Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 8]

There was something I had been wanting to do for Lily in real life. Well, two things. They were easy things, too, so I figured that I would get them out of the way with.

The first of these two things was to record myself jacking off and send her a video of it. I teased her about sending her something like that one time and I could tell that she was excited by it, so I figured why not? This required edging for a couple of hours so that I could really build up my orgasm to be as good as possible for her. Once I was ready, I let it loose and fired my load all over myself.

That was something I learned during my time as a degenerate who sent too many women videos of myself before. Sure, jacking off is great and all, and it can be a little exciting to see a man cum, but there’s something even better than just cumming in the air, onto the hand, or into a tissue.

And that was cumming onto oneself.

I made sure to lean back in my chair with my cock pointed at myself so that I would shoot my load out onto my chest and abdomen with some far spurts even reaching my shoulders and neck, and a little bit even got onto my cheek.

That let me end the video by telling her that I’d be waiting for her to come and lick me clean. Of course, as soon as I was done recording that, I didn’t actually wait for her and instead went to the bathroom to wash it off with cold water.

As tempting as the idea of waiting for her to come and lick me clean of my cum was, my cum wasn’t going to last that long. If anything, the idea would stop being hot after just a couple of minutes as cum was quick to lose its temperature and harden on skin.

Lily licking off fresh cum from my body? Hot.

Lily licking off crusty dry cum from my body after I wait there with it drying on me for her to fly across the ocean? Not so hot.

But that was beside the point.

I looked forward to how she would respond to that once she woke up. Well, I figured that she was asleep because she usually replied within a couple of minutes if she wasn’t. She was pretty clingy, but in a way that I liked.

There were two ways to approach clingy as far as I was concerned.

The first kind was the kind that most people didn’t like. The kind of clingy where, if you don’t reply to a person, they start spamming you, asking you where you are and what you’re doing, worrying that something is wrong, and so on. That’s the unhealthy kind of clingy.

The second kind was much more likeable, but understandably not for everybody. The kind of clingy where you don’t go out of your way to worry or spam, but still always reply right away and are always available to talk. I liked that. Lily was always there—well, whenever she was awake, but she never made me feel pressured nor overwhelmed. Of course, there are some people who wouldn’t like that sort of thing. Some people who find it unattractive if somebody is always willing to reply right away.

And those people are stupid who almost always end up regretting it not appreciating it while they could.

Now, because Lily was so perfect, I wanted to spoil her. One, because she deserved it. Two, because I was selfish and spoiling her made me happy.

That was why I spent the next couple of hours after sending her that video looking through various shops online to try and find the perfect collar for her. I wanted to get her something that she could wear in real life and out in public. That meant it couldn’t be like an actual dog collar, though getting her one of those was something I planned on eventually doing, too.

I figured that I would save getting her a dog collar for when we met in real life. I wanted to be the one to put it around her neck and mark her as my own.

But for the time being, a more subtle collar was what I had in mind. Something that she could still wear as a sign of belonging to me without making everybody look at her and go, “Wait, is she wearing an animal collar?”

Those who were in the know would know when they looked at her neck, but they were in the minority of people and wouldn’t call it out or anything.

It was always amusing to me how many normal people had no idea that people wearing chokers often meant more than just being a fashion statement. Almost every single person I ever knew who wore a choker or collar of any sort did so because they had a master, a dominant, or because they wanted one. Very, very few people wore one just because they liked how they looked.

Yet all the vanilla, normal people thought they were just fashion statements.

But it’s because of their naivety that so many people could wear subtle collars and chokers meant to signify ownership in public without people freaking out about it. As progressive as the world might have become, there were still people who overreacted to public displays of anything even slightly lewd.

AKA, there were a lot of “no fun allowed police.”

Thankfully, in-game, such people didn’t exist because such people wouldn’t be playing a game like that in the first place.

I wished that the real world could be as accepting of having fun in public. Then again, the in-game world had an age requirement and nobody under eighteen was allowed to play. The real world, unfortunately, had minors.

Minors ruined everything.

As for my collar search, I ended up finding one that I thought Lily would like. It was a thin, black collar with a metal heart in the front. It was simple, but there was nothing wrong with simple. More importantly, the seller offered discreet engraving.

So, what did I do with that?

Well, of course, I ordered the collar and requested that, “Property of Mon Maître,” be engraved on it. The text would be tiny enough that nobody would be able to see it unless they held the metal heart right up in front of their eyes which made it perfect for public use.

Lily would know that it was there and be able to proudly wear it, and nobody would judge her for it. It was a win-win situation.

But I had to admit that it was tempting to send Lily an actual dog collar. Partly because I wanted her to send me a picture of her wearing it, and partly because I knew that she would wear it into public if I ordered her to.

That was one of Lily’s flaws, though. As perfect as she was, she wasn’t without her flaws, and her flaw in this case was that she was too willing to do anything that I wanted.

I was fairly confident that I knew her well enough to know that wearing something like a dog collar into public would make her extremely uncomfortable. Even if it turned her on and even if she was happy to follow orders, I imagined that being something that she would silently regret later and perhaps feel ashamed of. Not to mention that it might cause problems for her. She would do it with a smile while feeling uncomfortable the entire time.

She just… never said no to anything. That was why I had to do my best to consider her feelings and try not to ever do anything that would make her uncomfortable, because I couldn’t trust her to honestly tell me if she didn’t want to do something.

Everybody had limits. Even me and Lily. Only, I had no problem telling somebody if something made me uncomfortable. Lily was too submissive and non-confrontational to do that, though.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I didn’t mean to pat myself on the back or anything, but I was glad that I was Lily’s boyfriend and not somebody else. I could easily imagine any other guy taking advantage of her inability to say no and pushing her to do things that made her uncomfortable.

That was probably something I needed to work on with her. I needed to teach her how to say no. Ironically, teaching her how to go against her usual behavior would probably make her uncomfortable, but that was a necessary uncomfortable.

I had to make her uncomfortable so that she could learn how to keep herself comfortable.

It was the same with Akorya, but at least Akorya was already improving. She actually improved a lot since she ended things with Syl. I doubted that she would let somebody bully her and push her around again…

No, never mind.

Akorya might have stood up to Syl, but I had a feeling that she did that because she knew I would back her up and be there for her.

What if I was the one who pushed Akorya around and bullied her? Would she genuinely be able to stand up against me? I didn’t think so.

“You both need confidence lessons,” I said to myself and sighed.

Most men would probably love to have submissive women incapable of saying no and standing up for themselves,. Well, maybe not most men, but I knew that there were plenty who thought of something like that as a strictly positive thing. It reminded me of all the men who talked on the internet about how they wanted to go to Asia to find wives there because they believed all the women were submissive and obedient.

I couldn’t stand men like that.

Also, even though I had no intention of ending things with Lily and Akorya, I couldn’t just assume that I was going to spend the rest of my life with them. There was always the chance that we might break up and go different ways for any number of reasons later on. Because of that, I wanted to make sure that they could stand up for themselves in case anything ever happened. I couldn’t trust others to not take advantage of them.

Besides, there was one more thing affecting my logic.

If I could trust them to stand up for themselves, then that would mean any consent they give me is even more meaningful. I would never once have to fear that they were being pressured or too submissive to say no.

And there was nothing that I loved more than enthusiastic consent.

The problem was that I had no idea how I was supposed to train either of them to be more confident. I had no idea how to teach them to say no. No idea how to inspire them to stand up for themselves.

Then I realized what I had to do.

What I had to do… was nothing at all. I had no idea how to teach them that and I knew I wouldn’t be a good teacher for something like that. I could teach them all about anything sexual, but when it came to basically providing therapy and affecting their personalities?

I had no idea.

Not to mention that it probably wouldn’t be as effective if it came from me rather than somebody else.

Somebody such as Thera.

If anything, Thera specialized in telling me no. Nobody told me no in my lifetime more than Thera. Even my parents never refused me as much as Thera did.

If there was anybody independent and capable of saying no, it was Thera.

But this was another problem. I was always depending on Thera for things and this would be yet another responsibility thrown on top of her.

I couldn’t just keep on depending on her for so many things but, at the same time, there was nobody better than her for this.

So, that just meant I’d need to spoil her absolutely rotten to make up for it. Massages, praise, doing things with her, buying her things—I needed to pull out all the stops to make it up to Thera. Plus she deserved all of those things in the first place.

And thinking about Thera…

She actually was perfect.

I genuinely could not think of a single flaw when it came to Thera. She was kind, teasing, independent, capable, intelligent, fun to be around, and every single time that she told me no only made me more excited for when she would eventually—and hopefully—say yes.

As far as I was concerned, Lily, Akorya, and Thera were all perfect.

But Thera was the most technically perfect just because I honestly couldn’t think of a single flaw. That didn’t mean that I liked her more, of course. I just thought of her as the most ideal when it came to my standards.

Considering that Lily was the only one I was officially in a relationship with, though, I did love her more than the others. I was sure that love would be equal among the three of them if Akorya and Thera ever joined the relationship, but only Lily was officially in it for the time being, so she was the only one who received as much love as I could give her.

That was why I got the idea of sending her a voice recording where I gave her every single word of praise that I could think of for her. I told her how beautiful she was, how much I loved every single inch of her body, how much I genuinely enjoyed spending as much time as possible with her, how I couldn’t wait to hold her and pamper her in person, how I wanted nothing more than to see her smile every day for the rest of my life, and how it was impossible to be anything but overwhelmingly happy whenever I was with her.

I wanted to make her feel like the most special and important girl in the entire world. Because, to me, she was.

I also teased her by letting her know that I placed a special order for something and that she’d need to send me her address so that I could send it to her.

“Guess I’ll get to sleep now,” I said and stretched before getting up from my computer desk. Though, as soon as I turned my back to it, I heard that signature Fiscord notification sound.

When I looked to see who it was from, it was from none other than Thera.

And she told me that her plan for dealing with Akorya’s former bully was finally ready.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota

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