Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 2]

Me, Akorya, and Lily all had empty pretzel wrappers and cups in front of us as I finished spending way too much money at an airport pretzel place. I just couldn’t help it. Those pretzels were beyond good. I wanted to die after eating them because there was no way that life could get any better after that.

I also wanted to die because I felt sick due to eating far, far too many pretzels.

That aside, I sent my mom a text letting her know that Akorya and Lily were with me. I didn’t expect to get a response, though, because she was still pouting and giving me the silent treatment due to wanting to meet the girls by myself in a completely different city instead of introducing them to my mom right away and having them stay with us.

I just wanted to spend some time with them without having to worry about my own mother trying to steal them away from me, wanting to drag them all around town while telling them embarrassing stories from my childhood and asking them questions about how I treat them.

“Mon maître… if these pretzels are what America is like… I love America,” Lily said, resting a hand on her stomach while leaning her head back with her eyes closed.

Akorya sighed and said, “I wish all of America was like this. We don’t have anything like this up where I’m from. All my town has is a weird donut place that puts way too many different things on their donuts to try and be unique. Like, seriously… who puts bacon and syrup on a donut?”

Lily gulped. “Ba-bacon? On… a donut? I do not know if I would like that combination, but… I do love bacon. It is one of the most wonderful foods there is! I have not ever had something it does not go well with!”

“What about a milkshake?”

Lily nodded. “Delicious with bacon!”

Me and Akorya looked at each other and then looked back at Lily.

“Bacon with ketchup?” I asked.

“I have had bacon with ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise!” Lily answered.

“Bacon cookie?” Akorya asked.

“I have had a marshmallow bacon cookie and a chocolate chip bacon cookie, both wonderful!”

“Lily,” I said, “I love you, but I think there might be something wrong with your tastebuds. Also, do you even need to doubt that you’re going to like bacon donuts?”

Lily tapped her finger against her chin as she thought about it. “Probably… not? I have never had something with bacon that I dislike, but I still question whether some of the combinations will taste good? I think it is normal to doubt if something that sounds so strange will taste good, even if it always does in the end.”

“You’re wild, Lily,” Akorya said. “Oh, I know. What about bacon with cum on it? Nyehehe.”

I was in the middle of drinking some iced tea when I heard her say that. Needless to say, I ended up coughing and spitting some of it out.

Akorya’s question already grabbed the attention of those around us and I only grabbed even more attention.

“I want to try it!” Lily said, causing those who were listening because of Akorya’s question to listen even more intently.

So, there I was. Sitting at a table with two beautiful women while they talked about eating bacon with cum on it.

I really wasn’t expecting them to fluster me in public and make me blush, but they managed to do so.

“Hey,” I said. “Keep in mind we’re in a public airport. There are kids around. And normal people.”

“Oh, right. Have to think of the normal people,” Akorya said. “My bad. I guess I started slipping back into game-me.”

“Akorya, you went from all proper and different right back to your usual self in no time at all.”

“It’s the power of pretzels.”

“Makes sense when you put it that way. These pretzels could do anything. Honestly, if the entire world was at war, and you took the leaders of each government and gave them all these pretzels, I have no doubt that they would achieve peace within seconds. That’s how powerful these pretzels are. They can literally end world war.”

Akorya nodded a couple of times. “Yep. I’d believe it.”

Lily nodded, too. “These pretzels… are truly powerful. But… now I wish to taste them with bacon. I want… to dip bacon-wrapped pretzels… into cheese. Or pretzel-wrapped bacon? No, bacon-wrapped pretzels.”

“You know,” I said, “I’m not a huge bacon person, but that might work. It might actually work.”

“Of course it would! Bacon works with everything, even if it does not sound like it might!”

While me and Lily talked, Akorya searched up pictures of bacon-wrapped pretzels to show them to us. They didn’t quite look as I expected, but still good. “I could try making these for us once we live together,” Akorya said. “I’m actually a pretty good cook.”

“Re-really?” Lily asked. “That would be—but, I do not want to impose on you!”

“Nyehe, it’s fine. My parents are awesome, but I guess they have like, pretty traditional views about women and stuff. That’s why they’ve always made sure I dress properly, have long hair, and all that. Also why they made me take piano lessons. Like, it’s actually kinda messed up if you think about it. Sure, they love me, but they basically raised me to be like this ideal woman who never has to leave the house and is good at taking care of others. My own parents raised me to be a housewife like a hundred years after that whole fad died out.”

“I—I have to say, I do find it hard to imagine you as one…”

Akorya cleared her throat, sat up straight, and pushed her hair back before changing her tone of voice to sound much more elegant and proper. “How was work, Lily? I do hope that those problems you mentioned got resolved. Oh! I nearly forgot. I’m sorry, I was just so excited to see you that it slipped my mind. Dinner is already in the oven and will be done soon! Afterward, would you like to relax in the study together? I wish to play my piano, but I do not want to spend time apart from you. Perhaps you could read a book while I play? Even just being in the same room with you will be enough for me! And tonight… if… if it is not too much to ask for… I think I may be ready to start our family.”

Me and Lily stared straight at Akorya while she relaxed by slurping the pop she ordered through a straw, looking back at us.

“Dang, I’m out,” Akorya said, now only having a cup of ice without any pop.

“Akorya,” Lily said. “Please… never talk like that again.”

I nodded. “What Lily said.”

“Nyehehe. Was it that bad? That’s totally what my parents expect me to act like,” Akorya explained.

Lily shook her head and reached forward to hold Akorya’s hands. “How—how horrible! A parent should not raise their child to be so… submissive and dependent!”

“But you’re submissive and dependent.”

“That is because I want to be!”

“Nyehe. Fair. But yeah, like I said. My parents are actually super chill and they would still love me no matter how I act. But they’ve done a lot for me, and I love them and stuff, so I don’t mind acting like that around them. My mom would always cook dinner while I gave my dad a shoulder massage after he came home from work. That was like, the perfect, ideal family life to them. I think it’s kinda cute, but only because we were all okay with it. Like, if he made me or my mom do that, then it’d be kinda gross and messed up.”

I couldn’t help but to sigh when I heard that. It wasn’t because I was disappointed or upset or anything, it was just that I could already imagine the sort of backlash Akorya would get if she ever posted about that situation online and portrayed it as a positive thing. “I think somebody could get into about how it’s not actually that nice because they were raised to be alright with that in the first place, but I’d rather not get deep into that and make any assumptions. As long as they’re happy with it and consenting, it’s alright.”

Lily, on the other hand, still looked upset. But rather than say anything, she just pouted and sighed. “I will not argue… but I will say I may be… biased, I think is the word, because of my grandparents. They lived that way, but were less… happy and willing about it, and wanted to make me the same.”

“That explains why you’re a little rebel now.”

“Ehehe… I do like to submit, but only of free will! If you ever tried to force me, I would kick you in your groin, but I know you would never do that, so I can fully submit to you! But… even then, me liking to submit so much is probably influenced by my grandparents, and I do not like to think of that…”

“It’s just coping. It’s—”

“Nyehe, copium,” Akorya said.

I looked at Akorya.

Akorya looked away and slurped her drink despite nothing else being left in the cup.

I looked back at Lily. “Anyways, a lot of screwed up stuff that happened to us in the past can affect what fetishes we have in the present. It’s a way of taking control over what happened to us and coping with it. You remove the power it has over you by showing that you have power over it and can do it your own way whenever you want.”

“I remember watching your video on that,” Lily said, “but it still makes me feel… weird.”

“Then I guess that means you just have to submit to me even more and do everything I want until it no longer feels weird. Get you desensitized to it.”

Lily blushed and looked away. “I—I would—”

“Umm,” Akorya interrupted, “we might want to be quiet. Or go get a room or something.”

Me and Lily looked around to understand why she said that.

That was when I realized that I was the one now guilty of grabbing attention by talking about things we really probably shouldn’t have been in a public airport. One woman was even holding her hands over her child’s ears while glaring at us.

At least she didn’t say anything about it. I didn’t want to deal with a middle-aged woman yelling at me in the middle of an airport for corrupting her child.

Though, the internet was probably already doing that behind her back.

“Let’s get your things to the hotel,” I told the girls. “My stuff is already there.”

Fortunately, Lily didn’t have many bags. But even then… it was still going to be a hassle to get all of Akorya’s things to the shuttle autocars.

In a way, having to carry Akorya’s things for her probably made me feel like more of a boyfriend than anything else ever did.

I could go without feeling like a boyfriend to instead just feel like a fucktoy.


We eventually made it to the hotel with all of the girls’ things.

Akorya’s bags were so numerous and large that they couldn’t all fit in the elevator to go up to our floor, so we had to make a couple of trips which was ridiculous, but we did make it to our room.

Both girls were immediately in awe when they saw the room I rented for us. It was one of the higher rooms in the hotel with a beautiful view looking over the city. The bed was more than big enough for all three of us and then some, the décor all followed a sleek, minimalist, black and white theme, there was a fully functional kitchen and bathroom, and we even had a balcony that we could go sit on.

But we probably weren’t going to do that due to a beehive that decided to settle on it.

That was one of the problems with living in a city that wanted to take all of humankind’s modern luxuries and combine them with going back to nature. Humans could respect personal space and boundaries. Insects and animals, not so much. They just wanted to live wherever they wanted to regardless of how inconvenient it might be to us humans.

It being illegal to destroy beehives also meant that there was nothing the hotel staff could do about it, not that I wanted them to destroy it in the first place. Only licensed professionals were allowed to relocate bees, too, and apparently they were non-stop busy with work in the city and wouldn’t get around to visiting the hotel for another couple of days.

And they wouldn’t refund the room I rented nor move us to another without paying for it, so we were stuck with that room.

“That’s a lot of bees,” Akorya said, standing at the sliding, glass door to the balcony.

“I know,” I said. “Please don’t open that door unless you want to sleep with bees.”

“Hmm. Are there any bee monsters you could get for the dungeon and turn into? Wait, that might be painful. I’m just thinking of them fucking me with their stingers, and that… yeah, doesn’t sound that great.”

Lily looked like she just got an idea as she raised a single singer. “Oh! What if their stingers open and reveal a penis inside? Or maybe they have another hole in their abdomen that a penis can stick out of?”

“Now, I’m no bee expert,” I said, “but I’m pretty sure they have something… really weird shaped that sticks out from their backs that they can use? I don’t know. I remember trying to look up how bees mate once. They’ve got an ‘endophallus,’ but I had no idea what I was looking at in the pictures of them. It was almost as weird as turtle dick.”

Now, in response to turtle dick, I got two very different reactions. Lily blushed while Akorya just tilted her head and looked confused.

“What’s up with turtle dicks?” Akorya asked.

“They look like alien horse dicks. They’re huge for their size, flared like a horse, and purple,” I explained.

“Woah. That’s kinda hot. Dang, I never thought I’d want to get fucked by a turtle.”

“M-mon maître,” Lily spoke up. “Now that… you have brought it up… I—I heard that there is a monster in the game that has a… penis, which looks like turtles’. You should… once we get back…”

“Tame one for the dungeon, take it over, and fuck you both with a pseudo turtle dick?”

Lily nodded before saying, “I—I cannot believe I am saying such things in real life now.”

“You’ll get used to it. Anyways—”

I was about to say something.


Then I looked over and noticed that Akorya was already in the process of stripping.

“Are you changing clothes already or something?” I asked her.

“Nah,” Akorya answered before smirking at me and Lily. “I just wanna have sex. Talking about that dick got me horny, plus I really want to feel all over Lily’s body. I want to experience that thickness with my real hands.”

“You know, that’s fair.”

Me and Akorya stood side by side as we looked at Lily, causing her to look nervous and flustered… but also smile with perverse excitement.

I should have known we’d end up fucking pretty quickly after meeting each other.

That was a good thing, too.

We needed to burn all the calories we consumed from those pretzels.

This was supposed to be out last week, but I lost my compression gloves for my carpal tunnel and had a bit of a writer's block, so it took a long time for me to finish this. Now I can actually get started on my Christmas break!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K.

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