Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 7]

It's that time of the month again where it's the start of the month and Daddy Ace needs some new patrons, so slap my dick and give me some money.

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Anyways, Patreon link here!

It was a bit of a pain, but I managed to buy and register a new account for the game so that I could basically hand it over to Meadow. Once I did that, I signed in and got to making her a character.

Now, the character options were all pretty basic. The game wasn’t exactly trying to be anything unique when it came to races. It knew that its primary demographic was degenerates who wanted to have sex with and as various fantasy races, so it offered all the generic options for a new character. Human, elf, dwarf, animal girls who could change what type of ears and tails they had, furries who could change what animal they were based off of, and so on.

All of the more unique and interesting options came from advancing in the game and unlocking new races to play as. Demons, arachne, fairies, and so on.

But, no matter how many options there were, there was a simple, undeniable truth of RPGs: most players were still going to pick humans.

People just preferred being what they were used to. There could be a million different options for races, each one unique and full of flavor, and the majority of players would still be humans.

Even Meadow, who was meant to be a personification of the world, basically just looked like an ordinary human.

I wanted to try and give her a character that was just a little more special than that, though.

Originally, I was just going to do my best to make a clone of her and pull the whole, “You’re already perfect as you are,” card, but it was silly to use that on somebody who was already in the game with her “real” body. She didn’t need and probably wouldn’t want an exact copy of herself to play with.

So, for starters, I made her avatar an elf.

But I did more than just make her an elf.

I made her an elf and then maxed out the length for her ears. I made her ears as long as possible to the point where they looked like horns sticking out from the sides of her head.

I turned her ears into handlebars, basically.

Ears were fun to play with and to tease, and I wanted to play with hers. Especially since elven characters had naturally sensitive ears. It was actually possible to make elf characters orgasm just by teasing their ears, so why not make her ears as long as possible to give me more to play with?

Maybe that was inappropriate, though. We didn’t even really have that sort of relationship.


But a part of me really wanted to say that I got to fuck the world.

Not to mention that she was cute and I had permission from my girlfriends to fuck her if I wanted to. And I was pretty sure she would be more than happy to do it with me.

So, in that case, I was going to make her avatar into something that I believed she would enjoy while also being catered to my fetishes. And if she didn’t like it, then she could easily change herself with a bit of playing to unlock the different races. Or I could just make a brand-new character for her to use instead.

Now, if I were to make a character for her from all options possible in the game without starting restrictions, I would have made her character a forest sprite. They were basically elf fairies with antlers. Elf ears, antlers on the head, deer tail above the butt, and fairy wings behind the back. They were pretty cute, albeit also rather rare as far as the player population was concerned. They required pretty monotonous grinding of daily quests in order to gain enough reputation with the faction that could turn a character into that race.

And the dailies that required grinding weren’t exactly entertaining at all, either. There were no fun mechanics involved with them like there were in some of the other daily quests for other factions. Instead, there was only… planting seeds, picking up trash within the forest that the faction lived within, and escorting injured animals to healers of the faction.

Between the fact that the daily quests were boring and the fact that it was all implemented as part of a collaboration between the game’s developers and an environmental protection group with… very extremist views regarding the environment, it wasn’t a big surprise that not many players ever unlocked the ability to become a forest sprite.

Not many players wanted anything to do with an organization that wanted to ban even synthetic meat from being produced and consumed, advocated for the complete ban of all livestock owning and even pet owning, and wanted laws to basically conscript everybody after school into one year of service to the environment.

Honestly, that last one was actually kind of interesting. There were still some countries that forced a few years of conscripted military service once they were old enough, and I would much rather see those people be conscripted to go plant some trees and clean up the oceans rather than learn how to kill each other.

But at the same time, I was completely against forcing anybody to do anything like that, so that was still too extreme for me.

Then there was another problem. Those who did unlock the forest sprite race were typically seen as extreme tree huggers who often got mocked in passing by other players. It was a bit cruel, and those who just wanted to be a forest sprite because they liked how they looked were lumped in with those who shared the organization’s beliefs, but it was impossible to change the minds of players in a game like the one we played. Even when it came to the simps, they simply redirected their simpery toward Akorya for a moment, and I doubted that it would be long before they found somebody new to simp for.

Oh well.

That aside, I basically just used Meadow’s appearance but made her into an elf. She still had long, white hair, and bright, blue eyes. Her facial features were all cute and petite, and she had massive little sister energy. Or, after hearing what she called me… I would say that she had massive daughter energy.

Was it morally wrong to be aroused by the fact that an adult woman and seemingly artificial intelligence felt like a daughter to me?


Did I care, seeing as how: one, she was an artificial intelligence; two, we weren’t related in any way; and three, she was more than capable of knowingly consenting to anything we might do?


I was proud to admit that I wanted to fuck the world while she called me daddy.

And then I would pet her head and call her a good girl.

Wait, I thought. Am I a horrible boyfriend? Here I am, having just gotten home after meeting with Lily and Akorya in real life, and now all I’m thinking about is fucking an AI who is also the world and acts like my daughter. Then again, I did just spend an entire vacation fucking them. And they’d probably find it hot to watch me fuck the world while she calls me daddy. Alright, I’m not a horrible boyfriend.

Once my miniature, internal crisis was over, I looked over the avatar I made to see that there was one thing left I wasn’t too sure about. Well, more like a collection of things that all fell under one category: the body.

Meadow was already relatively short with a petite, graceful body. She didn’t exactly have much meat on her in any department.

Should I make her thicker? Give her bigger boobs? An ass and thighs? Hourglass figure? Should I make her taller, or maybe even shorter?

There would be ways for her to change all of those herself through regular gameplay, but I still wanted to try and make her a great starting avatar that she wouldn’t feel the need to change anything about.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there was a specific body type that I hadn’t gotten to enjoy enough of lately.

The pear.

Lily had enough boob to keep me satisfied in the chest department for the rest of my life, and Akorya had a decent size herself. Then there was Thera who, while not quite ready to compete with Lily, also had massive breasts.

But everybody was either top heavy or just evenly spread out. Well, technically, Thera was incredibly bottom  heavy due to the whole giant-spider-as-a-lower-half thing going on, but that didn’t count.

I felt like using a body that was all stacked on the bottom and smaller up top.

So, for Meadow’s avatar, I made her hips reach out almost as far to the sides as I could, giving her a large ass and thick thighs to go with them. I didn’t make them too extreme, and she actually still looked kind of petite even with wide hips, but they were about as they could realistically get without relying on a few hundred extra pounds.

As for her upper body, I left it as petite as before and gave her small breasts that could easily be covered by average hands.


Long, white hair. Blue eyes. Light skin. Small tits. Wide hips. Big ass. Thick thighs. Very long, elven ears.

With that, I figured that she was just about complete. All I had to do was pick out a starting class for her.

I felt like a druid was the most appropriate for her, so I went with that. That meant she’d get to start out with a green and white dress that barely covered her figure and a wooden staff.

And then I officially created the character.

 That meant I had to sit through a couple of short cutscenes before being thrown into the world with starting quests and markers everywhere. I forgot just how many of the UI elements I had turned off on my main account once I saw arrows, quest marks, a minimap, and more within my vision. There was an absurd amount of visual clutter and it felt like every single patch tried to add even more to make it “easier” for new players to get all caught up on things.

Needless to say, I wasn’t a fan of that.

“Damian? Is that you?” Meadow said directly into my mind.

Yeah, it’s me. Have you been asking that of every single new character to show up? I thought back to her.

“Of course not! But… since your avatar looks similar to my current body, I thought… it might be you.”

Makes sense. So, should I log out so you can take control?

“Yes, please!”

With that, I logged out and went back over to my main account. I already parked my character at the starting spot before going to make Meadow her own account and character, so all I had to do was log in and I was right back where I was. Only, I was on my main character rather than Meadow’s new character.

And when I logged back in, I saw the new character I made still standing there. Not just standing there, but moving around and checking out her new body.

“Hey there, Meadow,” I said. “How do you like your new body?”

Meadow looked at me with a smile and nodded before saying, “It’s perfect! So, is this how you would prefer me to look?”

“I think you already look perfect as is, but I figured you might appreciate getting to try out a different body.”

“I see! I must say, this is a very cute look! Though… are you sure would not rather the breasts be larger?” Meadow reached up to grab her breasts with a small pout. “I thought you liked larger sizes…”

“Lily, Akorya, and Thera aren’t around because of the size of their tits. They’re there because I like them for who they are. I love breasts all of sizes.”

“Ah, I see! Well, as long as they are not disappointing to you, I do not mind! Also,” she paused to run her fingers along the backs of her new ears, “you… really made these rather large, didn’t you?”

“I did. I made them as long as I could.”

“Is… there a reason for that? Aesthetic preference, perhaps?”

“Yes. An incredibly important reason. Are you ready for it?”

Meadow held up her hands in front of her with a determined expression and nodded. “I—I’m ready! I don’t know what I’m ready for, but I’m ready!”

“Alright. Close your eyes then.”

Meadow looked nervous in an adorable way, but also excited.

As soon as she closed her eyes, I moved behind her and let a couple of my fingers trace along the back of her right ear. Her body shivered as soon as I did and she even went so far as to let out a small moan.

“Th-this feels… really… really nice,” Meadow said, her breathing growing heavier the more that I teased her ears.

That wasn’t all I had in mind for her, though.

While my hand continued playing with her right ear, I brought my mouth to her left ear and placed a single kiss on the back of it before moving to its tip and giving it a soft bite.

Meadow made a noise that sounded like a combination of a moan and a yelp from that while jumping from surprise. She was about to say something else, but I cut her off by moving to her front and licking within her ear.

Between my hand and my tongue playing with her ears, Meadow’s new and thicker thighs roughly grinded against each other before her entire body broke out into spasming that dropped her to her knees.

Elf ears were very sensitive.

And it was because of how sensitive they were that an achievement notification popped up in the chat log congratulating her on experiencing her first orgasm.

It was even easier than I thought it would be. Though, that was mainly due to me forgetting to consider the difference in our levels. I was a max-level character. She was on a brand-new character who didn’t even accept her first quest yet. Just like how a max-level character would easily kill a brand-new character, the same applied to the former making the latter cum.

The next time that Meadow opened her eyes, she was on her knees with a red face, twitching body, and a bit of drool running from her mouth. “Tha—that… that was… I… D-Daddy…”

Honestly, I expected it to take considerably more time to get around to fucking the planet.

But when I saw her on her knees looking up at me like that, I wanted to take advantage of the level discrepancy while it lasted.

“Did it feel good?” I asked her.

“U-uh-huh,” Meadow answered.

“With the gap between our levels and the sensitivity of your ears, we could easily grind you the achievements for orgasming a set amount of times within a limited time. So, how’s about forty-nine more of those sound to you?”


“There’s an achievement for fifty. Getting the one for a hundred would probably be too hard without using some items.”

“Bu-but… I don’t… I don’t know if I can handle that another forty-nine times…”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out. If you want to, that is.”

Meadow gave herself a few moments to relax, her nipples already hard enough that they could be seen pressing up against the thin “dress” that she had on, and nodded. “I… I want to feel more of that. Please…”

I placed a hand on top of her head and said, “Good girl.”

That alone was enough to make her twitch some more.

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