Escape From Konoha

Chapter 186: 182: Their Respective Plans

Konoha Year 45, Mid-December.

The two-and-a-half-year War In the Land of Rain, which saw Konoha and Suna signing an armistice agreement, finally came to an end.

The day after the formal signing of the armistice agreement, Suna, who had lost a huge amount of strategic supplies, had no choice but to withdraw from the Land of Rain and return to the Land of Wind to recover.

Konoha, too, did not linger in the Land of Rain. Under the orders of one of the Sannin, Orochimaru, the defense line swiftly retreated to the territory of the Land of Fire.

Only 500 ninjas were left to guard the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain. The remaining nearly 2,000 ninjas returned to Konoha with Orochimaru, putting an end to their long war careers.

By the end of the same month, Kumo exploited the Land of Tea to invade the Land of Fire, officially declaring war on Konoha.

Akimichi Tokukaze was appointed as the commander, leading 3,000 Konoha ninjas to confront the Kumo ninjas at the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Tea.

This development left many strategists in the outer villages puzzled, and even many Jonin within Konoha expressed doubts about the decision made by the higher-ups.

The speed with which the War of the Land of Rain ended was undoubtedly thanks to Orochimaru. Logically, it seemed wise to maintain this momentum of victory and have Orochimaru lead once more to repel the Kumogakure stationed in the Land of Tea.

However, the commander facing the Kumogakure wasn't Orochimaru, it was Akimichi Tokukaze. It wasn't because they were underestimating Akimichi Tokukaze's strength. As a disciple of the previous Hokage and from the same class as the third Hokage and other high-level Konoha masters, Tokukaze possessed extraordinary strength.

In terms of fame, strength, and political backing, he was undoubtedly a Hokage faction ninja. However, there was one point of criticism, Tokukaze's age. He was in his fifties, and regardless of how you looked at it, he was lacking compared to the young and energetic Orochimaru, who was more suitable for the role.

Whether he was underestimated or not, outsiders couldn't help but question why Orochimaru wasn't leading the charge against the Kumogakure.

Nevertheless, Konoha's senior management kept their intentions shrouded in secrecy. People speculated about whether this was a Konoha high-level plot, involving a covert change of leadership. Publicly, Akimichi was the leader, but Orochimaru might have been sent to the battlefield secretly to surprise Kumo.

Kumo had no choice but to stop its offensive and observe Konoha's actions to see if Orochimaru had indeed taken Tokukaze's place as the commander.


The Land Of Grass.

Meanwhile, in the Land of Grass, while the war between Konoha and Suna in the Land of Rain had come to an end, the conflict between Konoha and Iwagakure in the Land of Grass continued on full swing.

In a dimly lit forest, Yamanaka Inoichi, Nara Shikaku, and Akimichi Choza moved swiftly. These three were newly promoted young ninjas of Konoha , all belonging to first-class secret ninja clans. The name "InoShikaCho" was gaining recognition in the ninja world, and they were emerging as leaders of Konoha's younger generation.

"I never expected that Orochimaru-sama wouldn't be the main commander in dealing with Kumo. This is quite unexpected, Shikaku." Inoichi sighed, expressing his thoughts.

In his view, Orochimaru, who had defeated the Suna, should have been the commander on the opposing side of the battlefield facing Kumo, not Akimichi Tokukaze.

Though it might seem disrespectful to question the elder Akimichi's role, whether he won or lost against Kumo, it would offer him no room for advancement in Konoha. His reputation would suffer either way, making it a lose-lose situation. On the other hand, Orochimaru needed this war to solidify his standing within the village and prepare for his eventual role as the fourth Hokage.

Hence, Inoichi couldn't comprehend the decisions of the village's senior leadership. It was clear that allowing Orochimaru to handle Kumogakure was the best strategy at this juncture.

To be honest, Tokukaze was only a few years away from retiring as a ninja. Therefore, it seemed inappropriate to entrust him with the crucial role of commander, especially in such an important situation.

"In fact, there are pros and cons."

"Oh.. why do you say that?"

However, Shikaku sighed softly

"Allowing Orochimaru-sama to face Kumo is undoubtedly the best strategy aligned with Konoha's current overall interests. Yet, it might not align with the interests of the village's senior management. You should recognize the difference between the two."

The ones controlling the village's general direction were the Hokage and the advisors. This battle revealed a divide between old and new factions within Konoha. Thus, preventing Orochimaru from facing Kumo and keeping his reputation in check was not entirely incomprehensible.

Inoichi and Choza were stunned then they fell silent, pondering the intricate politics at play.

Inoichi and Choza were left in shock, and a heavy silence descended upon them.

The Sannin gained their fame during the Second Ninja World War, with Orochimaru standing out as one of the most exceptional among them.

Over the past decade, amidst the various wars that Konoha had weathered, Orochimaru consistently positioned himself on the most dangerous frontlines of the battlefield. He engaged in hundreds of battles, ranging from major battles to minor clashes, often emerging victorious. Orochimaru was among the precious few in Konoha capable of functioning as a genuine combat ninja and, by extension, a general.

His tactical approach disregarded traditional sryle, using any means, no matter how devious or ruthless, to ensure Konoha's victory.

This strategy, however, left huge and lasting scars on the neighboring countries, particularly the smaller ones. But, it also solidified the stability of the Land Of Fire and the prominence of Konoha.

Shikaku believed that Orochimaru had made significant contributions, which warranted his leadership against Kumo.

Regarding the situation in Ame within the Land of Rain, it's a genuine reflection of the ninja world, and it's beyond Konoha's concerns.

To secure victory for Konoha, he is a truly deserving hero for the Land of Fire and Konoha.

Especially in the battle against Suna, Orochimaru did harm to Ame and the Land of Rain, but he single-handedly reversed Konoha's decline in one swoop, making a significant contribution.

"Since ancient times, most transitions from old power to new power have been marked by stupid political struggles. Hokage-sama has ruled Konoha for too long. For a long time, certain things have become deeply entrenched, and someone must break this deadlock so that Konoha can get some fresh breath. The village may seem prosperous, but it has actually lost its indomitable spirit." Shikaku stated meaningfully.

These statements weren't baseless assumptions; they were conclusions drawn from information gathered by the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans.

As far as he knew, most of Konoha's key positions were held by individuals from the Sarutobi clan, in one way or another. For example, the Minister and Deputy Minister of Anbu had always been from the Sarutobi clan since the third Hokage Hiruzen's time.

This raised the complicated question. Would the Anbu heed the third Hokage's words, who was also part of the Sarutobi clan, or should they obey the orders of the fourth Hokage?

While these were speculative thoughts, Shikaku feared they might become a reality.

In his view, the positions of the Anbu Minister and Deputy Minister should be free of any family affiliations. Exceptional civilian ninjas should fill these roles to prevent family monopolies.

"Shikaku.. you mean.."

Inoichi and Choza looked at Shikaku in surprise, trembling slightly. As Shikaku's close friends since childhood, they understood that despite his usual aversion to trouble, he was not the type of ninja who aimed to do nothing for life. His exceptional intellect had shone since his Chunin days.

As close friends, they could sense the strong political ambition within Shikaku. He had his own dreams or, more accurately, an ambition to demonstrate his abilities in the broader environment of the world. He wanted to join the camp of the New Hokage and breathe new life into the village. This would undoubtedly draw scrutiny and opposition from the Sarutobi clan.

"Don't worry; family is family, and I am me. I recognize the boundaries between the two.." Shikaku said, turning to the two of them with a confident and energetic smile.

Why should young people let the fear of failure dampen their ambitions? Thinking on the past should be reserved for old age, where one could recount their stories. After all, not having a glorious past to look back on in old age was truly tragic.

"Shikaku, I thought you were always a troublesome person."

Inoichi sighed helplessly, wearing a smile. Choza also chimed in, "You're right; this doesn't seem like Shikaku's style at all."

"Even if you're a troublemaker, that doesn't hinder your desire to accomplish something. We're still young, and if we don't try, how will we know if we can succeed? If we do succeed, we will have stories to tell our grandchildren when we're too old to move."

Shikaku said envisioning such a scenario.

"Really? it does seem like there's no room for quitting for either of us. After all, we've been through thick and thin together. Family is family, and we are who we are."

Inoichi and Choza looked at each other, nodded at each other, with their determination.

"Even if you want to quit at that time, I wouldn't allow it. Make up your minds." Shikaku said with a smile.

"Of course, but it will be a few years before Orochimaru-sama ascends to the position of the Fourth Hokage. It seems that we have to get in touch with him in advance."

In the past, they had only seen Orochimaru from a distance and exchanged few words. However, to create a new direction for the village, it was essential to establish early contact with this genius Sannin.

Shikaku shook his head and explained, "No, if my guess is correct, Orochimaru-sama is probably under strict surveillance by the higher ups. It has become uncertain who will win the position of the Fourth Hokage."


Inoichi and Choza were surprised. If not Orochimaru, then who in the village could fill the role of the Fourth Hokage?

Could it be one of the other two Sannin?

"Who knows? And contacting Orochimaru-sama now would only raise suspicions among high officials and we will get no result. Don't forget, we should also consider the nature of our current mission." .

"What's the mission?"

Inoichi and Choza exchanged puzzled glances, then they scanned the scroll Shikaku brought up

This time, their mission was to head to the Land of Grass and assist the Yellow Flash's team, following the commands of Namikaze Minato. Their objective: an S-rank secret mission.

"Shikaku, are you saying it's Minato?"

"No, that's impossible. Minato is too young."

Inoichi and Choza found Shikaku's claims somewhat unbelievable.

"Being young and not leading a team of your own can make you easier to control. Wait a minute.... if Minato is dispatched to the Land of Tea to deal with Kumo after defeating Iwagakure, it's quite certain that the Third is paving the way for Minato and is about to give up on Orochimaru."

Shikaku spoke with calm certainty, his eyes revealing wisdom that could see through it all.

Inoichi and Choza still found it hard to accept. They had known Minato for a long time and had a close relationship with him. If what Shikaku said was true, it would be a startling development for someone from their generation to become the Fourth Hokage.

But, from another point of view, Minato being the Fourth Hokage would likely mean that he was a puppet propped up by the Third Hokage. Konoha would be the real power behind the scenes, with the Third Hokage still pulling the strings.

The situation was indeed complicated. Inoichi and Choza shook their heads, reluctant to dwell on it any further. They hoped that the Fourth Hokage's appointment wouldn't lead to turmoil in the village.

"Here they come."

Shikaku raised his head and signaled the others to stop. Inoichi and Choza stopped alongside him.

In front of them, two figures, one tall and one small, emerged. It was Minato and Kakashi.

"Shikaku, Inoichi, Choza, it's been a while."

Minato greeted the three of them by name.

"Yeah, in the blink of an eye, you've become the famous Yellow Flash in the world. You've really made it, Minato."

Shikaku sighed with admiration as he looked at Minato's young and energetic face.

If Minato were to become the Fourth Hokage, it might not be a bad thing. Compared to Orochimaru, Minato was more relatable to them, and the age gap wasn't too big, making cooperation easier.

The three of them were acting independently without the support of a team. Their abilities would come under more scrutiny, but this might also give them an opportunity to quickly integrate into the core of the operation instead of starting from the outer side.

Kakashi nodded at Shikaku and the others. While these people were his seniors, he had officially become a Jōnin, making him their equal, without any superior-subordinate relationship.

"Sorry, I can't keep up with you right now. I'll treat you to dinner when you return." Minato apologized.

"Don't worry; it's an extraordinary period. We understand. So, what's the S-rank mission this time?"

Shikaku waved it off, telling Minato not to concern himself.

Minato nodded and then took out a scroll from his bag, spreading it on the ground. The scroll contained a map.

"These places are the most important supply points for Iwagakure in the Land of Grass. Next, we will eliminate all these supply points within a day. Shikaku, you and Kakashi will work together to divert the enemy's attention. I will execute the operation to destroy the supply points alone. If you understand, let's start now. Kakashi has a backup map and a specific plan of action."

Minato's expression was serious.

"Understood. But, Minato, are you sure it's okay to act alone?"

Shikaku paused and inquired.

"Don't worry, I've done a preliminary research. According to my research, Hyuga Ayane and Iwagakure have already stopped cooperating. As long as she doesn't interfere, I can handle them on my own. It would be a waste of time to involve too many people."

This was a disadvantage of the Flying Thunder God jutsu. Minato's incredible speed often meant that he had to fight alone. The other Konoha ninjas couldn't keep up with him tactically.

Furthermore, the mission required them to eliminate all of Iwagakure's supply points in the Land of Grass within a day. This meant that Minato couldn't afford to be distracted by the safety of his companions; he had to finish the battle as quickly as possible.

"In that case, we're good."

Shikaku concurred.

Inoichi and Choza, following Shikaku's lead, also agreed with Minato's division of duties.

"I'll leave it to you here."

With those words, Minato vanished from the spot.

"Come with me; I'll provide specific instructions along the way."

Kakashi didn't say much, instead opting to get started.

The three of them scratched their heads. They couldn't help but find it a bit odd for three adults to be taking orders from a twelve-year-old child.

In normal circumstances, after Minato left, wouldn't the three of them take the lead? Although he was officially recognized by the village as a Jōnin, something felt wrong.

"Forget it, let's follow him. After all, the mission's key point is Minato, and we're all just expendable pawns."

Shikaku smiled in resignation, and he, along with Inoichi and Choza, followed Kakashi's lead.


Shikkotsu Forest.

In the barren forest, Shiraishi had brought Obito and Rin here to teach them the fundamentals of natural energy.

While the training of natural energy could technically be done elsewhere, the dense concentration of natural energy in Shikkotsu Forest made it far easier to complete the basic principles of this training.


Shiraishi looked at Obito, who sat on the ground with an embarrassed face, and was at a loss for words for a while.

Half a month had passed, during which he had explained all the essential aspects of training with natural energy to Obito. He had even personally demonstrated the process numerous times. Despite this, Obito hadn't made any progress in sensing natural energy, let alone mastering its control.

The difference in their aptitude for sensing natural energy was unparalleled, and it was becoming a matter of concern for Shiraishi.

In contrast, Rin, who was training not far from them, had already begun using natural energy on her own and incorporating it into her Taijutsu.

"Come out, natural energy!!"

Obito impatiently roared, but nothing happened; he couldn't sense any natural energy.

"Ahhh!!!! why can't I sense anything!"

Obito fell to the ground, on the brink of giving up on himself.

"I've said it before; you need to be patient and training otherwise don't think about it."

Shiraishi sighed. Regret surged within him. He had accepted Obito as his student, believing that the one who unlocked the Mangekyou Sharingan had hidden talents. However, as he probed further, he became utterly disillusioned.

Obito's true talent lay in advancing to the level of Sharingan.

In the other areas, such as taijutsu, fire release, and genjutsu, he displayed competence at a basic level, more than adequate to avoid being classified as subpar. If he didn't improve these abilities, they wouldn't effectively complement his Mangekyou Sharingan. As a result, they would become a hindrance to his bloodline.

This was why Shiraishi had decided to start from the basics - Natural energy.

Mastering taijutsu was the most fundamental and essential skill for any ninja. Being able to use basic natural energy, it was almost impossible to be poor in taijutsu.

"But I've been trying my best to stay focused and training." Obito said as he pretended to meditate.

"Really? Or is it because Rin is close by, making it hard for you to concentrate?" Shiraishi eyed Obito suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? What does this have to do with Rin? I think the problem is from your teaching methods."

Obito provided a weak excuse.

From time to time, he secretly glanced at Rin, who wasn't far away. When she sensed Obito peeking at her, she was initially puzzled, but then showed him a gentle smile.

This caused Obito to blush, and his heart raced like a girl in love.

"You're such a hopeless pervert, thinking about girls all the time."

"I'm not! Why would I be a pervert?"

Despite Obito's earnest defense, Shiraishi had already decided he was a pervert.

"If you can't sense natural energy after a while, I might have to send Rin to train somewhere else on her own. Otherwise, you won't be able to focus if you continue like this."

"Fine, I'll take this seriously. After all, you're just an Uchiha freeloader, so how dare you be so arrogant."

Obito was infuriated by Shiraishi's slyness. He suspected that Rin would be used as a threat, and this cunning person seemed to confirm it.

"This is for your own good, you know..."

Shiraishi was about to say more when a Katsuyu's voice sounded from behind.

"Shiraishi-sama, there's a message for you."

A Katsuyu clone, the size of an adult, appeared behind Shiraishi to deliver a message.

"Understood; I'll be there immediately."

Shiraishi nodded and then turned to Obito, saying, "Keep practicing. I'll be gone for a while. If you dare slack off, I'll leave Rin to handle the work of cleaning the forest by herself this month."

Obito ground his teeth in rustic anger but dared not protest. He resolved to become stronger so he could eventually defeat the evil villain who was constantly mistreating Rin.

With a farewell to Obito, Shiraishi followed Katsuyu's clone to a simple-looking wooden house.

Inside the wooden house, there sat a black box-shaped machine covered in a plastic casing. This device was a unique remote communication tool used exclusively by the Land of Demons' army. To ensure timely information access from the outside world, Shiraishi had installed this communication device in Shikkotsu Forest during his visit.

A white sheet of paper had been printed and ejected from the machine. Shiraishi frowned as he looked the information displayed on the paper.

"It ended too quickly...."

"What do you mean by that, Shiraishi-sama?" Katsuyu asked with curiosity.

"In the Battle of the Land of Grass, Iwagakure was defeated, and Konoha won." Shiraishi replied.

The news was quite straightforward: Hatake Kakashi, Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, and Akimichi Choza had destroyed the Kannabi Bridge, a critical transportation route for Iwagakure.

Following this, Namikaze Minato exploited the opening and dismantled five key supply points in the Land of Grass. Within a mere two hours, all of them were destroyed, with dozens of Iwa jōnin killed at the hands of the Yellow Flash.

Namikaze Minato had brought Iwagakure's dominant position in the Land of Grass to a quick end with his unparalleled speed and tactics.

This news had spread throughout the world, causing a sensation and shock among those following the war.

No one had anticipated that Namikaze Minato, the 'Yellow Flash,' would possess such remarkable power. Almost single-handedly, he had reversed Konoha's disadvantage on the Land of Grass battlefield.

Even Shiraishi hadn't anticipated Iwa's downfall being so quick. Even without Ayane's aid, Shiraishi believed that Iwa should have managed to maintain the upper hand for a more extended period. It was startling how one person in had managed to turn the tide.

As a result, Konoha's weakened strength was now significantly limited.

"This village is truly exceptional. Is this the legacy of the First and Second Hokage? It's truly terrifying." Shiraishi sighed with a wry smile.

The Sannin, who could stand alone, were already a formidable force, and now another individual, the Yellow Flash, was proving to be even more formidable. Shiraishi couldn't fathom the kind of fortune Konoha had, given its chaotic political situation, to consistently produce such extraordinary ninjas capable of turning the tide in times of crisis.

It made others envious and jealous, and Shiraishi himself couldn't help but feel a little envious of Konoha.

It seemed Konoha left no room for other ninja villages.

"Do you find this concerning, Shiraishi-sama? After all, Namikaze Minato is the Child of Prophecy from Mount Myoboku, so his abilities should be expected." Katsuyu casually mentioned, as if discussing something trivial.

To her, the Child of Prophecy from Mount Myoboku was no different from any other being.

"It's not a concern. As long as Minato doesn't become the Fourth Hokage, there's no need to worry. Even if he does become the Fourth Hokage, it will be challenging for him to do anything within a few years. Now Konoha's council vested interests won't easily allow the new Hokage to take away part of their power." Shiraishi stated confidently.

Even if Minato were to ultimately succeed in the political struggle, the excessive internal friction within Konoha would render the village extremely vulnerable. And it is impossible to recover in a short time.

In essence, the Konoha that many other ninja villages currently feared was the one that Shiraishi was least worried about. When it came to being a source of disappointment, the high-ranking members of Konoha had never failed to disappoint him.

That wass why Shiraishi believed that for a considerable period in the future, Konoha wouldn't pose a threat to him or the Land of Demons. However, his self-confidence might come with a price. Shiraishi didn't mind adding a bit more chaos to Konoha while its political situation was in disarray.


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