover, in this case, a sword.

Lilith: “I’ll give you the knife now!” Lilith said like a happy child.

A knife then appeared in my hands. Problem being… it was knife…

Erika: “Uh… Lilith? This is a kitchen knife…” I say with a confused expression.

Lilith: “Isn’t that what you wanted? If you wanted a knife like your current one, you should have asked for a dagger, not a knife. I’m sorry Erika but, no refunds.” Lilith said with a laugh.

She can laugh? Did she do this to pull a prank on me? Hey Admins! The assistant that you gave me is a cheeky child... Anyway, the knife was just a big cutting kitchen knife. Not really useful for combat but, it’s S+ Grade, surely I can still use it to fight, right? Maybe I can at least use it for cooking…

Witch’s Kitchen Knife: S+

A high quality kitchen knife used by an ancient witch.

Kora: “Is that a kitchen knife?” Kora said with a questioning tone.

Erika: “I asked for a S+ Grade knife as a reward for completing a task. I got this instead…” I say with a sigh.

Kora: “That has to hurt… At least your sword looks cool and usable.” Kora said while trying to hide her laughter.

I guess that I have to be more specific with the System from now on… I did wonder where Victoria and Alice were. We’ve been back for a few minutes now but, I they still haven’t shown up to my room. This place is a huge estate, finding them would be hard.

As I was thinking about how I would find them, Alice kicked the door down, and she had an expression on her face a mother would make when their child had done something bad in public. I was about to ask her what was wrong when Victoria kicked a giant hole into the wall of my room.

Erika: “You two… I just got done working so damn hard and you reward me with destroying my room?” I say with a slightly fed up tone.

Victoria and Alice: “We have every right to be upset!” They both yelled.

Erika: “That so? Well, I have a lot of things to talk about with you two as well. Oh right, this is Kora, I had made her into a Dark Savior.” I say with a smile.

Victoria: “Kora, was it? Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. If you would, could you please follow one of the maids? Alice and I need to have a looooooong and private conversation with Erika.” Victoria said with a slightly angry tone.

Kora: “S-sure… I don’t mind.” Kora said with a confused expression before she was led out by a maid.

They didn’t talk to me and just walked out of the room. I thought that it would be funny if I didn’t follow them since that was what they implied but, one of the maids strongly urged me to follow them.

I ended up in a beautiful garden. Before coming here, we went into a see through barrier. This place is completely sealed off from the outside world. Perfect for a private meeting.

Once the maids had set up tea and treats to eat, they left the barrier and it was just me, Alice and Victoria left. The air was thick with unease. Do I really have to deal with a dressing down by my superiors after I just got finished working so damn hard?

Erika: “Did I do something wrong?” I say in a serious tone.

Victoria: “You didn’t do anything wrong per se, you just did crazy things.” Victoria said with a sigh.

Erika: “Like what?” I say with a head tilt.

Alice: “Ah… I’ve missed that cute head tilt… Anyway, let’s see… The list is as follows. You killed a lot of Saviors. You made multiple Saviors give up being Saviors. You completed all of your tasks in your first time in a dimension.” Alice said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Was I not supposed to?” I say with one of my hands on my chin.

Victoria: “No! You weren’t! Don’t even get me started on the first two things! Did you know?! Most people who have a Task Pact just do the bare minimum! On record, there are only twelve people in existence that consistently complete all the tasks in a dimension. All of the are hundreds of years old!” Victoria said with a voice that was a mix of excitement and anger.

Erika: “I see… You know, it was my bad for leaving without asking you two more questions first but, could you two please calm down? I had a really hard time in that dimension. I only survived mostly because I got lucky.” I say with a sigh.

Alice: “Listen… We understand and we both are very happy that you managed to come back to us safely. Please just understand how we feel. Did you know what happened after you made those Saviors quit? Me and Victoria, we’re now three times more powerful….” Alice said with a slightly remorseful tone.

Victoria: “Erika… We lied about your identity.” Victoria said while not being able to look me in the eyes after a nudge from Alice.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I say with a questioning tone.

Alice: “The original owner of that body, her name was Lana, she died while protecting her fellow harem members. Victoria couldn’t part with her body so, she tried a last ditch effort to bring her back. It failed and instead you entered Lana’s body.” Alice said in a serious tone.

Erika: “Then my name?” I say with a shocked tone.

Alice: “Victoria had come up with it on the spot when she saw that you didn’t know who she was. Ardent was Lana’s last name. All of her lovers have the title, Demon Goddesses Lover. Since you didn’t have it, she knew that the ritual failed to bring Lana back.” Alice said with a sad tone.

Victoria: “I’m sorry that we lied to you. And I’m also sorry that we let you leave so unprepared. Erika, in your last life, what were you?” Victoria with a questioning tone.

Erika: “I was a soldier but, not just any soldier. I was the best.” I say with a proud tone.

Alice: “If you were the best, how did you die?” Alice said with a concerned tone.

Erika: “I was betrayed by my commanding officer. I could have easily survived but, I didn’t really care about living so I just let him kill me.” I say with a shrug.

Victoria: “You let him kill you?” Victoria said with a shocked expression.

Erika: “He didn’t get off scot-free, I informed my father beforehand. I’m sure that he was tortured to death. The life I lived, it wasn’t important. At least not to me. This life, on the other hand, it’s already far more fulfilling.” I say with a smile.

Alice: “I see… So that’s why you’re so good already. What happened in that dimension? Surely something special happened.” Alice said with a curious tone.

Erika: “Ah… where to start? Let’s see… Do you two know about the Luck Stat?” I say with a thinking pose.

Victoria: “What about it? You aren’t going to tell us that it’s actually useful, right? Oh no… You are going to tell us that…” Victoria said with her face in her hands.

Erika: “That’s right. Increasing it gives you more Stat Points per Monster Core and it also increases item drop chance.” I say with a laugh.

Alice: “Didn’t your Luck Stat reset? How did you even have enough time to test it out? I’ve done the same thing many times before and each time I failed.” Alice said after rubbing her head for a few seconds.

Erika: “It should have reset but, the System stopped that from happening.” I say with a shrug.

Victoria: “Why would it do that?” Victoria said with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “The Administrators had an offer for me, stopping it from resetting was a way to butter me up.” I say with one of my hands on my chin.

Alice: “Administrators?… So they contacted you. What was their offer?” Alice said in a cold tone.

Erika: “They wanted me to become a tester for the latest update. I agreed. This update is significantly better than the old System even though it’s not finished. Ah, making Saviors renounce their Saviorhood is a new feature of the update. It exists because when the update is finished, Gods and Creators like you two will be able to progress with the System once again.” I say with a happy tone.

The two beautiful women had frozen solid for an entire fifteen minutes. I had tasted the tea and sweets while I waited for them to process everything that I had told them. The cookies were amazing and so was the tea.

Victoria had gotten up from her seat wordlessly and then proceeded to destroy the garden. This was fine since this place seems to be able to repair and clean itself. Alice just sat on her seat and stared at her with pity. Victoria did that for 25 minutes before she calmed down.

Once she did, I finished telling them everything that happened without leaving out a single detail. They were both jealous over how much better the new System was. When I finished, they both thought to themselves in silence.

Alice: “How long until the update is finished?” Alice said with a sigh.

Erika: “They said it would take 50,000 years but, with my help, they have already shaved off hundreds of years from the expected time frame.” I say before taking a sip of tea.

Victoria: “When the update is finished, there will be a war… It’s frustrating that we can’t help or do anything on our own but Erika, although it is a double edged sword, you have to continue completing tasks in different dimensions. Alice and I will have a major lead over other Creators and Gods if you do.” Victoria said with a remorseful tone.

Alice: “I know that it is wrong of us to ask this of you but, you will be greatly rewarded by us if you do. On top of that, you will have an edge over even us since you’re a tester for the update.” Alice said seriously.

Erika: “I don’t mind. That was my plan as well anyway. But first, I would like to rest.” I say with a smile.

Victoria: “Of course! Take as much time to rest as you need.” She said with a smile.

Erika: “I have a request for you Victoria.” I say with a serious tone.

Victoria: “You’re making me nervous, what kind of request is it? If it’s something that is within my power then, I’ll happily fulfill your request.” Victoria said with shaky tone.

Erika: “It’s nothing special, I would like a set of clothes and lingerie for me and Kora to wear. The dimension I went to was destroyed by zombies. It was very hard to stay clean and my clothes often got dirty and damaged. The only thing that stayed clean was the lingerie that you gave me.” I say with a chuckle.

Victoria: “I don’t remember giving you anything to wear… Ah, right, you already had it on before you left. I’d be grateful if you would wear clothes designed and made by me. But first, I must talk to Kora. I wonder if I can make a pact with her.” Victoria said with a happy tone.

She had called Kora in with the help of one of her maids. Just like with me, she was able to make a Task Pact with Kora. She tested it on one of her maids but it didn’t work.

The going theory is that if I make someone a Dark Savior, then Victoria can make a Task Pact with them. After the pact was finished, Kora and I were separated and taken to be pampered by the maids.

I was given a long and thorough, but absolutely relaxing bath. After the bath, I was given a full body massage. Having six different beautiful maids massage every part of your body was an amazing experience.

When they finished, I was given a full course luxurious meal. It was so good that I feel like the food that I ate in that dimension wasn’t even food at all… Although its lacking from the entertainment that I could get in my world, I was given tons of books to read and games to play.

Not digital games mind you, just card and board games. Some of them I did recognize, how did Victoria get these games to this world? Lilith did mention that her and Alice have access to a store. Maybe this was one of the options? Anyway, this went on for two weeks. I was completely healed both physically and mentally from head to toe.

Although Kora had been able to make a Task Pact with Victoria, she would be resting for a longer time than me. She was abused as a Savior for a long time and she needed to heal longer.

As for me, I was already prepared to go to a new dimension. I was stopped by those two. Eventually, I agreed with Alice and Victoria to wait for longer until leaving again. I decided to look at my Status.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 500/500 (0/285)

MP: 125/125 (0/320)

INT: S+ (0/965)

STR: B+ (0/560)

AGI: B (0/460)

MAG: C+ (0/285)

DEF: A (0/785)

LUCK: B (0/1250)

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 1.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 1.

Inspect: Level 1.


Dark Savior: S.

It was the same as I had left it. I’ll hold on to my Monster Cores until I need to increase my Stat’s once again. Wait… Why didn’t my Knife Mastery level up? I understand my Sword Mastery not leveling up since I didn’t use my sword at all. My Inspect skill is also still level one…

Erika: “Lilith, why have my skills not increased in level? Is it just really hard to increase their levels?” I say with a questioning tone in my head.

Lilith: “Erika, what do you mean? From what I can see, you don’t have any skills.” Lilith replied with a confused tone.

Erika: “That can’t be right… I have three skills. Knife Mastery, One-Handed Sword Mastery and, Inspect. You’ve seen me use inspect before.” I say with a concerned tone.

Lilith: “Hm… That is correct, I have seen you use the inspect skill… Hold on, let me run a check. It shouldn’t take but a few seconds.” Lilith said with a nervous tone.

She said that it wouldn’t take long but she didn’t reply to me until an hour later. I guess she had to talk to the Admins or something like that.

Lilith: “I am sorry for the wait. You see, there is a problem with your soul.” Lilith said in a serious tone.

Erika: “Huh? That doesn’t sound good… What do you mean by that?” I ask with a shocked tone.

Lilith: “Lana Ardent, fragments of her soul are still within your body. Currently, yours and her soul aren’t fighting but, due to there being two souls in one vessel, it’s caused errors to occur in your Status.” Lilith explains slowly.

Erika: “And how do I fix it?” I say with a nervous tone.

Lilith: “There is currently no way to fix it. Lana Ardent’s soul first must be repaired and then removed from your body. As for now, it would not be a good idea to remove her. I will be responsible for constantly checking and updating the errors with your Status. It should be shown properly now.” Lilith said with a sad tone.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 18


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 500/500 (0/285)

MP: 125/125 (0/320)

INT: S+ (0/965)

STR: B+ (0/560)

AGI: B (0/460)

MAG: C+ (0/285)

DEF: A (0/785)

LUCK: B (0/1250)

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 2.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

My skills finally show progress and I’ve gotten a new title. The Rank seems to be an error but, I think that’s just because its Rank is one of the new ones that the Administrators mentioned. The knife and sword skills are pretty obvious on what they do. I did feel like I’ve gotten better at using knives lately so that explains its high level.

As for inspection, a higher level doesn’t give me more information. At least for now. I had a new tab added to my System. It’s a list of everything that I’ve inspected so far.

Another benefit of it being a higher level is that if I look at something I’ve inspected before, I automatically know everything about it. The information is just beamed directly into my mind in less than a second. I wonder what happens if I max it out?

Lilith: “My apologies Erika, 5 is the max level of Inspect. But there are rarer inspection skills that would give you more information and go to higher levels.” Lilith explained calmly.

Erika: “I see… Thanks.” I say with a sigh.

Okay, you see, the reason why I was upset is that I went around Victoria’s estate for hours inspecting things hoping to increase my Inspect skill’s level. Lilith just now told me that what I had been doing for hours was basically pointless… At least I got a bunch of things put in the list now… This wasn't worth all of the maids looking at me with a questioning gaze...

I have no idea why but even after staying longer, Alice and Victoria have once again convinced me to stay for longer. Do they not want me to make them stronger? Oh, I actually know why. They’re both trying to seduce me… Victoria I’d expect this from but Alice? That’s something that I would never expect from her.

Victoria had gifted me and Kora various sets of clothes and lingerie. Kora's was the same quality as my previous lingerie. Mine, however, were the same level of quality that Victoria apparently made for her wives clothes.

I didn't even think that she could make clothes more luxurious than my other ones but, she did and they were absolutely amazing! I accepted them and tried to ignore how she was trying to seduce me via clothes...

They were so beautiful and felt amazing to wear. Currently I am wearing a black dress that goes down to my knees and black lingerie with gold highlights in various designs on them. From the clothes that she gave me, these are my favorite.

Speaking of those two, they would really rather try to seduce me than get stronger… For the good of the two, I decided to go to a different dimension and complete tasks without telling them.

No! It’s not because I want to get away from them. It’s definitely not because I’m slowly, but surely falling for them, okay? My only solace in this place was Kora but, after she saw those two trying to get with me, she started trying to seduce me too... Am I destined to always be betrayed by my comrades?

Erika: “Lilith, please show me the hardest dimension available to me. If I see too many of them, I’ll end up with choice fatigue.” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “Are you sure? Here is the hardest one you can currently do. Please do not accept a dimension that you don’t think you can do. I cannot see the available dimensions, only you can.” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Task dimension.

Dimension 1:

Dimension Name: ????.

Planet Name: ????.

Main sapient Race: ????.

World State: Candy.

Available Main Tasks:


Difficulty: ????.

Reward: ????.

Uh… should… Should I even consider this one? What the hell… The only information is “Survive.” and “Candy.” And there is only one task… If I chose it, I can’t leave until that one task is completed… No risk, no reward.

But should I really? I might actually not make it back… I decided to not go with this one… Is what I would say if a dark hand didn’t shoot out from my System and pushed the accept task button…

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