Ero-Game: Power and Sword

Chapter 11: Leveling Up Garth (18+)(yaoi)

I woke up early and carefully got off the bed so as to not wake Sterling.

I took a morning shower and dressed up. When I came out of the shower, he was still asleep. It was understandable; the sun hadn't risen yet. I sat down on the bed beside him and watched him sleep. 

"Get up, sleepyhead," I whispered into his ear. It didn't work, so I grabbed his nose. He woke up a moment later, gasping for air.

"Oh, Sherrie..." He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Maybe 5. It's still early."

"Oh, I guess I should get ready and go to work."

"Before that, you remember what you said yesterday?"

"Yesterday? I think so."

"That you'll do anything for me."

"Oh, yeah. I will. I meant it."

"I'm glad. Then I'm going to go get him. You still have time before you need to go to work."

"Yeah, okay." He nodded more seriously. He looked like a loyalist, ready to do anything for me.

I wanted to tell him to 'calm down, and not put on such a serious face,' but I let it be.

"Okay, I'm going to go get him," I said and left the room.

I knocked on Garth's door. I'm sure that from the number of times I knocked, few neighbors must've woken up, but he finally answered the door.

"Master? Why so early..." He seemed to teeter between night and day.

"Wake up," I commanded. "Sterling's in the other room. He agreed to give you experience points."

"Me!? Experience points!" That seemed to have woke him up.

"Not so loud."

"Sorry." He whispered and looked around to make sure no one came out their doors. "But, why do I need to level up, master. I don't think that's necessary."

"Stop whining, and come on. He has to go to work."

"But, if I level up, what about getting married? Women won't like a guy who's stronger than them."

What the hell's this idiot saying? "Don't be an idiot." I sighed. "I'm not asking you to become some top ranker. I just want you to reach level 10 and be able to protect yourself. Plus, being a ranker isn't something anyone can force you to be."


"Stop wasting time, and let's go."

"Okay." He hung his head down and followed me back to my room.

Sterling was sitting at the edge of the bed, the bedsheet loosely covering his groin. He looked very sexy in the dim sunrise. I sat down beside him, and we made out. I caressed the inside of his thigh and gently coaxed him to spread his legs wider.

"Hmhm." Garth cleared his throat and greeted Sterling. "Hey, Sterling."

Sterling broke our kiss to say 'hey' back. "Hey, Garth. I heard you wanted to level up."

"Want is a strong word... Hehehe." He scratched his head.

"You don't want to?"

I realized where this conversation might go and quickly interrupted, "No, he wants to!" I gave Garth a stern glare. "He's just shy."

"Oh," Sterling looked from me to him and said, "you don't have to be shy, Garth. We're friends, aren't we?"

"Yeah," Garth said sadly.

I pulled away the bedsheet and revealed his lovable dick to Garth. "Thanks again for giving him your experience points, Sterling. You're a good boy." I kissed his cheek.

"You don't have to thank me, I meant it when I said I'd do anything for you."

"You're so cute." I pinched his cheek.

"I'm serious." He whined.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked Garth. "Get on your knees."

"Yes, master." He grunted at me. Is he being defiant for the first time? Do I need to be more strict?

Anyway, he got on his knees between Sterling's open legs. "Come on, come closer," I told him. He scooched closer till Sterling could feel his breath on his privates. Sterling and I looked down at him with expectancy. He was ever so slow, but he finally picked up his flaccid dick.

As he was about to put it in, I said, "Don't use your teeth." He looked up at me, annoyed.

"Yeah, don't use your teeth. That'll hurt," Sterling told him too.

Garth looked at me like I was trash but looked at Sterling with friendly eyes and said, "Don't worry, Sterling, I'd never hurt you." Then he put Sterling's gorgeous manhood in his mouth.

I continued to gently stroke Sterling's thigh and watched Garth suck. He was surprisingly good at giving a blowjob and made Sterling moan more than a few times before he was even fully erect. Sterling dug his fingers into his friend's hair while his friend sucked him like a vacuum. For a guy who seemed so reluctant a moment ago, he looked pretty comfortable now.

Sterling didn't take long to reach full erection. The room was filled with slurpy suck noises. I wanted to help out. I planted kisses on Sterling's neck and ran my tongue along his neck to his lips. We only kissed for a moment before he broke the kiss. "Ah," he said. Those were the eyes of a boy that couldn't hold it in anymore. He was going to cum. His hand clutched Garth's hair and pulled at him.

"Mmm!" Garth grunted.

Sterling couldn't help it. He wanted to go in deeper. He grabbed onto his hair with both hands and curved over. I also noticed his toes curl as he orgasmed inside Garth.

I saw the two boys struggle for a few seconds as Sterling cummed in him. He wouldn't and didn't let go of Garth's hair till he was done.

The moment he let go, Garth pulled his head out of Sterling's groin. With an angry expression, he swallowed Sterling's cum, and yelled, "Don't pull my hair!"

"Sorry, sorry." Sterling immediately apologized. "You felt really good."

"Hmm, okay, as long you're sorry." Garth stood up and wiped his mouth.

"Shouldn't you be thanking him for the 2000 points," I said.

"2000 points?" He was so focused on sucking dick he hadn't even noticed. "2000 points!" He finally noticed and opened his status window. "Master, I'm level 11!" Amazed, he looked at Sterling. "Sterling you... You're amazing. I never would've guessed you'd give such a big reward."

"Ah, no, it's not a big deal." Sterling scratched his head.

"You could be rich in a brothel," Garth suggested. 

"No, I rather people don't bother me about it. I have an older friend with similar experience points, and he regretted going to the brothels. He was always shipped around like a tool and never got to marry or have a regular life." Sterling said.

"It can become like that, can't it." Garth nodded. "At least you're not Egil." Egil was a figure from a long-lost era. He supposedly threw the entire world into war because of his experience points. It's believed he could give a billion points, though that number is very much disputed today. But every historian agrees it must've been at least 500 million.

"So, don't just go telling people," I said to Garth. "If people find out, it might inconvenience him."

"I won't tell anyone else. Your secret is safe with us." Garth assured him.

"Thanks... It's not that big of a secret." Sterling scratched his head.

"Okay, I'm heading downstairs." Then turning to Sterling, I said, "Sterling, you should take a shower before you head back." Then to Garth, "You should get ready too. We're going adventuring today."

"We're going adventuring?" Garth was surprised to hear it. Did he think we'd waste all our time eating at a cafe?

"You're not coming to the cafe?" Sterling asked.

"No..." I scratched my head, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't sound like I was dumping him after using him. "Ah, I've already spent a lot of time, you know... If my mother hears... or aunty... I should start working."

"Okay, I understand." He nodded. "You have to become strong. I'll support you."

I smiled. "Thanks for understanding." There was an awkward silence. "Well, I'm heading down. You guys get ready and come down."

I walked out of the room, and Garth followed behind me.

"Pick some good skills," I told him when we reached his door.

"Yes, master." He bowed to me but then slammed the door at me.

"He must be going through his period," I nodded to myself. "Yeah, that's it, he's going through his period. Yep." I mumbled down the stairs.


There was a lot on my mind while I ate breakfast.

Garth came down and ate breakfast with me. Sterling said he'd get breakfast at the cafe and ran out. After telling me numerous times to visit. I told him I would.

Having finished my breakfast, I said, "When you finish that, go get us a rickshaw." Garth was still eating his scrambled eggs.


"I told you not to talk with your mouth full."

He swallowed what he was eating and said, "Okay." But when he finished the eggs, he didn't leave but ordered more food. Then he asked me, "What are we going to do today?"

I wanted to punch him in the face. Instead of answering, I asked, "What did you pick?"

"Pick what?" The food showed up at the table.

"Martial or Magic?"

"Oh, I picked martial. Aren't everyone in the house of Hooper, martials?"

It was true that my mother and sisters were martials, but I wasn't. "I'm not."

"You're not!?" His surprise only lasted for a moment. "I was wondering why you didn't buy armor. I guess that explains it."

"You reached level 11, so did you pick a specialty too?"

"Yeah, I picked Knight."

"I know a sword shop. We'll go buy a sword before we go to the adventurer's guild."

"I already have a sword," Garth said as the food arrived at the table.

"You do?"

"Yep, I got it for my 14th birthday from the Great Mother."

"My mother?"

"Yeah, she said it was for all my good work."

"Sure. Then nevermind. Just finish your breakfast."

He chewed, chewed, chewed, and swallowed. "What did you pick, master. You must've gone up to level 10 too, right?"

"I'm thinking about it. I haven't decided yet."

"Oh, okay."

Out of the 4 spells, I've already picked 3 of them. The 4th was locked till I picked a specialty. But I'm not sure what to choose. I've never dreaded something so much since I came to this world.

The 3 spells I picked were: [cold, envy, translator].

Cold magic becomes very powerful as you train and level up. It wasn't good in the early stages. Right now, all I could do with it was freeze a cup of coffee. And I can't summon ice like with ice magic either, so right now, it'd be useless in a fight. But after level 50, I'd be able to freeze entire lakes and form ice from the moisture in the air. At level 100, I'd be able to freeze the air and everything around me.

Envy had a cooldown time of a year. But it was totally worth it. Once a year, I'll be able to copy any spell I see, and it had no specialty restrictions either. That meant, though, by itself, it was meaningless; every year, it'd birth me a new spell. Since it cools down for a year, it was pretty useless in the game. That won't be the case in real life.

I picked translator as my 3rd option, just because all the other options were shit. I have no idea if translator will be useful. It was something of a gimmick in the game. It allowed you to talk to animals, monsters, and foreigners. It wasn't a very useful spell in the game. Sometimes you got good quests because of it, but it was mostly useless.

There was still the specialty to choose and the 4th spell.

While I was thinking, Garth finished eating and said, "I'll go get a rickshaw, master."

He went out to get the rickshaw, and I continued to stare at my status window.

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