Ersia: Raven Dawn

Tavern and Travelers

"We part-timed at the bakers guild this morning. It seems that things are getting busier around here. I wonder why though."

"That must be because of the festival they are going to hold soon."

"Oh yeah? We don't know much since me and my daughter are just travelers that hop from one place to another, but if I'm not mistaken, isn't it a little bit too early for Rosmayne to celebrate Prima Risera?"

"Wow. I'm amazed and honored that you know about Prima Risera! However, I think it's not that kind of a festival. It's more like a commemoration party to welcome the delegations of other nations."

"I'm sorry? I might've misheard you. A welcome party for who?"

"Oh ho? I take it that you haven't heard of the Grand Summit being held on Fal' Athrandor?"

"Are you being serious right now? A Grand Summit in Unisium Faelanas? But I thought they are very reclusive folks?"

Soon, Viena felt like she was getting left out of the conversation. So many names she didn't know and so many expressions coming from Randia to be ignored. Hence, she pulled his cloak to get his attention.

"Papa. What is a Grand Summit?"

"Grand Summit is an extraordinary event where leaders of the world gather at the same table to talk about important things."

"This is the third Grand Summit, little girl. I believe the first two were held before you were even born," the tavern master replied.

"So it's basically a town hall public hearing?"

Randia was astonished when he heard the words that came out of Viena. He should've known that even a town as rural as Londerstand still retains such function.

"You know about that?" Randia raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! Mama used to attend those meetings a lot to look for a job."

"Well, I guess you can put it that way, little miss. Grand Summit is a town hall meeting but on a whole different scale! Hundreds of people from faraway lands are invited to attend the most prestigious event! They even said that apparently during those events, the city is packed with food and drinks that you can even smell delicacy in every corner of it for 24 hours!"

Hearing the story of grandeur from the tavern master makes Viena all the more excited. Randia is amazed by how talented the tavern master is at story-telling. He sings and weaves tales as if he had attended one of the Grand Summits himself.

Listening to their enthusiastic chit-chat, Randia can only let out a breath every once and then. He slightly sneered at their lack of understanding, knowing very well that the Grand Summit is actually not as colorful as it appears to be. He remembers it well, the nerve-wracking bargains, intimidating demands, and unending skepticism. Even the deepest friendships are prone to crack in the face of such a high stake.

"Wow! Can we get invited too, Papa?!" Viena pulled Randia's hand collar.


"Eh?! Why?! But it sounds so fun! A super mega festival!"

"Because I will die in less than a month if I had to travel tens of thousands of kilometers away while carrying a whiny kid like you in my back."

"I-I can walk by myself just fine!"

"Sigh. Do you even know the elves' diet?"

"The elves' diet? Aren't they the same as us?"

"No. They only eat what comes from the trees. That means nuts, mushrooms, and fruits."

"That doesn't sound too-"

"And termites, worms, crickets, beetles, or even spiders."

Viena put her hands on her mouth, imagining herself eating all of those crawlers as they danced in her mouth. The stingers, the hair on their legs, and all of the sticky yuck almost make her throw up. The tavern master laughed and poured the little girl another glass of water which she took gratefully.

"That's more like it. Other people's culture is not something to be taken too lightly."

"If you showed them your medallion, would they give us a better meal, Papa?"

"Hahah. As if there's such a thing, little miss!" The tavern master shook his head as he wiped his glass.

"But there is! The other day, when Papa showed the guard the Rosela Titu-!"

Randia immediately closed Viena's mouth. He glared at her with grim, beckoning at how angry he was. However, it's too late. The tavern master heard it clearly, and his hand stopped moving. The squeaky sounds of glass cleaning subsides, leaving the air of wariness

"A Rosela Titulia you say?"

"Kids are often saying stupid things, master. There's no way ordinary travelers like us would possess such a precious thing."

"... Unless you were not."

Randia and the tavern master went silent and stared at each other for a moment.

"It's nothing more than a kid's babbling."

"Then why are you panicking and stopped her halfway?"

"Because we don't want unnecessary attention. I know the price of such a special artifact, Master. I've been there and done that before I clawed my way to get out of that black hole. Now, we just want to wander the world at peace."

Randia tried to persuade the tavern master, and it's working.

"You don't need to be so defensive. I won't do anything, although things would have been different if I was still the man I used to be. However, I can't say the same for others," the tavern master sets his gaze on nearby tables.

When the tavern master smiled and poured another glass of cider for him, Randia's tension eased. Randia then nodded to show his gratitude before turning to Viena and putting her head back on her plate.

"You will never ever interfere when the adults are talking again."

Randia's threatening tone makes Viena go silent. This makes the tavern master a little disheartened since seeing Viena being eager to learn and paying attention to things that kids around her age normally didn't care about has left a great impression on him.

"Nah, don't be like that. Kids are supposed to be noisy and nosy. Sure, it might not be the best thing to say out in the open, but hey! Even adults make mistakes, don't we?"

The tavern keeper then gives Viena a piece of roasted sausage to show his support.

"It's fine, little miss. Your father is just worried about you, and you'll do well if you make sure you always listen to him. Here you go, Now eat up and cheer up! We need to make sure you'll grow to be a fine lass!"

Viena nodded slowly.

"Really, it wasn't necessary, Master … but thank you for your generosity."

The tavern master laughed and went under the counter to take something from one of its compartments. After he finally found what he was looking for, he showed it to Randia. It is a newspaper, seemingly not the newest one considering the look of the stains of tea in some of its pages.

"Since you are very curious about the Grand Summit, This came out around … three weeks ago, I think? I'm not really sure. My memory is failing me. It sucks being old, young un. Let me check the date."

The tavern master flips the pages back to back until Randia helps him and points at the corner of the frontmost page of the newspaper.

"Ah, yes. Seems like I was right. Here says … 'Trinda, 15th of Sun's Crown, 10th year of the Fourth Age', the thirteen great realms entered a conference of a supreme level. The gathering was held mainly but not limited to response to the rumor of the return of Randia."

"In said opportunity, the delegations agreed to put hold any hostilities between each other. Thus, to make it effective, the nations also looking to hold several programs to restore bonds and maintain peace to welcome the coming of a new age."

At this moment, Viena noticed that Randia was looking a little bit tense. She wanted to ask, but she was too scared of him after what just happened, so she kept her head down as he told her instead.

"... That's what it said. Oh, they even have the names of the big shots who were attending the event. That's why I always buy Penna Noire instead of that cheap-ass Grondin. They're the best!"

Randia read the newspaper very thoroughly and carefully. Pages after pages and paragraphs after paragraphs. When Viena is done with her meal, he is finished also with his reading. Now that he is all updated with the state of the world, he is ready to resume his journey.

"I hope the meeting works well for all of us, and that this peace will last for long. After all, we lost so much in the great war," Randia rubbed his nasal bone.

"Right? I hope the past stayed in the past. I would rather die slipping in the bathroom rather than live to see another war," the tavern master sighed.

After that, they wrapped it up and shook hands before parting ways. Each wishes for the other's well-being. 

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