Ersia: Raven Dawn

Periwinkle Signorina

It's nine in the morning. That can only mean wartime for local shops to get as many customers as possible. Due to the flooding number of visitors from other nations thanks to the recent effect of the Grand Summit, things are as busy as they can get. Moreover, it's the first time for Rosmayne itself to host an international level of event. Surely, everyone expects the best from the famous capital of roses.

Viena and Lisabelle walk side by side. However, the mood between them clearly differs from one another. Viena basically takes a great interest in every little thing that moves before her eyes, while Lisabelle, being a local herself, just couldn't get herself that excited.

"Come on, midget. They're just flowers! It's nothing special!"

"No, no. If only you had traveled as far as me, you'd be surprised at how wrong you are, big cow!"

Viena sticks her tongue out, but Lisabelle responds by pinching her cheek.

"Keep calling me that way and see what happens!"

"Ow ow! But you did the same! You never call me by my name!"

Lisabelle releases her pinch and then flips her hair aggressively.

"Very well, you annoying little mice. You are allowed to speak out your forgettable name just this once."

"Why are you acting so haughty though? I mean it's not like you've never heard my name. You've heard what Papa calls me right?"

"Ugh! Just be quick with it and spit it out, will you?! Or is your name so ugly that you're not even proud to say it out loud? Ha! It seems like I expected too much of you!"

"What?! Why would I do that?! My name is Viena, you hear me?! V-I-E-N-A!"

Lisabelle narrowed her eyes as she looked down on Viena from the corner of it and clicked her tongue.

"Too long. You shall not make a noble lady like me call a nobody like you by more than two syllables."


"Vivi. That's how I will call you from now on. I used to call my pet by that name."

"Then, I will call you Lily since your tummy is so flabby and is as big as your head!"

The two quarreled by themselves and dissing each other until suddenly a very loud shout from the central park took their attention away.

"Heed o' heed! Ladies and gentlemen! Today I bring you great news that will shine even the bleakest day!"

There stood a man with an unnecessarily bright blue and pink colored costume. He wears a big, feathered hat, and speaks sonorously. In his hands were a lot of papers to be given to passersby. Crowds eventually gather around, including Viena. Even Lisabelle was taken by surprise when she saw Viena already standing amongst the adults.

"Wha-! Hey! Come back here!"

Lisabelle runs and shouts out Viena's name repeatedly. Yet, the dark-haired girl couldn't care less. She was too absorbed in what the funny-looking man was saying.

"Hey! Why aren't you listening?!"

Lisabelle angrily grabbed her hand, but Viena stayed still and just kept listening to the man. The little girl even ended up slowly grabbing Lisabelle's clothes and pulling her closer to hug her hand, all while her eyes stayed in one place.

"Do you hear that?" Viena asked while staring straight.

"Do you hear me?!" Lisabelle scolds her.

"Shh! Listen! He's saying something fun!"

When Lisabelle finally averted her eyes towards the queendom's herald, the man threw his hat into the air and caught it back while bowing.

"The right is exclusive, and the whole parimutuel betting will be overseen by the House of Gold! Now, ladies and gentlemen! The first batch of registrations will be closed by the end of the month! Be sure to make your move, because only those with impaired intellect would waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Remember! The benefits of first registrants are sublime!" said the herald as he puffed his chest and put on his hat.

"Now take this flyer and get yourself signed up right now!" he continues by giving out printed parchments to the crowds.

Once again, Viena slips away from Lisabelle's hand. She suddenly bolted to the crowd, leaving Lisabelle with no explanation. Afraid of what might happen to Viena, Lisabelle also rushes into the crowd. In the rising panic, she remembered what Randia had said to her before they left; Viena broke her leg a while ago, and is still in a recovery process.

"Vivi! -Ugh! Vivi!"

The frilly dresses of the masses and passing pedestrians are blocking Lisabelle's view. She is now worried that something might happen to Viena, considering her tiny frame. She shouted and shouted, but Viena didn't reply.

"Vivi! Where are you!? Hey! Answer me!"

When she started feeling despair, someone pulled the back of her kirtle.

"Lily! What - are you doing?! It's getting full of people – here!"

Turns out, Viena was already standing behind Lisabelle, trying to pull her out from the crowd. Lisabelle quickly turned and ended up taking the lead. She clutched Viena as they pushed through the massive crowd.

When they are finally at a safe distance, Lisabelle slaps Viena's cheeks.

"You foolish, idiot, pea-brained midget! What are you thinking bolting out to a crowd with people twice your size like that?! Do you want to die?!"

Viena didn't accept being slapped and started getting back at Lisabelle. Although it doesn't hurt Lisabelle one bit, she feels a little guilty when she sees her tearing up.

"You jerk! Pig . . .! Asshole! Pig pig pig pig! Why do you do that?!"

After Viena was done with her tantrums, Lisabelle grabbed her by the collar and stared silently directly into her eyes.

"Listen. I gave your father my words. Why don't you deal with it and accept the fact that we stuck with each other for the whole day! Quit being annoying and do me a favor will you?!"

"No! Can't you see I'm just fine?! You're just being-!"

"You just happened to be fine this time! Must you break both of your legs before you start thinking with that small brain of yours?!"

When they were in the heat of their arguments, a tall and elegant woman stood beside them. She covers her face with a feathered fan and wears the fluffiest purple-colored fur clothing that the girls have ever seen. Her eyelashes are long, unlike her hair which was tied in a short ponytail with ribbon that's the same color as the rest of her outfit.

"My my, what do we have here? What are you crying little kitten?"

"Huh? It's none of your business! Now, go away before I call the guards! I got my hands full with this brat, and I have no time for another weirdo, especially someone who has such a bizarre fashion sense like you! What kind of person wears such thick clothes at this time of the year? Weirdo!"

Lisabelle pushed Viena away behind her and stood facing the purple lady with her arms crossed. Seeing how Lisabelle protected Viena, the purple lady chuckles before swinging her fan at the grumpy girl.

"Cough! Cough! Ack . . . ."

Lisabelle felt like something was crawling at her throat as soon as the purple woman waved the golden-embroidered ivory fan. When she was about to lash out at her, a strange thing happened. She couldn't let out a voice no matter how hard she tried. Her mouth moved, but there was no sound coming out from within.

"Cool your head, Princess. No wonder your little sister won't listen to you."

"Lily! W-What did you do to her?!" Viena shakes Lisabelle with concerned looks.

"Oh, there is no need for you to worry. I just shut her mouth for a moment."

The purple lady ignored Lisabelle who was pointing at her and screaming mutedly. Instead, she swings her fan once more and the pamphlet in Viena's hand flies to her instead. She was utterly surprised by what she had just read.

"Oh ho? Hey, kid. Do you even know what this is?"

Viena jumps many times trying to retake what was hers. "I know! That's why I took it! Give it back, you purple hag!"

"What did you say?!" the purple lady squeezed both of Viena's cheeks one-handed.

"Zey sed sowmtin 'bout gold! We meed wuney!"

"Betting is for adults. Rich adults. Because one should never bet with the goal to get more money, do you get it? You don't get rich from betting. You are only in for the fun," said the purple lady as she let go of Viena.

Viena raises her chin and squints her eyes mockingly.

"You talk a lot like someone I know, but I think that kind of sounds like a lame excuse for losers to me. After all, I Viena, have won a bet not so long ago!"

"Uh-huh? Is that so? What bet did you win? At which house? Hm?" The purple lady twitched her eyebrows, starting to lose her cool as the two girls were doing much better than she expected at testing her patience.

"H-House? Bernhard's Corner . . . I think?"

"Bernhard? That old dog still kicking?"

"I don't know what you mean, but I won the milk-drinking bets and the old man gave me a suuper jumbo sausage!" Viena stretches her arms.

The purple lady chuckles upon seeing Viena's innocence. She let out a big breath before stooping over to take a closer look on Viena's face.

"Listen, kid. This bet we are talking about is otherworldly different from . . . . . Wait."

However, the purple lady was taken aback when she looked carefully at Viena's eyes. She can feel that something is different from Viena, something is not normal with the little girl. She stopped midway and gently inspected Viena's whole face instead. 

"You . . . Are you sick?"

The purple lady tilts, wipes, and stretches Viena's face.

"Kuh! Haven't you had enough? Get away from me!" Viena tries to push the purple lady away.

"Hey, answer my question."

Suddenly, the purple lady went all serious on her. Viena feels intimidated and proceeds to slowly shake her head.


At first, the purple lady was still unwilling to let her go, but she ended up forced to when Lisabelle slapped her hand. She was a little surprised and took a step back. Now that she thinks about it, Viena might not going to be honest with her if she forced her. Thus, she let out a sigh.

". . . Then, what do you need money for?"

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