Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 22]

Was it even possible for life to get any better?

There I was, in the body of a tiny dragon, on my back on top of Lily’s soft, plump, warm thighs as she gently scratched underneath my chin. Her breasts were also pressing down against my head, leaving only the underside of it exposed with my vision taken away via boobs. Meanwhile, Akorya sat next to Lily to make out with her while using her tail on my cock, completely surrounding its length to milk out every single last possible drop of seed.

Both of those things on their own were incredible, yet I got both at once.

Would it even be possible to make the situation better?

Well, probably not. One of the downsides of having such a tiny body, if not the only downside, was that there wasn’t exactly a lot of room to do things with. Even just being on Lily’s lap made use of practically my entire body. If it wasn’t for the cock being so big, there wouldn’t have been anything left for Akorya to play around with.

A bigger body meant more to play with, obviously. Then again, so would two dicks.

That was what I needed.

I didn’t need a bigger body. Instead, I needed another dick. A tiny dragon body with two huge dicks, one for each girl. And the more girls involved, the more dicks I needed. A dick for every girl! One for Lily, one for Akorya, one for Meadow, one for Thera, one for—well, those first three were the only ones I even did anything with. Having an extra dick for Thera wouldn’t matter since she never did anything lewd with me in the first place.


So, I just needed three dicks.

Was there something like a Cerberus but for cocks?

Instead of being a three-headed dragon, I would be a three-dicked dragon.

In that case, comparing myself to a hydra would probably make more sense.

But didn’t hydras grow more heads from having the previous ones cut off? Cut off one head and it grows into two or more?

I didn’t want to have to get my dicks cut off in order to grow more of them.

What if, instead, every time I came, they multiplied?

Every orgasm meant another dick would grow.

No, that was too absurd. At that point, I would end up just looking like a massive pile of dicks instead of like a dragon. There would be so many dicks that it would be impossible to see the body they were all attached to.

That had a charm to it as well, but then it would be redundant with Lephacoda. Lephacoda was already basically a mass of dicks without any visible body they were all attached to.

Then again, there was a difference between a tentacle monster with a body that may or may not have actually existed beneath all those tentacles, and a dragon that came so many times that it grew dicks to the point of no longer having a visible body. The end result was basically the same from a shallow, outside perspective, but they were two entirely different themes.

The latter had more charm to it if anything. It was similar to a girl who couldn’t resist cumming despite it, for some reason, being bad for her.

Such as a girl whose breasts grew larger every time she came to the point where they inconvenienced her. Sure, you could have a girl with naturally massive tits that are already that large and never change, or you could have a girl whose tits grow bigger the more she orgasms. Then have her orgasm to the point where her breasts grow so large that she can’t even move from the weight of them and is forced to just lie on top of them, using them as a bed of sorts, thus immobilizing her which results in more sex which results in more orgasms which results in even bigger tits.

It adds conflict. Drama. Inner turmoil. Consequences.

It’s like with sugar. Eating and drinking sugary things is amazing, obviously, but too much of that is bad. It’s all a careful balancing act of one’s desires and one’s self-preservation.

“Master’s face gets that thinking look even when he’s using a monster’s body,” Akorya said, having to lift up one of Lily’s breasts just so that she could even see my face in the first place as she leaned over to look underneath the lifted boob.

“I wonder what mon maître is thinking about?” Lily asked.

“Probably something weird.”

“Ehe. Weird and lewd!”

“Sounds about right for him. Well, you keep thinking about that, little guy.” With that, Akorya lowered Lily’s tit back onto my face which took my vision away once more.

What if, instead of growing too large or too many dicks, the dick shrunk?

Take a dragon with a special condition or something that causes its cock to grow to an absolutely massive size whenever it doesn’t get to cum enough. It just grows and grows to the point of being an absurd inconvenience. Then the only way to make it return to a normal size is by making it cum, but the dragon isn’t able to cum on his own. He needs helpers to make him cum. That means the dragon needs a harem of women dedicated to pleasuring him to make sure that his cock never grows unmanageably big… but the women would love it when it did get that big, so they would frequently find excuses to not make him cum in order to get his cock to grow bigger.

That could be an entertaining story.

Too bad I’m not a writer. Then again, I could always pay somebody else to write that for me. I wonder how much story commissions go for.

Who wouldn’t want to read a story about a dragon whose dick grows bigger the longer it goes without cumming, and so he needs a dedicated harem to make him cum on a regular basis to prevent his cock from getting too massive, but his harem loves when it gets that big and thus plays stupid and acts incompetent for the sake of letting it get huge?

Maybe the dragon could even attack a castle of an evil emperor or something and the only way to break through the castle gate is by letting his dick get big enough to use as a battering ram. Then again… wouldn’t the dragon just be able to fly over the wall and gate in the first place?

The more I thought about it, the more plot holes I realized there would be, and trying to fix those was boring and too much effort.

That was why I would never be a writer.

Now, if I could just write whatever random bullshit that came to mind and people would still read it, that would be great. But nobody would just read some random guy’s random bullshit. They would listen to a random guy’s random bullshit, which was why videos, livestreaming, and podcasts were so successful, but reading random bullshit? Nobody had the time for that.

Fortunately, being an informative pervert regardless of the medium was all that I cared about, so it didn’t bother me that I would never be a writer.

It did, however, bother me that spent so much time thinking about random things while being smothered by Lily’s tits that I completely forgot I could have been playing with them the entire time. So, with that, I moved my front two legs up to play with her tits. There wasn’t much I could do since—well, they were basically just the feet of a dragon I had to work with. All I could really do was press up against them.

“Nyehehe,” Akorya giggled. “He looks like a kitten playing with some balls of yarn.”

How many dicks would I be up to if I grew more every time I came? The entire time, Akorya had her tail milking my cock still, and I was cumming about once, sometimes more, per minute thanks to that.

I would probably already be a pile of dicks without my body visible underneath them all anymore.


While thinking of piles of dicks, I realized I had no idea which was better: a girl being covered in a pile of dicks that all came from a single source, or a girl being covered in a pile of dicks that all came from other sources.

Which did I like more? A girl being so utterly covered by dicks, such as tentacles, that her skin wasn’t even visible behind them all anymore, or a girl getting gangbanged by so many different monsters or beasts that she couldn’t be seen behind all their cocks?

Well, the former was probably much more easy to actually make work. There were some logistics issues involved with using a gang of monsters or beasts to surround a girl with dicks. They would have to be climbing all over each other and getting into some pretty awkward positions to make something like that work.

But, if they were small monsters… like miniature goblins, or perhaps just imps, and they all had cocks way too big for their bodies… then it could work.

The important thing was the cock-to-body ratio. If there was more body than cock, then it wouldn’t work. However, as long as they had more cock than body, it would be far easier to completely surround and cover a girl with their dicks.

And thinking that, I realized something.

I had goblins, and the evolved hobgoblins, but I had no imps.

How could I have no imps?

I loved imps! Imps were basically just even smaller goblins that could fly! Tiny little flying devils with huge dicks!

Then again, I kind of already had that in the form of the tiny dragon I was using with Lily and Akorya.

Did I really need another small, flying monster with a huge dick?


Yes I did.

I wanted a dungeon full of monsters with tiny bodies and huge dicks, and I wanted to fuck everybody as said monsters.

Unfortunately, the time for that was about to come to an end as I only had a minute left on my control of the dragon. So, I sent a message in the chat letting them know and climbed out from underneath Lily’s tits. I really didn’t care if they did anything with my dungeon’s monsters, especially considering that they had no issue with me doing whatever I wanted with whoever I wanted, but they were adamant about only ever doing things with me rather than my monsters or anybody else. I appreciated it even if I didn’t believe it was necessary, though.

And so, I became a boring, normal human once again.

“So, Lily, how was your first dragon experience?” I asked.

Lily replied with a nod and a smile before saying, “Wonderful, mon maître! I only wish it could have been for longer. I could have stayed with you on my lap like that all day!”

I looked at Akorya next.

Akorya said, “That cum was super good, but… I didn’t really get to cum from drinking it. I guess that body is too low level.”

That was one of the inconvenient things about the game. Unfortunately, it ultimately rewarded the more… forceful interactions between characters more than it did the consensual ones. When force was involved, it always favored whoever was winning in the struggle for dominance. A higher level character would have no difficult making a lower level character orgasm, and they would be able to orgasm just fine on their own as well. However, when the situation was consensual, having large gaps between levels was a negative for the higher level. Whoever was lower would be able to orgasm no problem, like I just was, but a higher level character would have difficulty cumming from being with a lower level character regardless of what role they were taking.

When one only ever cared about sexual pleasure, being the lower level was basically always superior. When one only cared about being forceful, being the higher level and more skilled was better. When one cared about proper consent and being a good person even in a virtual video game, either being the same level as your partner or being below their level was better as being higher meant things being very one-sided.

That was part of why it took far, far more effort for me to cum whenever I did anything with Lily in-game while using my regular, human avatar. Akorya helping out made it normal again since she was the same level as me, both of us having hit the level cap, but just being with Lily made it harder for me to cum… unless I used a monster that from my dungeon that was of equal or lower level to her. That made cumming easy again.

I needed Lily to hit the level cap, and I also needed to level up my monsters just as much so that I would be able to make her and Akorya—and all of the dungeon’s guests—cum more easily.

But the fastest way to level them up was to—well, be a bad person. Using my dungeon’s monsters for raiding the surrounding area, killing people, and forcing them onto others.

The dungeon actually had a very low “danger level.” Danger levels were increased by killing invading players and, alternatively, by sending my monsters out to raid the nearby area. They would actually get to go out and attack the small villages and NPC camps in the surrounding region, thus raising the danger level and causing NPC guards to come and attack the dungeon in an attempt at pacifying it.

I never bothered engaging with that mechanic at all since I just wanted to have a nice, friendly sex dungeon, but leveling up my monsters was important and I finally realized that.

There was one other option I had.

I could always go to Thera and tell her that I wanted all of my monsters to hit the level cap, and then look away.

I had no doubt that Thera would manage to get them all leveled up in no time at all if I told her to do that, and that was exactly the sort of thing she would love to do as she was a pretty big fan of min-maxing things, efficiency, and management.

Her methods would probably be questionable but, as long as she didn’t let the monsters force themselves onto any unwilling victims, I didn’t care.

“Oh, Master,” Akorya said.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“What ever happened to that quest you got to become Lust’s champion or whatever?”

I tilted my head when she asked that… and then felt my eyes widen when I remembered what she was talking about. “I… I completely forgot. I… the quest is still sitting in my quest log, but I wasn’t working on it, so I unpinned it from my vision… and I forgot about it since I never open up my quest log. I—I think I have like thirty accepted quests in there at least. Hang on.”

I opened up my quest log menu.

It needed closed immediately after.

“Scratch that. It’s capped out at a hundred accepted quests.”

“Master,” Akorya sighed, “do you pick up every quest you see and then never do them?”

“I… can’t deny that. How am I supposed to resist when I see the exclamation marks above their heads? It bothers me seeing those, so I always accept everything so that I don’t have to see them anymore.”

“Oh! Mon maître!” Lily called out. “We could go on a quest adventure together!”

“We could do that. As long as I let Thera manage the dungeon to her heart’s desire, that should let me ignore it for a bit to go on a pure questing spree just to clear out my log. And we’ll get you leveled up, too.”

“Ooh, can I come?” Akorya asked.

“Sure. Oh, Meadow, you want to join in on this so you can get leveled too?”

Meadow poked her spider head up and nodded it from her hiding spot.

“Alright, that settles it then. The four of us are going to go on a questing and leveling spree. And I should also tame some more monsters while I’m at it. And once that’s done with, I’ll finally look into this Lust’s champion thing.”

Considering how big of a deal the Lust’s champion thing seemed originally, I was pretty disappointed in myself for utterly forgetting about it.

But that just went to show how true “out of sight, out of mind,” was. It was especially true for me, hence why I had a hundred ongoing quests in my quest log.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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