Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 3]

I took Meadow to the usual city with me. She hung out in my pocket in her spider spider form this time, only peeking her head out from it to look around. As for my purpose in the city, that was to visit the market board like usual.

There were some things I wanted to buy.

And by things, I meant potions and food items that would give me buffs during sex.

There was something that I wanted to try. I already used all those stacking items on myself to boost cum production and it worked fine. But… I wanted to know what would happen if I used all of those items on one of my monsters and then controlled said monster. Honestly, I didn’t even know if using any of those items on one of my monsters would work. It was something I never asked Thera and I figured that buying the items to test it out myself would be more rewarding than looking it up on the internet, so I bought everything that I needed for my experiment.

Part of me was imagining what would happen if I used all those items on a monster like Lephacoda. Considering the fact that Lephacoda was already a huge pit of tentacles capable of spewing an absolute fuck ton of cum, what if I boosted his cum production even more?

There was some serious potential there. Potential as in he could cum so much that he would fill up his entire pit with cum to turn it into a massive pool of it.

That’d be hot. Not only would it be hot, but… it could be offered as a special service in the dungeon. Instead of taking a dip in the hot spring, people could take a dip in the cum spring. Lephacoda would just have to use his tentacles as seats for people who want to spend some time in there, but I knew he wouldn’t mind something like that.

But what if somebody to fuck him while somebody else was relaxing in there? Would that ruin the mood? Would somebody who wants to relax in a pool of cum be annoyed if somebody else was getting fucked right in front of them?

The simplest solution was to offer multiple options to our patrons, probably. Options like:

Get fucked in a tentacle pit.

Get fucked in a tentacle pit full of cum.

Get a full-body massage in a tentacle pit.

Take a relaxing dip in a pool of cum.

Something like those.

And while I was thinking up options like those, I realized there was a special discount I could offer when it comes to him. There could be a discount for every additional person who wants to enjoy him at the same time. Considering he was the one monster I had truly capable of entertaining a whole party of players and more at once, he could handle plenty of patrons simultaneously. It was kind of wasting his potential to only send a single person in there with him at a time. So, it would be better to try and encourage multiple people to go in there at once.

One person going in on their own would pay a hundred percent of the price. Two people going in would only have to pay ninety percent each. Three would pay eighty percent each, and so on until the discount gets down to about fifty percent off.

That sounded like a good idea to me. I didn’t know if it was actually a good idea or not, but it couldn’t be too bad. I’d leave the fine details up to Cani since she seemed better at figuring those sorts of things out.

“Alright, that should do it,” I said once I was done with the market board. Everything I bought was already in my inventory and ready for use. All I had to do was go back to the dungeon and use it. Well, I’d need somebody to try it with first. I doubted that Meadow would be up for anything that intense. I wasn’t even sure if she’d up for anything sexual at all.

At least Lily and Akorya would always be on the next day. Maybe I could have fun with both of them using a buffed-up Lephacoda under my control. I was already imagining the two of them pressed up together kissing one another as their lower holes get ravaged by my tentacles. Any tentacles not fucking some part of their body would be busy painting their entire bodies white with cum.

And on that note, I realized something.

If I wanted to potentially fuck them in a pool of cum…

I opened the market board back up and ordered several potions that allow water breathing. Water breathing potions allowed players to breathe in all liquids, so I figured it would work with cum, too.

I didn’t want to literally drown them in cum or anything.

Then I started thinking about swimming in cum. Would that even work? Well, probably, right? What about diving in cum and swimming underneath it? Would it be easier or harder than swimming in water? Would there even be a difference in the game?

The biggest issue I could see was something like that not even being modeled in the game. Much to my disappointment, there was nowhere in the game that had any pools of cum deep enough to swim in. Sure, there were deep puddles here and there, but not any pools of cum. It was entirely that, if a pool of cum was created, players would simply sink down to the bottom of it as if falling through open air if it wasn’t coded to have some sort of resistance to it. Or something like that.

I seriously wanted to try it out. It was entirely possible the developers never anticipated somebody doing that which meant that there were potential game breaking experiments to do.

I was never really the type of person to try and break games, but how could I resist such a lewd way of potentially breaking it?

Wait, I thought. If cum doesn’t disappear until sex is over… then wouldn’t it be possible to pump Lephacoda full of items boosting those stats and then give him a constant stream of people to fuck? Would he be able to cum so much that the entire dungeon gets filled and overflows into the outside world? Theoretically, would it be possible to flood the entire world with his cum? If it never despawns, and cum has physics to flow and move, then… it might seriously be possible to completely drown an area with cum. I doubt flooding the world is possible since that would probably lag the servers too hard and make them shut down to stop it, but flooding the entire zone outside my dungeon… might honestly be possible.

There were so many things I needed to do still, but… but how could I resist the idea of literally flooding a zone with cum?

That was absolutely being added onto my to-do list. First, though, I had to see what would happen with just making a normal pit of cum using Lephacoda’s pit.

But before I could think much more on that, I realized there was somebody standing directly in front of me looking at me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice him there. I almost jumped, even, from the surprise of suddenly spotting him.

“Welcome back to the living world,” the man said. Something about him was familiar. He looked like a strong, old man who…

“Hey, I think I recognize you,” I said. “I think I saw you sitting over there with a few girls all over you before.” He winked at me before, too, but I felt like that would potentially be a weird thing to bring up as a point for remembering somebody.

“That’d be me. Hope I didn’t disturb you too much back then. Then again, I guess standing here and staring at you isn’t much better. Probably worse, huh?”

“Honestly, yeah, it’s a little bit on the creepy side.”

“Hah! Sorry. Always have been told I can be a bit awkward.”

Even if he was a little creepy, he just seemed so incredibly nice. Maybe having such an old-looking avatar helped to make him look harmless, too. Regardless, I felt safe and comfortable around him despite his creepy way of grabbing my attention. “It’s alright. Anyways, hey. Did you need something?”

“Ah, not really. It’s just, I saw you standing here with a look in your eyes that screamed you were lost in your thoughts. Given the smile on your face, I figured they must have been pretty nice ones. Maybe it’s a bit intrusive, but when I see somebody with that sort of look on their face, it always makes me want to see what they’re thinking about. You young folk always have fascinating things on your mind.”

“What? You mean to tell me you’re not some young kid pretending to be an old man?”

“Hah! If only. I wish I looked this young in reality!”

If he thought he looked young, then he must have been seriously ancient in the real world. “You seem pretty cool, so I’m sure you’ve got plenty of nice ideas on your own mind. Don’t give us young people all the credit.”

“Nah. I’m boring these days. Only the same few things ever enter my head. Can’t even remember the last time I’ve had a new thought. That’s why I leave it to you young’uns to do all the fun thinking for me, and then I get to listen to it.”

“Fair enough. Well, if you really want to hear, I don’t have anything more important to do right now. Want to take a seat and talk?”

“Sounds good to me!”

And so, we sat over on the closest bench that wasn’t already occupied. I then got to work explaining to him everything I was thinking about when it came to swimming in cum and drowning the world in it. He looked genuinely fascinated the entire time with a big, friendly smile spread across his face as he listened to every word.

Part of me felt like even Lily didn’t listen to me that closely.

Heck, even my own mother didn’t listen to me that closely.

I felt like I could honestly open up to him about anything and he would gladly listen with an open, unjudging ear.

“That was basically it,” I said to finish off my thoughts.

“Huh! Like I said, you young folk have all the best ideas these days! I can’t even imagine how you got an idea like that. Then again, back in day, I never thought a game like this would be possible in the first place! Let me tell ya, when I was growing up, the best MMOs we had were games where you had to sit in a chair and use a mouse and keyboard! ‘Virtual reality’ was a thing that didn’t even exist yet. Then once the first headsets for it came out, everybody complained and said how something like what we’ve got now wouldn’t be possible for hundreds of years probably. Heck, you know, I honestly expected us to wipe ourselves out before this. I was sure we’d nuke ourselves to oblivion or die from climate change wiping us out or something. Or a disease. That’s something else! Let me tell you, way back in the day—I’m talking the early twenties here, it was a massive fight just to get people to wear a dang mask! If they were still alive these days, they’d probably blow up from rage at the idea of mandatory vaccinations. They—wait, ah, this is off topic. Sorry about that. What I wanted to say was that back in my day, ‘sex games’ were nothing more than visual novels that didn’t even have voice acting half the time. Or they were browser games with worse quality than mobile games. But even if that was all we had, we still finished the job! Now you look at games these days and we have folk like you wanting to try and drown the world in cum! Ah… how times’ve changed.”

He was definitely an old man in real life with his ability to ramble and get distracted. Then again… was I really much better? I was absolutely guilty of that at times, too. “Well, it’s thanks to your generation that all of this is possible.”

“My generation? Nah. All we did was whine and complain about everything. It’s the generations that came after who actually did things. We were too complacent and soft. You know, back in the day, even little kids were smart enough to put on their masks and wear them when their parents were screaming and shouting about how you were a brainwashed sheep of the government or something if you ‘believed in’ masks. Ah, and don’t even get me started on those daft idiots who said climate change wasn’t real because it was getting colder in some places while the rest of the world was—sorry, getting off topic again. You know, when I was younger, I used to think old people—we called them ‘boomers’ back in the day, we used to think boomers were too angry all the dang time. Now that I’m a walking corpse myself, I get it. It’s not that they were angry, just that they had nothing better to do or talk about. Guess I’ve got to distract myself with some more ladies to prevent myself from being like them.”

“Like those girls you had all over you?”

The old man chuckled and sighed. “Ah, yeah. Like them. Nympho little things they are. Well, I guess I can’t technically call them nymphos.”

“Why not?”

“Well, if you wanna be a pedant who goes by the dictionary, nympho refers to a girl, right?”

“If you’re being technical, yeah.”

“Well, they ain’t girls. I sure thought they were when they first came onto me, and I thought so while I was cumming onto them, but I found out the truth later. Bunch of young guys who like to play around with girl avatars who also have a thing for older men. Shoulda figured as much sooner. You see, there might be some girls who like older men, but they like men who’re in their forties or maybe fifties at their latest. When you find a girl who really likes older men, like men who look like me, then you can rest assured they ain’t really a girl.”

“I… I see. Was this after or before I saw you that first time?”

“Oh, before. What they are behind the avatar doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I mean, if I met them in real life, I wouldn’t want to do anything with them other than take them out fishing with some beers and cigars. Not to mention that my partner doesn’t quite work as well in real life as it does here. But in this game, who cares? They look like cute girls and give me attention that makes me feel good. They make me feel young again. Back in my day, the internet was obsessed with femboys. Some folk called them traps, but most of us stopped using that term just to avoid all the annoying internet drama it might start. Anyways, everybody loved femboys. Even the straightest men you might find loved a good femboy. If they denied it, they were a liar. So, as far as I’m concerned, those boys are just really advanced femboys. I wouldn’t do a man, but I’d do a femboy. You could even give their avatars cocks and that wouldn’t change my mind.”

“What if they dressed up like girls in real life?”

“Then sure! Well, with how my partner is in the real world… I don’t think I’d be able to take the lead, but I’d have no problem letting them do me. Though, can’t imagine anybody would be too interested in my wrinkly ass. I sure wouldn’t want to do me.”

“I’m curious. Would you consider yourself straight? You said you wouldn’t do a man or do anything with them in real life, but now that they’re dressed like girls…”

“As straight as a noodle. Get it? Back in the day, we had this phrase we liked to say. ‘Noodles are straight until they get wet.’ What I mean is that I think I’m pretty straight most of the time but, if you put somebody who looks like a cute girl in front of me, it doesn’t matter if they have a cock the size of my forearm or not.”

That last part definitely got me to laugh. I was happy to learn that he was as cool as I figured he would be. “You’re awesome.”

“Hah! Thanks. Always makes me feel nice when younger folk think I’m cool. My partner—my actual partner, not the one between my legs, passed away a few years ago. So, this is all I really have now to get some validation. Well, I have a son who’s a little older than you if you look your age, but he’s too busy with his career and wife.”

“I see. Well, if you ever want to talk to somebody, you can always friend me and hit me up whenever. Or come and hang out at my dungeon.”

“Right, you mentioned having a dungeon while telling me about your cum experiment. I might just drop by for when you try that out. Sounds like it would be a heck of a time.”

“Sounds like a plan. By the way, since we never did this earlier, I’m Damian.” I held out my hand for a shake.

He was happy to take my hand and shake it. “Glad to meet you, Damian. Everybody just calls me Fred!”

“Got it. Nice to meet you too, Fred.”

“Now, I could probably keep you here for a few more hours rambling your ear off, but I’m sure you’d get bored and rather go do something else.”

“Seriously, I have nothing better that I could be doing right now. All my plans kind of depend on other people’s involvement right now. So, I’d be happy to chill with you here.” Plus I figured that Meadow might enjoy getting to listen in on the conversation.

I took a quick peek down at my pocket just to make sure and saw her nod her head, so that was all the confirmation I needed from her.

“You sure?” Fred asked.

“Yeah. I’m sure an old man like you has got plenty of stories to tell about the early years of lewd games.”

“Hah, you can bet that’s right. Did you know that back in the day, some games were purely text-based? They didn’t even have pictures or anything! They were…”

As Fred began to ramble about his next story, I got comfortable on the bench and looked around while listening.

It was a nice day out. Clear skies, a busy market area with players of all sorts talking to each other and hanging out, there were some playing instruments just far away enough to hear without it drowning out Fred’s voice, and plenty of laughter and smiles to go around. Furthermore, we were able to talk at full volume about whatever we wanted without anybody caring or dropping into our conversation.

I wasn’t one of those people who preferred spending all my time in virtual worlds over real worlds, but I had to admit that those people didn’t have bad taste for preferring the virtual. The real world really couldn’t compare at moments like these.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota

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