Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 5]


Order food.

Watch movie.



More sex.


Somehow, the entire vacation ended up being only that. We were supposed to go out and do other things, view the sights, eat in fancy restaurants, and all that other stuff, but what did we end up doing the entire time?


Order food.

Watch movie.



More sex.

And repeat.

It was great. Really, really great. We had a wonderful time together, ended up even closer to one another by the end of it all, and we got to confirm that we all still loved each other even in real life.

The visit couldn’t have gone any better in regard to what it did for our relationship. And it wasn’t like we weren’t all guilty of getting in the way of other plans. Whenever Lily and Akorya were in the mood to go out and do things, I was the one who suddenly felt horny and couldn’t resist going some more with them. When me and Lily wanted to go out, it was Akorya. When me and Akorya wanted to go out, it was Lily, though Lily was much shyer about the whole thing whereas me and Akorya were anything but shy in admitting to our desires.

The end result was the same regardless.

We had, what some might call, an extremely copious amount of sex.

Was it worth it?


But did I still regret not seeing more of the city considering that I paid for us to stay there instead of just inviting them over to my house where we could have had all the sex we wanted?


But it was alright. We could always meet up and, hopefully, explore the city sometime in the future. Maybe we would even get to go downstairs to the lobby of the hotel instead of just staying our room the entire time!

Probably not, but a man could dream.

That aside, parting ended up being as sad as we all thought it would be. None of us wanted to go back to our homes away from each other. Sure, there was a part of me that looked forward to having some semblance of privacy again instead of constantly having my two girlfriends with me except for when going to the bathroom, but I wanted to spend time with them more than I wanted to spend time by myself.

But we weren’t ready for that. Not that we doubted we’d still get along or anything if all just decided to move in together, but because wee all had to deal with our own things first.

Lily was taking care of her grandmother, Akorya was thinking about enrolling in a local college that she had her eyes on for a while, and I had my mom and a house that wouldn’t be big enough for all of us.

The best solution would probably be for me to pay for Lily to get her grandmother in an assisted living home, but then Lily would be leaving her behind in another country. That meant, to really make it the best solution, I would have to pay for Lily to bring her grandmother overseas to put her in an assisted living home near wherever we’d end up living. Then we’d probably buy a house near Akorya’s college and live there so that she could still achieve her goals while getting to live with us.

That was the best thing about my “job,” really. Even though it did keep me busy and could be stressful at times since I was entirely responsible for my success and how much money I made, I never had to worry about things like relocating, not having to go into work on a day with bad weather, I could take as many sick days as I wanted to, and so on. But the most important part out of all of that was me getting to live wherever I wanted. Me and my mom didn’t exactly have any special connection to where we lived, so we could pick up and move to live near Akorya tomorrow and we’d be happy.

The only person who things were really going to be difficult for was Lily. She didn’t go into any details, yet, since she didn’t want to ruin the mood, but she let us know that she was more or less responsible for taking care of her grandmother and that nobody else would, not even her parents—her grandmother’s son and daughter-in-law.

Fortunately, I had enough money that I could use it to make most issues not be issues.

Even so, it would be best to make even more for a larger safety net.


Before I could commit myself to grinding out content to make some more money, I wanted to relax with somebody who I missed and didn’t hear from at all during my stay with Lily and Akorya.

Even though she wasn’t officially my girlfriend, or even unofficially my girlfriend, she was still important to me. Plus everybody was more or less in agreement that she was eventually going to join our relationship anyways.

And that somebody who was important to me was none other than… Thera, obviously.

There was only one problem.

She wasn’t online.

She didn’t reply to my messages over Fiscord nor was she online in-game, so that did make me a bit worried.

Fortunately, there was somebody else who could be half spider who was there and wanted attention.

“Welcome back!” Meadow cheered, dropping onto my head from above while in her miniature arachne form. “Did you have a nice time? What was it like where you went? Did you explore? Did you eat lots of different types of food? Did you meet new people?”

I only felt a little bit of regret when we didn’t get to do much at the city.

Then I remembered that I promised Meadow before leaving that I would make sure to explore enough for the both of us and then come back to report everything to her.

Needless to say, that tiny bit of regret turned into a huge amount of guilt. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I—we got distracted. We ended up spending the entire time in the hotel room.”

“Oh no!” Meadow sounded genuinely worried. “Was something wrong? Is everybody alright?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. It’s just that uh… well, you see, we basically spent the entire time having sex, watching movies, and ordering food all while in the hotel room. We didn’t really get to do anything else. Every time one of us tried… somebody else would drag us back into bed.”

“Oh! So, everybody is alright? You simply had a lot of fun?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I know you were looking forward to hearing some stories about the place, but I didn’t get any.”

“That’s alright! All that matters is that everybody had fun together! And you can always go back someday to explore properly!”

“True. I might have to go with my mom sometime. I know for a fact that she’ll force me to go out exploring with her even if I don’t want to. Then she’ll probably whine and demand that I give her a piggyback because her thighs are sore.”

“Because her thighs are sore?”


“Why would you not say her legs? Is that not the usual saying? To have sore legs?”

“Ah, well, she lost both of her legs. She’s only got stubs for thighs now, and she has to wear prosthetic legs to walk normally.”

“Oh! I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. If anything, I’m pretty sure she enjoys not having the rest of her legs since she always gets to use the excuse of not having legs to get out of things, to get carried around, to get treated like a child… you get the point.”

“Oh. Interesting! I wonder what they would be like.” Meadow climbed down into my hand, which I turned so that she would be able to sit in my palm, and then changed her body to only have the humanoid half of it Her spider half disappeared and got replaced by cute bloomers that allowed her new thigh stubs to stick out from them. Naturally, as she wasn’t prepared for how to balance without legs, she fell onto her back with a surprised expression. “I am not entirely sure I understand the appeal.”

I reached over with my other hand to pet the top of her head with a single finger, making her smile and wrap her arms around the finger to keep it there, and said, “You have to make the rest of you normal person sized to get it, I guess. Make your body bigger.”

“Okay!” With that, she increased her size while still on my palm until she was normal sized for an adult human minus the legs. She fell onto my lap as a result and was about to fall backwards, so I quickly wrapped an arm around her back to stop that. “Careful there,” I said.

“I should have expected that, probably!”

“You should have.”

“Anyways… hmm. Being held like this is kind of nice! I understand why your mother likes it.”

“Here’s what she really likes. Hang on.” I set Meadow on the ground next to me and then partially turned my back to her before patting on my shoulder. “Here, climb on.”

Meadow had to be careful to not fall over, but she did at least have my shoulder for support as she waddled to get more centered behind me. Then, once she wrapped her arms around my neck, I placed my hands under her thighs and stood up. I couldn’t see her smile, but I could still hear her excitement. “Ooh! This is fun! And I like getting to feel this close to you! I think I understand now.”

“Like I said, it can be pretty nice.”

“Mhm, mhm!”

I ended up taking Meadow on a little walk around the interior of the dungeon while giving her a piggyback ride the whole time. “By the way, have you heard anything from Thera?”

“Oh, right! She gave me a message for you!”

“She did?”

Meadow nodded, which I could only tell because I felt her chin bump the top of my head a couple of times. “She told me that she refused to distract you from your seeing your girlfriends in real life for the first time, which is why she didn’t reply to any messages because she knew you would be too nice to not reply back if she replied, and then she said her aunt is having a family gathering and she didn’t want to miss it because her uncle makes amazing barbecue and she said that her uncle’s barbecue is the only reason to keep in touch with her family at all. She also gave me a secret code word for you. ‘BBQ.’”

“BBQ? What’s that supposed to be for?”

“She said that if you send that to her over Fiscord, then she’ll know you’re home and have talked to me which means that she’ll finally reply to your messages again.”

“That woman is too considerate sometimes. Anyways, thanks for letting me know. I guess I’ll send her a message once I leave.”

“O-oh. Are you—are you leaving already?” Meadow sounded sad in an absolutely adorable way.

“Not yet, don’t worry. I can spend some time with you.”

“Good! Because, I have to be honest. I’ve missed you. We didn’t really get to do anything for a few days before you left, then you only just now came back… so I would like to spend some time with you!”

“Then that’s what we’re going to do. Have anything in mind for what you’d like to do, or do you just want to relax? Maybe take a dip in the hot springs?”

“I want to go shopping!”

“You want… to go shopping?”

“I want new clothes! I hung around at the city and saw everybody wearing so many cute outfits that it made me want some!”

“Couldn’t you just transform yourself to look however you want?”

“It’s not the same! I want to experience what it’s like to go out shopping for clothes and to buy my own! Also.”


“I remember you talking before about wanting stuff like costumes for the monsters so that you can have themed nights for visitors.”


“If we go shopping for clothes, you can also go searching for a tailor to hire to make all the costumes you want! It’s a win-win for both of us. I’m not so selfish that I would expect your time without making it worth your while!”

I reached up to poke her cheek, only I ended up poking her nose due to not being able to see where my finger was going. Surely enough, that made her whine. “Spending time with you is worth my while, don’t worry about having to bribe me or anything.”

“But… I would feel bad.”

“Don’t. It’s how friendships work. You do things with each other. The only thing I need to make it worthwhile is having you there with me.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.”

“Then, alright! Next time, I’ll be selfish and won’t think of other ways to make it worth your time! But this time, we both get to win beyond just spending time with each other.”

“Deal. You ready to go?”

Meadow nodded, bumping my head with her chin again. “Oh, I guess I should return myself to spider form to hide in your pocket.”

“You could just stay like you are.”

“I—I could… but don’t you think others might be suspicious of seeing me without legs and getting a ride like this?”

“Nah. There are enough people in this game who are into amputation that nobody really bats an eye at it. If you removed your arms you’d even qualify for ‘nugget’ status.”

“A—a nugget?”

“Somebody without arms or legs who you can just pick up and fuck like they’re a toy.”

“Then… that means people are—they’re going to assume we have that sort of relationship, won’t they?”

“It does. All the more reason to go.”

“How is that more reason?!”

“Because it’s going to embarrass you and I’m a sadist.”

I opened up the teleport menu to take us over to the city before Meadow could protest or change her form.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K.

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