Ersia: Raven Dawn

Small Fellas Playing Big

"Res . . . tau . . rantion . . . Plant . . . ? Restaurant Plant? What is that?"

Viena whispered to Lisabelle, trying to figure out the big words on the paper that was laid wide before her. On that paper, there are lots of scribbles, photos, numbers, and many pieces of newspaper columns getting put together.  It looks so full and yet so unserious with all the doodles that wave at the reader on the edge of it.

"It's read; Restoration Plan."

"Restoring . . . Like removing rusts from your pan?"

"Well, you can say so. But it's not about pan."

"What is it about then?"


Lisabelle stands up from the sofa and walks to the board. She stands on the other side of the board along with Theo, while Gino, Gina, and Viena stay still. Gino and Gina looked very excited when Lisabelle tied up her hair in a ponytail and rolled up her sleeves. The confidence that Lisabelle exudes in her eyes makes Viena stupefied, and she feels as if she would do whatever she asked her to without even realizing it.

"We never had a proper introduction, didn't we? It's so silly how things just flow and I even fail to notice it," Lisabelle crossed her arms.

"I am Lisabelle Arbona. The fifth generation of the noble House of Arbona - formerly at least. My great-great-grandfather was a rancher who helped the Duke of Marnobel during an assassination attempt by his political rivals. He was rewarded with a small land to the east of the capital. The land grows bigger after his son - my great-grandfather - successful campaign during the military expedition to Mount Galivier, and thus it turns into a fiefdom."

"The third generation, my grandfather, Graham Arbon, takes a different approach. He hated war so much to the point that he pursued a different path than that of his father - the path of a scholar. Long story short, he became a businessman who deals in garments and fashion. You can say, he is very successful that no one doesn't know his name. Kings and queens often send their envoys and merchants just to procure their products. He might be even as popular as Queen Luseya herself."

"Wow, that's amazing! What about your dad, then? He must be a cool person too! But how come I never saw him or your mom? I tried asking Papa once, but he won't answer . . ."

Everyone except for Lisabelle herself is gritting their teeth upon hearing Viena's innocent response. Theo slowly walks closer to Lisabelle with a concerned look. He keeps rubbing the side of his olive-colored trousers, feeling very uneasy. 

"You can drop it and I'll explain to her later if you want, Bel," Theo whispered.

Instead of doing as Theo told her, Lisabelle gently pushed him away, telling him that it was okay.

"Of course! He was a prominent young merchant who built his own guild from scratch, starting as a mere bakery shop worker. It was he who taught my grandma all the recipes she knew. However, unfortunately, he died young along with my mother."

The way she chooses her words implies that she doesn't want to let Viena know about what really happened, and Theo understands this. A bit and a slight of was enough. There's no point in burdening the small delicate mind of a kid with something too big that even adults are having a hard time with. 

". . . Aren't you sad, Lily?"

Viena's face turned into one of those with condolences. She knew that she had to tread carefully on such a topic, to the point that she was struggling to find all the right words to ask her question.

"Why are you asking?"

"Because when I remember Mama, I'm sad."

"I see. So you are more or less in the same situation. Truthfully I had asked myself whether your mom divorced your dad - or the other way around - since it's only the two of you traveling together. But I guess it's the stuck-up, flat-faced guy like him who sticks around faithfully after all."

Viena couldn't understand everything that Lisabelle was saying. She only gets that she dissed her father and complimented him afterward. Thanks to that, she doesn't know whether to be mad or not. She just sat there and fake-laughed as if she understood.

"Anyway, it's all in the past. I'm sure that, if they could say it to us, they would like us to keep going and don't worry about them. So don't be sad. You are not alone."

Everyone went silent for quite a while, and the mood kept turning more mellow and mawkish with each passing second. As the one who leads the talk, Lisabelle starts to feel awkward about it, and then she quickly claps her hands once to break the ice.

"Aaah! Why do I keep blabbering about that?! - Ahem! All in all, my family was a noble once—a very good noble. Now, you are all going to help me rebuild everything back, and then I will reward you handsomely! I promise that in the name of Arbon!"

"Yeaay! Good speech, Boss!"

"Marvelous! You are killing it, Boss!"

Gino and Gina clap their hands after Lisabelle's declaration. Viena followed after, while Theo just rolled his eyes and sneered (obviously got smacked by Lisabelle afterward). Now that they are on the same page, Lisabelle and Theo begin the discussion about the Restoration Plan that they have worked on for quite some time.


"So that's more or less. What do you think?"

"It's going to be a tall order, but not impossible. We will just need to sort and brush a few things up, and we're good."

When Lisabelle, Theo, and Gino have their own intense dialogues over the blackboard, Viena and Gina are sulking. They are getting left out of the conversation, and the three show no sign of stopping either. Thus, the two insisted that they must explain in simpler terms they can also understand. The three agreed, though with rolled eyes.

"Alright, I'll explain once. Listen carefully from start to finish. Focus, save your questions for later, and don't be stupid. Do you understand?" Lisabelle crossed her arms.

"Yes, Boss!"

"Y-Yes, Boss!"

*Slam* The blackboard chalk dust pops when Lisabelle puts her hand on it.

"We are going to make a lot of money. The minimum target will be 60.000 Rios clean."

"S-Sixty? But how-"

"Shut your mouth. I'm still talking."

Gina immediately covered her mouth with her hands, while Theo chuckled in disbelief as he found it very funny that Gina's memory seemed to only last for 5 seconds at most.

"Forty days of event equals four master projects. Pay attention;

First! Project Chaperone!

Second! Project Paper!

Third! Project Overprice!

Four! Project Farewell!"

"C . . . P . . . O . . . F . . .?"

"No, no, no. I think Chaperwell sounds better."

*Whoosh* *Tock* *Tock*

Two pieces of chalk flew to both Viena and Gina, and they landed right on their forehead. The two kids groaned and covered their heads, but surprisingly accepted the shot willingly since they knew it was them who made Lisabelle do that.

"Aight, Chaperwell does sound kinda fine if you put it fairly, you know what I'm sayin'?"


Theo who thinks he was immune to Lisabelle, was also getting a chalk for himself unexpectedly.

"Why am I getting the bigger one, dammit?!"

"Shut up!"

After the intermezzo, Lisabelle takes a ruler and starts pointing at the blackboard as if she were a teacher.

"Project Chaperone will be the largest and hardest. The project is to make oneself a tour guide for outside visitors who will be flowing like bees to our city starting two months prior to the events. In other words, we will start right after New Year from towns 10 kilometers radius outside of Fleurein. Theo, you got four months maximum. Can you do it?"

"Hmph, stupid question. Money is my god, and I'd even eat bricks for my god."

"What an idiotic response since I'm asking for a simple yes or no, but whatever, I get it," Lisabelle shook her head in mockery.

"What?! Bitch, aren't you a little too extra today?!" Theo turns red.

"Lent me Eddie for some time, I'll break down the details in two days. Don't forget to separate your boys, those who can speak in foreign tongues are more valuable."

While Lisabelle and Theo are discussing and explaining things, Gino takes notes. Gina did so as well, but it won't do any good since her handwriting is so bad that at first, Lisabelle thought she was writing ancient epigraphs with it.

"Project Paper comes close in the second hardest. I want to put Gino in charge. Lorenzo makes a lot of deals with many clients, he must have connections with many things; pubs, rich people, guild persons, and even the military. I will show you how to dig for information good enough to put on the paper we'll sell on the days of the main events, and you will repeat after me. Remember, different events - different papers, hence, this process takes time so you will start as soon as possible. Make every effort count, okay?"

"I-I'll try my best."

"Don't be afraid. It's so fun that you won't feel like working on something at all."

Next, Lisabelle turns her attention to Gina. Sensing that something of a hassle was coming for her, Gina smiled awkwardly.

"Project Overprice is your specialty, Gina. You will sell weird random things with good packages and put an illogical price on them. Don't worry about the type of goods and such, because that's my problem. You will only think of ways to sell them."

"I-I don't know if I can even-"

"Come here Gina, sell me this chalk."

Gina gets off the couch and walks to the blackboard. She looks rather fiddly and shy as she plays with her feet and swings her waist left and right. Her loose, single-braided hair is waving around, following her caprice, until Lisabelle tapped on her shoulder.

"Think of me as a potential customer. Now, go on, show my sister how good you are," Lisabelle smiled.

Gina turns quiet for a while until suddenly her aura changes into one of great intensity and fervor. When she opened her eyes, her facial expression turned so colorful that it was so captivating to see. If there were a million people inside the room, she would be among the hundred who catch people's attention. If there were a hundred people, she would be among the five most attractive people. If there were five people like now, then the spotlight is all hers.

"Hello! Good morning ma'am! Pleased to meet you, I'm Gina! I'm sorry for bothering you but you looked way too eye-catching! You have this air of a very intelligent person! Are you a lecturer? A general in disguise perhaps? Or maybe a respectable guild official? Or better yet - a big businessman in the making?"

"Are you trying to sell me something? I'm sorry I'm not interested," Lisabelle roleplayed.

"No way! I wouldn't dare to waste your precious time! Our meeting must be predestined, and I'm here to present you a helping tools to help you reach greater heights in life! Please don't be shy to take a look! Tadaa!"

"All that talk and you are showing me a chalk? Are you kidding me?" Lisabelle looked irritated.

"Not just a chalk, a very special - one of a kind, chalk! It was mined in a faraway quarry of Mount Galivier! The surface is smooth and it produces much less dust when you use it, so your chest won't get sick after years of practicing your metier! Plus! It won't break into pieces when you drop it by accident like most chalk! Also! The colors are bright and it's easy to erase and doesn't leave too much build-up stain on your blackboard!"

"Well, that's . . . interesting, but I don't think I really need it."

"Please don't give up on your dreams!"

"Wait what? It wasn't me who was supposed to-"

"I don't know what makes you give up and think of passing such a chance to have this chalk to level up your game, but you must keep going, just like me! Because, not only did you get this top-notch chalk that my brother worked hard to obtain - you also helped a little girl fund her way to school since all her dad can do is sleep at noon and get drunk and beat his family all night!"

"Uh . . . alright, fine. I'll take a box," Lisabelle looked hesitant.

"A box?! Honorable Ma'am! A box would only last a month and a half at most! Besides, what about your son or your daughter? Wouldn't it be a fantastic gift to show your appreciation and support for their hard work? Why don't you try buying ten or twelve? I'll give you a discount and just tell my mother I got a few pence robbed on my way home!"

"You are right, I'll take it," Lisabelle gives fifteen Rios to Gina.

"Thank you so much! You are a wonderful woman! I want to be like you one day!"


Lisabelle clapped her hands and the roleplay was over. She is overjoyed to see Gina's performance. To think that she will only get better and better since she's still young makes Lisabelle giddy. 'A talent for a show that is shining brighter than a sun', she thought to herself. No wonder ever since Lorenzo Baretti puts Gina in front of the store to deal with the customer, the shop is bustling more than ever.

"Wonderful, Gina. Etiquette? Check. Introduction? Check. Ego appeal? Check. Product strong points? Check. Empathy appeal? Check. Upselling? Check. After-purchase? Check. That is a perfect performance. Now, all you need is to be consistent," Lisabelle embraced Gina.

"Man, that's a pitch alright," Theo smiled also.

Lisabelle tussled Gina's hair. When Gina wanted to give back the fifteen rios, Lisabelle insisted that she keep it for herself. Gina is so happy she buries her face in Lisabelle's chest.

"Bossu, I love you so much!"

"Yeah, yeah. Now get back to the sofa, and let's continue."

Before continuing, Lisabelle looks at Viena. The little girl is so mesmerized she hasn't even blinked since the start of Gina's performance.

"How was it, Viena? Have you learned something good?"

"Yes! You are amazing Gina! Teach me how to do that sometime!" Viena smiles and claps her hands in excitement.

"Hehe. It was nothing~ Boss taught me everything, I just improvised a little."

Then, Lisabelle tapped her ruler twice, demanding everyone's attention once more.

"Now, the final project, is the newest that I just came up with during the days in detainment."

"Days in jail you mean?"

*Slap* Theo's cheek got struck with the ruler.

"It was just a reconditioning public facility. True nobles with good hearts like me don't get jailed. Now shut your mouth if you want to keep your teeth intact, monkey."


Distempered, Theo does fake punches to the air while gritting his teeth. Then, he walks to sit back on the sofa - all while still mumbling and grumbling, of course.

"Ahem. Project Farewell, is a series of rituals that combines old and new elements of our native culture that was made to be performed before the visitors go back to their homeland. Its purpose is a prayer for peace, safety, and well-being. I'll see if we can make it so that at least ten host villages will use our ceremonial service. I'm sure they spare no coins for these cultural exchange moments they call . . . uh . . . what was it again? 'Tourism'?"

"So what do we need to do?" Theo raised a question."

"Help me secure some garment supplies and maybe look out for some dancers and clerics? I don't expect any help in the latter ones though, but don't worry I have some cards. If Project Farewell can work, it will really help us to get that 60.000 Rios."

Suddenly, Viena raised her hand.

"Yes, Vivi?"

"These activities sound like a lot of work. How many people are involved?"

"Hm. Around 150 maybe, including us five. 75% of them are Theo's boys. Mainly immigrants who won't say no to quick money."

"If they are Theo's boys, will they listen to you?"

Lisabelle keeps her mouth shut. Her eyes show satisfaction with Viena's reality check question. Yet, she doesn't say anything. Then, suddenly, Theo hands out a cookie to Viena. His face looked relaxed and proud for some reason.

"They will. A hundred percent," Theo answered for Lisabelle.

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