Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 20]

And so began our journey across the world in search of various monsters for me to tame and use for the dungeon. Meadow didn’t have most of the zones unlocked yet, so we had to manually travel to them. That was fun, though. It was also made easy since I had a mount that could allow for up to eight people to ride it at once, so Akorya and Meadow got to chill on the back of the mount and talk with each other while I led us around.

As for the monsters themselves…

A holderbe was the next monster we got. It was a large, floating eyeball surrounded by a fleshy mass with a bunch of tentacles writhing all over its body, each one with a much smaller eye at the tip. Some of the tentacles, though, didn’t have eyes at their tips so that they could still be used for lewd purposes. As for the name—well, naming it what it was clearly ripping off wasn’t allowed due to copyright issues. Naming it something stupid just to poke fun at the copyright, though, was perfectly legal.

Then there was what I lovingly nicknamed the “sticky eggs tentacle monster.” It was a monster that looked like its body was composed of dozens of large eggs, each one about the size of my head, and they were all connected to each other with a sort of sticky looking web “skin.” It also had a pretty humanoid shape in general, and the “eggs” at the end of its arms and around its head and shoulders were all partially hatched to allow black tentacles to writhe out from them.

Fighting that monster was fun. It would tear off some of the eggs from its body to throw them at players outside of its range, and then those eggs would burst open and hatch into a swarm of tentacles that would target whoever was closest.

Fun times.

Then there was a mimic. Now, mimics couldn’t be tamed. They had to be crafted. That meant, for about an hour, the three of us went to the zone with the largest number of mimics in it and basically just committed a local genocide of their entire species until they eventually dropped the rare material I needed to go and get a mimic trap crafted for me.

For the next monster, I had another nickname for it: the brain fucker. It was… well, another clearly ripped off monster that basically looked like a human brain that could run around on four “legs,” each leg actually looking like an arm and hand rather than leg and foot. Now, this was a fun monster when looked at in a consensual context. It specialized in jumping up onto somebody, climbing on top of their head, and then sitting down on top of them while using their “legs” to hold onto their head. It then used several, very, very tiny tentacles to go into the person’s ears to… quite literally, fuck their brain. This also inflicted a status effect on whoever it happened to that would allow the monster to control them. In lewd cases, this usually meant controlling somebody to let other monsters fuck them. In combat cases, this meant controlling somebody to make them fight against their own allies.

Unfortunately, most people didn’t like them that much due to the whole ear fucking thing. But ever since I fucked Meadow’s ear…

I couldn’t help but to imagine myself taking control of one of the brain fuckers, using it to fuck Meadow’s brain and take control of her, and then make her do lewd things to Lily or Akorya or something. Plus there was the added benefit of Meadow being able to more or less telepathically communicate with me at any time, so she would easily be able to revoke consent at any time no matter how much control I take over her physical body.

With an assortment of new tentacle-based monsters to add to the dungeon, what I really needed to add were some more bestial monsters. Actual beasts couldn’t be added for reasons I rambled about far too many times before, but there were still monsters that were basically beasts but legal.

That was where the giant leaping tonguer came in. A very original name on behalf of the devs, I had to admit. Because it wasn’t clearly named after any living creature, that made the process of keeping it legal pretty simple. All that needed to be done after that was make it a somewhat ambiguous looking creature with four legs that were extremely good at jumping, give it a massive tongue that can fuck people, and attach a purple dick to it. Giving it some ridges was also important in making sure that it looked nothing like any real animal.

Now, if only that could be done for dogs, wolves, horses, pigs, and so on, but all of those were too obvious when trying to get around the restrictions.

There was, however, also another type of monster that was technically only a single monster despite being composed of several monsters, and that was the pack of masked howlers. Coming from one of the more jungle zones of the game, the pack of masked howlers consisted of five, small monsters even smaller than the goblins were at the start. Their dicks were just as big though, of course. That aside, their bodies were covered in hair and they were known for living high up among the trees, jumping down from them to ambush anybody who passed through. They also wielded weapons and wore armor in the form of skull masks over their heads which made them very clearly intelligent and capable of consent, obviously. And they didn’t look like any direct, real-world animal. One might be able to make a connection if they really stretched far enough, but they would be wrong to do so.

That was what I explained to Akorya when she asked me about why they were allowed but something like a dog wasn’t.

“Ooh,” Akorya replied. “I think I understand. So, it’s like a nudge nudge, wink wink sort of situation?”

“Not at all,” I answered. “They are obviously purely fictional fantasy monsters that are in no way similar to any real-world animal. Anybody who thinks they’re connected to a real-world animal must be delusional.” I nudged her arm with my elbow a couple of times before winking a couple of times as well.

“Nyehehe, I see. They’re kinda cute, so I’d let you use them on me.”

“I’ll look forward to that then.”

“But it’s kinda funny how big their dicks are. Like with that tiny dragon. Their dicks are like… way too big for their bodies. But it’s okay as long as the dick isn’t still too big for me.”

“So, you don’t mind when a dick is way too big for the body that it’s on as long as the dick isn’t way too big for you, right?”


“Got it. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Akorya nodded. “I don’t care how proportionate the dick is on the body it’s attached to. Just how big it is in relation to my own body.”

“Makes sense.” I looked at Meadow. “How about you? Got any size limits? Or should I try to fuck your ear using that big dragon’s dick?”

“That—that would never fit!” Meadow whined with blushing cheeks. “I do not—it would not even be able to fit inside!”

“Come on, Meadow. You know this world runs off of hentai logic which means that anything can fit into anything no matter how impossible it is.”

“How would it even work?! It would go straight through my head and come out the other side! I would look like a shirt hanging on a clothesline with my ears being the clothespins!”

There were two ways to imagine that. One was a… very gory way which I chose not to do. The other way was imagining it in a very cute, chibi, not-really-sexual way. Sure, it would be sexual in nature given that it’s a dragon dick fucking a cute elf girl’s ears, but not arousing sexual. It would just look cute and funny. Especially if Meadow was just hanging there and trying to get off somehow but couldn’t.

Yeah. That was cute.

Cute in a very strange way, but still cute.

“You… are thinking of something very strange, aren’t you?” Meadow asked, looking up at me with an expression that told me she had no idea how to feel.

“I want to see you hang by your ears from a dragon dick,” I answered.

“That’s too big! But… the umm, what was it that you called it? The brain creature?”

“The brain fucker.”

“Yes. That. That… looked… like it might be fun…”

“Alright, so neither of you are size queens. At least, not size queens by… this game’s standards. You would both be extreme size queens by real life standards.”

Akorya giggled at the thought. “That’s so true. Like… in real life, geez… I feel like even seven inches starts to get scary big. But in hentai and fiction and stuff, something the size of a horse is nothing. It’s only when the dick gets like, bigger than my body that I really start getting spooked.”

Then there was Lily. Even in real life, I could imagine Lily taking one of those extremely long dildos and putting as much of it down her throat as she could. Like in those videos of some girls putting over twenty inches of dildo down their throat. Or anally riding a dildo that literally bulges their abdomen out. Lily, I could imagine doing both of those. Maybe not on her own, but she would gladly do so if ordered and be into it.

“So, Master,” Akorya said, “we done with everything? You got a bunch of dragons and then a bunch of other things.”

“I think so,” I answered. “I probably won’t even be able to summon all of them right away, but at least they’ll be there for when I am able to summon them. And I’ll hit up Wally next time I see him online to have him craft the mimic trap for me.”

Meadow then asked, “Which monster are you going to summon first?”

“Probably the tiny dragon with the big dick. Taking control of that sounds like something that would be really fun. Also, I’ve got a feeling it might bring out Lily’s more… pampering side, and I want to be pampered by her as a tiny dragon with a big dick.”

“Dang, that kinda does sound nice,” Akorya said.

And that was when I had an incredible idea that took me far, far too long to have. “Wait. That cash shop item I buy—it can be used by anybody who is registered with the dungeon. So, in theory, I could invite you to the actual dungeon staff instead of just keeping you on the safe list, and then you could control one of the monsters yourself.”

“Woah, really?”

“Really. You could help me double team Lily with some dragons. I’ll control one monster, you control the other.”

“I think I’d prefer being the bottom, but if it’s with Lily… dominating her with a monster would be pretty fun. Plus it would be fun to try out what having a dick would be like.”

I looked at Meadow. “You could also join in. Or actually… one of us could control the brain fucker to fuck and control your body with, then the other two could use monsters that your body is made to fuck. Shit. There’s a whole new world of possibilities here thanks to the power of pay-to-win that I never even considered before. I’m a failure of a degenerate.”

“It’s okay. You’re our failure.”

“Thanks, Akorya.”


“Ready to head back to the dungeon now? I think Lily should be getting on soon, so we can surprise her with a dragon gangbang.”

“Heck yeah!”

Meadow then grabbed onto my arm and asked, “A-ah… um… I… do not believe I would be very good at… participating, but… would it be too much to ask if I may watch?”

Meadow was too cute. “As long as the others are alright with it, I don’t see why not,” I replied.

“I’m down, and I know Lily will be down,” Akorya said. “But we should still ask her anyways.”

“Atta girl.” I gave Akorya a few pats on top of her head for that response, causing her to smile with a cat-like grin.

With that, it was time to get back to the dungeon, spawn some dragons, and then wait for Lily to log on.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K.

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