Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 3: Chapter 5: Sleep, Morning, Then Guild.

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here 

Chapter 5: Sleep, Morning, Then Guild.

*Sofiel’s POV*

A while ago, I sensed a surge of mana. It was similar to what would happen as a byproduct of Erika going to a different dimension.

With that knowledge, I, as well as the others, knew that Erika has left once again.

Not forever mind you, just until she is finished with her Tasks in whatever dimension she had gone to. Now, we’re currently doing something that would surely upset Erika if she ever found out about it…

Victoria: “Alright, place your bets.” Victoria said with a cheeky tone.

Alice: “Should we really be betting on this?” Alice asked with a sigh.

Yui: “Why not? It sounds fun.” Yui said with a giggle.

Alice: “What if Erika gets upset when she finds out?” Alice asked.

Sofiel: “We just won’t let her find out, now, place your bets!” I say with an excited tone.

All of Erika’s lovers were here. What were we betting on? We’re betting on how long it would take for Erika to do something crazy. Of course!

Victoria: “I give her a week.” Victoria confidently said.

Sofiel: “That’s too long! I gave her three days.” I say with an assured tone.

Yui: “I’ll go with five days.” Yui said.

Alice: “What are we even betting on?” Alice asked.

Victoria: “We’re betting on who gets to monopolize Erika for a week.” Victoria replied.

Alice: “…”

Alice: “Fine… I give her by tomorrow.” Alice gave in with a sigh.

Hm… are we bad people for betting on something like this? Maybe. It’s fun, though. What else are we supposed to do while waiting for her to come back?

I mean, I have Victoria but, the others do not have anyone else to spend time with.

Well, I guess that we’re technically spending time together. Even if it’s just to talk about Erika…

With there not really being many options to bet with, everyone else joined in the four camps. Whatever team gets the closes will split the week between each other.

Now that the betting is done, we all decided to play card games together. Actually, I’m sure that we all feel bad that we aren’t helping Erika out…

Victoria: “Sofiel, don’t look like that. Erika went to a dimension where we can’t help or communicate with her at all.” Victoria said with a caring tone.

Sofiel: “I know… I just wish that she would have informed us of it beforehand.” I say with a pout.

Nadia: “If she did, you all wouldn’t have let her go.” Nadia said with a stern tone.

Sofiel: “…”

Sofiel: “Eh, screw it! Let’s play more card games!” I say with a fed-up tone.

Although we bet on Erika doing something crazy, we don’t wish for her to do anything dangerous. But we can’t really stop her. She enjoys her job far too much…

*Erika’s POV*

Finally, we made it to Timbervein, the sun was once again in the process of going down. Timbervein was a city surrounded by huge stone walls. Luckily, the girls I saved had helped me get into the city. I had no form of ID after all.

Petra and the others decided to go their separate ways.

Not really, though. They’re all adventures. According to Petra, in case an adventure survives a mission that had bad information, they will be compensated.

Petra: “I’ll go to the guild tomorrow. I’m still tired.” Petra said with a sigh.

Erika: “I see. I guess that I’ll do the same.” I agree.

Petra: “I have my own place to stay, but I doubt that you do. You definitely don’t seem like someone from around here. If you'd like, I’ll take you to an Inn that is safe.” Petra proposed.

Erika: “I’ll take you up on that offer. By the way, what do you mean by safe?” I ask with a curious tone.

Petra: “This city is nice and all but, it’s not perfect. I’m taking you to Yelia’s Inn. It only allows female customers.” Petra answered.

Erika: “Hm… that sounds nice but, I don’t have any money on me.” I say with a sigh.

Petra: “What? Didn’t you kill like a shit ton of Goblins?” She asked with a confused expression.

Erika: “Yeah, and?” I ask with a head tilt.

Petra: “Did you happen to take any of their resources from them? Judging from how your weapons are just floating there, I assume you can use space magic. Which means you have a place to store things at all times.” Petra asked.

Which reminds me, I forgot to check my spoils of war. And… I got 193 E Grade Monster Cores and 85 D Grade Monster Cores. Most of those Goblins didn’t drop anything in the end…

Erika: “All I took was their Monster Cores.” I say with a shrug.

Petra: “Well, here, take these silver coins.” Petra said with her hand out.

She had 15 silver coins in her hand. I guess that this is the currency, at least for this kingdom.

Erika: “I can’t just take your money.” I refuse.

Petra: “You aren’t “taking” my money, you did save me, you know.” Petra said with a laugh.

True… But I didn't do that to get paid. It's not like they asked me to help them.

Erika: “How many nights would that get me?” I ask.

Petra: “If you spent it all? Well, Yelia’s is a decently high end place so, only one day and night.” Petra replied with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Okay, thanks. In return, you take these.” I offer.

What did I offer? Just five D Grade Monster Cores. Oddly, she looked at me like I was weird…

Petra: “You do realize that I could get a gold coin each for those, right?” She asked with a confused tone.

Erika: “Can you? I had gotten 85 from those Goblins so, don’t worry, I have more.” I say to try to dismiss her concerns.

Petra: “Well shit. The only kind of person who would be this nice, they wouldn’t be from this dimension.” Petra said with a sigh.

Erika: “Bingo!” I jokingly say.

Petra: “…”

Erika: “Are people like me a common occurrence?” I ask with a curious tone.

Petra: “Yes. There have been tons of Gods, Goddesses, and people from other dimensions that come to this one. For humans, it’s usually through being summoned by the royalty of certain kingdoms.” Petra answered.

Erika: “How many would you say that are in this dimension right now?” I ask.

Petra: “Can’t be more than a few. Most of them end up dying. Even the Gods and Goddesses. Oh, I assume that you weren’t summoned.” Petra said.

Erika: “How did you figure that out?” I ask with a head tilt.

Petra: “You don’t have any guards with you, and you don’t flaunt that you have the support of a kingdom.” Petra shrugged.

Erika: “True. I’m what’s called a Dark Savior. Under a Task Pact, I go to other dimensions and complete Tasks in them.” I explain.

Petra: “Dark Savior? You might want to stay away from Klein then.” Petra said with a concerned tone.

Erika: “Klein?” I ask.

Petra: “A kingdom close to this one. The current queen of Klein is a Savior. At least, that’s what she says she is.” Petra said.

Erika: “Hm? Why bother to become a ruler? From my understanding, Saviors do the same as me. Just not with Tasks.” I say with a thinking pose.

Petra: “She could be lying but, from what I’ve heard, she acts similarly to how you act. As for her motives, I have no idea.” Petra said with a shrug.

That’s odd… What the hell would her becoming a queen accomplish? I guess the higher up Saviors act differently than what I am used to.

And what does she mean by how I act? Do I act in a weird way? Hm… maybe I just act like someone that’s not from this dimension.

Petra and I were walking the entire time we talked. Not noticing my surroundings, we ended up at a small but decent looking house.

Petra: “This is my place. Instead of going to the Inn, just sleep here with me. I have a spare bedroom.” Petra offered.

Erika: “Thanks, that would be great. Here’s your money back.” I say with a smile.

Petra: “Keep it. I’ll turn in those Monster Cores at the guild tomorrow. You should come with me, you said that you had more, right?” Petra said.

Erika: “I do. Nice place you got here.” I say.

Her house was simple but nice. Can’t really complain.

Petra: “Shoot… I forgot to buy dinner. Usually, I would make some food but, it’s too late now…” Petra said with a defeated tone.

I moved over to her table, and took out two dinner meals from my inventory. Specifically teriyaki chicken and fried rice. Nadia made a lot of portions of this meal. I guess she found out that it’s my favorite meal.

She must have used a decent amount of the money I gave her on dishware. How else would she be able to put well over a few thousand meals each on separate plates and bowls? Each meal even came with their own utensils!

Petra: “Where… where did you get this food from?” Petra asked with a confused tone and expression.

Erika: “One of my lovers is a very good cook so, she made me a ton of meals for me to eat while I’m on a mission. Don’t worry, my inventory keeps food as fresh as the second I put them in it.” I reply with a bright smile.

Petra: “Well, I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” Petra jokingly said before taking a seat at the table.

I also sat down at the table. Digging in, yup, just as good as always. Petra, on the other hand, was completely enraptured by the food. It was like she was in a trance.

She didn’t once look up from her meal. Not until the plate was completely clean. Petra was clearly a growing girl. Though she was definitely around age 20 or older.

In respect for her growth, and because she looked down at the empty plate with a sad look on her face that hurt my heart to see, I gave her another serving of the same meal.

Once again, her focus was only on her food. I don’t think that I’ll make her one of my lovers but, damn, girls are so cute.

I was truly reborn just to pamper cute girls. I know this for a fact. There is no other reason for me to be given a second chance. What? Save all of existence? No way!

While lost in thought, Petra had finished her second serving of food. She still cutely had some leftovers on her face that she quickly rubbed away.

Petra: “…”

Erika: “What’s wrong?” I ask.

Petra: “I’m sorry… That food was so good that I was completely lost in it…” Petra said with an embarrassed tone.

Erika: “No need to be embarrassed, I do know how good Nadia’s food is.” I say with a laugh.

Still red in the face, Petra showed me to the spare bedroom that she had told me about. The bedroom was pretty basic. Just a bed and two nightstands. That’s pretty much it.
Basic but, I’ve slept in worse conditions before. Petra told me, “Goodnight.” And then left the room.

Getting onto the bed, I had a terrible realization… Somehow, my sleeping bag was more comfortable than this bed… Granted, my sleeping bag wasn’t your run of the mill one.

It was a very expensive luxury one. So was my tent. Both had heating and cooling. Though, not as comfortable as my bed back at our house. If I remember correctly, Nadia said that the sleeping bag alone was $15,000 grand USD.

I feel kinda bad about not using Petra’s bed but, there is no way will I be getting good sleep on it. I mean, I could sleep on it easily but, I had a better option available to me.

As such, I took out my sleeping bag and set it out on the floor. Snuggling in it was easy, as you would expect.

I then quickly fell asleep.

*Eight hours later.*

Waking up, it seems that I was the first to stir awake. Or at least, Petra had not tried to wake me up yet. Storing my sleeping bag, I went out of the bedroom. Petra was nowhere to be found.

Peeping into her room, she was still fast asleep. I won’t wake her up. She did go through a pretty shitty event. But I do have to wait for her to wake up.

I mean, I could wander around aimlessly but, waiting for her to guide me around the city, is clearly the best option I have.

Not that I don’t want to explore but, I am here on a job. And I do have a willing guide. At least, willing to take me to the Adventures Guild.

I went down the stairs, and then sat down on the small couch in her living room. I then took out an E Grade Monster Core from my inventory.

Then I took a bite out of it. Crunchy! And it tastes like rock candy. With a slight hesitation, I swallowed the bits still in my mouth.

This time I didn’t take any damage or spit up blood. It was like I just ate some candy. I won't ask why a change in the System version all of a sudden just allows me to eat something without harm.

Some really good candy I might add! The one I ate looked dark blue, and it tasted like raspberries.

Monster Cores were all random colors, I took out another E Grade one. This time it was a light red color.

It tasted like cherries. Too bad, I hate cherries… The next one I took out was emerald green. Ah, green apple taste at its finest!

Now, you should understand, these Monster Cores taste amazing so, please don’t be surprised to hear that I ate 25 of them…

And the only reason I stopped eating them, was because I heard Petra waking up and coming downstairs.

Normally, people die from eating Monster Cores. It’s best to not let other people see me indulge in eating them.

A major downside is that I get no Stat Points for eating a Monster Core. A very expensive luxury candy indeed. The loss in Stat Points is worth it for how good Monster Cores taste, so I don’t mind.

Petra: “Good morning Erika. You wouldn’t happen to have breakfast stored in your inventory, would you?” Petra jokingly said.

Erika: “I have meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so, yes, I do.” I say with a chuckle.

Petra: “Wait… really? I was actually joking… How many things can you even store anyway?” Petra asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Hm… I haven’t checked in a while, hold on.” I say.

Looking at the System app on my phone, even with all of the food that Nadia gave me, I still have 1000 free inventory spaces.

Erika: “I currently have 1000 free spaces.” I reply.

Petra: “…”

Petra: “In this dimension, you can buy a bag that has space magic on it. Only royalty can get bags that store more than 50 items. Even then, I’ve heard that the most expensive ones can only store around 100 items…” Petra said with a sigh.

Erika: “So, keep my inventory a secret. I got it.” I say with a shrug.

I’ll just pretend to take something out of my pocket whenever I use my inventory. Oh wait, I’m wearing a dress… Oh well, that's a problem for future me to deal with.

Petra: “You honestly should. Though, it does make me happy that you would trust me with so many of your secrets.” Petra said with a smile.

Erika: “Yup. Now then, what do you want for breakfast? I might have something that you would enjoy.” I ask.

Petra: “Something light, if possible.” She replied after thinking for a bit.

Erika: “Order up!” I jokingly say after walking to the table.

I got out two servings of ramen. This will surely knock her socks off. Oh wait, she isn’t wearing any socks…

Petra was a little hesitant while looking at the unknown food. One taste was all it took for her reservations to leave, then she ate her ramen with gusto.

I ate mine as well. Just not as fast her she did. Petra is definitely a foodie. Once her food was done, she looked up at me with an embarrassed look once again.

Petra: “Sorry…” Petra said with a red face.

Erika: “No worries. You’re pretty cute when you shut out the entire world when eating something tasty.” I say with a laugh.

Petra: “…”

Petra: “Anyway… do you perhaps want to head to the bathhouse first, before going to the Guild?” Petra asked.

Erika: “What for?” I ask sarcastically before flicking my wrist.

Green tinted magic swirled around us of my doing, and then we were completely clean from head to toe.

Petra: “Right… I forgot that you can do that… You should also keep that a secret as well. Cleaning magic is highly sought after.” Petra said with a sigh.

Erika: “Noted.” I reply.

Petra then sighed again and then we left her house. The trip to the Adventure’s Guild did not take long at all. In fact, I’m sure that she bought her house because it was so close to it.

The guild looked like a generic fantasy guild you would see in a game. Or not. It looked more like a modern, but still medieval, luxury building. Similar to a small estate of a rich noble.

Inside, there wasn’t a bar, or a place to eat in it. This building’s sole purpose was business. Nothing more, nothing less. The staff all looked and acted professionally.

There was a long line that we had to wait in. I recognized most of the people in line.

It was mostly the women who I saved yesterday. I guess they all had the same idea that Petra had. Which was to wait until the next day since they were tired. After waiting for a few minutes, it was our turn.

Receptionist: “Hello, how may I help you two today?” She kindly asked.

Petra: “Same as the previous ones in line. Here’s my ID to prove that I went on that Goblin mission. Though, the girl next to me just needs to get an ID.” Petra replied.

Receptionist: “Certainly, the reimbursement comes out to one gold coin and a hundred silver.” She said before handing Petra a small pouch.

Petra: “Thanks.” Petra said.

Receptionist: “As for the newcomer, would you kindly tell me your name, and then put your hand on this orb?” She asked.

Erika: “My name is Erika Ardent.” I say before touching the glowy orb thing.

It shined like crazy. Shit… there are a lot of people here. I didn’t want to make a scene. This is why they should do these kinds of things in a private area…

Receptionist: “Wow! An unranked. How rare!” She said with an excited tone.

Erika: “Unranked?” I ask with a curious tone.

Petra: “Ranks go from F to S. Being unranked means that you are far above any ranking system we currently have.” Petra explained.

Receptionist: “That’s correct. There isn’t a single mission that you can’t take on when you’re unranked. Here’s your ID. We’re glad to have you with the guild.” She said with a warm tone before handing me an ID.

The ID was a metal engraved card. It had my name and my Rank. Which was listed as “Unranked.” clearly on it.

Petra: “Erika, let’s head over to the resource turn in counter.” Petra told me.

I waved the cute receptionist goodbye, and then replaced her with another cute one at a different desk. What a wonderful world this dimension is.

Petra: “Hello, I… we would like to turn in some Monster Cores.” Petra said to the receptionist.

Receptionist: “Sure thing, just lay them out on the counter.” She issued.

Petra produced the Monster Cores that I gave her onto the counter, then I put down 60 E Grade Monster Cores, and 40 D Grade Monster Cores. I still wanted to keep a few for when the shop feature opens up in the System.

The receptionist looked surprised but quickly regained her composure.

Receptionist: “That will come out to 48 gold coins and 957 silver.” She said.

Petra: “That will do just fine.” Petra happily said.

Receptionist: “Wonderful, I will head into the back and be back with your money shortly.” She said.

A whopping ten minutes later, the receptionist came back with sacks of money. The main reason she took so long was clearly that the bags were super heavy.

And there were two of them. Most likely the gold and silver coins in separate bags.

Petra: “Wow, those look heavy. You should have just asked for us to help you.” Petra said with a remorseful tone.

Receptionist: “It’s fine, will you two need someone to help you carry them?” She asked slightly out of breath.

Petra: “Erika can carry them, right?” Petra jokingly said.

Feeling cheeky, I picked up the two coin bags with ease. No really, they barely weighed a thing. Only now do I realize that I haven’t really experimented with my strength.

I need to try to pick up a car or something when I get back… A very interesting party trick if it works.

It took until after I finished that thought to realize that Petra and the receptionist lady were looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces.

Erika: “What?” I ask with a head tilt.

Petra said thanks to the receptionist and then rushed me over to an uncrowded area of the guild.

Petra: “Please tell me that you’re just showing off and that those bags are still quite heavy for you…” Petra asked with a pleading tone.

Erika: “I am not. They were lighter than I thought they would be. Anyway, your share should be five gold coins, right?” I reply.

Petra: “Ignoring that weight comment, just store the money. If you don’t mind, I would to travel with you for at least until you’ve finished your goal in this dimension.” Petra asked.

Erika: “I don’t mind. It would be nice to have someone to talk to.” I reply with a smile.

Petra said a very excited, “Hell yeah!” before turning red from embarrassment. I then stored the coins in my inventory.

I noticed five very not friendly gazes towards me. Looks like I will be killing some people soon. Oh, the tragedy!

Petra didn’t seem to notice them, though. She guided me over to the mission board. I then looked at the board for a few minutes. There was a mission that caught my eye.

It was a mission to escort a VIP. The rank was S rank so, whoever the mission called to escort, was clearly a very important person.

I mean, it won’t progress my Tasks but, it sounds fun at least. The mission was to escort them to Klein and back. I quickly grabbed it before anyone else could, and then handed it to the receptionist.

Petra: “Didn’t I tell you specifically NOT to go to Klein?” Petra asked with a facepalm.

Erika: “Why not? It sounds fun. Sure, my group is opposed to the Saviors but, it’s not like we would cause a fight for no reason.” I say with a shrug.

Ah, I feel like this might have been a lie… I mean, I think that I was always the first one to start the conflict, so maybe it isn’t?

Petra: “Fine… That mission had ASAP on it so, let’s head to the meetup point.” Petra said with a sigh.

The place the mission said to meet at was the carriage rental place. I had no idea where such a place would be but, Petra did so she guided us to it.

On the way there, we were stopped by five people. All humans. Definitely the people I felt the gazes from earlier. The one who looked to be the leader of the group, came up to me with a smirk on his face.

Leader: “Listen here! Give us everything in your storage! And then we’ll let you two go unharmed.” He said with a stern tone.

Honestly, I was going to threaten them and then leave. But then I remembered that I am technically on the evil side. What are a few charred corpses left in my wake?

Erika: “Leave within the next five seconds, otherwise you all die.” I say with a serious tone and with an evil smile.

It’s been a while since I’ve last killed someone. I will admit it. Killing people who are clearly bad, does make me feel good. Instead of running away, they all got out their weapons. With a laugh, I flicked my wrist and set them all ablaze.

Though the pavement was stone, I didn’t see a reason to let them continue to burn, so after I was sure that they were dead, I poured water onto the bodies.

Hm… oddly, Goblins smell better burnt than humans do. I should keep that in mind. I don’t want to smell this smell again. I’ll just use some other kind of magic next time.

Petra: “Fuck… remind me to never get on your bad side.” Petra said with a cheeky tone.

With how she reacted, I assume that she is completely fine with me killing our fellow humans. I mean, I did go overboard but, I would still consider this self defense.

Some guards showed up a few seconds later. Apparently, a witness had called for them. We showed them our IDs and explained what happened.

Either self defense was a supported right in this kingdom, or they just didn’t want to mess with an unranked person. Since they just let us go without being detained or being put through any further questioning.

According to Petra, that group was known to rob and sometimes even kill other adventures. The guild just never had enough evidence to convict them and press charges. Looks like I do the work for them. Just in a more permanent manner.

With the smell of charred human remains behind us, Petra and I continued to our destination without any other problems cropping up.

Once there, we had to find our client. Oh, I do wonder who it might be. It’s surely not the people in the guarded and very luxurious looking carriage…

Walking up to it, yeah, I’m pretty sure this was it. There was a guard who approached us with caution.

Female Guard: “Halt! State your business!” She demanded.

Erika: “Hello, we accepted the escort mission from the guild.” I reply with a calm tone.

Female Guard: “You’re the ones that will be escorting my liege? You look like children…” She said with a dismissive tone.

Hey! I’ll have you know that I am over a hundred years old! So, very many thanks for the compliment! Ah, it feels good to still look young, even at my age.

I flashed her my ID and the little token that the receptionist gave me. The little token, which I forgot to mention until now, showed that we had accepted the mission, and weren’t lying about it.

She looked like she didn’t believe me at all. And she didn’t. She knocked on the door to the carriage, and a woman opened the window of it. The guard handed her my ID.

From the spike of mana, I could tell that the woman had done something to my ID. Probably to check if it was real.

The woman then got out of her carriage and looked at me. She was a woman probably in her twenties. She had deep blue eyes and long golden hair that went down to her chest. She wore a very luxurious looking blue dress.

I finally figured out what my Luck Stat actually does! I am just more likely to encounter beautiful women. How else would this happen so often?

She then walked around me a few times.

Woman: “Hm… mind if I try to punch you?” She asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Just keep it above the waist and below the chest.” I say with a joking tone.

Without any hesitation, she punched me right in the stomach. It hurt so much that I passed out from the… I’m joking again.

It’s not like the punch didn’t feel like nothing, it still had some oomph to it. Checking my HP, it went down by 50 points. What a feat, this woman was clearly something special.

Those Goblins could only hope to do chip damage, and really only do 1 point of damage with each hit. Granted, when they used their weapons, I did shed blood but, my HP barely went down at all. My wounds also healed far faster than they could actually hurt me in any real manner.

Lost in thought, I didn’t realize that the woman was grimacing and holding her hand in pain. Once out of my delusions, I quickly used healing magic on her hand.

This didn’t stop her all female guards from taking their weapons out and pointing them at me and Petra.

Woman: “Stand down all of you. She doesn’t have any ill will towards me. She even healed my hand.” She said with an annoyed tone.

At her words, the guards quickly put their weapons back away in their sheaths.

Woman: “I’m sorry about them. My name is Anna. I’ve never met someone who could take a punch from me like that. You didn’t even flinch.” Anna said with a hearty laugh.

Erika: “A fine punch it was. Oh right, this is Petra. She isn’t on yours or my level so, please don’t test her like that.” I say with a calm tone.

Anna: “A plus one? I don’t mind. With you escorting me, I don’t even need my guards.” She said with a giggle.

Female Guard: “My lady, please don’t make such jokes.” She said with a concerned tone.

Anna: “Yeah, yeah. Erika was your name, right? I was just going to rent some horses for you two to ride but, instead, just hop in my carriage with me.” Anna said with a playful tone.

Not one to deny a pretty girl, I hopped into her carriage after her, and Petra followed along with me. The interior of the carriage was spacious and just as luxurious as the outside looked.

A few seconds later, the carriage started to move. Not on its own mind you, it was a horse-drawn carriage. Oddly, even though this carriage is most likely very expensive, the ride was pretty rough.

Erika: “Damn, riding on a carriage is rough.” I say with a groan.

Petra: “What do you mean? I don’t think that I’ve ever ridden in a carriage this comfortable before.” Petra said with a confused expression.

Anna: “Yes. I’ve gone to great lengths to ensure my traveling is as comfortable as possible.” Anna agreed.

Honestly, I couldn’t take it any longer. I took out a smart pillow from my inventory and placed it under my butt. I mean, it wasn’t an internet connected pillow. It was just a way more advanced pillow than normal ones. All for the low, low price of $1000 USD per pillow.

It felt like sleeping on a cloud. Sitting on it was the same experience. Now I had another problem. The carriage still went up and down. Even though I didn’t feel the bumps, it was still a little sickening.

Without asking, I used space magic on the main part of the carriage, making sure not to affect the wheels, which made it stop shaking completely. It was now a ride similar to a car. Actually, even quieter and more comfortable than a car.

Anna: “Did… did you really just use space magic for something so benign?” Anna asked with a look of utter disbelief.

Petra: “…”

Even Petra couldn’t believe my blatant misuse of magic. I mean, they don’t know that I have a shit ton of MP after all so, it is very understandable that they would have a reaction like this.

Petra: “I’m just going to see more, and more crazier things the longer I stay with you, won’t I?” Petra asked with a sigh.

Erika: “Most likely. I do get that a lot. By the way, do you want a pillow as well?” I ask with a deadpan expression.

Petra: “Sure.” Petra replied with a sigh.

Anna: “Although you’ve fixed the cabin’s shakiness, may I have one as well?” Anna asked with a curious tone.

Again, I can’t refuse such beautiful women so, I, of course, gave them both a pillow to sit their most likely pretty butts on. Shit… I did become a pervert. Curse you, Sofiel! Not really, though. Can you even curse an Angel?…

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