Ersia: Raven Dawn

A City Overflowing With Capital

The three of them, as well as the beast, ended up going together towards the city gate. Curious as she has always been, the distinct features of Hirma and her mount easily pique Viena's interest. She keeps staring at them like a painter and their canvas.

"Ma'am, why are you so tall and grey?"

"My deepest apology, knightess. I've taught her poorly," Randia hurriedly closes Viena's mouth.

"Worry not, Medevist. There is no ill intent behind the question, only curiosity."

Hirma removed her helmet and showed Viena her strange, small, antenna-like anatomy that stood wiggly right from the upper part of her forehead. The tip of the antenna branches into two that resemble a crescent moon facing upward. She reminded Viena of a beetle she caught while helping Randia make a certain potion.

"Do you see this, kid?" Hirma pointed at her forehead.

"This is a proof that I am a Natlanis. I came from the Ancient Marsh of Natlan."

"Wow, that is so cool! But I don't think we have seen any marsh yet this whole time. I wonder what it looked like."

"That is because Natlan is far away to the northwest of the world. Thus, we're pretty much on the opposite side of the map right now," Randia pointed to the infinite horizon.

"It is as your father said. Imagine a wide landscape of rich soils that are often submerged in water."

Questions after question were asked as Viena didn't hold herself back even for a bit. She asks whether everyone in Hirma's homeland was as tall as her, what it is like to live there, about the shape of other Natlanis antennas, and many more. Sometimes, she takes her turn to tell her about herself. Seeing how Viena lost herself in her excitement, Randia is feeling on edge all the time and could only hope that she doesn't make any slip of the tongue that might cause trouble.

Shortly, they arrived at the great gate of the capital city. Hirma exchanges a few words with the guards on duty and helps Randia fill out some necessary documents. Since an official is acting as a guarantor for him, the procedures are fairly simpler than they should be for a normal traveler.

"Here, put this on. You are not permitted to take it off no matter what lest you want to be treated as a fugitive."

Hirma gives Randia a black-colored bracelet. It is a marking of some sort. A sign that someone is under surveillance.

"Wow. it's pretty! What about me? Where's mine?" Viena pointed at herself, wanting the pretty bracelet for herself.

"You don't matter. Your father is the only one who will answer for everything."

"Keep silent, Viena."

Hirma then flaps her cape howling and climbs the back of her mount.

"Alright, it's time for us to part ways. I have to go back on patrol."

"It's been a pleasure to meet you, Knightess."

"Bye-bye, Hirma! Bye-bye, Nethel!" Viena waved.

Hirma also waved back before whispering to Randia.

"A word if you may, medevist. If you need a source of income, come to the cathedral. I heard they are in need of any help that is available, it's also the reason we're giving special treatment for herbalists and medevists to enter the city."

"Thank you, Knightess. I'll keep it in mind."

The knightess takes another look at Viena. She saw her already venturing into the stores and stalls on her own despite her injured leg. Her eyes are starry, and she speaks to herself excitedly. The bustling life of the city clearly enchants the little girl.

"Your daughter is bright. I'm sure she will find a lot of things to be curious about in Fleurein."

"We will happily take our time enjoying the beauty of this city."


It's lunchtime. This time, Randia and Viena tried many of the food stalls that are scattered all over the city rather than staying at an eatery. Albeit it turns out to cost them more money than their usual lunch, Randia couldn't help it, not with all the brightness and joy in Viena's face. He can't believe how fast her mood changes, it's as if the scary interrogation a while ago never happened to begin with. 

So many colors, tastes, fragrances, and textures surrounding Viena. Artists are painting and sculpting at the side of the road, hatters making bonnets beautified with preserved flowers, and tradesmen selling wares from countries beyond the horizon. Everything is stunning and brimming with stories, and to Viena, this is more than a dream come true.

They spend the whole day exploring the city. Even for Randia, it would be too hard to deny the beauty of Fleurein, despite all the places he had traveled to. During their stroll, however, Randia catches on that something is happening in the city. Something unusual and grand.

"Viena, I think we should spend our money wisely."

"Eeh? Why? I promise you I will work hard and help as much as I can! Can we just enjoy ourselves for now? And besides, the church is soo big! Surely, they will pay us much more money than the ones in the outskirts!"

". . . I'm afraid that's all the more reason."


Randia brought Viena to a park. They sit on a long chair with all the skewers and buns they bought. He wanted to tell her about something that he had been thinking about but then became reluctant when he saw that Viena didn't seem to enjoy her food as much as before.

"I should've figured it out earlier, but I guess I've let myself become too inattentive."

"What's wrong, Papa?"

"I have been here before, Viena. This city is always bustling, but even so, I think this is a tad a little bit too much. There are way too many people."

Randia leaned his head a little towards Viena.

"Look at the man in a brown cloak on your left."


"Don't be too obvious."

When Viena turns in the direction that Randia hinted, He immediately grabs her head to turn it backward and hold it in place.

"Sigh. Can someone be more senseless than you, I wonder?"

"Okay, okay! I will be more discreet!"

Randia finally let go of Viena's head. She leers at the said person carefully and she only finds him reading a newspaper like everybody else. She doesn't understand what makes Randia so wary of him.

"I don't know, Papa. He looks normal to me. What are you talking about?"

"It may seem like that at first glance. However, if you observe a little longer. You can see that he is making small rips on the edge of the newspaper."

Viena takes another look. She observed more carefully this time. It doesn't take long for her to realize what Randia said is true.

"What is he doing?"

"An espionage agent. Someone who collects special - often dangerous - information as their job. A spy. Later, he will throw away the newspaper in a random place, though in fact, it's going to be anywhere but random."

"Wow! A spy!" Viena gasps and whispers in a fidgety manner.

"But what is it that he's looking for?"

Randia rests his back on the bench and throws his gaze around like he is trying to find an answer from every mold in the wall or every stone on the paved road. There are many guards patrolling, merchants bringing pre-ordered materials and goods, and warriors sparring with each other. He knows that all of these people are here for something, but he has no answer for questions beyond that.

"I think something big is brewing in this city, and his mission is to take a record of everything."

"Something big might happen? Like something bad?"

"Not necessarily, to be honest . . . . Sigh, never mind me. We can just be natural, it would be in our best interest to keep a low profile."

"L-Low what? Ugh, do you remember that I told you to not use too many confusing words?"

"In other words, let's not make a ruckus during our stay here, okay?"

Viena nodded.

Now that she knows it is nothing too serious of a matter, Viena regains her appetite. She chews the grilled eel and the braised duck bun. Just as always, everything she ate, she only eats half of it before giving the rest to Randia.

"Ah! What if there will be a festival or something of a sort soon?!"

Viena's remark sparks a node in Randia's brain. It's a wonder why didn't he think about that. However, now is not the time for Prima Risera yet, then, what festival could it possibly be?

"There is no denying that possibility."

"Hehehe! Finally! How convenient!  I was dying to see one for like - millions of years now!"

"Hah. You do realize that more people mean more patrol and tighter security, right?" Randia tussled Viena's hair.

"Hmm. But it also means that we can blend more easily in with the crowds, right?"

"Do you think someone like 'me' can blend in the crowds?"

"Well, if you put it that way . . . Uhm . . . Neh, I think it's gonna be alright! Everybody is busy with their own business so I'm sure they won't even notice! Also, it's not like you're the only big person in the whole world, right? I mean, Hirma is soo big herself!"

Randia wipes Viena's mouth clean with his hand. Then he feeds her a gulp of water straight from the waterskin as if he were tending to a little baby.

"Well, you do have a good point. Let's hope nothing too extreme happened," said Randia as he was finishing Viena's leftovers.

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