Escape From Konoha

Chapter 67: 65: Chakra and Natural Energy (2) & Significance of Kimono

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In the ninja world, countless examples exist of warriors meeting their demise due to chakra depletion from combat. Therefore, chakra can be seen as an essential energy element for the body's vital functions. If this energy is lost, the human body ceases to function and succumbs to death.

Among the various causes of death, Shiraishi finds death resulting from chakra exhaustion particularly intriguing, though the mystery remains unsolved. Recent experimental outcomes, however, present unexpected results, opening a mysterious door to uncharted territory.

By chance, a mixture of natural energy and a vitality elixir was inadvertently injected into an experimental mouse. Following chakra depletion, the elixir briefly substituted for the life energy that chakra provided, sustaining life functions for a limited time.

To determine whether this was a singular occurrence or had broader applications, Shiraishi initiated a new experiment. He introduced twenty more mice, administering the same vitality elixir, and then extracted their chakra, placing them under observation in glass enclosures.

Of the mice subjected to chakra withdrawal, sixteen immediately perished despite the vitality elixir infusion.

Among the remaining four, one exhibited weak limbs, lying on the floor listlessly, its eyes fluttering before eventually falling still and succumbing to the cessation of life.

The second rodent mirrored the first, maintaining a semblance of vitality for several additional seconds before similarly expiring.

The third mouse, initially robust, abruptly weakened. It lay inert, mirroring the fate of its predecessors.

Shiraishi's attention shifted to the fourth mouse, revealing an unexpected transformation. The creature's body expanded significantly after ingesting the vitality elixir. Its eyes blazed with intensity, emanating a sense of danger.

"This is..."

An experimental assistant voiced astonishment, riveted by the mutated mouse's spectacle.

"The natural energy elixir's use is truly remarkable. It's akin to ingesting a tailored energy hormone, stimulating latent potentials within the body."

Shiraishi offered an objective assessment.

Evidently, the fourth mouse had embarked on an uncharted path of mutation, a trajectory Shiraishi found difficult to predict.

He then refocused on the third white mouse. Once robust, it now languished in a state of weakness, mirroring the prior two before ultimately succumbing.

Removing the sole surviving mutant mouse from the enclosure, Shiraishi cradled it in his hand for closer inspection. After a while, he discerned that the mouse's body was brimming with vibrant natural energy.

Though the longevity of this mouse's vitality remained uncertain, for the time being, its life energy was abundant, devoid of any signs of failure.

The experiment confirmed that chakra could indeed be substituted by alternative energies for life functions, and this energy source was linked to natural energy.

Nevertheless, a question persisted. Shiraishi previously attempted to replace chakra with natural energy, only to witness the death of all experimental subjects. Yet, following specific processing and elixir preparation, the natural energy effectively fueled life activity.

Thus, the loss of chakra didn't preclude the continuation of life functions. This experiment heralded a successful breakthrough.

The only aspect eluding Shiraishi's comprehension was why raw natural energy couldn't fulfill the role of life energy supply, while a processed vitality elixir could.

Returning to the crux of the matter, the cessation of chakra brought human life activities to a halt, while specially processed natural energy emerged as a viable substitute.

Chakra isn't an external force; it arises from the fusion of human physical and spiritual energies—a processed byproduct of the human "factory."

Shiraishi felt elation at the experiment's successful validation. It signified a step closer to liberating the caged bird—an allusion to his overarching goal.

Nonetheless, the link between chakra and natural energy perplexed him further. When he juxtaposed these two energies, an indescribable incongruence persisted.

"I sense a crucial piece missing. Only upon discovering it will the enigma of chakra and natural energy be resolved."

Regrettably, Shiraishi remained clueless about the nature of this missing element, leaving him with only random speculations and the continuous quest to establish its existence.

Subsequently, Shiraishi delved wholeheartedly into research exploring the substitution of chakra with natural energy for sustaining human life activities.

What initially appeared as a speculative experiment gained credibility following the serendipitous discovery. Shiraishi now believed that replacing chakra with natural energy for vital energy sustenance was highly feasible.

Given the experiment's straightforward nature, Shiraishi assigned it to the five assistants, tasking them with meticulous documentation of the process.

Meanwhile, Shiraishi persisted in mastering the technique of spiritual transformation, honing his ability to manipulate the nature of yin-chakra.

As August drew to a close, the weather turned progressively warmer.

Nearly a month had passed since their return to Konoha.

During this span, Shiraishi and his companions maintained correspondence with Sakumo Hatake, the front-line captain, exchanging information on each side's current status.

Sakumo reported that Shiraishi's group had unwittingly fallen into a trap set by Sand Shinobi. After a grueling battle, they managed to escape but sustained serious injuries, necessitating a two-month recovery period in Konoha.

As for further details, Sakumo's letters were deliberately vague, masking any undisclosed information.

Sakumo's communiqués focused predominantly on reassurances and achievements. He had successfully destroyed a critical Sandyin stronghold, tilting the balance in Konoha's favor on the front line.

Konoha's morale was on the upswing, while Saakin's forces appeared to be flagging.

The letters aimed to comfort Shiraishi's group, yet they remained aware that the situation on the front line was far from sanguine.

Knowing that Sakumo was unharmed eased Shiraishi's and his companions' concerns.

"The village is much quieter than before."

After having lunch, I went out with Ruri and strolled through the streets of Konoha. When I noticed that the crowds were noticeably thinner than usual, Shiraishi let out a sigh.

Much of this can be attributed to the ongoing war.

Konoha had recently endured back-to-back conflicts with both Yuyin and Sandyin. Despite emerging victorious against Yuyin, the village's vitality had been severely compromised, necessitating a period of recovery and growth.

However, Konoha's rebound had been relatively swift. In this state of vulnerability and tenuousness, Sand Village launched an aggressive challenge, compelling Konoha to swiftly respond.

The clash with Sand Village had yielded mixed results thus far, with neither side achieving a definitive triumph.

Sandyin aimed to exploit the Land of Fire's resources for its own development.

Konoha, on the other hand, sought to exert pressure on Sand Village, compelling them to enter into a peace treaty and end the ongoing conflict.

This issue remained unresolved, and the outcome hinged on which side would falter first.

Ruri didn't pay too much attention to Shiraishi's somber mood.

"How's your work progressing?"

During these days, Shiraishi had been mostly confined to the laboratory, rarely venturing outside except for meals.

Ruri had her own tasks during the daytime, leaving her with limited opportunities to inquire about Shiraishi's progress.

Understanding that Ruri was referring to his studies on immortality, Shiraishi responded, "The success rate has slightly improved, but the risks are not yet eliminated. Reckless usage could lead to a situation similar to what happened to you that day."

Ruri nodded in understanding.

On that day, she had forcibly fused the chakra in her body with natural energy to create immortal chakra, which she had then used to amplify her Fire Release technique. While it initially appeared successful, complications had arisen afterward.

Her immortal chakra had spiraled out of control, plunging her into a deep coma.

As such, the attempt at fairy magic could hardly be classified as a successful endeavor.

Nonetheless, the sensation of immense power coursing through her body after the fusion of immortal chakra had left a profound impression on Ruri. The potential of immortality was undeniable – it could substantially transform a ninja, leading to a significant leap in strength.

Furthermore, Ruri's Sharingan had evolved to its third tomoe state, approaching the peak of its capabilities. Further advancement along this path seemed unlikely.

Ruri had two paths before her.

One was to learn a method to unlock the higher-level Mangekyo Sharingan from the Uchiha elders, elevating her Sharingan's powers.

The other path involved immortality.

In Ruri's eyes, immortality was the more appealing option. While she had limited insight into the true potential of the Mangekyo Sharingan, she had personally experienced the potency of immortality.

Furthermore, the First Hokage, who had defeated Madara Uchiha – the original wielder of the Mangekyo Sharingan – was renowned for his unparalleled mastery of the art of immortality.

Immortality possessed a might rivaling that of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Despite her eagerness, Ruri understood the complexities involved in mastering immortality, and she refrained from pressuring Shiraishi, allowing him to proceed at his own pace.

"Let's go over there and take a look. I want to buy some clothes."


Shiraishi had no particular shopping agenda, content to follow Ruri's lead.

They entered a traditional clothing store, known for its high reputation in Konoha.

Once inside, Shiraishi unexpectedly recognized someone.

"Uchiha... and Chiba-san?"

Wearing a Konoha forehead protector, a man in his twenties gaped at Shiraishi and Ruri as they entered the store.


Shiraishi also recognized the man – he had been their homeroom teacher from first to sixth grade, Fujimura Taiga.

It was quite unexpected to encounter him here.

"Are you the proprietor of this shop, Chunin Fujimura-sensei?"

Ruri regarded Fujimura with a keen gaze.

Fujimura's mouth twitched slightly, somewhat embarrassed. "No, no, actually..."

He scratched his cheek, slightly flustered. "...This is my girlfriend's shop. She stepped out momentarily, so I'm looking after it for her."

"Oh, so Chunin Fujimura-sensei has a girlfriend."

Shiraishi mused, his expression thoughtful.


Fujimura inwardly groaned, wondering why they were adding a 'chunin' prefix to his title. Was it necessary?

"By the way, what brings you two to the village? If I recall correctly, your team leader was Hatake Kakashi..."

"Ah, due to certain circumstances, we're currently taking a break in the village."

"Is that so?"

Fujimura didn't delve further, instead launching into an introduction of the clothing store's offerings to Shiraishi.

The store boasted a diverse selection, encompassing ninja attire, yukata, casual wear, sportswear, and more. Additionally, various accessories like elaborate masks and earrings were on display, all exuding a distinct allure.

"What do you think? The collection here is quite impressive," Fujimura chimed in with enthusiasm.

"It's alright," Ruri responded casually, her gaze fixated on a particular piece.

It was a kimono, characterized by its style and color, which resonated deeply with her preferences.

As for the price, it wasn't a major concern for her.

Shiraishi also noticed the kimono and offered with a smile, "You know, Ruri, I haven't really given you any gifts all these years. If you like it, I can buy it for you."

Given that his research and living expenses were covered by Ruri, Shiraishi had ample funds to purchase such a kimono using the rewards he had saved up.

Upon hearing Shiraishi's words, Ruri's calm exterior rapidly gave way to a deep blush.

Observing Shiraishi's sudden blush, Fujimura sighed and explained, "Chiba-san, you can't casually gift a kimono like that. For girls, when a boy offers such clothing, it's tantamount to a marriage proposal."


Shiraishi stiffened, feeling a sense of impending doom!


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