Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 3: Chapter 8: Old Friend.

Chapter 8: Old Friend.

*Nadia’s POV*

Knowing that I will once again see Victoria’s sister, well just the very thought fills me with great happiness. And of course, the one to give me even more happiness is Erika. Not to say that Victoria doesn't give me happiness, she does.

Will she ever stop making us happy? It’s not just me, it’s like she was granted a second life just to make people happy.

For thousands of years, I’ve been with Victoria. Not once had I ever looked at another person besides her. I was confident and happy knowing that she would be the only one that I would love.

Then Erika showed up. I feel like I am repeating myself here but, it was like Erika, and Victoria were my soul mates. I could feel this deep in my soul so, I knew it to be true.

To have not one but two soul mates? What a lucky woman I am. Was it because of all of the good deeds that I’ve done that I was rewarded so?

It’s hard to say. I actually don’t even want to know the reason. I just want to spend my time with Erika and Victoria. For as long as they would have me.

With Victoria, I was content. I left the work of updating and managing the System to my underclassmen. But, once I began my relationship with Erika, I started helping them with it.

The desire to get rid of this job, so that I could spend more time with them, was clearly too tempting to me. It’s not that I had to work which prevented me from being with them. It’s that my job entails being secretive with them.

Erika knowing about my actual job. It made me realize how much I hated not telling Victoria about it. I couldn’t, though. Erika is an exception. The System favors her. For reasons we probably will never know.

It pains me greatly not being able to tell Victoria. And I know that Erika will never tell her about it. She knows that it would upset Victoria and I.

How could someone with so many scars care about others as well as Erika does? I went too far. I looked into her memories while she slept. Granted, people have suffered more than she has, but that doesn’t devalue her suffering.

And yet, she gives us all so much love and care. It’s as if she understands what we desire and how to comfort us. Victoria and I took many years to figure out each other’s boundaries.

It took Erika only minutes to do so for each of her lovers. A broken person becoming so understanding of others was unheard of. She was originally cold and heartless.

Did reincarnating in that body change her personality? I have no idea. She wasn’t like she is now at first. I guess that she healed quickly. Sofiel was the one who did the most.

Ever since they got together, she had gotten so much better. Erika clearly no longer hated herself. Did she love herself? That I do not know. What I do know is that she loves us with all of her heart and soul.

Victoria was the only other person who could love people like that. At least, the only person like that I have ever met. To love someone isn’t easy but, to love many, at the same level of love, was almost impossible.

It’s funny. I never realized it until now but, thinking about Victoria and Erika while working, makes it way easier to do.

I had won a date with Erika, and fully intend to cash it in. But… I wish to be selfish. I want to go on a date with them both. Is that wrong? As these thousands of years finally made me go insane? Swallowing my hesitation, I stopped working and went to ask Victoria about this.

Victoria: “You want to go on a date with Erika and I?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nadia: “That is correct. Would that be… wrong?” I ask with an unsure tone.

Victoria: “No? Why would you think that? I’m sure that Erika would agree and enjoy a date like that. As would I enjoy it.” Victoria replied with a small laugh.

Nadia: “I see. Then, I would like to propose that when Erika gets back, we three go on a date. Would that be okay?” I asked.

Victoria: “It would be more than okay! I look forward to our date.” Victoria said after kissing me on my lips.

Then she walked away. Oh, I wasn’t going insane. I was just acting like a nervous schoolgirl. How funny… someone as old as me acting like that. Well, whatever, back to work.

I just hope that Erika finishes her Tasks soon. I am very excited about our date.

*Erika’s POV*

Sara looked just as I remembered her. Short blond hair and hazel eyes. It was kind of vexing but, with my new body, Sara was taller than me by quite a bit.

Although I sealed my memories of her, the second that I saw her, they came flooding back to me. Seeing the woman that I once knew, I jumped up from my seat and pointed at her, and yelled.

Erika: “Sara!? Is that really you?” I ask with a loud tone.

Sara: “That is my name, yes. Who might you be?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “It’s me, Lilith!” I reply.

Sara: “Lilith!? It can’t be… you died! I don’t like this game that you are playing!” She said with an angry tone.

Erika: “I swear on my life, you and I were in a special ops group. My codename was Alpha, yours was Holt. I was reincarnated. My new name is Erika.” I say with a serious tone.

Sara: “But… you died on your last mission…” Sara said with a confused tone.

Erika: “I did die but, not on that mission.” I reply.

Sara: “Then what happened? I saw your body, it was completely charred!” Sara asked with a serious tone.

The heck? Did they burn my body? Well, I guess that’s one way to hide a murder. Though, I am pissed off that they destroyed my body...

Erika: “I completed it. My last mission was a set-up by Leader to get me killed. I knew it was a set-up the moment I started that mission. When that didn’t work, he killed me when I returned.” I answer.

Sara: “You knew? Then why did you return?” Sara asked with a confused expression.

Erika: “I knew he was going to kill me, and I didn’t much care about living at the time.” I say with a slightly sad tone.

Sara: “Ah… so that’s why. Now I know the whole truth.” Sara replied with a sigh.

Erika: “Sara?” I ask.

Sara: “Sorry for leading you on, I needed to know that you weren’t lying.” Sara said with tears falling down her face.

I didn’t ask any more questions and went over to her and hugged her dearly.

Erika: “Are you okay now?” I ask.

Sara: “I am fine now, thanks.” She replied with a smile.

Erika: “Are you sure?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Sara: “Erika, I have something to tell you…” Sara said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “What is it?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sara: “First, how did you die? I never found that out.” She asked.

Erika: “Leader gunned me down in his office. Ah, with my back turned to him, of course.” I answer with a slight chuckle.

Sara: “Figures, he was always a coward. Anyway, Erika, I knew that he killed you. So I killed him. Your father was the one who ordered the hit. Leader always hated your guts so, it didn’t take much to get him to kill you.” Sara explained.

Erika: “You killed them?” I ask with a shocked tone and expression.

So my father was the cause of my death... What did I ever do to that bastard anyway? Oh well, not like I will ever know the truth now.

Sara: “Does that upset you?” She asked with a sad look on her face.

Erika: “No. My father was a real piece of shit, and so was Leader.” I shrug.

Sara: “Good to know. Anyway, I had killed them, then because it was a very taxing and extreme ordeal, I was noticed by the Saviors, and forcefully made into one.” Sara explained with an angry tone.

Erika: “I see. Come sit down, we can talk more.” I offer to her.

She then sat down on the couch opposite me, Anna, and Petra.

Anna: “We can have our discussion once you two finish getting up to speed.” Anna offered.

Sara: “Yes, I would like that.” Sara agreed.

Erika: “Okay, Sara, I am a Dark Savior. I can convert you into one. Before you ask, I was not forced into this, and Dark Saviors don’t really have a group.” I explain calmly.

Sara: “Is there a difference between Saviors and Dark Saviors?” Sara asked.

Erika: “I haven’t asked but, do you all have a System?” I ask a question of my own.

Anna: “I do. So does Siesta.” Anna replied to which Siesta nodded in agreement.

Sara: “I do as well.” Sara replied.

Petra: “Same here!” Petra replied with one of her hands up.

Erika: “Alright so, at least from my understanding, Dark Saviors are recognized by the System. Saviors are not fully. They’re just a group that calls themselves that. I say not fully, because I can convert a Savior into a Dark Savior. I also haven’t seen or heard of any Savior that has a title as such. Meanwhile, Dark Saviors have their own title.” I explain slowly.

Sara: “I don’t have a Savior title so you’re probably right.” Sara said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “I see. To become a Dark Savior, you have to say, “I wish to become a Dark Savior.” And then kiss my hand.” I explain.

Then Sara quickly goes along with the oath and kisses my hand. I haven’t seen it in a while but, that whole dark aura thing is still a sight to behold.

Sara: “You know, I don’t feel any different.” Sara said with a confused tone.

Erika: “You shouldn’t. It’s basically just a job change.” I answer with a shrug.

Sara: “I do have a Dark Savior title now, though. What’s the next plan of action?” Sara asks.

Erika: “Anna will be the one to answer that. I am just her escort.” I reply with a giggle.

Anna: “Right, if I recall correctly, you wish for our two kingdoms to become one.” Anna questions.

Sara: “That’s correct. All of the other kingdoms on this continent are controlled by Saviors. Which was something that I helped with, unfortunately. I only just recently realized that outside communication was blocked in this dimension. Which was why I decided to rebel.” Sara explained.

Anna: “Then let’s do that. Erika seems to greatly trust you, so I see no reason we shouldn’t do the same.” Anna and Sara shook each other’s hands to agree to the deal.

After which, a few maids came into the room and handed documents to Sara and Anna, who signed each one.

Once the documents were signed, I got a notification on my phone saying that the Bolster Demon Queen’s Group Task was completed. Weird, I didn’t really help much in that regard. Maybe because Anna was going to end up dead without me? Anyway, two X Grade Monster Cores for me! I can’t believe that I am going to be justified in eating them. What fun!

Sara: “Well, now that the hard part is over. What is Erika’s part in this?” Sara asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “I have a Task Pact with a Demon Goddess named Victoria. Basically, I go to dimensions and complete Tasks in them.” I explain.

Sara: “I assume your group has a name?” She asks.

Erika: “Right. The name is a little misleading but, my group is called the Dimension Destroyers.” I reply.

Anna: “Dammit Victoria… that girl always had the need to make everything so special. Of course, she would come up with a name like that.” Anna said with a sigh.

Erika: “I don’t think she came up with it.” I reply with one of my hands on my chin.

Sara: “She’s right. I’ve heard about their group. Their name was given to them by the Saviors. We call them that as propaganda. They basically just go around and stop Saviors from taking over dimensions.” Sara explained after a small giggle.

Anna: “That so? Well, I guess that’s fine then.” She said with a sigh.

Sara: “By the way, how do you know Erika and Victoria?” Sara asked.

Anna: “I’ve just met Erika a few days ago, as for Victoria, she is my sister. In my past life. Though, I still consider myself her sister. Erika is one of Victoria’s wives.” She explained.

Sara: “Erika is married? The stone cold emotionless beauty is married!?” Sara yelled with a shocked tone.

Erika: “Yeah, I admit, I was cold back then but that was because of my upbringing. I have multiple wives now. And they have long since melted my frozen heart.” I explain with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Sara: “I’m glad that you’re happy now. You deserve it. By the way, I have something to give you.” Sara said.

Erika: “What is it?” I ask with a head tilt.

She waved to one of the maids and she left. The maid came back with a box. Sara then handed me the ornate wooden box.

Sara: “This box has all of the medals that you earned in your military career.” Sara explained.

I opened up the box to see about 35 different ribbons and medals. I wasn’t even aware that I would get medals, considering my service should have been top secret.

These would be perfect to hang up in frames in my room. I think that I will do that. I put the box into my inventory. That way I won’t lose them.

Erika: “Thanks for keeping these for all this time.” I say while struggling to not cry.

Sara: “How could I not? It was all I had to remember you by.” Sara said with a sad tone.

Petra: “I really feel like an 8th wheel in this whole situation.” Petra said jokingly.

Anna: “Sorry Petra. It’s just how it is.” Anna said with a shrug.

Petra: “…”

Sara: “By the way, Anna, I heard that you were killed, what actually happened?” Sara asked.

Anna: “Speaking of that, Siesta, what happened to my guards?” Anna asked with a serious tone.

Siesta: “I’m sorry my lady, when Sara’s knights arrived at the scene, they were all corpses.” Siesta explained with a bow.

Aw… One of them was cute. Sucks that I couldn’t save them. I really need to get some defense against sleep magic…

Anna: “I see… well, what happened was simple, we were put to sleep with magic and our carriage was pushed off a cliff.” Anna explained.

Sara: “How did you three survive?” Sara asked with a curious tone.

Petra: “Only thanks to Erika. She can use healing magic.” Petra answered.

Sara: “Really now? That is quite the rare thing.” Sara with a shocked tone.

Erika: “Do you want to see something even rarer?” I ask with a cheeky tone.

Sara: “Sure.” Sara replied.

Petra: “…”

Anna: “…”

Somehow, both Petra and Anna knew what I was going to do. They even sighed. Which I found funny. I then took out another E Grade Monster Core and ate it. This time it was peach colored, as well as peach flavored. How tasty!

Sara: “…”

Sara: “Shouldn’t she be dead?” Sara asked with a confused expression.

Anna and Petra: “That’s what we said!” They both shouted before sighing once again.

Erika: “What can I say? I am just that special. By the way, Monster Cores tastes amazing. It’s a shame that others cannot eat them.” I say with a small sigh.

At least, not yet. Though, I am glad that I was the first to be able to do so. I won’t be unique forever. I mean, not as I am right now.

Erika: “Do the Saviors have anyone backing them? I wasn’t aware that you could even take over such a highly ranked dimension like this one.” I ask with a serious tone.

Anna: “And there she goes, right back to being professional.” Anna said with a sigh.

Sara: “They have a God of this dimension backing them. As he is a God, it is possible for them to take this one over.” Sara explained.

Erika: “And what would the takeover conditions be? For my group, I can easily foil their takeover plans, as long as I get rid of enough of them from said dimension.” I say.

Sara: “Same condition. They need to get rid of every other group that is contesting this dimension. They would have succeeded by now but, I was their strategist. The only other group besides them left in this dimension was the Demon Queen Anna’s group.” Sara answered.

Anna: “And now it’s my group and the Dimension Destroyers.” Anna said with an excited tone.

Sara: “Correct. Now, Erika, how strong are you?” Sara asked.

Erika: “I am decently strong.” I answer.

Sara: “What is your lowest Stat Rank?” She asks.

If I remember correctly, it should have been SSS, right? I can’t just tell them the numeral values since they would have no idea what I am talking about.

Erika: “My lowest is SSS, every other Stat is at SSS+, that should be more than enough, right?” I answer.

Anna: “…”

Petra: “…”

Sara: “…”

Erika: “What?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sara: “Oh God… you aren’t joking.” Sara said while rubbing her head.

Anna: “The longer I am with you, the more I realize why my sister married you.” Anna said with a sigh.

Petra: “My highest Stat is E+…” Petra said with a defeated tone.

Siesta: “I see, so that’s how you survived that fall.” Siesta said with one of her hands on her chin.

Erika: “I’ll have you know, sure I do have 495,000 HP but, I landed my head on a sharp rock and lost a decent chunk of my HP and my head.” I answer with a sigh.

Sara: “Why the fuck do you have more health than a God?” Sara asked with a shocked tone.

Erika: “Hm? It’s not that much HP. Some of my lovers have way more.” I reply.

Anna: “Do you mean to say that Victoria is really powerful, and that you have other powerful lovers?” Anna asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “The most powerful ones being an Angel, a very powerful being who I cannot state the identity of, and a Creator.” I answer truthfully.

They all looked at me with very shocked expressions. Probably waiting for me to say that I was joking. What I said was the truth, so that never happened. Then they all, including Siesta, pinched their arms to see if they were dreaming. Nope! Too bad. My amazing life is fact and not fiction.

We all talked some more. For around a few hours. Since Sara was stronger than Anna, it was decided that they would stay here in her castle, just until the Saviors and that God is dealt with.

Sara: “Erika, although I feel bad, could I ask you to deal with the Saviors?” Sara asked with an unsure tone.

Anna: “She could easily deal with the Saviors but, what about that God?” Anna asked.

Sara: “We’ll have to figure something out for him.” Sara said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “An Outer Goddess had marked me a while ago so, we don’t have to worry about that God. Unless he is fine with being destroyed.” I say with a smug tone.

Sara: “…”

Anna: “I’m beginning to think that you’ve gotten the better deal in this whole reincarnation thing.” Anna said with a sigh.

Erika: “Maybe? Anyway, yeah, I can deal with the Saviors. One of my Tasks includes getting rid of something called the Calamity. Do you happen to know anything about a creature like that?” I ask.

Sara: “You have a Task to deal with it?” Sara asked with a gasp.

Anna: “Well, I was honestly going to try to prevent her from trying to kill it but, now knowing how strong she is, she could probably kill it.” Anna said with a sigh.

Sara: “Maybe… Anyway, Erika, it is a being that is foretold to destroy this dimension. All we know is the prophecy about it. It lives in the Ciclian Forest.” Sara answered.

Anna: “Erika, it was the forest that you first arrived in.” Anna said.

Erika: “Ah, so that’s why I felt like I was being watched…” I say with a thinking pose.

Sara: “The fact that you came across the Calamity, and it didn’t attack, I’d say that you have a pretty good chance of dealing with it.” Sara said with a sigh.

Erika: “Good to know! Now, what do I do about the Saviors? Do I just have to travel to each of the kingdoms that they control?” I ask.

Sara: “Yes but, I’ll help you cheat.” Sara said with an evil tone.

Erika: “How so?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sara: “I still have access to the teleportation system that they set up. You can use it and raid them one at a time, and as fast as you can.” Sara said with a smile.

See? Didn’t I say that resentment like that doesn’t really ever go away? At least, not for a decent while. Why else would she leave a backdoor for her to get revenge?

Erika: “How many Saviors will I have to deal with?” I ask.

Sara: “Unless more have shown up, about fifty grunts and five higher ranked Saviors.” Sara answered.

Erika: “So I have to go to five different kingdoms?” I ask.

Sara: “Correct.” Sara replied.

So ten grunts for each superior officer? That’s not too bad, I guess.

Sara: “Erika, if you don’t mind me asking, what are your rules of engagement?” Sara asked.

Erika: “It’s up to my discretion but, I usually go weapons free.” I answer.

Sara: “Good, good. Would you like to leave right away?” Sara asked.

Erika: “Actually, although I would like to, I should probably rest for a few days.” I answer with a sigh.

Sara: “That’s fine. We won’t rush you. You are going to solve our problems after all. Rest as much as you need.” Sara said with a laugh.

Anna: “She is right. We did wake you up seemingly earlier than you wanted to.” Anna said.

Petra: “Right? She won’t admit it but, I’m sure that she barely got any sleep.” Petra said with a smug tone.

Sara: “That does sound like her. Erika, one of my maids will guide you to your room. Also, take this crystal, it will allow you to teleport to their kingdoms.” Sara explained.

Erika: “Thanks! It’s good to see you again, Sara.” I say after getting up from my seat, taking the crystal, and then giving her a hug.

Sara: “Likewise.” Sara said returning my hug.

I was then guided to a room by a maid. The room wasn’t as amazing as the one back at home but, it was miles better than Petra’s. Granted, it was not that I was upset at the accommodations Petra gave me, I am just stating facts.

Before getting into bed, I took off my clothes. Or not, yeah, I’ll admit it. I’m lazy. I just selected the loadout on the System app on my phone aptly labeled, “Sleepy time gear” and then climbed into bed. Look, there is no way I will forget how to put on or take off a bra again. I’ve ingrained that knowledge deep into my mind.

The sun was still out but, I was actually still pretty tired from the past few days. Lying in bed, I realized that I totally blew off the Elves who said that they would look for me.

Well, whatever they needed help with, surely isn’t as important as what I am doing right now. Not sleeping, I mean, dealing with the Saviors. What a very milk toast group.

I do hope I come across more interesting enemies in the future. Should I not be jinxing myself like this? Maybe. But a girl can dream.

It was a struggle deciding whether or not to eat the two X Grade Monster Cores right now, or just wait until I have all of the cores that I need to evolve… fuck it, I’ll just wait until I have them all.

With that decision, I drifted into dreamland. Or I thought that I did… Who the heck was this green haired beauty who has shown up in my dream?

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