Escape From Konoha

Chapter 194: 190: Six Path

The mission to acquire the blueprint of the Land of Sky's Fortress had been successfully completed quickly without much time.

After Ruri and Ayane's return, Shiraishi achieved his goal of obtaining the blueprints for the fortress he wanted. Additionally, he stumbled upon a treasure trove of designs for warships and weapons, an unexpected bonus. Recognizing the importance, Ayane opted to bring back all the relevant design drawings and materials.

Looking over the designs, He conceded due to his lack of proficiency in manufacturing warships and weaponry. Fortunately, within the confines of the research institute, there were scientists specializing on these areas, especially battleships, which held particular importance for Shiraishi. He realized that future marine resource development would depend on the deployment of these battleships to deter rival nations.

The remaining weapon schematics covered the manufacturing of convenient ninja tools, such as bombs and kunai guns. Even in the hands of ordinary soldiers, these weapons posed a credible threat to ninjas. Especially the Kunai Gun, capable of continuously firing kunai with a pull of the trigger.

According to Ruri, who had fought in battle against this weapon, the speed and force of these kunais could instantly injure ninjas not proficient with the body flicker. If the attack covered a large area, the lethality will be significant.

In summary, the mission had yielded fruitful results. The acquisition of these design drawings and materials promised a significant boost to the Land Of Demon's military power.

Shiraishi didn't forget the secured strange creature known as Zero Tail. To be honest, the spies near the Land of Sky's remnant failed to discover the existence of the creature during their mission. Were it not for Ruri's intervention, they would have remained ignorant of this hidden power within the Fortress.

According to a section of Land of Sky documents which Ayane brought back, the Zero Tail was described as a creature composed of dark chakra. It was formed naturally rather than man-made. When the Land of Sky discovered the Zero Tail. it was still very weak. It used human negative emotions like despair and sadness as food. These emotions were transformed into extremely cold dark chakra, nourishing the creature's strength.

Although it wasn't a tailed beast, it was similar to one.

After learning about the characteristics of the Zero Tail, the Land of Sky began secretly capturing humans acrlss the world, imprisoning them, and channeling their grief and despair to feed the Zero Tail. Over decades, they collaborated with the Zero Tail and its core to construct the uncanny flying fortress.

With the completion of the fortress, the Land of Sky ambitions grew rapidly. They declared war on the five major powers during the Second Ninja World War. Their unfortunate choice was the Land of Fire, home to the formidable Konoha. Their ill-fated campaign culminated in a disastrous defeat against Konoha's might.

However, the remnants of the Land of Sky defeated by Konoha clung to their ambition to dominate the world. After recognizing the overwhelming power of the Land Of Fire and Konoha, they shifted from the path of light to the shadows. Exploiting the chaos of the Third Ninja World War, they continued to capture humans and using their misery as fo9d to restore the Zero Tail's power.

Under normal circumstances, it would have taken more than a decade to fully revive Zero Tail. However, they only had to blame their bad luck. During the Zero Tail recovery, Ruri and Ayane took over the fortress. With the Zero Tail now in the possession in the Land Of Demons, the Land of Sky Fortress had become a huge garbage dump, with no use for it.

Essentially, the entire power of the Land of Sky was derived from the Zero Tail.

Shiraishi found this naturally formed creature quite interesting. The revelation that the Zero Tail fed on negative human emotions, thereby strengthening its dark chakra, particularly interested him. If the Zero Tail's capabilities could be thoroughly studied, it might provide valuable insights into his study of Tailed Beasts.

"Thank you for your hard work. Now, we await for results to show."

Although the mission had been profitable, turning these gains into visible power would require a long research and development time. Once they had successfully harnessed these gains and transformed them into visible power, they would undoubtedly surprise the ninjas of the five major nations.

Ruri and Ayane left without a saying anything, tending to their own personal matters.

The office fell silent once more. After attending to the day's affairs, Shiraishi headed to the research lab while he had the opportunity.

There, he strated the research on the Zero Tail. His objective was to infuse Tailed Beast powers into one of his clone, further increasing its capabilities to a new level. He originally thought it would take a long time. However, the addition of the Zero Tail and an improved understanding of its characteristics increased Shiraishi's confidence regarding the Tailed Beasts research.

Of course, the importance of Uchiha Madara's body couldn't be forgotten. The secrets within the corpse possibly rivaled, if not exceeded, those of the Tailed Beasts.

The timing was ideal. With the affairs of the Land of Demons proceeding smoothly, his subordinates showing remarkable enthusiasm in their work, Shiraishi found himself with a lot of free time to dedicate to research.


The turmoil in the world never stopped.

Konoha and Kumo found themselves embroiled in the war within the Land of Tea.

The once war-ravaged Land of Rain lay in ruins, its people fragmented and homeless. Countless homeless people wandered everywhere on the roads begging pitifully.

It wasn't only the elderly and children who begged, even the younger adults resorted to begging.

Although they had the strength to work but the harsh reality was that the Land of Rain had grown extremely poor and weak. With factories and companies gone bankrupt, there were no job opportunities for the local people to do, let alone salaries..It wasn't just beggars who populated the streets. Among them were those eager to work to earn food, showing signs that read, "I will do anything for money."

The majority of these people were women, with numb expressions as they stood on the roadside with empty eyes. Wearing thin and colorful clothes, they struggled under leaky umbrellas, failing to cover themselves from the wind and rain. Their hair and clothes soaked by the rain, their pitiable appearance was heartbreaking.

While a small biscuit or bag of sugar would likely suffice to help these women, no one extended a helping hand. For those struggling to fend for themselves, offering help would only result in embarrassment.

Konan wore a hooded raincoat, slid her hand into her pocket, intending to donate the little money she had left to the roadside beggars. However, a voice without emotion, sounding ruthless interjected, "Even if you give them help now, it will only gve them one more day."

Nagato wore the same cloak as Konan, with a black hood concealing most of his face. His words were without a sign of sympathy as he looked at the homeless people who had lost their jobs. Konan's last remnants of kindness were thus rebuffed.

"If it was Yahiko, he would probably do this." Konan said with a tinge of nostalgia or perhaps self-reproach, her head lowered in pain and regret.

In the aftermath of losing their organization, leader, and their Land of Rain, which had fallen under the shadow of the Land of Fire, even the return to the Amegakure proved elusive. It was no longer the pure land it once was, having been reduced to a mere pawn trampled upon by others.

"So... he failed." Nagato's voice remained emotionless. He was merely stating the fact that couldn't be more correct.

"This is the fate of the losers. Yahiko, Hanzo, the village, and the country—they've all met the same fate. They're all the same."

Nagato should have hatred against the Land of Fire and Konoha, yet he showed no signs of hatred. All traces of sorrow or joy were gone. His indifferent eyes regarded everything as equal, as if he was a god overlooking this hellish world.

"I know."

Konan trembled as she suppressed her kindness. She averted her gaze from the beggars and the women who were sacrificing their dignity for just a piece of bread. For the first time, she felt the sorrow of the weak. Yahiko's vision of peace didn't exist at all. Genuine peace was achieved through struggle and fighting with blood.

"If you can't find a way to let go of your obsession, it might be best for you to go into hiding, Konan."

Nagato took a serious look at Konan and sighed. He looked at her with concern..Of all his companions, Konan was the most gentle and kindest, attributes that stood at odds with this ruthless ninja world. It was precisely her kindness and compassion that made her easily hurt by the cruelty of this world.

Nagato didn't wish for her to embark on this tracherous path. The oath was filled with endless challenges. Even in a future where they might even stand opposite their sensei..He was worried that Konan might falter in such a scenario.

"Nagato, there's no need for you to persuade me. I've made my decision. I want to fulfill Akatsuki's dream with you... because only the two of us remain."

With a determined resolve, she put away her complicated emotions behind a facade of indifference. The expression she wore cut deep into Nagato's heart, making him show a sad look. f he had a choice, he didn't want Konan to walk the same path as himself. But she was right: only the two of them remained from their former comrades. They had lost their homeland and comrades, they found themselves with no place in this unforgiving world.

"Then let's go, but I hope you will stop showing mercy, because it is futile."

After speaking, Nagato turned to walk away through the rain.

Konan watched him leave and followed him firmly. To tread this path required them to give up on all traces of kindness and compassion, to adopt an unyielding resolve. They would need to remain unfazed when confronting those who sought to obstruct them, no matter the depth of their prior connections.

They will be cut off!.


There was the sound of rain, and numerous water channels appeared on the land, facing the sky, due to the rain. The scenery in the Land of Rain lacked color, and the world appeared grey.

Nagato and Konan walked steadily toward the Land of Rivesr.

After two hours, they reached the border of the Land of Rain and, after a brief walk, the border of the Land of Rivers..When they arrived, the rain stopped, and the blue sky started revealing itself.

The sky without dark clouds and rainstorms, stretched widely, radiating sunshine, as if to illuminate all things on Earth. This colorful world was a sharp contrast with the Land of Rain.

Stepping into the mountains of the Land of Rivers, the dazzling sunlight illuminated the rushing waterfalls.

Nagato and Konan crossed the waterfall, leading to a hidden cave..Inside, there was a spacious area with flat floors and stone walls, showing signs of deliberate excavation.

Several rooms were present, including a massive training room dedicated to training, all the fruits of White Zetsu's hard work.

Besides their weak combat effectiveness, these White Zetsu had valuable abilities. Nagato was quite satisfied with them. Walking towards a door of a stone chamber, he pushed it open without knocking.

Inside stood Black zetsu and a White Zetsu, alongside by six bed boards, with a corpse placed in each of them.

Black rods and nails penetrated deeply into these corpses, their pale skin and closed eyes created an eerie and unsettling impression.

Seeing Nagato and Konan, Black Zetsu spoke respectfully, "Nagato-sama, following your instructions, the bodies have been fully prepared, and the necessary preparations have been completed. You only need to inject the power of the Rinnegan into the corpses to control them."

Different to Nagato's indifference, Konan had a strong dislike for Black Zetsu. His entirely black appearance gave of an impression of a scheming and dangerous existence. He represented the will of Uchiha Madara, and Konan secretly hoped Nagato would kill him to prevent any potential betrayal.

Nagato, however, had different intentions for keeping Black Zetsu, which Konan had to accept. She decided to be on guard against his potential betrayal and protect Nagato's plans.

"Thank you."

Black Zetsu humbly replied, "You're welcome. We are faithful servants of Nagato-sama."

Black Zetsu's extreme submission caused White Zetsu, standing beside him, to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Nagato's presence kept him in check, but a wry smile tugged at his lips.

Nagato ignored the zetsus and moved over to a bed having a corpse laying flat.

The exposed upper body showing strong muscles and countless sword marks. It symbolized this corpse as a battle-hardened ninja when they were alive.

The leader of Amegakure - Hanzo, the Salamander.

Hanzo's body had been retrieved from the underground market in the Land of Tea and he asked white zetsu to perform some simple recovery on the body.

Nagato believed that even in death, the will within Hanzo's corpse would not be wiped out. He showed neither sadness nor joy, only a slight sigh. He then turned to Black Zetsu and White Zetsu, instructing them, "Leave. Konan, stay and assist me."

Black zetsu and White zetsu complied, leaving Konan to support Nagato.

With Black Zetsu and White Zetsu gone, Nagato placed his hand on Hanzo's chest. Focusing his Rinnegan, he injected chakra into the corpse.

After approximately five minutes, Nagato was still injecting chakra into the corpse, he frowned.

"Is something wrong?"

Nagato shook his head and said, "Nothing, I'm just amazed at how tough Hanzo's body is. With the infusion of my Rinnegan's power, he may become even more powerful than before."

Konan felt a surge of excitement. Nagato now had another powerful ally.

Hanzo was renowned for his strength. Even when he stabbed by Kandachi seriouslu weakening him, he still made Suna pay a significant losses. The idea of Hanzo becoming more powerful than in his prime was astounding.

After two more minutes, Nagato stopped infusing chakra, performed an extremely complex seal on Hanzo, and established a profound connection with the corpse on the bed.

Hanzo's corpse opened its eyes, revealing the same eyes as Nagato, emanating majesty and coldness. Witnessing Hanzo's eyes sent a chill down Konan's spine.

Konan sensed an immensely terrifying power awakening within Hanzo's body.

Hanzo walked off the bed, his movements were very stiff, like a zombie, gradually regained flexibility as Nagato improved his control. Hanzo stepped off the bed and walked normally.

"Hmm.. The most powerful Tendou(Deva Path) has been created, perfectly suited for Hanzo. Now, it's time for the other five."

Nagato then directed his attention to the remaining five corpses and began distributing the Rinnegan's power among them.

Fifteen minutes later, the remaining five corpses also rose from the beds and initially moved stiffly around the stone chamber. After a while, they adapted, and their motions became indistinguishable from those of ordinary people.

The six corpses formed a line, and Nagato approached them, examining each one's face.

"Tendou (Deva Path), Shurado (Asura Path), Ningendo (Human Path), Chikushodo (Animal Path), Gakido (Preta Path), Jigokudo... From now on, they shall be known as 'Six Paths Of Pain,' and they will act on my behalf when my own body is weakened."

For these six corpses, Nagato had invested considerable effort. It was also a means to compensate for the lack of combat effectiveness on his side.

He distributed the power of the Rinnegan among the six corpses. Although each could only wield the abilities of one system, for most ninjas, the Six Paths were powerful enough to show them despair.


Nagato turned to Konan, who nodded, went to a nearby cabinet, and retrieved six sets of freshly made outfit, all tailored to fit the Six Paths of pain.

Under Nagato's control, the six corpses dressed in red-cloud-patterned coats, emanating an even colder aura.

"We'll test their maximum control range."

Nagato opened the door after the corpses were dressed, and he directed them to move along the stronghold's corridor, pass through the waterfall-formed exit, traverse the rugged mountain terrain, cross the river, and reach a shaded grassland.

The gentle sun and a light breeze created a comfortable atmosphere. However, for the Six Paths, these sensations were exclusive to the living.

Remaining in the stone chamber, Nagato used the shared vision ability to observe the beautiful scenery through the Six Paths. At the same time, he determined their maximum control range, which extended to approximately twenty kilometers. Beyond this range, their control weakened. Within twenty kilometers, the Six Paths could fight at full strength.

To test their limits, Nagato continued to push the Six Paths forward.

At thirty kilometers, their movement speed was halved..At forty kilometers, they could only move normally, with severely weakened ninjutsu capabilities. Going further, the connection to the Six Paths would be lost.

After establishing the range, Nagato commanded the Six Paths to return to the stronghold. Overall, the Six Paths of Pain had a broad operational scope, and as Nagato's strength grew, their range would likely increase.

"How did it go?" Konan asked.

Nagato nodded and replied, "It's nearly perfect, but I believe they can become even stronger. Regardless of any enhancements, the combat capabilities of the Six Paths of Pain remain limited."

"After all, their power is drawn from the dispersed Rinnegan power, so there will be limitations."

Konan found this entirely reasonable and comforted Nagato.

"Don't worry, I'm not dissatisfied. Now, it's your turn to train, Konan."

Nagato shifted the conversation to Konan.

While Konan had strength equal to a Jonin, the level of power might not be sufficient in future battles, especially when facing opponents like those three people..These upcoming battles transcended the standard Jon level.

Konan hesitated briefly before replying, "I understand."

"I'll have Guruguru follow you in your training. Despite his brain issues, he is the most powerful among the White Zetsu. You can enlist his help."


Konan didn't refuse and exited the room. Watching her leave, Nagato sighed deeply, his eyes reflecting complex emotions.

Honestly, he wished for Konan to distance herself from the ways of the ninja world. However, it seemed Konan had resolved to follow her path, which demanded greater strength. Given Konan's potential, could she truly develop the power to be of assistance?

Facing reality, Konan didn't have a Kekkei Genkai, and the limitations of her future were clear. While there were exceptions, most non Kekkei Genkai ninjas remained ordinary.

Nagato was prepared. If Konan couldn't reach the required strength, he would find her a peaceful nation, enabling her to live a peaceful life.

Nagato didn't wish to see his companions embroiled in bloodshed and sadness.

Especially Konan. She was the only companion he had who truly understood his heart. He hoped that time would treat her kindly, sparing her from the pain, killing, and crimes that he alone would bear.


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