Escape From Konoha

Chapter 237: 232: Ending (2)

"Tsunade-sama! Tsunade-sama!"

Shizune hurried along the wooden corridor of the inn, swung open the door of a romm, and woke up Tsunade, who was peacefully sleeping inside.

"Tsunade-sama! Something bad has happened!!" Disregarding Tsunade's sleepiness, Shizune shook her awake without hesitation.

"What?.. It's you.. Shizune. it's so noisy here this early morning, can you let me sleep for a while?" Tsunade rubbed her eyes, and glanced discontentedly at newly risen sun outside the window.

"Now isn't the time to talk about such matter?"

"What's the matter? Just now, you kept shouting about something big happening..... Is it the end of the world?" Tsunade didn't seem to have fully woken up, she was about to lie back down.

"Please be serious, Tsunade-sama, it's serious! Something major has happened in the village!" Shizune, with a serious expression, held Tsunade's arm preventing her from lying back down.

"I told you..." Tsunade frowned. Seeing Shizune's extremely serious expression, it seemed like she wasn't joking. She became more alert, choosing not to ask Shizune directly about what had happened but stood up, leaving the room.

"Tsunade-sama, where are you going?"

"Wait here. I'll go out and buy a newspaper."

"Newspaper? At this time..."

Before Shizune could speak, Tsunade's figure had disappeared from the corridor. Shizune had no choice but to sigh helplessly and waited in the room for Tsunade to return with the newspaper.

Not making Shizune wait for long, Tsunade returned to the room a few minutes later with a newspaper in hand. As soon as she entered the room, Tsunade walked towards the cabinet in the corner of the room, opening a drawer, and retrieved a piece of paper.

"Isn't this the lottery ticket Tsunade-sama bought a while ago? Why are you looking at this?" Shizune looked puzzled.

"To me, this is a charm that predicts my good luck and bad luck." Tsunade replied with a solemn expression, then she compared the lottery ticket with the winning numbers in the newspaper, and her body stiffened.

"All? Every single one!?" Shizune's eyes widened. Seeing that the lottery numbers perfectly matched those published in the newspaper, it was the first time she had seen such a significant win during her time with Tsunade after such a long time. Because Tsunade and winning were parallel.

"I probably know the level of the bad news you mean by 'Something bug has happened'." Tsunade smiled wryly. For Tsunade, winning the lottery signaled something bad was about to happen or had happened. The larger the winning amount, the more severe the situation.

"A jackpot of 150 million ryo is really a calamity." Tsunade sighed.


Tsunade waved her hand and said, "Never mind, things can't be that bad. Tell me, what happened in the village?" She mentally prepared herself for the bad news, After all she couldn't think of anything bad that could happen in the village. Could Kumo have breached the eastern defense line of the Land Of Fire and directly invaded Konoha?

"Orochimaru-sama... has defected." Shizune took a deep breath, revealing the news of Orochimaru's betrayal to Tsunade.

Though the information had already spread throughout major countries, but with them,being on vacation in a remote area, they received the news a bit later.

After Shizune finished speaking, she cast a concerned glance at Tsunade. After all, Orochimaru had been Tsunade's friend since thy were children, a friend in life and death. With the impact of this incident, she could imagine the blow it would have on Tsunade

As expected, after hearing the news, Tsunade's mind was in turmoil, she was momentarily blank.

"You... what are you talking about? Orochimaru... defecting from the village? Are you kidding me..."

It wasn't that Tsunade didn't believe it, it was just that the gravity of the situation seemed almost unbelievable. Suddenly, her heart felt like it was being torn apart, and it hurt a lot. This sense of betrayal brought back memories of a similar betrayal five or six years ago. When the student she trusted all along turned against the village. Now, Orochimaru had taken a similar path...

Tsunade felt she needed to ask Orochimaru personally why he chose to do this However, reason told her there must be a motive behind this. People like Orochimaru can't betray their village for no reason, there must be a hidden agenda.

"It's absolutely true, Tsunade-sama. Orochimaru-sama used ninjas from the village for human experiments, causing the deaths of many innocent people. After the truth came to light, he fled the village. Now, he's an extremely dangerous S-rank rogue ninja. Just like... Shiraishi-sen..." Shizune sighed with a complicated expression.

"Damn! That bastard Orochimaru, what the hell is he doing?" Tsunade punched the ground without hesitation.

With a resounding click, the inn floor vibrated, and a exaggerated crack extended to the courtyard wall, neatly dividing it into two halves, the extension showing no signs of stopping.

Shizune swallowed hard. If a human body was hit with such force, they would undoubtedly be killed.

"What about Sarutobi-sensei? Why did he allow Orochimaru to leave the village?" Tsunade's eyes burned with anger at the moment.

"Hokage-sama... I heard he was injured while trying to stop Orochimaru-sama."

"That old thing!" Tsunade roared furiously, frightening even Shizune with her fiery expression. It was the first time Shizune had witnessed Tsunade in such a rage. Even when Shiraishi betrayed Konoha, Tsunade's anger wasn't this intense.

"That, Tsunade-sama..." Shizune attempted to calm Tsunade but found herself at a loss for words on how to dissuade her.

"If he wanted to stop Orochimaru, how could Orochimaru injure him and escape fr the village? What's going on in his mind?"

Regardless of Orochimaru's reasons for defection, the inhumane experiments didn't align with his usual cautious style. What angered Tsunade the most was Orochimaru's betrayal, and the indecisiveness of their sensei. Didn't he realize the disastrous consequences Konoha would face once Orochimaru escaped the Land of Fire?

Orochimaru was different from Shiraishi, he was a true high-level asset for Konoha. The knowledge, technology, and intelligence he possessed could cause huges losses for Konoha.

Injured by Orochimaru.. and unable to prevent his escape... It appeared to Tsunade that he was shirking his. He was supposed to be the Hokage. Faced with such a serious matter like defection, how could personal reasons take precedence?

Shizune didn't dare utter a word, her body kept trembling under Tsunade's rage.

'What a terrifying look!'

Currently, Shizune felt as though she witnessed a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. After all, a Sannin is a Sannin. Even if they were usually carefree, it was definitely a terrible when they're serious..Especially in this rage.

"Let's go! Shizune!"

"Let's go? Where are we going, Tsunade-sama?"

"Anywhere, as long as it isn't in the Land of Fire."

Seeing the village founded by her grandfather being reduced to such a state, Tsunade could only feel an overwhelming coldness, which was almost suffocating to her. She knew that Konoha's Anbu were likely on their way to find her, conveying the Third Hokage's order for her to immediately return to the village.

With Orochimaru's defection, only with her return, as a Sannin, would help stabilize the shaken hearts of the villagers and quell dissatisfied voices. Being the granddaughter of the First Hokage, she represented the purest heir to the will of fire.

In two ninja world wars, she, a medical ninja, had saved countless lives and made significant contributions to Konoha's medical system. Her influence among the Sannin was undoubtedly the most powerful.

"Eh? Is this really a good idea? The village likely needs Tsunade-sama's help right now."

"I would like to, but I can't do anything if I go back now. It will only make the village more and more chaotic. I want to get it out of my sight and mind." Tsunade smiled wryly and shook her head.

Tsunade feared that returning alone would lead to a direct confrontation with her sensei, and might even involve using the influence of the Senju Clan to address the illegal activities of Root department. Even if the root cause couldn't be eradicated, huge restrictions needed to be imposed, preventing Danzo from moving freely due to his actions. These strategic measures were precisely what her sensei was least inclined to implement.

Danzo, despite having made too mistakes still managed to secure a high-level position..Hiruzen could be said to have significant contribution. Since Hiruzen couldn't take decisive action, she would have to compromise with this old man upon her return to Konoha.

"Unfortunately, Minato passed away so suddenly..."

As Tsunade uttered these words, her eyes reflected loneliness.

If Minato hadn't died, Konoha might be in a different situation now. She had made guesses that Danzo, leading his Root, must be exerting his dominance in Konoha again.

Without Minato's suppression, her old sensei alone couldn't suppress Danzo's ambitions. This was true in the past and it remained true now. Knowing that returning would achieve nothing and might be exploited, at the very least, she wanted to preserve her last shred of dignity. That's what Tsunade thought of at the moment.

"Minato-senpai... I heard the Nine Tails incident might be related to him.... I don't know if it's true." As Tsunade mentioned Minato, Shizune's thoughts drifted to Shiraishi.

Tsunade shook her head, refraining from delving into the uncertainties surrounding the Nine Tails rampage and its possible ties to her former student.

"Let's go quickly. When the Anbu arrives, it will be difficult to escape." Tsunade neatly grabbed the bag, exchanged a silent farewell, and headed towards the door. As for the winning lottery ticket, it would serve as compensation to the inn owner for the damages caused during her outburst.


"Tsunate... doesn't plan to come back?"

Masumi Asami, seated in the Konoha Hospital's Pharmacy Department Director's office, received information from Kakashi.

Despite the Anbu's search for Tsunade it proved futile. It was obvious that Tsunade was deliberately avoiding the Anbu and was currently missing.

The firmness of Tsunade's refusal to return to the village was apparent, and Asami, though unaware of the reasons behind it. However, all she cared about was if Tsunade will be returning to Konoha, and now she was sure that Tsunade will not be returning at this time, it made her release a sigh of relief.

Now was the critical moment for her to lay out Konoha Hospital and the entire Konoha Nljinja system's 'network'. If Tsunade returned to the village at this moment, it won't be difficult for Tsunade to take control of the hospital with her identity and influence, which could potentially disrupt the plan.

Tsunade's decision not to return provided an advantageous window for Asami. The network she had established in Konoha was too weak.

With the Hospital under her control, Kakashi already in Anbu, and many areas were yet to be arranged. The Intelligence Department, Torture Department, Academy, Barrier Corps, and other divisions required constant infiltration. Having said that, it was quite difficult to install personnel.

Before Shiraishi's departure, there were only a handful of their spies within Konoha. And there were only four of them in the middle and upper ranks, including her and Kakashi. Among the four of them, none could access the true core secrets of Konoha. At that moment, a knock echoed on the office door.

"Come in."

Asami resumed her usual indifferent expression, addressing the person outside the door.

A male medical ninja in a white coat entered.

"Director Asami, this is the drug usage status for this month." He placed a large stack of documents on her desk, speaking respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work, I'll deal with it later."

"Are you going out at this time?" The medical ninja asked in surprise.

Asami Masumi nodded. "Well, I'm just taking a short walk. I'll be back soon."

The medical ninja had no doubts about this. As long as the drug usage statistics were completed during working hours, Asami, as the director, indeed had the flexibility to relax in her routine work.

Leaving the Hospital, Asami was on her way to meet someone. This person wasn't a subordinate spy personally planted by Shiraishi, but a talent she discovered in Konoha last year, before the Fourth Hokage assumed office.

Referring to him as a talent might be an overstatement because, from her perspective, he appears quite ordinary from every angle. However, it was precisely because of his ordinary nature that allowed him to exhibit relatively outstanding abilities as a spy. This may be his only shining point.

Heading to the predetermined meeting place, which was in a secluded wooded area near the park. Typically, only students from the academy come here to play their ninja games.

In a clearing within the woods, a man with a five-pointed star hairstyle anxiously waits for something.

"You're so nervous. Can't you get used to things like this?"

After Asami arrived, making no sound of footsteps, she stood behind the man. These words suddenly sounded behind him.

The man was surprised, he quickly turned around, and was slightly relieved after seeing Asami's familiar face.

"Asa- Asami-san..."

The man hesitated, observing Asami's slightly displeased expression and detecting a hint of malice in her eyes. He quickly corrected himself,


Asami's expression eased, but she still didn't give the man a favorable look. "After thinking about it for such a long time, haven't you still made up your mind on what i asked, Haruno?

"Shouldn't it be difficult for me to make up my mind right away?" The man called Haruno responded with a wry smile,. Because of the mission Asami entrusted to him might not be detrimental to Konoha for, but it must have ulterior motives which could affect Konoha.

For example, she instructed him to gather information about certain people around him, finding out their personalities, abilities, hobbies, and more without missing a single detail. As a low-level ninja with a fairly cheerful personality, even in his twenties, he remained a Chunin, but still retained his popularity.

Asami believed that someone of his level might prove useful someday, so she used certain means to make him submit.

"Don't forget, it was me at the hospital who saved your wife. Making sure both your wife and daughter were safe."

Haruno became uncertain, and finally sighed. "I see, as long as i won't be taking action personally, I'll obey the order."

"As I expected, you are indeed a family man."

'Family man.' Haruno felt bitter. During his wife's childbirth, she had a medical condition. The woman before him saved their lives. He should be grateful her, but this woman used the incident to exercise control over him.

It didn't matter to him personally, but when he thought of his wife and daughter at home, they might get threatened unfairly... He could only succumb to the fate of being a puppet.

"As long as you work honestly, the organization will treat you properly. The alimony for your wife and daughter will be covered by the organization as well."


What else could he do? He was just an insignificant Chunin in Konoha. The only thing he could boast about was his relatively good connections. It was precisely because of these connections that this woman targeted him, turning him into being a puppet who can't resist.

As for the organization, he had no idea who Asami was referring to. He didn't know the organization's identity, size, strength, or how deeply they have infiltrated Konoha. All he knew was that the organization's financial resources were astounding, and it wasn't just a casual organization that was established. Moreover, as someone low-lovel, he only needed to follow orders, with no need to consider the rest.

Asami received the unopened file from the man, containing information he collected after months of hard work. These details involved Konoha ninjas, not Jonins but rather bottom-level Chunin and Genin, and even some ordinary people.

"I understand collecting information about ninjas, but why do you even need information about those villagers?" Haruno looked at Asami in confusion.

"Those villagers might not be ninjas, but their husbands and wifes may be. When necessary, they will also become the eyes of the organization." Asami explained briefly.

"Haruno. You can go back. Based on this information, I will identify some useful talents in Konoha. When the time comes, you will be in charge. If you fail, you should understand the consequences."

Haruno's face changed slightly, he nodsded as he turned leaving.

Watching him leave, Asami snorted softly, she put back her glasses on her chest, her expression becoming slightly cold.

"Hmm.. it seems he still needs strict training."

She was well aware that he hasn't completely surrendered to her, and there was still a risk of betrayal.

Although she could eliminate the threat immediately before the he betrays her, finding a suitable person to monitor the lower parts of Konoha would take time. She didn't have that much time to waste.

"Kizashi Haruno, I hope you will be able to understand the current situation."


"Shiraishi-senpai, what's making you so happy?"

Upon entering the laboratory, Rin noticed Shiraishi's smile as he held a scroll, seemingly engrossed in reading. Rin couldn't discern the source of his happiness.

Seeing Rin's arrival, Shiraishi spoke without concealing, "According to information from Konoha, Asami has done a better job in the Hospital more than I expected. She and Kakashi are both bright and dark, they cooperate perfectly."

With Orochimaru's defection and Tsunade refusing to return to Konoha, Shiraishi found this to be a cause for celebration. Regardless of Orochimaru's reasons for defecting to Konoha, it signified the further weakening of Konoha's strength.

Thinking carefully about the various changes in Konoha over the years, Shiraishi was startled.

Since Sakumo's suicide, Konoha seemed to be under a curse, with almost no positive development.

The Fourth Hokage's death in battle, Orochimaru's defection, Tsunade's refusing to return to the village. Danzo seems to be secretly making preparations for something,, the Third Hokage's weakening influence, he could no longer control most of the voices as before.

For the spies he placed in Konoha, this presented a special opportunity to expand their influence.

And Masumi Asami was seizing this chance to extend her influence across various levels of Konoha and successfully performing the missions assigned to her.

"Masumi Asami? Konoha Hospital? Is Shiraishi-sensei referring to Asami-sama?"

Rin connected the keywords in Shiraishi's statement, recalling a senior medical ninja in Konoha's Hospital during her time in Konoha.

"Exactly." Rin's familiarity with Asami didn't surprise Shiraishi.

"Is she also on Shiraishi-senpai's side?"

"It was just a chance encounter. But, she is indeed an excellent medical ninja. Even during my time at the academy, Tsunade-sensei praised her on multiple occasions."

"Considering this, Konoha's hospital and Anbu are under your influence, Shiraishi-senpai. It's quite extensive. I wonder if other departments in Konoha have also been infiltrated?"

Rin was secretly shocked by Shiraishi's strategic layout within Konoha.

Leaving aside Kakashi who worked in the Anbu, based on Asami's performance in the Hospital, it's highly likely she held a prominent position in the hospital as of now.

"It's still early. Kakashi's induction into the Anbu was an unexpected development. Due to my professional ties in Konoha, it's more convenient to place personnel in rhe Hospital. Of course, the same applies to the academy."

As for the other departments like the Torture and Intelligence Departments, finding suitable people for placement remained a challenge.

"Looking at it this way, Konoha's threat to the Land of Demons has almost been alleviated."

"Not all of them have been lifted yet. Konoha is far more stronger than you think. The true backbone of Konoha lies in their ninjas. They are a powerful force, outnumbering. While the Sannin are powerful people, they are just three, whereas the ninjas operate in groups."

Shiraishi shook his head.

It was a fact that Konoha's strength was declining, but the current Konoha still shouldn't be underestimated too much. What was left behind by the previous Hokages was exceptionally solid. The collapse of Konoha's structure won't happen overnight.

However, certain actions in the future can indeed be more presumptuous, and there was no longer a need to consider Konoha's feelings seriously.

"Speaking of which, how is your training with communicating with the Seven Tails?"

Shiraishi set aside the scroll in hand and asked Rin about her progress in training with the forbidden jutsu.

"I'm here to update you. After these months of training, I have initially mastered the jutsu." Rin responded with a smile.

This implied that she could now begin her training to become a Perfect Jinchuriki at any time.

After hearing this, Shiraishi nodded in satisfaction and remarked, "Then let's begin next week. I'll have ninjas from the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans assist you."

While Rin begins her training, the tailed beast's power within her may go berserk, becomimg uncontrollable. Ninjas from the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans can use genjutsu and sealing jutsus to mitigate the risk of the tailed beast's rampage.

"I understand."

Rin casually brushed the hair around her ear and smiled.

"In addition, be prepared for a long-term struggle with the tailed beast. It's too difficult for the current you to make the tailed beast submit. Do you think you can achieve it within three years?"

"Three years?" Rin murmured to herself, then her eyes reflected determination. "I will work hard to overcome it."

"It's good to have confidence. According to my estimation, the longer you engage with the tailed beast after using this jutsu, the lower the chance of success. If you can't defeat the tailed beast within three years, your training will probably end in failure."

Shiraishi wasn't lying. Any forbidden jutsu carried risks when used.

Three years was the optimal period for Rin to training in becoming a Perfect Jinchuriki. Missing this window means bidding farewell to becoming one.

"In the coming years, the Land Of Demons will gradually expand beyond the country. If you can become a Perfect Jinchuriki at that time, you will play a crucial role in the plan."

This was Shiraishi's main concern. Given the current size of the Land of Demons, it's already quite saturated. To continue growing, expanding externally was necessary, touching the interests of those with vested interests.

Af first, there will be slight contradictions, and then due to differences in systems and technologies, more significant contradictions will arise, intensifying the conflicts. Eventually, war will erupt, leading to the redistribution of benefits.

Reform had never been about everyone peacefully sitting together, enjoying a quiet tea party. It was a trial by blood and fire.

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