Ero Dungeon Online

[Epilogue 1/2]

Maybe it was because of just how much time Thera already spent around us, but… not much changed once she officially became our girlfriend. She basically already acted like our girlfriend even before she officially was. The only real difference was the inclusion of sex and regular kissing. But other than that? Things were basically the same.

Well, maybe not entirely.

Thera became… much more hands-on with the dungeon, not that I minded. Honestly, her help was massively appreciated. Maybe it was because she didn’t have to worry about her investment into the dungeon potentially going to waste in case we didn’t work out, seeing as how I repeatedly assured her that we’d be staying together and that she was stuck with me, but she spent a decent amount of her free time getting the dungeon set up with everything that I could have ever asked for.

And when I saw just how committed she was to making sure that my dream dungeon became reality, I felt more motivated than ever to put the work into it myself, too.

Before I knew it, the dungeon was basically transformed from the ground up—or rather, from the ground down seeing as how it descended downward into multiple floors.

Each floor of the dungeon had its own theme, and then each floor was also split up into several different areas with more specific themes. These themed areas included multiple options, both masculine and feminine, as well as anything and everything that fell outside of the binary, so that everybody who visited the dungeon would be happy and be able to find something to either fuck or to get fucked by.

 I was already content with the dungeon before despite not having realized most of my dreams for it, and Thera went above and beyond in basically turning every single idea I casually mentioned around her before into reality. Honestly, I was more impressed by the fact that she managed to remember everything I ever mentioned wanting to do with the dungeon. Even the casual ideas I mentioned before I ever had the dungeon and was just talking to her about them—she remembered them all.

Thera’s memory was almost scarily good.

Of course, I made sure to pay her back for all of her work. Thera really, really loved massages, and often wanted them after stressful days at work, so I made sure to give her at least one massage a day. Between how hard she worked in real life and everything that she did for the dungeon, she deserved all the massages that she could ever ask for and more.

On top of that… sometimes, I felt like a second boyfriend got added to the relationship. There were multiple occasions where Thera felt like even more of the boyfriend than me, leaving me to feel like one of the girlfriends alongside Lily and Akorya.

Thera was just too cool.

“Thinking of something entertaining, darling?” Thera asked, her upper half pressed down against the bed of the dungeon’s master bedroom. As for me, I straddled her arachnid half which was resting on the floor in front of the bed so that I could properly give her back a massage. It was just more comfortable for her that way. A normal bed didn’t really work out for her entire body all at once, so she only ever used her humanoid half on the bed. When her full body needed something to rest on, we used a hammock she could easily spin with her webs.

“How could you tell?” I asked in response.

“I can tell that you are smiling.”

“And how can you tell that?”

“Because whenever you massage me and begin to hum a little, it means a smile has crept its way onto your face.”

“That’s… kind of embarrassing to have pointed out since I didn’t even realize it myself.”

“Worry not, I find it awfully endearing. That being said, I am still curious about just what it is on your mind that is making you smile this time.”

“I was thinking about how, sometimes, I feel more like a girlfriend than a boyfriend.”

“Oh? And what makes you feel that way?”

“Well, you’ve got a career in law, you dress really nice from the pictures you’ve sent us, and you’re just… cool. You’re always calm, mature, serious, and cool. Even I act more stereotypically girly than you sometimes. Are you forgetting when I cried from that video of a panda being cute? Meanwhile, you were all, ‘Oh, how cute,’ and barely reacted.”

“What else was I supposed to say? It was an adorable video, so I called it cute.”

“You didn’t have to say anything else. I’m just saying, this is why you feel like the boyfriend more than me sometimes.”

“I see. Does that bother you? Would you rather I act more ‘girly’ for you?”

“Nope. I’m perfectly happy with how things are, hence why I was smiling while thinking about it.”

“I see. And what do you two think?” Thera asked, looking forward at the other two women sitting farther up on the bed. Of course, that meant she was looking at Lily and Akorya. Lily looked like she was just happy to be there, sitting up against the back of the bed while gently rocking from side to side, while Akorya hung upside-down halfway off the bed with her hair touching the ground. The more I saw Akorya without her blunt bangs covering her forehead, the more I wanted to see her forehead all the time.

Lily was the first to answer. “I… would disagree that you are like a boyfriend. Instead, you are, as they say, ‘mommy material!’ I think that is what they would say…”

Thera blinked a couple of times before stifling a small laugh with her hand over her mouth. “I see. If that is how I appear to you, perhaps I should embrace the role more often. Place you over my knee for a spanking before sending you to bed without supper.”

Lily’s cheeks immediately took on a shade of red when she heard those words. “Y-yes, please!”

“You truly are the best canvas for all manner of perverse paintings.”

Lily titled her head to the side and blinked. “Pardon?”

Even though Lily and Thera spent much more time around each other as a result of now dating one another as well, Lily still got confused whenever Thera opted for being flowery with her language. So, I explained, “She means that you’re the best for trying all sorts of lewd things with.”

“Ah! I see! I am glad to be of help!”

Thera let out a gentle sigh before looking toward Akorya. “And you?”

“And me?” Akorya asked, clearly not having been paying any attention. Not only was she leaning off the bed how she was, but she had a virtual screen in front of her to watch videos on.

So, I explained what we were talking about before.

“Oh,” Akorya then said. “Uh… hmm. Yeah, you’re like, somewhere between daddy and mommy. Sometimes you’re daddy. Sometimes you’re mommy. As long as you tie me up in your webs every now and then, I’ll call you whichever you want.”

“Interesting,” Thera replied. “So, you see me as both, Lily sees me as motherly, and Damian views me as a boyfriend. Though, personally, I must say that I believe Damian is more of the boyfriend between us.”

“And why’s that?” I asked.

“Because you make more money than me.”

“Is… is it really that simple?”

“My parents were rather traditional, and so I was raised to view the ‘man of the house’ as whoever made more money. It is outdated, of course, and has no impact on our relationship nor my love for you, but it is still how I view things. Besides… once I take time off for our inevitable children, you will be the only one working still.”

“When—when you say children, do you mean all of our children, or do you—”

“I mean ours as in the ones between me and you. Of course, I am looking forward to the others having children with you as well, but I have every intention of bearing you multiple offspring myself. I had traditional parents, remember? My mother was only ever able to have me, but she made sure to condition me into creating no short number of grandchildren for her. This means you will spend quite a few years catering to all of my pregnancy food desires. But at that point, it will be too late for you to leave me, so I suggest you run now if you are not prepared for that. For once I am pregnant… there will not be any escape for you.”

“I was starting to feel nervous about being a father to a bunch of kids, but now I’m just horny because of how threatening you just sounded. Thera, you need to threaten me more often. I want you to make me feel like you’ll break my legs and lock me up in the basement if I ever try to run away from you.”

“Is it not already clear that is the case? Tell me, you do not truly believe you have any choice regarding our love, do you?”

I gulped, and Thera could probably easily feel the erected thing now pressing against her ass as I continued the massage. “I think we need to do some stalker roleplay at some point.”

Before Thera could say anything else, Lily took the opportunity to speak up and say, “Oh! I can do that! I may not be… as sexy or scary as Thera, but I can be… a cute stalker! Cling to your arm and hug you with one arm, and my other arm holds a knife to your back!”

Honestly, it would be pretty difficult to take Lily seriously as a stalker—or actually, no. It would be pretty easy to imagine her as a stalker. What was hard to imagine was her being a genuine danger. She made me think more of a girl who would try to be dangerous and threatening, but just end up acting cute instead. “You’d make an adorable stalker.”

“Ehehe, I am glad!”

And apparently, the topic was interesting enough for Akorya to flap her wings, sending her upper half upward so that she was sitting on the bed properly. “I call dibs on being the creepy stalker who keeps giggling to herself and puts her sweat and… other stuff, into the cookies she bakes you.”

“But why?” I asked.

“I always thought they’re like, super hot in a totally insane way. You know, like… it’s gross, but it’s hot that they’re that obsessed. But don’t worry. If I bake you cookies, all I’ll actually do is maybe lick the spoon I mix the dough with. Then I’ll stare you at while you eat them and be twitching and grinning the whole time.”

I wasn’t sure if Akorya could actually pull something like that off, but I was interested in seeing her try to.

“Also,” Akorya continued, “one.”

“One?” I asked.

“Yeah. One kid. I want a baby, but like… I don’t want to go through that more than once. If the other two crazy girls here want to put their bodies through that torture a bunch of different times, power to them, and I’ll help out… but I’m like, getting my tubes tied or something as soon as I have one. I’m not gonna give up creampies, but there’s no way I’m going through that more than once.”

“Fair enough.”

Then, as if it was her turn to say how many kids she wanted, Lily rose her hand and said, “I am not sure… about a specific number, but… at least four, I think? I do not have a limit so long as we are able to support them all… but at least four!”

“My, my,” Thera cooed. “It looks like you will be quite the busy man, darling. Three wives, at least ten children—”

“T-ten?” I asked.

“I did say I want plenty of my own, and there are already five between Lily and Akorya. Besides, your mother has told us all in our group chat that she is ready to be a babysitter at any time. She only asked that she not have to babysit more than three children at once.”

Between my girlfriends and my mother egging them on… I was in danger.

But at least that was probably some time’s away still. We had another huge meetup between all four of us coming up offline soon, but I had no intention of not using contraceptives to make sure that none of them got pregnant. I just wasn’t ready for kids yet. I wanted them, and I’d be happy to give them all kids… even if it meant at least ten of them… but just not yet. I wanted another couple of years to enjoy my youth and time together with my girlfriends before we had a bunch of kids running around demanding all of our attention.

We also needed to save up some money to buy a bigger house that we could all live in together, I needed to save up money in general, find a good place to live in with a high-quality school district, and a ton of research to do about being a dad.

I might have known a lot about sex, but I knew nothing about fatherhood.

Fortunately, if we waited a couple of years before even trying to have kids, and then they took nine months on top of that, then I had… probably three years or so to prepare.

Three years was enough time to get ready.

I hoped.

I kept getting told that a rushed meh ending is better than no ending at all (not that I've ever dropped stories before, cough), so that's what I've done, but it was difficult as heck to write this when I lost the muse for it, hence why it took so long. That being said, I didn't bother bringing up most of the other in-game characters because, when I get around to editing this series so that I can publish it, I'm most likely going to cut them out entirely. I think part of the problem is that, when I rebooted this, I wanted to try and make sure that all of the characters from the original EDE were still in it in one way or another. I wanted to make sure to bring everybody back to, hopefully, make readers of the original happy, but that resulted in me forcing characters in just for the sake of having them rather than because I had actual plans for them. So, when I eventually edit the series, I'm going to be cutting out probably at least a book and a half worth of content, remove a bunch of characters, and then add some more chapters between adding Thera to the relationship and the ending. I'll go into even more thoughts regarding what I believe could be changed after the next, and final, chapter. I'll do a thorough post-op analysis of sorts. The ending you're reading is going to be the same ending that the inevitable edited version gets, though, which is why I'm not mentioning those other characters. Just focusing on the ones who will actually matter in the end so that I don't have to rewrite the ending, too.

Anyways, this chapter focuses on the in-game epilogue while the next chapter will focus on the real life epilogue.

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