Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 28]

Alyxandria of the Crimson Court.

That was the boss standing before us.

Once we opened the doors leading to her arena, we found ourselves standing on a stone bridge leading up to her platform in the middle of the volcano surrounded by lava.

She was a large, feminine dragon covered in red scales. Even though the in-game lore made her sound far bigger than she actually was, her body was scaled down for the sake of being easier for players to battle. Having massive enemies didn’t really work in games where people were supposed to fight them on foot. Even so, she was still the size of a large house and far bigger than most monsters in the game.

She was pretty arrogant, too. I heard her scripted dialogue multiple times before, so I didn’t pay much attention to it, but it was always the same, arrogant speech about how if we dared to interrupt her slumber, then we had to be willing to satisfy her if we didn’t want to get turned into ashes.

Basically, she wanted fucked.

That was enough consent for me.

So, it was time to put my plan into action.

All the items that I had in my inventory to use for fucking the dragon were used. One by one, my status bar grew a long line of buffs that affected my sexual stats… and my physical body as well.

One of them was more important than all the others.

The giant size potion.

My body grew massive over the span of a few seconds, my gear growing in size with it. I watched as everything around me, save for the dragon herself, grew smaller. Well, the dragon looked smaller as well, but not small. Akorya and the others, though, couldn’t reach above my knees. Even Thera, the tallest of us, didn’t reach up to my knee.

And thanks to the potion, I grew to a size that would let me actually compete with the dragon.

The downside was a serious nerf to all of my non-sexual stats. Strength, speed, health, damage, defense—everything was massively nerfed while enlarged. Only my sexual stats were safe, but even that was nerfed in its own way since my cock grew to a size that would make it impossible from a PvE and PvP perspective to fuck anybody into submission. Sure, it could still be grinded against a normal-sized girl’s body, and she might cum from that just from enjoying it all on her own, but the game’s system itself wouldn’t exactly register it for the sake of sexual combat.

But that didn’t matter when going up against a dragon who my cock would very easily be able to fit inside of despite how large it grew.

I wasn’t the only one who was going to be fucking her, either.

I looked down at Marisa and gave her the signal, prompting her to grow massive as well. Not only that, but she also equipped an item I traded to her beforehand: the best, most powerful, equippable strap-on that could be crafted and found on the market.

For that was the secret Fred told me about when it came to dominating the dragon.

Alyxandria liked to be double-teamed.

Fred wasn’t able to defeat her on his own. It was only by having a friend help him out to stuff her mouth while he fucked her pussy that he was able to defeat the dragon. Had I gone in there myself without talking to him, I would have tried to fuck her all on my own, probably.

But thanks to Fred, I was going to oneshot her.

All the rest of the party had to do was provide us with some buffs and healing whenever needed.

“You ready?” I asked Marisa.

Marisa might have been aggressively submissive, but it was that aggression which made her the only one I could think of to help me with dominating the dragon. She also knew how to be dominant with women from what I understood, and Alyxandria was most certainly a woman. It was only men that she really brought out her aggressively submissive side to.

“I just need to fuck her mouth, right?” Marisa asked, looking at the dragon who was all too busy eyeing up the strap-on.

Meanwhile, I lifted up the dragon’s tail and slung it over my shoulder to keep it out of the way.

The way the dragon barely reacted told me that she had full confidence in herself to not get defeated by us, and that inspired me even more to put her in her place.

With her tail slung over my shoulder and my cock lined up with her entrance, I looked at Marisa and said, “Let’s get to it.”


And with that, a new achievement popped up for me: the Dragon Layer achievement. As for Alyxandria herself, after being pumped full of cum several times from me and drooling a giant puddle on the ground underneath where Marisa was, she curled up on her platform rather contently and… was honestly kind of cute in a strange way. Curled up, content, and sleepy.

We didn’t really put her in her place in the end, but we did fuck her into satisfaction.

Of course, since she was a raid boss who just got defeated, that meant a chest popped up in the middle of the platform for us to loot. I wasn’t too concerned with that, though, and let the others distribute that however they wanted since there was nothing from it that would be an upgrade for me.

Since everything was over, that I meant I could cancel out the buff making me large and return to my usual size.

“Well, darling?” Thera asked me. “How was your experience with a dragon?”

I shrugged. “It was alright, I guess. In the end, I prefer male monsters on normal girls. Or monster girls. Rather, male monsters on humanoid girls. Male monster on female monster or male humanoid on female monster… doesn’t really do it for me. Male monster on humanoid girl is superior.

“Interesting. I understand your preferences already, but, had I not known you, I would have assumed you would be fine with it in any way. And I must admit, I am not sure I know why you prefer it the way you do.”

“I think… an easy way to look at it is like this. Let’s take a dog.”

“Is this another rant about how monsters are allowed but animals are not?”

“No. I promise. Anyways, take a dog. Speaking in a purely fictional context here, if you have a naked girl on all fours, and a dog mounts her and humps her, then you can’t say the woman is raping the dog unless you go through some serious, mental gymnastics. The dog is undoubtedly the one in control in that position. It doesn’t work the same way when the genders are reversed, though. When you’re with a female animal, or monster for that matter, you have to take control to some degree most of the time. That makes it… kind of weird to me. Monster girls are fine, though. They’re humanoid and can communicate like humans. Therefore, they’re clearly able to give consent in a very human way, and so taking control with them is fine.”

“The dragon was able to speak, though. She even invited you to ravage her. Does that not count as clear consent?”

“It does, but, visually, it’s still… kind of weird to me. Even if an animal or monster is capable of talking with adult intelligence, it still… doesn’t really look consensual to me unless the animal or monster is the one in complete control. Now, if the dragon was a dom who wanted to top somebody, that would be far better. I like when the more bestial partner in a pairing is the one in control since it undoubtedly proves consent. When the more bestial one is the one being dominated by somebody else, then even if they are capable of providing verbal consent, it still looks non-consensual to me. That’s just my own personal bias, though. I won’t judge anybody for wanting to fuck a dragon, nor will I judge a dragon for wanting to get fucked.”

“Hmm. I see. I suppose I understand why you feel the way you do. Should I ever see a dog humping a girl’s leg, I would not find anything about that situation suspect unless she appears to be enjoying it too much. Reverse the genders, however, and it will look problematic no matter how much consent is involved.”

“Exactly. Speaking of humping legs, you’ve got a lot of legs there that aren’t being humped. Wanna change that?”

“Seeing you desperately thrust at one of my legs would do nothing for earning your way with me.”

“Is that a no?”


“Dang. Anyways, all that really matters is the Harkness Test. As long as anything you want to fuck has human intelligence or greater, can communicate with some form of verbal, understandable language, and is sexually mature for its species, then you can fuck it. It doesn’t matter if it looks wrong as long as it’s consensual.”

Thera raised a hand in front of her to tap a single finger against her lips in thought. “That reminds me of something. Here is a potentially controversial topic. What about those who look younger than they are? For example, a fully grown adult stuck in the body of a child?”

I knew exactly what she was talking about thanks to the degeneracy of the internet. “Ah. Legal lolis.”

“I suppose that is one thing to call them, yes.”

“I’m… not into them myself. That sort of content makes me extremely uncomfortable, and I have to try not to make assumptions about the people who are into it since I understand that separating fiction from reality is a thing. After all, I wish I could be a dog who goes around humping my girlfriends. Doesn’t mean I actually support anything unethical in real life. Anyways, what about them are you curious about?”

“How do you feel in regard to them wanting to pursue sexual relationships?”

“Complicated is how I feel. On one hand, I believe that it’s entirely within their right to pursue whatever relationship they want as long as it’s consensual. Just because they’re unfortunate enough to be stuck in the body of a child doesn’t mean they should be discriminated against and not given the rights that everybody else is afforded. However… the problem is anybody who would want to have that sort of relationship with them. You would have to believe that a person’s sexual attraction to her is purely based off of an emotional attachment to her as a person rather than because of how she looks, and that… is going to be a really far stretch. If you believe that a person can be sexually attracted to somebody without the physical appearance of that person playing a part, then it’s far easier to accept. I mean, there are a ton of people who claim that their sexual attraction to somebody has nothing to do with physical appearances.”

“Claim? You make it sound like you doubt these supposed claims.”

“It’s not that I doubt them, really. It’s that I could never possibly relate to them or personally understand them, so I just have to take their word that it’s possible. For me, an emotional attachment can make me far more attracted to a person, but there still needs to be at least a tiny, tiny bit of physical attraction in the first place. For example, my emotional attachment to you, and your intelligence, make you unbelievably hot to me. But if I wasn’t attracted to your body even a tiny bit in the first place, then it doesn’t matter how close we are or how smart you are. They would never make me sexually attracted to you. So, I’m not going to tell somebody how they really feel. All I can do is assume good faith until given reason to believe otherwise. I doubt I’ll ever be able to really understand being attracted to somebody without physical appearance mattering at all, though. So, when I view the legal loli situation from the perspective that I can personally understand, it’s unfortunate, but I don’t believe it would be possible for her to ever have an ethical relationship with somebody since anybody willing to sleep with her would be a pedophile. But if they’re one of those people who can be attracted regardless of physical appearances, then an ethical relationship is possible.”

“I see. Then, what about online relationships? What if you fall in love with somebody without ever having any idea of what they look like? After all, you fell oh-so madly in love with me before you ever saw what I looked like offline.”

“I remember that. All you wanted to do was send me a picture of the dinner you made after I asked, and then you panicked and tried to delete it as quickly as possible when you realized a mirror was visible that showed you in it. The good ol’ days. Too bad for you, I opened up the picture before you could delete it.”

Thera sighed and placed a hand over her face. “Do not remind me of such an amateur mistake.”

“Hey, at least you had a bra on. Being only half naked is better than being completely naked when it comes to accidentally exposing yourself.”

In an incredibly rare sight, Thera actually blushed a little as she struggled to not look away. “What happened to deleting that memory from your mind?”

“I tried. I really did. But anyways, I’m going to be honest. If I fall in love with somebody over something like a game like this, but then I find out that I’m not physically attracted to what they look like in real life… then there would be no hope there. Physical attraction is too important for me to forego, and it’s impossible for me to be attracted to somebody while completely excluding their physical appearance. I consider myself extremely, unbelievably lucky that you, Lily, and Akorya are all hot in real life. I’ve probably used up all my luck in life with that.”

“I’m hurt. Are you saying I would not have to put up with all of your desperate attempts at seducing me if you knew I was not to your tastes offline?”


“Well, as much as I enjoy the thought of a man loving me regardless of how I look, I would never feel satisfied and secure in a relationship with somebody who does not find my body attractive on its own.”

“Same. I think it’s a nice idea that anybody could enjoy and wish for, but ultimately is too unrealistic. Not to mention that a ton of marriages fail because they try to work without any physical attraction involved regardless of how much they love everything else about each other.”

“By the way, darling.”


Thera looked around, prompting me to look around as well.

Only three of us were left in the raid’s instance. Me, Thera… and Akorya who was just sitting on the ground in front of us listening to everything we were talking about while rocking from side to side. Everybody else left and went about their days already with their new loot.

As for Akorya, me and Thera both looked down at her together.

“What?” Akorya asked. “I was going to leave and give you some privacy, but the topic was pretty interesting, so I thought I’d listen. Nyehe.”

It wasn’t like we expected privacy or anything since we started talking while everybody else was still around, so that was alright. I was just surprised that everybody else already left. Some of them even sent goodbye messages in the chat since, apparently, me and Thera were too lost in our discussion to notice them leaving.

Well, the dragon was still there, but she was just an NPC going through a looping, idle animation unable to be interacted with any further unless we wanted to kill her just for the heck of it, and none of us were going to do that.

That meant it was probably time to leave.

With a dragon fucked into submission, that meant all that was left was to fuck the futa into submission. Then this phase of the quest would be complete and I could move on to whatever was next.

Ah, this was the chapter I kind of wrote myself into a corner with. I wanted to challenge myself by writing something involving fucking a dragon (and later futa), especially because a good few of my active patrons are into that sort of stuff, but... yeah, I'm not into that. I only like monsters on girls, not guys on monsters, and just aren't really into futas either. So I basically ended up fading-to-black for both this and the futa in a few chapters. Sorry, I know that's going to be disappointing to some people. I tried writing them, but just couldn't bring myself to do it since I'm not into it. So I figured it would be better to just fade-to-black, skip over it, and move on rather than get stuck on it or go back and retcon it.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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