Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 34]

Apologies for the lack of updates! I've been trying to wrap the series up on Patreon, but I've been struggling with the ending, and I have a personal rule against posting more free chapters whenever the people paying for chapters aren't receiving one as well, so I just haven't posted any free ones either while trying to write the ending. Just posted the first of two epilogue chapters to Patreon, though, and the next one will probably be out next week. Once it's out, I'm probably going to wait a couple of weeks or so and then just dump all the remaining chapters onto here. But if you want to read it right away, feel free to go read the chapters on Patreon! Support is especially appreciated right now since we just went through a hurricane and money is low as a result.

I had an idea before going to the dungeon where we would find the Lost Queen of Futanari, Aria, and it was to bring Sophie along with me, Lily, and Akorya. Just the three of us were more than enough for the dungeon, and I would probably be able to handle the boss all on my own due to how much better my gear was than the average gear level around the time of her release, but I figured I could use her help for a strategy I came up with.

Lily and Akorya weren’t down for it, but Sophie? When it came to a strategy that would involve me fucking Aria from behind while Sophie sucked her off, I couldn’t think of anybody better in the game to help me fuck the futanari.

Sophie was perfectly happy to come along, too. As soon as I told her that I needed her to suck off a futanari so that I could become Lust’s Champion, she was all aboard and dropped whatever she might have been doing to ask me for a party invite.

And with that, we set off to the dungeon where Aria would be waiting for us at the back of it as the final boss.


The dungeon itself was pretty straightforward. It started off as a simple cave full of plant monsters, and then, after defeating a giant tentacle plant for the first boss, a secret passage opened up which revealed a small, marble city of sorts within the cave. At the center of the city was what looked like an ancient Roman temple, and it was inside that temple that the boss was waiting for us.

The Lost Queen of Futanari, Aria.

She was the same height as a normal woman, and she was attractive in pretty much every regard. Her body looked like it was hand designed to be as attractive as possible to anybody who liked buxom women. Though, she couldn’t compare to Lily for me. Lily would always be my go-to for a woman who looked like she had the body of a fertility goddess.

As for the buxom queen, while she went on with some standard voice lines talking about us overthrowing her rule and all that which she repeated every single time somebody ran her dungeon, I looked at my party members and asked, “Ready?”

“A-ah! Question!” Lily said. “Will… you still need me to help with healing, maybe?”

I looked at Sophie and then back at Lily. “Probably not. Between the two of us, we should have her fucked into submission before I would ever need healing.” But if it was just me fucking Aria, then I’d probably need at least some healing here and there. “All you have to do is stand back and enjoy the show.”

When I said that, Akorya opened up her inventory and spawned a large bucket of popcorn that she held between her and Lily. “I’ve been waiting for a good time to bring this out, nyehe.”

Lily couldn’t help but to giggle when she saw that. “You are too much sometimes, mon ange.”

I wanted some popcorn, too, but I had a futanari to fuck instead seeing as how the queen was about to finish her far-too-long speech so that we could actually fight her.

And by fight her, I mean fuck her into submission.


And just like that, me and Sophie conquered Aria together. The futanari was left limp on the ground, twitching in a puddle of cum created by her own cock that was still leaking her seed even after we were done with her. I heard about how much volume she had when it came to her loads, but I never saw it in person before. Now I understood. Her body seriously held what seemed like an infinite amount of cum in there.

It was pretty hot.

It also gave me an idea.

What if we turned Lily into a futa, tied her up, gave her a massive cock, and then trapped her so that she was stuck with her own cock sticking up between her tits and into her mouth? She would basically be stuck titfucking and sucking herself off. Her cock would be too big to pull her head away from, and the pleasure from her mouth and tits would be too great to let it soften and shrink, so she’d be stuck cumming and swallowing her own spunk until we were kind enough to help her out.

Then I could also fuck her while she’s doing that.

Actually, to make the idea even better…

I could be fucking her while Akorya rides her face.

Yeah. That would be fun.

But that would have to be for another time, maybe. As much as Lily was open to exploring new things, I wasn’t so sure she was the type who would enjoy having a dick. Same with Akorya.

If there was any woman I knew who would be interested in having a dick… it was, without a doubt, Thera. Honestly, if Thera just suddenly became a man one day, I had no doubt that she would be perfectly happy to remain as one.

Thera as a man would actually be pretty hot.

And on that note, where were all the spider men? Sure, we had spider girls, but the only spider men we had were comic book heroes wearing tight spandex. Now, I have nothing against a man in spandex. A nice ass in spandex is a nice ass in spandex regardless of who it belongs to. But I wanted to see a spider man. Upper half human, bottom half spider.

But if that happened… then, realistically, the spider man would have to be more like a spider boy. Male spiders were usually smaller than female spiders, so that caused me to think of a tall, large, spider woman like Thera paired up with me as a short, small, spider boy. Small enough that she could easily lift me up and hold me in her arms, or squeeze my whole body between her tits.

That would be nice.

Unfortunately, that would never happen even if she was up for allowing it seeing as how the game didn’t let people get that small. Taking over a tiny dragon’s body? Fine. Dragons aren’t real. Taking over a wolf’s body? No, wolves are real and that’s bestiality. With that same legal perspective, playing a fairy character was perfectly acceptable. Fairies were small to the point of often being no larger than an adult’s hand at their largest, and they had full figures, albeit miniaturized. If their bodies were just increased in size, they would have the proportions of an adult and look indistinguishable from one. That was what they were, really. Just very tiny adults with wings. No adult nor child actually looked that small.

But something like a spider boy… well, that went into potential shota territory. It would probably fall under why halfling, gnome, and dwarf races weren’t options for characters. They were all generally the same size as a real-world child. Therefore, they weren’t allowed no matter how clearly different they were from an actual kid.

A male dwarf who is only 4’3” with a beard reaching down to his feet? Nope. That’s a child’s height. Not allowed.

Characters had to either have a realistic height for adults, excluding medical situations that might result in a legal adult being shorter than normal, or they had to be so extremely tiny that there was no way they could be compared to a child in any way.

Therefore, it was foolish to ever dream of being a spider boy getting squeezed between Thera’s tits. Fortunately, that also meant I wouldn’t have to worry about her tearing my head off after mating with her since that tended to be a side effect of spiders mating.

Then again… there was nothing stopping her from ripping my head off at any given time in general.

That was hot.

“Master’s thinking about lewd stuff again,” Akorya said, holding a hand over her mouth as she stood at Lily’s side. “What a pervert.”

Lily nodded to play along with our girlfriend. “We should be careful of him! We may be the next targets of his lust!”

“Nod, nod.”

Akorya actually saying “nod, nod” instead of just… nodding, was one of the most adorable things I ever saw her do.

Then, while those two dorks acted cute together, Sophie wiped an arm across her mouth and asked me, “So, any update? That was good and all, but I’ve gotta be honest, I’m like, mainly just here because I’m totes curious about what’s gonna happen when you become the champion.”

“Oh, right,” I replied, having completely forgotten to check my quest log and the text window.

According to Fred, I should have completed the hidden objectives for the quest. All that was left was to see if he was legit or not. If he was, then there should have been something new… or so I assumed.

And the result was…

A new objective.

>Having asserted lustful dominance over all in your path, you have strengthened your position in Lust’s eyes. But to become Lust’s Champion, you must find the entrance to Lust’s Domain and accept the role of champion personally.

I read the objective a couple of times just to make sure that I got it right before opening my world map up. Now, for any normal quest, the world map would show a marker or highlighted area for where one had to go for their quest. But… there was nothing. No marker. No highlighted area. No hints. Nothing.

To the best of my knowledge, there was nowhere in the game called “Lust’s Domain,” nor had I ever heard of any potential way to travel there. It was… completely unknown to me.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do—or rather, I had no idea where I was supposed to go.

It almost sounded like a puzzle of some sort. But if that was the case… I was screwed because puzzle games were absolutely not my preferred genre of games. I was always horrible at them and avoided them for a reason. Now, my mom? My mom might have preferred gory shooters and murderhobo games, but she was also an absolute god at puzzle games.

Why middle-aged parents always seemed unnaturally good at puzzle games, I had no idea.

But she was not the one faced with this puzzle. I was. Even if I gave her all the information I knew, she wouldn’t have been able to help. That meant it was all on me to figure it out.

A week.

That was how much time I’d give myself.

One week to try and solve the puzzle fairly with the help from my friends. If that wasn’t enough time to get it done, I’d ask Fred for help. And if he wasn’t able to help…

I’d cheat and use Meadow.


It was a possibility, anyways. Seeing as how I just wanted to get the questline over with, I didn’t exactly care about doing it the “legit” way. And if there was literally nothing to help me figure out what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go, then nobody could really blame me for going to get help.

Besides, it wasn’t like there was a rule saying that I wasn’t allowed to get assistance from an AI that knew everything about the game. Considering that I was pretty sure the developers didn’t even know about Meadow’s existence, it was impossible for there to be a rule against her helping me. It would be like finding a brand-new fruit out in the wild and wanting to eat it. Sure, maybe it would cause psychedelic effects similar to illegal drugs that were against the law, but the fruit itself was undiscovered and thus perfectly legal seeing as how it had no chance to be made illegal yet.

Was I trying to mentally justify something that I absolutely knew was against the spirit of the game and would be undoubtedly against the rules if it was known about?


Did I care?

Yes, which was why I was trying to justify it to make it so I wouldn’t care, because I really did not want to spend too much time obsessing over a puzzle just to finish the questline.

Therefore, if it turned out that there was no hope of completing the quest without relying on Meadow, then I would rely on Meadow.

But… to at least try and be fair first, I would try doing it the right way.

“I bet he’s thinking about pinning us down and making us act like his pets,” Akorya whispered to Lily, still holding a hand over her mouth as if she was trying to subtly gossip.

Lily nodded and said, “What a crude, dangerous man! It would be horrible if that happened to us.”

“Nod, nod.”

Then there was Sophie again. “So… you just gonna stand there lol?”

“Right, sorry,” I said. “Yeah, that worked. But… I feel like this next step might be even more annoying than this one was. I have to find the entrance to Lust’s Domain, wherever that is.”

“Oh, I guess you’re at the end. Nice. We should totes go there now.”

“But I have no idea where it—”

“I know. That’s why I know you’re at the end. Mine was like, the same way, and all the portals to their domains are in the same place.”

I blinked a few times while staring Sophie straight in the eyes. “Seriously? Wait, where even is it? How’d you find it?”

Sophie shrugged. “I looked it up. It’s some cave in the middle of nowhere that some players found and asked on the forums about it being unused content and stuff. They thought it was left in the game by accident or something, but nah, our quests are what it’s used for. When I saw them talking about it, I went there and tried it out, and there were a bunch of circles on the ground with runes and stuff, and the one for Gluttony lit up and made a portal. Yours should do the same for Lust when you get there.”

I blinked a couple more times, unsure of what to think or even say.

“I know that face,” Akorya said. “Master feels stupid for some reason.”

Lily nodded once more. “He is very cute when he wears such a face! It makes me want to pat his head and kiss his forehead!”

“Nod, nod.”

My girlfriends got too good at reading me.

“Let’s… let’s go over now then, I guess,” I said.

With a smile, Sophie opened up her own map, pinged a location on the world map for us to go to, and began a teleport which we would be able to piggyback off of.

It… was finally time to become Lust’s Champion, though I felt kind of underwhelmed at just how easy the final step turned out to be after all that thinking about it.

And don't forget to consider reading the rest of the story on Patreon!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K., Josue J.

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