Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 6]

The initial double titfuck plan might not have worked out to be the best thing ever, but the next one I received in my normal avatar was a close contender for that.

I might have preferred having sex while using the bodies of monsters as my own, but that didn’t mean I didn’t still love having fun as a human. It would probably be dangerous if that happened. The last thing I needed was body dysmorphia due to feeling that I was meant to be a monster rather than a human. Though, when I thought about it… which monster would I be if I had to pick one for the rest of my life?

That was a tough choice. And really, it wasn’t limited to monsters. Animals were in the running, too. The only reason I never played as animals within the game was because I couldn’t do anything lewd if I did. Theoretically, I could control Shadow just as I controlled any of my monsters and use his body to mount Lily and hump away at her. However… due to not actually having a functioning dick, nothing would happen if I did that. It would basically just be roleplaying sex without any actual grinding or penetration.

So that was pointless.

However, being a dog or wolf sounded nice. Nicer than being a monster? Potentially.

I could be some cute little dog with a massive dick. Lily could be my owner who pampered me and spoiled me to my heart’s content because of how cute I would be, but she’d also be submissive and eager to please me every single time I got aroused. Whenever we weren’t fooling around, I’d get to sit around on her thighs taking naps all day.

Yeah. That sounded nice. One could even say that it sounded seriously nice.

But, the same could be accomplished as a little dragon. A little dragon with a huge dick.

Having a tiny body but a massive cock was always fun. I needed a monster like that. Actually…

“I’ve got it,” I said.

“Hmm?” Lily mumbled while looking at me, not separating her lips from Akorya’s.

The two had been making out and playing with my cum ever since they finished giving me my second double titfuck.

I suppose that one could even say I received double the double titfucks than originally planned.

Also, Akorya had some fun by taking a decent amount of my seed into her tail. Her tail could apparently keep it nice and fresh, so she’d let some leak out to play with and swap between their mouths every single time they swallowed whatever amount they were already playing with.

“I need to become a dragon,” I said.

Lily’s eyes lit up as she became so excited that she actually broke the kiss off, making Akorya pout a little. “A—a dragon!? Mon maître! I—I love dragons!”

“That’s right. A dragon.”

Akorya poked Lily’s cheek and asked, “What’s so great about dragons?”

Lily almost looked offended that Akorya didn’t already share the same love for them. “They’re—w-well… they are hot! They are big and powerful! And scary, but in a good way!”

“I’m sorry but I’m not seeing it. Like, if I had to think of my perfect monster… huh, I don’t actually know. Now I really want to figure it out. Umm… I’m gonna need a minute. Go back to fangirling while I think.”

Lily nodded and looked at me again. “If anything, mon maître, I am surprised you do not already have a dragon available!”

“Well, I’d have to tame one first,” I said. “That requires me power leveling my monster tamer class up to almost max level because that’s when the first of them become available.”

“I will help! I will be able to finish leveling while helping you!”

“Are you that eager for me to become a dragon?”

Lily nodded with hearts in her eyes. “I have loved dragons ever since I was a child! I was always told stories of them! And when I played outside with my friends… wh-when I had friends… so it was a very long time ago… a-anyways, we would play pretend! The boys wanted to be knights and heroes while us girls pretended to be princesses or fellow knights, but I wanted to be a dragon! But… they thought that was weird and ignored me…”

I imagined a child version of Lily running around flapping her arms pretending to breathe fire on the other kids, and that was absolutely adorable.

However, hearing about how they didn’t appreciate her fantasy and thought she was weird for it—well, I would never advocate for child abuse, but I wanted to kick them.

“You can be a dragon with me whenever you want, Lily. I’ll never judge you for it,” I said. “If anything, I think that it would be pretty fun.”

“A-ah… I do not know, mon maître. That… sounds embarrassing. And I would not even know how to in the first place!”

“Well, how were you going to do it as a child?”

“Probably… probably run around swinging my arms while pretending to breathe fire?”

“Yep. You’re adorable.”

“E-eh? Where did that come from?”

“The truth. Anyways, how would you feel about becoming a dragon girl?”

“A—a dragon girl?”

“Yeah, you know. You’d get wings, some scales on your arms and legs, a tail, some horns—I think you could pull it off. A cute, busty, shy dragon girl.”

“I.. am not opposed to the idea, but… does mon maître truly believe I would be able to pull it off?”

“I do. Also, if you have horns, I could use them as handlebars to choke you on my cock with. Or to pull on from behind while ramming into you. Don’t those sound nice?”

Lily blushed and nodded. “That… that does sound nice, mon maître.”

“I knew you’d like that. Want to know the best part?”


“In order to unlock it, you have to grow a dragon’s egg in you. You have to let a dragon breed you and bloat your womb with so much cum that you look pregnant. Rather than your stomach deflating afterward, all that cum turns into a giant egg that you have to carry until it’s time to lay it.”

“Bu-but! Mon maître! I… only want to do such things with you…”

“Did I say that you wouldn’t be? We’re going to kill two birds with one stone here. I’m going to get a dragon to turn into, and then I’m going to breed you as it so that you can unlock changing into the dragon girl race.”

“Oh! Then… wait! Mon maître will be a dragon?!”

“That’s right. But, I’m going to have to start off as a pretty tiny one. Probably one no bigger than your head. It’ll still have a giant dick, though, plus I’ll be able to breed you with it regardless of the size.”

“Mon maître… will be a small, cute dragon?”

“With a big ol’ dick. I’m already imagining lying on my back on top of your thighs while you lean forward to wrap your tits around my cock. That’d be the life.”

Those hearts in Lily’s eyes grew even larger as she panted, nearly drooling at that point. “That… that sounds amazing, mon maître! And—and such a cute and small dragon… you could rest on the ground and I could ride you!”

I blinked. Then I blinked again. I never heard Lily be so bold about riding me before. Apparently, being a tiny dragon was all it took to bring that side out of her. “Lily, you want to go full on ‘ara ara’ mode with me as a tiny dragon, don’t you?”

Lily held her hands up in front of her and nodded. “I do, mon maître! When—when can we start?! I am free for the rest of tonight! We could go right now!”

“Hold your soon-to-be wings there. We still need to power level and I still have things I need to take care of. We’ll do that first thing after everything else is taken care of, alright?”

“O-oh… okay, mon maître.” Lily looked down and sighed. “I… I shall try my best to be patient.”

“Just think of how much more fun it will be after waiting for a while full of anticipation. You’ll get to be a dragon girl pampering a tiny dragon in full ‘ara ara’ mode. The longer you wait, the more excited you’ll be when it finally happens, the more fun we’ll both have.”

“I—I know! But… I will be so excited that I will not be able to think of anything but it! Waiting will be torture!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll try to get everything done so that you don’t have to wait long. For now, just go ahead and think of all the different ways you want to pamper me when I become a tiny dragon.” I reached forward and petted her head. That seemed to cheer her up a little bit.

“Oh!” Akorya shouted. “I think I know! What my favorite monster is!”

Me and Lily both looked at her. “Yeah?” I asked.


I… was a little disappointed.

Vampires were great. Werewolves were great. All of those traditional “monsters” were great. They were cool, badass, and the classics.

But none of them were fun to be lewd with.

None of them felt like real monsters to me. Not the kind of monsters one would find in hentai, anyways. They were basically just humans with slightly monstrous characteristics. A normal guy with sharp teeth. A humanoid wolf who still returned to human form most of the time.

That was another thing. I never liked shapeshifting. Shapeshifting just felt so… weak. Cowardly. A real wolf beat a werewolf ten times out of ten. A real dragon beat a shapeshifting dragon ten times out of ten. Temporary bodies were lame and cheap copouts to avoid going all the way with a truly bestial monster.

It was tolerable in my case, but that was because I was controlling bodies that were genuine monsters. They weren’t shapeshifters. They were taking the real bodies and putting my mind into them. It wasn’t as good as actually being those monsters myself at all times, but it was close enough.

“Vampires?” I asked just to confirm it.

“Yeah,” Akorya answered. “Sorry, I know it’s basic. You were probably hoping for like, goblins or big monsters or something, but… I’ve always had a thing for vampires. When I was little, I’d watch old vampire movies, and… it was probably one of the first things that ever turned me on before I even knew what being horny was. Seeing a vampire grab a girl, lean her back, and bite into her neck. That’s like… super hot.”

“I see. By the way, I have to whisper something to you. I have an idea for something that we can do to Lily.” I winked at Lily and she immediately caught on, slipping off from my body.

Akorya looked curious and took the bait, crawling up to me until her head was right in front of me. “What’s going on?” she whispered.

I leaned my face close to her ear, getting close enough for her to feel even the gentlest of my hot breaths against her… grabbed her shoulders, and rolled her over onto her back as I took position over her. She let out a surprised little squeak as I stared down into her eyes before tilting her head to the side, opening my mouth to let her watch as I ran my tongue against the upper row of my teeth before lowering my mouth to her vulnerable neck.

I might not have had vampire fangs, but I still had some sharp canines—sharp enough to bite into her neck with as I held her head with one hand.

“Ny-nya!” Akorya moaned out. “Ma-Master!” Her entire body squirmed underneath me, almost as if she wanted me to stop, but I knew she didn’t want me to when she wrapped her arms around my neck to hold me there as I began to suck on her neck.

That was the key strategy to leaving a hickey. Bite hard, but not hard enough to draw blood since that would be too painful and potentially dangerous, and then suck. Suck the skin between your teeth into your mouth. That sucking was what popped the blood vessels under the skin to leave a bruise.

Now, it wasn’t like the game simulated anything that specific, but it did know when somebody was trying to leave a hickey.

About twenty seconds was long enough to leave a mark that wouldn’t be going away any time soon… in real life.

In-game, it would go away in about ten minutes at most. It would leave a little status effect on her that she could click away and make vanish even sooner if she wanted to.

A lot of players actually asked the developers to increase the time limit it could last for. For some reason, that was something they always ignored and never gave in to despite making concessions to the players before both less and more serious than it.

Now, I pulled my head away from her neck to look down at it. There might not have been the bite marks left from a vampire there, but there was at least a bloodied hickey. There was also a panting Akorya with potentially the brightest cheeks and shyest eyes I’d ever seen from her. “How was that?” I asked.

“It… I… I—I came a little… I really like getting bit,” Akorya said in an almost whimpering voice.

“Then I’ll bite you whenever you want, as many times as you want, as hard as you want. I might not be a vampire, but I think I’m pretty good at biting, and I’ll always be happy to pretend to be one for you.”

For the first time ever, Akorya raised her hands up over her face to hide her flustered expression. “You’re going to kill me if you say things like that…”

“Then I’ll bring you back as a fellow vampire to serve at my side for all of eternity.”

I might not have been able to see Akorya’s face, but I still heard her swoon from behind her hands.

A dragon and a vampire. Those were Lily’s and Akorya’s favorite monsters.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn’t really have a favorite. I loved all of them. Sure, I loved some more than others, but there wasn’t really any monster that I felt like I connected with the most.

That actually made me feel a little sad. I couldn’t genuinely say that any specific monster was my favorite.

There had to be one though, didn’t there? There had to be some monster out there that would earn the spot as my absolute favorite.

But I had no idea what that monster was.

Maybe going on a journey to discover my favorite was something else to add to my to-do list despite me trying to cut down on that list.

I figured I should also add some proper vampire roleplay for Akorya to the list. Did I consider vampires some of the lamest “monsters” possible when it came to monster sex? Sure, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to spoil Akorya by giving her what she wanted so badly. I wanted to make sure that I spoiled both of them as much as they spoiled me. It was what they deserved. If anything, they deserved far more than I could ever give them, so it was my duty to spoil them as much as I possibly could.

“Lily, it looks like that side of her neck is free,” I said, my hand holding Akorya by her cheek.

Lily knew exactly what to do. She always caught on to my plans right away. That was why climbed on top of Akorya, pressing her chest against the smaller girl’s, and brought her mouth to the other side of Akorya’s neck. At the same time, I returned my lips to the first side to leave another mark as Lily and I worked in cooperation to kiss, bite, and suck as many spots on Akorya’s neck as possible.

There might have been an in-game timer on how long hickeys lasted, and they might have only lasted for a disappointingly short amount of time, but they lasted long enough for us to completely cover Akorya’s neck in our markings.

Now, it was supposed to be spoiling her. The whole point was to give her what she wanted.

But I felt like I was being selfish if anything. I enjoyed her noises as much as she enjoyed the bites. I also enjoyed the sight of her wrapping her arms around Lily’s back to run her nails down Lily’s skin, causing Lily to arch her back and press her breasts even harder against Akorya’s.

Even when I tried to be selfless, I still felt like the most selfish man in the world with how much I was enjoying it.

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Also I'm writing a new LitRPG on Patreon. Only takes $1 pledge to read all of for now. Will probably be a month or two before it makes its way to RR/SH.

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