Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 13. The proposal from the main character

When I heard something so unexpected, at first I didn't even know how to react to it. Noticing the utter incomprehension on my face, the second princess decided to clarify her words.

"Lady de Walt, I am aware of your relationship with Kaena.

I choked on the air.

"A relationship? What kind of relationship?!"

However, if you look at what is happening from the other side, then perhaps everything looked exactly like this. And how else to explain the fact that two unmarried people live together under the same roof, and are also constantly nearby? Probably, this big news has already spread throughout the empire. And it even came to the attention of the imperial family. And all of this, of course, was not what I wanted at all.

"Y-Your Highness, it's not like that! You've got it all wrong! - I didn't know why, but I vied with each other to justify myself to her. Although it definitely made sense.

Who would want to be publicly caught having an affair with someone like the crown princess of this Empire? It's like admitting that you are in a relationship with the enemy for the whole state.

- Hmm? - the beautiful face of the main character turned to me in a puzzled way.

- Actually, it's not quite like that ... - embarrassed, I slightly lowered my tone.

Then, I told the second princess in as much detail as possible what had happened and what kind of situation I was in. Anyway, I just wanted her to know that there's nothing between us! Jerica's expression remained thoughtful for a long time after the end of my story. After which she slowly summed it up:

"So my sister is keeping you by her side against your will...?"

I nodded my head vigorously.

"And you don't know what the reason might be...?" the princess asked with undisguised surprise.

This time, I hesitated for a few moments before nodding my head readily. And at the same time, she clearly understood that she simply could not reveal the truth to the main character.

That, in fact, it was I who was the person who saved the universal evil and condemned this empire to continue its suffering... If I really did that, I just wouldn't be able to look the main character in the eye out of guilt. No, it would be easier to tighten the rope around your neck right away...

I wasn't sure how much Jerica de Ronan believed my words, but at least I didn't feel any hostility coming from her. For a while, just looking at me in silence, the girl sighed softly.

"Well," the princess nodded, "in that case, it can be called luck.


"I've made sure that you're the right person for me," Jerica suddenly declared with a faint smile.

I stared at her in surprise.

- After all the atrocities committed by my sister, I can't just leave it like that, - a hard gleam flashed in Jerica's eyes, - Kaena must suffer the punishment she deserves.


While I was silent, the second princess continued to speak, looking in front of her.

- Even though we are a family, but... - the girl clenched her fists, - This does not negate her guilt in front of all the victims and the fact that she must answer to them.

I didn't quite understand why she was telling me all this.

- Your Highness, but... What does this have to do with me? - after hesitating, I decided to clarify it anyway.

Jerica de Ronan raised her head and looked at me intently.

"At the moment, I see only one way out of our common situation," she said seriously, "to ambush the Heilos residence and corner Kaena. But this is only possible if we can catch her in a vulnerable position... And here I will need your help, Lady de Walt.

"M-mine?" - I even stuttered.

- You are the first person in all these years who has managed to get so close to her. This is truly amazing. That is why I think you are better suited for this task than anyone else.

- ....

The further I went, the more it seemed to me that I was getting involved in some very dangerous adventure.

- You will need to neutralize Kaena for only half an hour, - the heroine continued to explain her plan to me, - This will be quite enough. Then we can take her into custody and put her on trial.

- O-neutralize...?

Neutralize the main villain... The very idea sounded wildly dangerous and more like a real suicide. Especially when it comes to an insignificant crowd like me, for whom it is already not difficult to die.

- Yes, - the princess confirmed what she said, and, apparently, noticing the emotion of excitement reflected on my face, she hurried to assure: - Don't worry, when the time comes, my people and I will be there to protect you.

- ...

Being in the same space with the main character of this novel, I didn't even know what to say to me. Especially after such an unexpected offer from her.

No matter how you look at it, after I got involved with the main villain, my life became too complicated.

"I understand that this offer may have been too unexpected for you," she continued, voicing my thoughts, "But if you agree to cooperate, I promise that I will reward you generously later," apparently, the intentions of the second princess were indeed serious.

However, it was not an offer that I could so easily agree to. I was still very hesitant.

"I... let me ask you something else," I plucked up the courage and modestly addressed her.

- Yes? - the heroine immediately responded.

"The man who attacked us in the woods that day... Were these your people too?

After I asked this disturbing question, Jerica's expression darkened. For some reason, she sighed.

"Of course, I would never do anything like that and put you at risk," she said slowly, "but I can guess who it could be.

- what?

- My mother... After hesitating, the princess finally replied, "I'm sure she's also heard rumors about your relationship with Kaena. Perhaps she was trying to get rid of you in this way or use you as bait for Kaena.

- ....

When I heard that, it went dark in my eyes.

Not only was I captured by the bloodthirsty Crown Princess, but now the Empress is targeting me... Based on the original novel, I knew that this woman could not be called the standard of virtue. Despite the fact that Irina de Ronan was the mother of the main character, her very image could hardly be called positive. In other words, the Empress does not disdain to get her hands dirty even in someone's blood.

And even more so, when this blood was mine, my knees involuntarily began to tremble. Who would have thought that the mother of this state herself would turn against me, just yesterday the most ordinary lady from an average family? No matter how you look at it, problems persistently continued to haunt me, even though I wasn't looking for them at all!

I had a strong feeling that now I myself had become the main character of some novel.

My palms were sweating with excitement, and I couldn't find the words for a long time. Then the hand, which, unlike the hand of the main villain, was warm and gentle, suddenly touched me.

"Well, as you can see, it's in your best interest to settle this matter as soon as possible," Jerica de Ronan smiled at me tightly, "Unfortunately, I'm unlikely to be able to stop my mother until she's sure that you're definitely on our side." Fortunately, this time I managed to arrive in time and pick you up.

"I..." my voice trailed off.

- Lady de Walt, it seems to me that you are a good person, - the main character squeezed my hand tighter, - I sincerely hope that we can fight and defeat evil together. What do you say to that?

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