Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 4: Chapter 11: Final Fight? (Vol. 4 End. And Story End.)

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Chapter 11: Final Fight?

*Erika’s POV*

Huh… how long has it been? Oh, just a little under five years. Why did I go so long without updating my brain diary, or whatever this thing that I do is called? Ah, well, because you didn’t really want to just hear about me enjoying my life with my wives and daughters every day, right?

As for why I am updating now, it’s because the System update, which I have been the tester for, is now being released today. Thus, this date is very important. Not one even you are allowed to miss out on.

Currently, I am sitting in the garden, with all of my wives present. My daughters are here as well. Oh, some friends are also present. It looks just like a normal family gathering. But that isn’t really the case.

These past five years haven’t been completely peaceful. The number of people invading our dimension only increased. It got to the point where we weren’t able to just kick out every invader. Quite a few ended up staying here.

With the agreement that they won’t try to kill us. According to pretty much every invader, even just staying in the same dimension as us, will make them stronger. So they agreed to not cause a war with us.

Ah, I completely forgot to mention last time, but Avicia is living with us. Though she did not complete the required amount of service that she agreed to, we decided to forgive her. We will need her strength in the war anyway.

The invaders that we allowed to stay here, also agreed to join us in the war. Ria said that it was very likely that this will be the last time existence that will uh… exist. If we fail, whatever the test even is, it will be the end for all of us, forever. Only beings like Ria could rebuild. Her dimension is in her own domain, so it won’t get erased. Like the rest of the dimensions.

Erika: “Are any of you nervous?” I ask after taking a sip of my tea.

Victoria: “Why wouldn’t we be?” Victoria said with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Victoria, Erika is just messing with us.” Sofiel said with a giggle.

Victoria: “I know.” Victoria said with a deadpan tone.

Yui: “You would think that she would have had enough of messing with us by now.” Yui said with a joking tone.

Nadia: “To be honest, I think that Erika could go for at least a few hundred years before she does.” Nadia said with a laugh.

Eri: “I think you all underestimate Erika greatly.” Eri said.

Petra: “I mean, did any of us think that she would bring back two more daughters? I have long since learned to not underestimate her ever again.” Petra said with a sigh.

Liuka: “Something I have learned as well.” Liuka said.

Mary: “I think you should keep underestimating her, though.” Mary said with a cheeky tone.

Lilith: “Why?” Lilith asked.

Mary: “Because it is funny when Erika goes far beyond your expectations. Like how she somehow always gives every single one of us amazing and unique birthday parties without fail.” Mary replied.

Erika: “I do try, you know.” I say with an embarrassed giggle.

Anna: “You know, we’re most likely about to go to war with every single dimension, aren’t we just a little too calm?” Anna asked with a serious tone.

Sara: “What would being nervous even accomplish? Besides, even if we do go to war, you have three war veterans, and damn near every type of special being here. Do we even have a chance to NOT win?” Sara said with a confident tone.

Sachael: “I hope we do win. I have games that I still haven’t played yet…” Sachael said with a nervous tone.

Ah, I never realized how disorientating having so many people in one place would be…

Alice: “Nadia, has the update been released yet?” Alice asked.

Hilda: “Just going to let Nadia spoil the surprise, Alice?” Hilda said with a raised eyebrow.

Kora: “Would it really be a surprise at this point?” Kora exclaimed.

Ria: “I doubt it.” Ria replied.

Sasaki: “It would be a surprise to me. I honestly have no idea what is going on.” Sasaki said with a chuckle.

Erika: “That is because you refuse to let any of us explain it to you.” I say with a sigh.

Sasaki: “As Mary said, it is more fun to be surprised.” Sasaki said with a shrug.

This multi-person conversation went on for a long time. It wasn’t just my wives and daughters talking either. It was damn near every woman I have ever met. All joined us for the war, or maybe for safety. It is hard to say. Recruiting them was quite easy as well.

I mean, who wouldn’t accept the request of someone who was offering you a safe haven, with various powerful beings already living it in? We even offered free transportation, free housing, and endless snacks!

Lilith: “Oh, right. The update was released just now.” Lilith said.

Erika: “That was quick.” I reply.

Lilith: “What is quick is how fast Nadia and I were stripped of our access and authority to the System.” Lilith said with a sigh.

Nadia: “That’s right. We have no control over it anymore. And that goes for all of the Administrators as well.” Nadia added.

Victoria: “Oh, I just checked my Status, I can’t believe after all of these years, I can finally get stronger!” Victoria exclaimed.

Sofiel: “Yes, I checked my Status as well, I can also get stronger. If only we stockpiled a lot of Monster Cores for this day…” Sofiel said with a sigh.

Haha! It is now my time to shine! Huh? Did you really think that I did no work these past five years? Nonsense! I was stockpiling XXX+ Grade Monster Cores the entire time! My family isn’t aware of it either.

Erika: “Now, would you all believe that I have a shit load of XXX+ Grade Monster Cores stored in my inventory?” I ask with a proud tone.

Avicia: “You didn’t… did you?” Avicia said with an unsure tone.

I replied with only an evil smile.

Alice: “Oh sweet lord! She actually did! And she somehow didn’t let us notice her doing it at all!” Alice said with a shocked tone.

Sara: “To think that you would use your military experience to keep quiet about planning to overpower your wives, friends, and daughters, is actually pretty in line with the usual shit you pull.” Sara said with a sigh.

I didn’t answer her at all, and then I walked over to an open spot in the garden, and dumped all of the Monster Cores that I have farmed for the best five years. I also farmed lower Grade Monster Cores, so the pile was, holyshit… it was at least, I don’t even know… Maybe 30 feet tall? Good lord… that is a lot of Monster Cores…

Erika: “Um… no need to stand there with a shocked expression. Dig in!” I exclaim.

They all started to spend the Monster Cores to get Stat Points. I did the same. It took, as you would expect, literal hours to use all of the Monster Cores. By the time we were done, it was already late. But we still had to allocate our Stat Points. Which took hours to do as well. Huh? What does my Status look like now? Ah, I will show you. Drum roll, please!


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Angelic Humanoid Demon Goddess.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 166


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 18,654,000/18,654,000

MP: 8,697,000/8,697,000

INT: 70,000

STR: 15,785

AGI: 8850

MAG: 10,000

DEF: 90,000

LUCK: 99,999

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Two-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Spear Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Bow Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Scythe Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Hand to Hand Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 25 (MAX).

Supreme Cooking: Level 50 (MAX).

Water Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Earth Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Dark Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Space Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Cleaning Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Healing Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Sleep Magic Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

General Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Poison Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Sleep Magic Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Poison Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Bleed Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Bleed Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Lighting Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Water Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Wind Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Water Breathing: Level 10 (MAX).

Lava Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Lava Breathing: Level 10 (MAX).

Inventory: Level 10 (MAX).

Flying: Level 10 (MAX).

Teleportation: Level 10 (MAX).

Crafting: Level 10 (MAX).

Acting: Level 10 (MAX).

Bartering: Level 10 (MAX).

Invisibility: Level 10 (MAX).

Target Tracking: Level 10 (MAX).

Eagle Eye: Level 10 (MAX).

Fast Learning: Level 10 (MAX).

Dreadful Aura: Level 10 (MAX).

Holy Aura: Level 10 (MAX).

Stealth Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Sleep Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Death Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Health Regen: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Regen: Level 10 (MAX).

Painting Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Teaching Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Sex Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Love Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Pampering Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Fighting Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Writing Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Dance Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Maid Talent Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Music Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Driving Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Horse Riding Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Dragon Riding Master: Level 10 (MAX).

General Riding Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Swimming Master: Level 10 (MAX).


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: X+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Richest Woman: SSS

World Controller: SS+

Demon Goddesses Lover: SSS+

Leader of the Angel’s Lover: SSS+

Darkness Creator’s Lover: SSS+

Administrator’s Lover: X+

Supreme Lover of Women: S+

Wow… even I wasn’t expecting such a drastic increase in power. I feel like I could lift an entire planet… Maybe even five!

Victoria: “Ah, it certainly feels good to be more powerful than you once again, Erika.” She said with a smile.

Sofiel: “Yes, this was a long time coming. I feel as though we have finally regained our rightful places of power.” Sofiel said with a proud tone.

Man… I don’t even want to think about how much more powerful they are than me… Well, at least we won’t have anyone to threaten us anymore. If they’re more powerful than me, is there really any reason to fear? I don’t think so.

*A few months later.*

So yeah, I was fucking wrong… Just kidding! Sure, there were far more invaders, but honestly, nothing that we couldn’t handle. I didn’t spend so many years preparing for this event for no reason. Now it’s just finally paying off.

The main problems that we had, were us having to go on joint trips to different dimensions, to save them from destruction.

Why? Just to be cautious. Ria informed us that if there are more dimensions that don’t get destroyed, the more likely we are to pass whatever test the universe is pressing onto us.

According to her, existence would usually reset when there were only a handful of dimensions left. Around ten, from what Ria remembered. Because of this, we had to have the people who can travel to different dimensions in our group, take a random person from our group, and secure it.

Once it was secured, said dimension would be put on lockdown. Of course, only after the members of our group left it. This went on for a long time. As of now, we have secured over 15,000 different dimensions, not counting ours and Ria’s.

Pretty good for only a few months, right? Wrong! Over 15,000 were all that we were able to save. The rest of them were destroyed. How? In various different ways. Lot of which were completely out of our control. So? No war, right? I mean, we did have a war, taking over and securing those dimensions, but, you mean, like, a full war, right?

Well, you’d be correct in thinking about there being a big war. A very powerful Goddess has been relentlessly trying to take over our dimension. Luckily, she only started her assault a few days after we all finished securing dimensions.

And while she was busy fighting a few of us, we had secured her original dimension. Trapping her here in our dimension. Alice, Victoria, and Sofiel were the ones who fought her off.

My wives were completely fine, the Goddess, on the other hand, she was heavily injured. Despite being injured, do keep in mind who her opponents are. The fact that she isn’t dead yet, should more than just show off how powerful she is.

???: “Hmph! I’ll be honest, this was a very fun fight. I look forward to fighting you all once again. But I think that I will retire for today.” She said with a smile on her face.

She tried to return back to her dimension, only to realize that she could not do so. On top of securing her dimension, we also locked it down. She really had no avenue of escape.

Erika: “Sorry, but we have already locked down your dimension. You’re stuck here.” I say with a smug tone.

???: “So… it was your group that has been locking down dimensions. For what purpose? What evil plans have you come up with?” She said with her arms crossed.

Evil? I mean, yeah, my group sorta sounds evil, but clearly, if it wasn’t already evident, we’re on the good side. Just not the goody-two-shoes side. We will kill those that need killing, and save those that need saving. That is all.

Erika: “Ah, yes. Our evil plans include, saving every dimension that we could, and then locking them so they can’t be destroyed. Truly, we are the evilest beings in existence.” I say with a sarcastic tone.

???: “Saving them? I refuse to believe that!” She exclaimed.

Erika: “You do realize that you have just fought, A Demon Goddess, A Creator, and the ruler of the Angels, right?” I ask with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Hey! When the hell did you find out about that!?” Sofiel yelled.

Erika: “I found out about your true identity many, many years ago. Actually, I figured it out before we got together.” I answer.

Victoria: “My wife is the ruler of the Angels? Shouldn’t she fight me then?” Victoria said with a thinking pose.

Sofiel: “No. I am the ruler, what I say goes. And I wish to be yours and Erika’s wife. Nothing else matters.” Sofiel said with an assured tone.

Victoria: “A bit of a shocking revelation, but, okay, I believe you.” Victoria said with a smile.

???: “Still… I refuse to believe this at all!” She exclaimed once again.

With nothing better to do, I called over all of my friends, and every one of my family members. Surely, she will realize the truth when we have so many powerful beings on our side. Most of them lean on the side of good, as well.

After waiting for a few minutes, they all showed up. Thanks to Ria transporting them here as fast as she could.

Erika: “How about now? As you can see, they’re various types of beings present. Two of them being Outer Goddesses.” I say with a smug tone.

That’s right. Keulia also joined our “little” group. There really was no chance of a war being an issue for us, when we have two Outer Goddesses on our team. The odds are quite literally, stacked in our favor.

???: “…”

Rather than respond, she just disappeared. In her place, stood a being clad in pure white. Whether or not it was male or female, was impossible to tell. All of us, even the Outer Goddesses, were quite surprised at this sudden event…

???: “Hello. It brings me great pleasure to know that in the end, this existence will be the one to be given the final test.” She… it? Said with a voice that switched from masculine to feminine with every word.

Erika: “Final test?” I ask.

???: “Yes. And do not worry about that Goddess, I’ve returned her to her dimension. Now, as for the test. It’s very simple.” It replied.

Erika: “Are you just going to leave us hanging?” I ask.

???: “The test was to protect as many dimensions as possible. Which is something that you have already completed. Though, I have to give a second test, since you had the help of two Outer Goddesses.” It explained.

This… thing… really likes to leave you in the wind. Could she just tell us already? I am getting fed up at this point…

Sofiel: “Could you explain the test now?” Sofiel demanded.

???: “Ah, my apologies, it is quite hard to maintain and converse with this form. As for the test, you just have to kill me.” It explained with a smile.

Erika: “But, why?” I ask with a confused tone.

???: “I’ll only consider this existence worth leaving alone, only if a being from it could best me in battle. Oh, you won’t be able to actually kill me. Just this body that I have created.” It explained.

Victoria: “And if we fail?” Victoria asked with a serious tone.

???: “Then this existence will be erased. Oh, and it is not “we” only one of you can fight me.” It replied.

Erika: “And, will we be the ones to choose who will fight you?” I ask.

???: “No. I choose you, the being known as Erika Ardent, to fight me. How you prepare, is of no consequence to me. Do as you please, and when you’re ready, I will transport you to a private dimension, where we can fight in peace.” It answered.

This… is pretty bad… At this point in time, I am no longer the strongest person here. That title would go to either Ria, Keulia, or Hilda. Shit… I didn’t expect something like this to happen… A war? Yeah, that is fine. But having to kill an unknown absurdly powerful being? Now that is a problem…

Ria: “Erika, that thing said that we can prepare however we want. So let’s cheat somewhat.” Ria said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Cheat how?” I ask with a head tilt.

Ria: “Ahhh! Erika, now is not the time for cute head tilts!” Ria exclaimed.

Look… it’s not like I do it on purpose… Most of the time.

Keulia: “We can temporarily transfer everyone’s power to you. That is what Endyria meant by cheating. Whether or not it will be enough to defeat that “person” is something we have no idea if it will be enough.” She explained.

Really? What am I? A magical girl? Am I going to save all of existence via the power of friendship and love? Sounds pretty cool, not going to lie.

Everyone gathered around me and followed Ria’s instructions. I felt a rush of power being given to me. I guess that I should check my Status. I’ll omit the Skills section, though.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Angelic Humanoid Demon Goddess.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 166


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 134,924,000/134,924,000

MP: 50,947,000/50,947,000

INT: 126,000

STR: 56,528

AGI: 12,920

MAG: 85,000

DEF: 596,000

LUCK: 99,999

:Skill list:



Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: X+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Richest Woman: SSS

World Controller: SS+

Demon Goddesses Lover: SSS+

Leader of the Angel’s Lover: SSS+

Darkness Creator’s Lover: SSS+

Administrator’s Lover: X+

Supreme Lover of Women: S+

Wow… even though it is temporary, I wasn’t expecting to get another power up this soon. Not counting that weird thing, I should be the strongest being in existence now. Hopefully…

Before leaving with my opponent, I hugged and kissed my wives and daughters.

Ria: “I’ll take everyone to my dimension. That way they will be safe. If you lose, I will also take you back with me as well.” Ria said with a serious tone.

???: “Apologies, but if she loses, she will die. You won’t be able to save her. Though rest assured, those in your dimension will be left alone.” It said.

Well, at least everyone else will be safe… I walked up to the blurry being.

Erika: “I’m ready to go fight you now. Thanks for waiting.” I say.

???: “Thank you for getting this far. I have witnessed your universe be erased many times. And this is the first time anyone has gotten this far.” It said.

It grabbed my hand, and then I was in a dark void. The void… it wasn’t just similar to the one that I went to when I first died. This was exactly the same place!

???: “Oh? Seems like you do remember this place. Before we fight, I would like to talk with you, and for that, you will need to know my name. I am called Tronnasia. Just call me Sia.” She explained.

I now call her a “she” because this time her form is something that I can see. And her voice is feminine now as well. And doesn’t change to a masculine one at all.

Erika: “And what would you like to talk about?” I ask.

Sia: “As I said, you recognize this please, yes?” She asked.

Erika: “I do. I was here once when I first died. For how long, I do not recall.” I answer.

Sia: “Good, good, now, Erika, I shall tell you something that will most likely greatly anger you. Have you ever felt like you were chosen? Or that you have been given many benefits for no real reason?” Sia asked.

Erika: “Yes…” I reply.

Sia: “It is because you were chosen. By me.” Sia said.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a confused tone.

Sia: “The answer is simple, but it requires a long-winded explanation.” She replied.

Erika: “I have all the time in the world.” I say with a joking tone.

Sia: “How funny that you can joke even in a situation like this. I’ll give you the short version. Ah, since you’re curious, this is my full form. That means that you will have to fight me at my full power. I lied to the others.” Sia said with a giggle.

Sia looked similar to me. With green eyes the same color as one of mine.

Erika: “Scary last sentence aside, I’m listening.” I say.

Sia: “Beings like me are given universes to oversee. How far our reach goes, depends on which department we work for. The department that I work for thinks that the best way to advance a universe is to reset it over and over again. Though, only until we see results that we like.” Sia explained.

Erika: “And what does that matter?” I ask.

Sia: “Like the lottery, we can’t choose the departments that we wish to work in. We can only choose after we get enough points to do so. I am opposed to erasing an existence just for the sake of progress.” Sia replied.

Erika: “Isn’t that counterproductive to what your department believes?” I ask.

Sia: “Exactly. The first existence that I oversaw in this universe, was one that I babied quite heavily. Rather than let them grow naturally, I gave them the information that they would need to advance their civilization. They got to the point where most dimensions were at the level of Endyria’s.” Sia said.

Erika: “And I take it that your department wasn’t too happy about this?” I say.

Sia: “They were furious, and without my consent, they erased the existence that I so much loved. They said that I was a fool for not letting them suffer. Do you know how old I am? How many times I’ve witnessed existence after existence be erased, without being to stop it?” Sia with a sad tone.

Erika: “No. But from your tone, I can only assume it was a very, very long time. But why couldn’t you stop it?” I say.

Sia: “An act of bullying on a part of my department. In the end, they were all arrested, and that department was shut down. This happened recently, only shortly after the last time they erased one of the existences in this universe. I was almost free to do as I please. But the other department heads decided that I must first prove that this universe is worth letting exist to my department.” She explained.

Huh? Even though they were arrested and disbanded, they were still allowed to make her suffer? What kind of bullshit is that?

Erika: “And were you given any restrictions on it?” I ask.

Sia: “No. Only with the agreement that I made with them. That this universe will be allowed to exist, once a being from it was able to defeat me in battle.” Sia said.

Erika: “And where do I come in?” I asked with a sigh.

Sia: “Erika, as a parent yourself, and with the knowledge that I see every being in this universe as my children; surely you would understand how painful it felt to watch my children be erased for billions of years. Would I really let this chance that was given to me slip away?” Sia said with a sad tone.

Erika: “Meaning?” I ask.

Sia: “You are similar to Eri. I took the soul of the person called Lilith and mixed a piece of my soul with it. Thus creating you. None of what happened in your life was planned, but I won’t deny slightly nudging things into place a few times.” Sia said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “So you’re saying that you created me just to end your torment!?” I exclaim.

Sia: “That’s correct. I know what I did was wrong. And I apologize for doing it. As you would guess, I just wish for this to end. I plan to retire once this is over. Though that is, only if you are able to beat me. I cannot hold back. They’re watching. More so than normal, I see you as my daughter. That I have to fight, and maybe even kill my own daughter, is something that pains me greatly.” Sia said with tears flowing down her face.

This is… a lot to take in. At the same time, I just can’t bring myself to hate her. In the end, it’s only because of her that I am able to live such a fulfilling life. Though she did it out of a selfish desire to not suffer anymore, can I really blame her? After all, is wanting to not suffer, really something selfish?

Do I really have to fight her? She doesn’t want to fight me, and I don’t want to fight her. The ones that I should be fighting, are the department head, and the others involved. Why do they have the right to make her suffer like this? She has already suffered enough!

Sia: “Ugh!” Sia screamed.

As I was thinking this, a being with no real form appeared and tried to kill me with a blurry white sword. Sia pushed me out of the way, but she got slashed on her back by the sword.

???: “Like Mother, like Daughter. Even she was thinking of killing us. Such a thing shouldn’t be allowed to exist. Only you were the exception, Tronnasia.” She said.

Holding up my mother, and using healing magic on her wound, I could see many other similar beings appear. All using weapons of some kind.

Sia: “And what is so wrong with wanting to kill you all? This wasn’t a part of the agreement! You would kill my chosen champion, that is a breach of the agreement that we came to with the other department heads!” Sia exclaimed with an angry tone.

???: “This farce has gone on long enough. Besides, it’s not like the other department heads even care anymore. We can do as we please, kill you both, erase this universe. And it is our word against a powerless Overseer, and one of its creations. Who would they be more likely to believe? Not that you two will even get a chance to voice your side of the story. Why else would they let us go free?” She boasted.

Sia: “Erika… help me.” Sia asked with a desperate tone.

Erika: “Can we even fight such powerful beings?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Sia: “Yes. Can we kill them? Not likely. But that is not our goal.” Sia answered.

Erika: “What is?” I ask.

Sia: “Delay our deaths. Despite their arrogance, this was their last chance. We just have to wait it out until the other department heads show up.” Sia said with a confident tone.

???: “You think too highly of yourself!” She exclaimed with a laugh.

The other beings laughed as well. Honestly, it was quite a frightening thing to be laughed at by such creepy beings…

Erika: “Alright. Let’s fight them!” I say with an excited tone.

Maybe we could even kill a few of them!

Sia gave me a similar weapon to what those beings were wielding. She also had a weapon similar to theirs. Mine was a sword.

The fight started with no more words expressed. Calling them fast was an understatement. Sia and I being able to keep up with their movements, was something that they clearly didn’t expect us to be able to do.

It wasn’t easy to fight them at all. They had no pride or respect for a fight. They attacked us all at the same time. I would lose an arm or a leg every few seconds. Normally I wouldn’t have the ability to keep up healing every second. But luckily, Sia did. And she shared that with me.

The only ones sustaining permanent injuries were the beings. Wasn’t this too weird?

Sia: “Erika, I’ve tricked you, I’m sorry. This was my plan all along!” Sia exclaimed after she dodged a scythe aimed at her neck.

Erika: “Really?” I ask after having one of my arms sliced off before it quickly came back.

Sia: “No. But these foolish beings came here to my domain with their real bodies. So I was able to trap them here. They are cut off from their realms, and as such, they can’t heal.” Sia said with a laugh.

???: “To think that we would fall for such a trap… you two will pay for this!” One of them yelled.

*??? Later.*

How long have we been fighting for? Time wasn’t something that you could count in this dark void. I’m worried that we have been fighting for many years… The other department heads never showed up either…

At this point, only five beings still stood. Sia and I, and three of those who have caused her to suffer. The rest were killed by us. Something that even Sia expressed was shocking.

Sia: “Ah… the feeling of finally being able to kill the murderers of my children, it’s the most amazing feeling in existence!” Sia said with a happy tone and expression on her face.

Erika: “I’ll admit, killing my mother’s tormentors, is quite enjoyable. Who would have thought?” I say with a giggle.

???: “Do you think that you will get away with this?” One of them said after spitting up some blood.

Sia: “And why wouldn’t we? Did you truly think that they have trapped you all in this universe with me for no reason? This was always going to be your deathbed. I am sure of it.” Sia exclaimed.

We continued to fight them for, what I assume, was many more days. The ring leader, the one most likely behind all of Sia’s suffering, had Sia’s sword pressed onto her neck.

Sia: “Do you have any last words?” Sia asked.

???: “None. It seems you were correct that they wanted us to die. They couldn’t kill us themselves, so they let you and your daughter do it instead. How ironic… I guess this is just what happens when you go too far in playing God.” She said with a chuckle.

Sia then cut her head off, and the being disappeared. Sia looked to finally be at peace. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

Erika: “Was this truly what the other department heads wished for?” I ask.

Sia: “It has to be so, otherwise, we would not have been able to kill those beings without one of them stopping us.” Sia answered.

Erika: “So, what now?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sia: “Now, I am free, and so are you.” Sia said with a bright smile.

Erika: “What will you do now?” I ask.

Sia: “This universe will continue to exist with or without me observing it. I wish to retire, as I have said before. I’m sorry for dragging you into your mother’s problems.” Sia said with a sad tone.

Erika: “Why don’t you live with me and my family?” I ask with a warm tone.

Sia: “You… you would allow me such happiness?” Sia said with tears appearing in her eyes.

Erika: “Why not? I do not blame or hate you for what you did. If you didn’t create me, I wouldn’t have been able to live such an amazing life.” I say with a smile.

Sia: “That wasn’t my doing… I just created you. Everything else that happened to you was just random chance or because of your actions. Please, do not think that I gave you your wives and daughters, they are with you because you are you.” Sia explained.

Erika: “If you did give me them, I would be upset. I meant that, because you gave me a second chance at life, I was able to gain many things in this life that I can never replace. Of course, that includes you. You know, it seems that I’ve always wanted to have a mother.” I explain while rubbing away her tears.

Sia: “Heh… your family is right. There is just no beating you. Just to be clear, the way you changed, and how well you treat people, had nothing to do with me. I was actually hoping that you would be a terrible person. That way I wouldn’t feel as bad if you failed.” Sia said with a laugh.

Erika: “Really? How rude! Now, let us go home.” I say with a smile.

Sia: “Gladly.” Sia replied.

Erika: “Oh, just making sure, but we didn’t fight those beings for years, right?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Sia: “Ah! I forgot that you don’t have the ability to tell time in this place. We fought them for a few thousand years.” Sia explained.

A few thousand years!? Shit… would any of them even remember me? Dammit! I’ve kept them waiting for so long…

Sia: “Do not fret my daughter. Though we have spent many years here, only a few hours have passed in reality.” Sia consoled.

Erika: “Oh… good. I was having a panic attack.” I reply with a sigh.

Sia: “Sorry, my dear, I did not mean to upset you.” Sia said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Now, let us go home. Though I have brought back daughters and wives, this is the first time I will be bringing back a mother. Ah, it makes me excited to be able to surprise them all in a new way!” I say with an excited tone.

Once back in my dimension, Sia contacted Ria and asked her to bring everyone back. Explaining what happened was a task. Surely, it was one of my last tasks…

When we finished explaining, oddly, everyone accepted Sia as my mother. Ah, I see. I have long since broken their sense of reason. What a terrible thing that I did… Uh… Teehee?

And then we lived happily ever after. What? You want me to explain how our life went afterwards? This diary has already been filled up. Quite the revelation, right? I was actually writing a diary this entire time. That’s right! You weren’t a being in my head that I made up. Funny, right? As for my diary, there is no room left to recant the hundreds of thousands of years of me and my family’s lives.

Even then, it is not like our lives are over. I would like for you to know, I have gained many more wives and children than I’ve written about. How many? I will leave it up to your imagination.

You know, if you don’t let your brain imagine things from time to time, you will end up losing the ability to do so. At least, you won’t be able to do so in the same capacity as you would have been able to do so if you kept your imagination alive.

And if you can’t do that, at least read some interesting stories. Though this one is over, I am sure that there are many more for you to read that will interest you.

And with that, we have to say goodbye. It was quite the wild ride, wasn’t it?

Ps: I made a bet with Sofiel that if I wrote down a small portion of my life into a book, it would sell like hot cakes. If I win the bet, she will convince Liuka to let me touch her ears and tail. And if I lose, I will have to have cat ears, and a cat tail, for thirty years. Provided by Ria, of course. So, here’s hoping this poorly written diary sells well. I have no idea if I would look good if I looked like a cat girl…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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