Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 11: To Merge or Not to Merge?

Chapter 11: To Merge or Not to Merge?

*Erika’s POV*

After the drive was finished, and I made it back inside Sasaki’s place. I then called a group meeting about the time loop with all involved.

I decided that beating around the bush wouldn’t be wise so, I went ahead and decided to come clean about everything.

Erika: “This might be hard for you all to hear but, you all, you are Goddesses. Specifically, parts of a Goddess. I don’t know why but, the original Goddess split her soul up which as a byproduct, caused this time loop.” I explain calmly.

Yui: “…”

Riko: “…”

Yuki: “Wow!” Yuki said with an excited tone.

Sasaki: “I see… That would make sense.” Sasaki said with a thinking pose.

Yui and Riko looked shocked. Yuki was continuing to be weird. Maybe she was just happy that she was a part of something magical? Who knows. As for Sasaki, she seemed calm but lost in thought.

Sasaki: “Even though I haven’t known any of them for long, I feel like we’re deeply connected. Us being split from the same soul would make that happen. I assume, otherwise, I wouldn’t feel like this.” Sasaki said with a sigh.

Riko: “What… what do we have to do to fix this time loop?” Riko asked with a scared tone and expression.

Erika: “The only method that my group and I can think of is, for you all to recombine. Once you do, you would have access to your powers as a Goddess, and could easily fix the time loop since, this dimension is actually yours.” I reply with a remorseful tone.

Yui: “It’s our dimension? Does… does that mean that your task regarding making the Goddess of this dimension happy, is about us?” Yui asked with a sad tone.

Erika: “Yes, I would assume so.” I reply with a sigh.

Sasaki: “Erika… I can’t leave my daughter alone. If we combine, wouldn’t we become one person? What would happen to our personalities?” Sasaki asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “I… I have no idea, I’m sorry.” I say with a remorseful tone.

Apart from Yuki, everyone else was clearly negatively affected by my only solution. I wish that I had a better one. Maybe… maybe I should ask Alice? With that thought, I brought out my phone and texted her.

Erika: “Alice, my only solution is to have them merge but, it’s just too depressing to do so. They all have their own lives after all.”

Alice: “Ah, for you to depend on me, it really makes me really happy! Anyway, normally that would be your only solution but, I’ll help you out and give you a better one.”

Erika: “And what would that be exactly?”

Alice: “As a creator, I have a vast understanding of souls. I’ll ask Sofiel to help me get there, and then split only the parts of their soul that are the Goddess. As we know, their souls aren’t made entirely of her, just a small part. They will still be themselves, and the Goddess will be whole again.”

Erika: “Okay, that sounds good. Thanks so much!”

Alice: “Do be grateful. The only other person that I’ve helped regarding souls, was with Victoria wanting to save you. Or at least, I tried to do so. Maybe it's wrong to say "you" in this case since you're a different person...”

Erika: “Oh, does that mean that there is a chance that this won’t work?”

Alice: “No, it’ll work without a hitch. Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon.”

I told the rest of the new plan, and they all agreed to it. Most of them were happy with the new solution. All except Yuki, who looked upset.

After waiting for no more than a few minutes, Sofiel and Alice showed up.

Alice: “Now, I only have two questions, which one wants to be the Goddess, and who wants to just be the same?” Alice asked with a serious tone.

Yui: “I would like to be the Goddess.” Yui confidently said.

Everyone seemed to be okay with her being the Goddess. All, once again, except Yuki.

Yuki: “Why can’t I be the Goddess?” Yuki asked with a sad tone.

Alice: “Once the small parts merge into Yui, she won’t be any different. That is to say, her personality won’t change. Since it’s just a small part. If you want, you can completely merge with her. That way, you’ll both be the Goddess. Your personalities would merge, though.” Alice said with a thinking pose.

Yuki: “Yui… would you be okay with merging? I don’t really have any reason to live, and becoming a Goddess would surely be an interesting turn of events. I won’t try to influence your decisions or life, I just want to be along for the ride.” Yuki asked with a pleading tone.

Yui: “It might be uncomfortable at first but, sure, I don’t really mind.” Yui replied with a smile.

I wonder why she accepted so easily? I guess that I’ll just have to ask her later. Actually... it's probably just because they were once one person anyway so, she doesn't feel wrong about letting her join her. Or something like that.

Alice: “Very well, then, I’ll start with the merging. Please be aware, you all will feel some discomfort from the process, and it will take minutes to complete.” Alice said with a serious tone.

She then had the time looping sisters stand up and hold each other’s hands in a circle. During this, Sofiel had comforted me by holding my hand, and leaning her head on my shoulder. We stood behind the circle and watched them intently.

How did Sofiel realize that even this solution is still kind of unfair, at least in my eyes? I’ve always thought like that. Why can’t everything just work out and everyone be happy? Unfortunately, life just doesn’t work out that way. At least, not all the time.

For me at least, my current new life is the happiest I’ve ever been. I just hope it will stay like this for as long as possible. I hope that I didn’t just jinx it. I mean, even if I did, my luck is stupidly high so, surely it will all work out in the end…

Sasaki: “Before be begin, will there be any complications from this procedure?” Sasaki asked Alice with a serious tone and expression.

Alice: “No. There will be no permanent side effects.” Alice said nonchalantly.

Riko: “That’s really, really vague… now I’m too scared to go through with this…” Riko said while trying to get released from the other girls grasps.

Alice: “No, no, no, don’t worry. It won’t be too bad. It will just feel like you have a cold for a week. Although it’s a small part of your soul, it’s still your soul, and it will need time to fill up the hole that the missing piece leaves. Yui, on the other hand, will feel amazing as if she was a Goddess. Because, you know, she will be.” Alice explained calmly.

With that reassurance, they all calmed down and let Alice do her work. Alice made a barrier around them that blocked out all sound and sight so, we couldn’t hear or see them.

I assume that Alice needs to focus, so she shut out all forms of distractions. I asked Sofiel and she confirmed my assumption.

Sofiel: “Ah, you’re so lucky that Alice likes you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to have such a good ending to this story.” Sofiel said while playing with my hair.

Erika: “I know. And I am thankful for her help.” I say with a wiry smile.

Sofiel: “No need to look so glum. Alice is doing this because she knows that if she doesn’t, you will be upset.” Sofiel said with a warm tone while rubbing my head.

Erika: “I also know that. That’s why I feel bad. I don’t have anything or way to repay her…” I say with a sigh.

Sofiel then leaned in to my ear and whispered something incredibly lewd for an Angel to say in really any context…

Sofiel: “Then repay her with your love. And by that I mean, your body. Actually, do both. Think about it, Alice has never been touched before. I’ll do you a favor since, I will be your first before her. I will teach you some tricks that even make Victoria grovel at my feet from the pleasure.” Sofiel whispered with a raspy tone that sent shivers down my spine.

Erika: “…”

I couldn’t reply since my face was completely red.

Sofiel: “Ara? I forgot how cute you can be. I might have not been in my right mind but, your reaction from when I kissed you is still burned into my brain. Oh, how I’ve longed to see more of your reactions…” Sofiel said with a sultry tone and with a seductive expression on her face.

Once again, I couldn’t reply at all and just looked at her like a startled child. I was completely under Sofiel’s thumb. She had me at a major disadvantage… Why did I get so cocky? I was clearly good at fighting but, I was so fucking inexperienced when it came to intimate subjects like this!

Sofiel: “Erika… don’t be so bashful… It’s your fault for attracting me to yourself. Do not worry, I will teach you everything that I know. You see, out of every one of Victoria’s wives and lovers, I am the only one that is the top. Let’s be dom sisters! I’m sure that you would like that, right?” Sofiel whispered once again into my ears.

Where was the good Angel on my shoulder at this point? Right now, I am being seduced by an Angel… Is this a sin? Who cares! I like where this is going, and we long since past the point where we should have stopped!

Erika: “I… I would like that a lot.” I reply with a red face, that got even redder after I realized what I just admitted to.

Sofiel: “Good girl!” Sofiel said with a proud tone before planting a kiss on my lips.

The kiss wasn’t a deep one, but it lasted a few minutes. And this time, it was clearly a sexual kiss. Even though no tongues were involved…

Sofiel: “Erika, your reaction to how intense I am is surprising.” Sofiel said with a laugh, while once again holding my hand, while we wait for Alice to be done.

Erika: “Can you blame me?” I say with a pout.

Sofiel: “I guess not but, where did your conclusion that I was a perfect and innocent Angel come from? Was it just from the general ideas of Angels?” Sofiel asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “That might have played a part but, the main reason was that Alice said that you don’t touch those perverted “maids” at all.” I reply with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Ah, I don’t touch them for two reasons. One, sure I might have a high sex drive but, only with those I love. In this case, being you and Victoria. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else. The second reason is because I don’t want to mess around.” Sofiel replied with one of her fingers on her chin.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a head tilt.

in hope that me doing so would get her to tell me the second reason in more depth.

Sofiel: “Damn… You learning how to use your cuteness for profit was surely a dangerous revelation for you… It’s not like I’ve never thought about trying to satisfy my sexual needs via those “maids” or anything. It’s because I am very, very, very, some might even say, extremely intense in bed.” Sofiel answered with a proud tone and expression.

Erika: “Uh… I might regret asking but, how intense exactly?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sofiel: “Victoria likes being on the receiving end with me. She’s what can be called a switch. But like I said, only with me, and maybe with you in the future. Because of that, she likes it when I get “rough” with her.” Sofiel said with a chuckle.

Erika: “How rough are we talking here?” I ask with a curious tone once again.

Sofiel: “Hm… Let’s see. We can usually only have sex together when we have nothing important to do because, afterwards Victoria can’t walk or even get out of bed for usually around 2 or 5 days.” Sofiel answered with a thinking pose.

Erika: “…”

Uh… that sounds like I have walked myself in a very dangerous situation…

Sofiel: “Oh? I’m sorry if hearing that scares you. It’s not like I get violent with her or anything. And don’t worry, I won’t do that with you. Being a switch isn’t exactly a common thing, and I know that you’re more of a dom than a sub.” Sofiel said with a warm tone while rubbing my head once again.

This girl… she is going to drive me crazy with desire… Maybe I’ll end our date with at a really expensive hotel? I doubt that Sofiel would disagree…

Sofiel: “Haha. I know that look in your eyes. That’s the same look Victoria has when she is thinking about how to get me in bed.” Sofiel said before roughing up my hair and laughing.

Erika: “…”

My face went red again from Sofiel realizing my impure intentions towards her.

Sofiel: “Okay, that’s enough flirting for now. Erika, do you remember when you first woke up?” Sofiel asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “Hm? Yeah, I do. Why bring it up?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sofiel: “I like that it’s easy to tell when or not you tilt your head on purpose, or just by reflex… Anyway, you remember that Victoria mentioned using potions and healing magic on you, right?” Sofiel asked.

Erika: “That’s right, I do.” I reply still confused.

Sofiel: “The potions part was true. Healing magic wasn’t fully true. You see, although we do have those in our group that can use healing magic, they’re really weak so, of course, their healing effect is weak too.” Sofiel said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “And Victoria isn’t one to force her lovers to get stronger…” I replied with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Correct! You know her so well. Anyway, you need to ask Victoria, me, or Alice to help you learn magic. Frankly, you should ask me.” Sofiel said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Why, though?” I ask with a confused expression on my face.

Sofiel: “Because your System is a cheat, and the likelihood that you can gain the ability to use healing magic, as well as other types of magic, is very high. Healing magic is incredibly rare.” Sofiel said with a shrug.

Erika: “I mean, I understand that learning magic would be a huge boon, and that it’s likely that I could get magic like that but, why would you go so far to help me?” I ask with another head tilt.

Sofiel: “Erika, you don’t seem to value yourself that highly, that’s something that we need to work on… As for why I’m willing to help you, shouldn’t it be obvious? We’re lovers, and you learning magic benefits me as well.” Sofiel said while calmingly rubbing my head again.

I guess that is right, I do have so problems with myself regarding my self esteem. I mean, I know that I’ve done some amazing shit but, I always feel like I could have done it better, or that I can be better than I am… She said that we’ll work on it so, I’ll leave it to her. I trust Sofiel to help me with my self hate.

Erika: “How do you benefit from me learning magic?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sofiel: “It would benefit me by giving you more options to stay safe. The lesser reason if that if you gain healing magic, me and Victoria won’t have to worry about hopping in bed together. You could just heal her.” Sofiel answered with a laugh.

Erika: “…”

Alice really lied to me… Pure Angel my ass! This girl is just like everyone else, interested in sexual things. I guess that’s good for me. I don’t really want to go to hell and have to be shunned for seducing an Angel and corrupting her. If anything, she is corrupting me… Haha. That’s a funny thought, an Angel corrupting a young and pretty girl such as myself… Or at least, it would be funny, if I wasn’t the one being seduced…

Sofiel seemed to get her fill of teasing me, and we waited calmly for Alice to finish.

After fifteen more minutes of waiting, not counting the time that me and Sofiel flirted, the barrier that Alice set up disappeared.

Yui looked full of energy and seemingly happy. Yuki was completely gone. The rest of them seemed to be drained of energy, and also looked slightly sick.

Alice and Sofiel left. I assume that they are probably getting everything ready for when we move to this dimension. As for the girls, the maids took the sickly girls to bed so that they can rest and recover. Now I was left with Yui drinking tea with me.

Yui: “It feels kinda weird being a Goddess.” Yui said with a laugh.

Erika: “How so? Although I might be strong, I am still technically a human.” I ask with a curious tone.

Well, I am part human, part Angel, and part Demon, but I don’t really feel any different than when I was just a human.

Yui: “It feels just the same as always. I don’t really feel like a Goddess. Also, although I merged with Yuki, it doesn’t feel like we were ever separate people.” Yui said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “What will you do now?” I ask.

Yui: “Hm… Oh, right. I should fix this time loop… now how do I… oh, that was easy. I can’t believe I was tormented for that long, and fixing it was just as simple as flipping a switch… at least it’s fixed now.” Yui said with a sigh.

After she said that, I got a message from Lilith. Before her message, I got the notification that I finished my second to last task.

Lilith: “Erika, armor or Monster Core? I didn't mention weapons since you already have some really good ones.”

Erika: “I kind of don’t want to wear armor, though do I really need more Monster Cores?”

Lilith: “Nothing wrong with having more Monster Cores but, I understand where you’re coming from. If only that dress of yours was really strong. It doesn’t have to be armor mind you, you could also ask for a ring or something like that.”

Erika: “Okay, I’ll go for a ring then.”

Lilith: “Good choice! I’ll cheat for you, and give you something for protection.”

She would break the rules for me? That’s something that I would never think that she would ever do…

Erika: “You’d risk getting caught cheating for me?”

Lilith: “No? Nadia told me that she would get two of the maids to always stay with me from now on but, only if I cheat and give you an item for protection. As well as keep it under the table.”

Ah, there’s the kicker…

Erika: “Do you only exist to prank me, and for sex?”

Lilith: “No? I just find those two things to be the most fun. Look, Erika, if you could only understand how good these girls are at pleasing women, you would understand why I agreed without a moment of hesitation.”

Erika: “I feel like I am better off not knowing...”

Lilith: “Suit yourself, anyway, here’s your ring. Just one more task left, please be a good little task girl and complete it.”

I had the urge to throw my phone but, the ring that appeared on my lap had blown the annoyance that Lilith made me feel away completely…

I thought that the bracelet from Sofiel, which basically gave me a once a week, get out of dying, free card, would be the most surprising but… this item is even more amazing…

Ring of Godly Learning.

Effect: User will learn things 500% faster than normal.

A ring created by a studious God. Skills, as well as just learning anything in general will be increased significantly.

I guess that I now know what I am doing during my break. That is, learning a bunch of shit. There are a few languages that I would like to learn. On top of that, the number of things that I want to learn is immense.

Would learning during my break still count as a break? I might have to postpone my date with Sofiel. I just remembered that I am completely broke. I don’t even have a bank account. How can I take a girl on a date when I’m broke as a joke?

With this ring, which I immediately put on and set up a new loadout for, I should be able to learn how to play the stock market, and then become rich within a few days. Then I can take her on a date. I hope she’ll understand.

The ring was modest looking but still very pretty. With so many rings on my fingers, would people think that I have multiple wives? I don't recall seeing Victoria wearing any rings...

Yui: “Erika? You seem to be lost in thought. Are you okay?” Yui asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “Hm? Oh, sorry. I was just mesmerized by this item I got for completing a task.” I say with an embarrassed chuckle.

Yui: “I see… it does look interesting. By the way, Erika, you only have one task left, right?” Yui asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “That’s right, I have to make you happy.” I say with a sigh.

Yui: “No need to sigh, I already know what would make me happy.” Yui said after a small laugh.

Erika: “What’s that?” I ask with a head tilt.

Yui: “Sofiel is your lover, that I can tell. I also assume that you have other women who are also interested in you. I just have one question.” Yui said with a pause.

I didn’t reply, so that she could think about what she wanted to say, or at least get the courage to say it.

Yui: “Could I be one of those women? I’m not asking for you to be in a relationship with me, I just want to know that you aren’t bothered by me chasing you.” Yui said with an unsure tone.

Erika: “I don’t mind. Sofiel was the first to snag me but, if you count her as well, I already have six women chasing after me. And one more won’t be that big of a deal. Also, it’s not like I plan to just leave them hanging. I have every intention to be in a romantic relationship with them. I just want to take it slow.” I explain calmly.

Yui: “That’s good to know! Even better that I know that I actually have a chance to be with you.” Yui said with an excited and happy tone.

I then got another message from Lilith.

Lilith: “Erika, I was joking! I didn’t expect you to solve that last one so easily… Whatever! Ten Monster Cores or a Weapon, or armor?”

Erika: "Did you mention a weapon just to irk me?"

Lilith: "Yes. Now please answer."

Erika: “Hmm… just give me the Monster Cores. I’m not wanting for gear at the moment. As you already know, you cheeky girl.”

Lilith: “Since Nadia has given me full rein of cheating for you to help you out, I’ll give you a service.”

Erika: “I don’t like where this is going but, what kind of service?”

Lilith: “I’ll double the Monster Cores if, you guess correctly the cup size of the woman whose breasts I am currently fondling.”

How the hell am I just supposed to guess that!? Wait… Knowing Lilith, she most likely chose the two girls with the biggest busts. She has never told me her taste in women but, I just feel like that is something she would do.

Erika: “Shot in the dark, F cup?”

Lilith: “…”

Erika: “…”

Lilith: “What the fuck? Did you cheat? How the hell did you guess that!?” Lilith screamed into my head rather than message me.

Erika: “I had you pegged as a big boob lover, so I figured that you would ask Nadia for the two girls that had the biggest breasts.” I reply with a smug tone.

Lilith: “What even made you think that!?” Lilith yelled again.

Erika: “Just a guess. Now, gimme the bonus Monster Cores already!” I say with a fed-up tone in my head.

Lilith: “Shit… I totally lied about Nadia letting me cheat for you, it was only for that one time; now I’m going to have to tell her that I lost a game with you regarding a woman’s breast size…” Lilith said with a defeated tone.

Erika: “You’ve made your bed, now, Cores?” I ask once again.

Lilith: “Here! I swear if this gets me demoted…” Was the last thing Lilith said before she stopped talking.

Yui: “Lost in thought again?” Yui asked.

Erika: “I was just talking to someone, sorry.” I say with a wave of my hand.

Yui: “Was it someone from your group? If I recall correctly, you said that you wanted to move to this dimension, right? As it is my dimension, I, of course, give you permission to live here. Gives me more chances to get with and flirt with you after all.” Yui said with a laugh.

Erika: “Good point. I should tell them that they can come over now.” I reply with a thinking pose.

I then grabbed my phone and opened up the guild chat.

Erika: “Everyone, I’ve finished all of my tasks.”

Victoria: “Wonderful! Ah, Alice and Sofiel were so lucky to get to see you! I can’t wait to see you once again.”

Sofiel: “That’s because Erika needed our help, and that we were able to help her out. It wasn’t even that long since you last saw her. She’s also going on break so, you’ll see more of her for a while.”

Victoria: “True… doesn’t make me any less excited to see her again.”

Sofiel: “You would say that about another woman, while seating right next to one of your wives?”

Victoria: “I plan to marry Erika anyway, so it’s fine.”

Sofiel: “True, I guess.”

Alice: “Could you two stop fighting? I’m sure that Erika is tired. Now we have work to do. Sofiel, I’ll lend you some of my power so that you can transfer everyone. Victoria, you do the same.”

Erika: “Aren’t you all in the same room? Why not just talk to each other, rather than through the chat?”

Alice: “It’s more fun this way.”

Sofiel: "Alice is very wise."

Victoria: "Plus, this way, Nadia won't get to eavesdrop on our conversations."

Knowing Nadia, she most likely is actually spying on this group chat with her position of power over the System but, they don't need to know that. I mean, they should but, no way in hell am I going to piss Nadia off.

Erika: “I see… Anyway, you should probably also take anything unique from that dimension so you won’t miss it later.”

Victoria: “Like what?”

Erika: “Books, recipes, fruits and vegetables that don’t exist here, etc. I’ve noticed a few things like that, which don’t exist here in this dimension.”

Alice: “Ah, very wise indeed. Since me and Victoria will have nothing to do, we should make a list.”

Erika: “Should we really be moving everyone already? I know that they all want a modern dimension to live in but, we don’t even have a place to stay yet.”

Oh God… that actually didn’t even think about that, did they?

Sofiel: “…”

Victoria: “…”

Alice: “…Ah, sorry Erika, you’re right. I guess we got too excited and overlooked a few things. Me, Alice, and Victoria will head there and find a place to stay first.”

Erika: “Alright, Sasaki would probably be okay with you all staying here until then.”

After I finished sending that message, those three showed up. They introduced themselves to Yui and then they all hugged me. Okay, I get Victoria and Alice but, why’d did Sofiel feel the need to hug me? Unlike them, she had far more chances to hog me than they did. Maybe she was just playing along.

I asked the maids to give them rooms to stay in, and then I went to take a bath. It was decently late by now and I wanted to sleep, so that I could get some leftover work done, and then finally take a well earned break.

Yui and those three decided to take a bath with me. They graciously helped me wash my body sparkly clean. I decided to completely ignore the fact that all four of them took many liberties to cop a feel of my body.

Honestly, it felt good to be desired like this. It gave me an amazing confidence boost. The fact that they were all women, as well as extremely beautiful, helped me come to that conclusion.

I relaxed in the bath with them for an hour before getting out. We four came to an understanding while bathing together. We decided to check out each other’s bodies with our eyes.

I say our bodies but, it was mostly me checking out their bodies while they only checked out mine. Though, I had already planned on giving Sofiel my first time so, I didn’t try touching them but, I did want to. Resisting the urge to do so was harder than I thought.

Sofiel completely nude made her small breasts look bigger. Alice’s breasts were also nothing to sneeze at. Victoria was the biggest of us all with Yui and I in the middle of the breast sizes.

After looking at their bodies for the better part of the hour long bath, I came to the conclusion that I wouldn’t be disappointed with either of them. Although, I do think that a personal and emotional connection is more important in a relationship, them all being beautiful and also having bodies that suit my taste in women, just means that I’ll end up liking them even more.

When I exited the bath, I went straight to my room since, I needed to cool off. And in more ways than one…

Once I dried off, I only put back on my lingerie and laid in bed. I was still affected by the sights that I saw in the bath, so I contemplated touching myself but, I remembered that I’ve never done such a thing before. The fact that I've made it this long in life without ever feeling the need to touch my intimate parts, is funny, I know.

Rather than hurt myself or do something wrong, I should wait for Sofiel to teach me everything. I mean, I could just look it up on my phone but, I think it would be far hotter if Sofiel was the one to teach me about a woman’s body and how to please it.

I mean, surely Sofiel will be excited at the prospect of teaching me about my own body. Especially when I've never even done sexual things before. Not counting when Sofiel kissed me. Ah... just thinking about what kind of look will show up on her face when I tell her this, makes me shudder.

That kiss... that was the moment I realized that I was interested in sexual things. I've been wanting to do more ever since then...

With that decision, I needed another way to calm myself down…

My phone in hand, I looked up everything that I could about finance. What was only going to be me messing around for a few minutes to calm down, turned into me staying up for hours researching.

I could do this… it would be so easy to make so much money! Problem is, I don’t have an ID or bank account… Maybe Sasaki could help me with that? I should ask her tomorrow.

I also need to ask her about those three staying here. I feel bad about just letting them stay without her permission but, the likelihood that she'll be fine with it is high.

It was easy to tell that it was late in the night, but I was still going to research longer but, then I looked at the time on my phone. It was 3:32 AM, I had spent over six hours just researching… this ring is kinda dangerous, I guess…

Feels like I just took an entire doctorate college course on finance… I thought this ring only helped with learning speed but, instead, it’s more like understanding something on an even higher level than normal.

Hell, all I did was read a few papers and articles. None even at the level of something like college education. How fast would I learn if I took a college course on a subject?

The very idea excites me greatly but, I should really get some sleep now. I have some remaining research on finance to do before I start investing, and there is no way that I am doing that tonight.

I put my phone away in the desk drawer next to my bed, so it would take me more effort to get to it, so that I could get some sleep. Knowing me, I would end up staying awake far longer unless I separated myself from it.

After trying to sleep for thirty minutes, I finally drifted off to dream land.

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