Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 2. Coming to terms with the future

The farther I walked, the darker the castle seemed to me. And that was in spite of its splendor. The interior of the manor, or rather palace, was like the exterior, rich and intimidating.

The main hall on the first floor was so large and its ceiling was so high that all the nobles of the capital could freely fit inside and hold a banquet. As soon as I saw it with my own eyes, I involuntarily choked on air. Our fruitless conversations of that time, when I had not yet suspected the true origin of the «commoner», came to my mind.

«What an idiot I am…»

I couldn't believe that I had actually tried to slip her that pitiful necklace without even realizing the real extent of her condition. I really was naive and stupid. I don't even know what she thought of me at that moment.....

Sighing heavily, it was too late to blame myself for past mistakes.

I followed the villainess through the luxurious mansion and trembled. From fear and cold, among other things. Despite the size and splendor of the place, the atmosphere left a lot to be desired. However, considering that I was in the lair of the main villain, it was not surprising. The residence was cold and gloomy. The servants kept their eyes on the floor and didn't even open their mouths without permission.

Compared to where I lived before, the difference was more than noticeable.

I bowed my head and followed her like a ghost. We climbed the stairs to the top, and after a while the princess stopped in front of an exquisite, wide door made of some expensive wood.

— I hope you will like this room… — she spoke softly.

The woman lightly pushed the solid door open, and a sight appeared before my eyes. Honestly, I barely managed to keep my jaw in place.

«It's huge.»

The room was too luxurious and large for a bedroom. The ceiling was decorated with jewels. And the patterns on the wallpaper were made of lace. There was even a white porcelain bathtub. All the furniture was incredibly expensive.

After all, there was even a terrace.

— Do you like it? — The villainess asked with a concerned expression on her face.

I just stared at her, unable to believe that I had actually been assigned such a room.

When I didn't answer for a long time, stunned by what was happening, the villainess, hesitating, suggested:

— If you don't like it, I can remodel the place the way you want it. I have enough money and you can buy whatever you want. I'll pay all the expenses. for whatever you like.

— .....

I was amazed at this bold offer. I didn't know what to expect or if it was really sincere. After all, I couldn't relax so easily and was expecting some kind of trick every second. But the expression on her face really looked worried. As if… She actually wanted to please me.

I felt cold sweat rolling down my back. In the next instant, I hurriedly refuted her words:

— What? Oh, no… C-room is beautiful. It's very k-beautiful… and I love it.

After I said that, a look of relief came over the villain's face.

— Really? — She asked me again.

— Y-yes… — I nodded my head nervously.

— Good, then.

Once her worries were dispelled, the princess sighed and smiled at me.

The penetrating gaze of her golden eyes made me feel like I was in a minefield. Even as I walked behind her as we walked up the stairs, I had the feeling that she was still continuing to watch me. It was like this person had eyes everywhere she could.

The tension made my blood pressure skyrocket. This was the third day I had been in the company of the main villain.

I finally decided to tell her.

— I… I'm very tired. If it's all right, I'd like to rest.

I couldn't predict her reaction to my request, but I felt that if I didn't say it now, she would continue to stay here. And I couldn't take it anymore.

Though I expected anything, the next moment the villain suddenly pulled me to her, and her cold lips touched my forehead. I was somewhat dumbfounded. Tucking a few disheveled wheat strands behind my ear, she said softly:

— Okay. Please wait for a while. The servants are about to bring bath water and food.

My knees nearly buckled in surprise. I weakly shook my head.

Fortunately, after that, the Crown Princess actually left me in the room and went out. As soon as the door closed, I let out the heavy sigh I had been holding back all this time. Touching my forehead where the kiss was so clearly imprinted, I shuddered. What was that?

What was happening to me felt more and more like some kind of madness.

Finally, weakened from my collapsing legs, I slowly walked over to the bed and sat up. Inadvertently, I noticed that the bed frame was made of expensive cherry wood. Compared to this room, the room I had lived in before at the Duke's estate was more like a den.

But what did it matter?

A hollow sigh escaped my lips.

I could have died in this place at any moment. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. I tensed a little, but was relieved when a maid entered the room. Like all the servants here, her face was pale and a little frightened.

— My lady, I'll help you take a bath,” the maid bowed her head politely.

For some reason, the sight of that uniformed girl reminded me of Elisha. At that moment, my body went cold. When I saw that horrible sight again, a sense of loss weighed heavily on my chest. Remorse and fear bubbled in my stomach.

I nodded weakly to the servant, agreeing to follow the suggestion.

On my first day here, I took a long bath in the warm water with rose petals floating in it. Along with this maid, there was another one who was only needed to keep the water warm. This was definitely a luxury.

Being treated like this was akin to being treated like a true princess. However, I didn't feel comfortable with all of this.

After bathing, the maids helped me dry my hair, and scattered for a long time more in their eagerness to please me.

— If you need anything else, please feel free to say anything. I was ordered to take good care of my lady.

— And not just today. If you ever need anything in the future, please tell us.

However, I refused all of these offers. Instead, I just wanted to be left alone. Upon hearing my request, the maids immediately bowed and left the room. At last, left alone, I felt as if thorn vines were digging into me. My anxiety resumed with renewed vigor.

I stared at my luxurious new bedroom with an absent expression on my face.


I was scared.

I lay down on my bed and curled up on it. The emotions I'd been suppressing for the past two days burst through like a collapsed dam. I even cried a little.

All I cared about was one thing: What would happen to me now? No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't read the mind of the main villain. Even if things had been going surprisingly smoothly so far, I couldn't know how long it would last. The princess's unpredictable behavior could come crashing down on me at any moment.

For a long time I couldn't sleep and just rolled around on the huge bed.

By the time the various disturbing thoughts stopped swarming in my head, it was already deep night. Moonlight poured through the curtains. My room, like the rest of the manor, was very quiet.

I bit my lower lip and then opened my eyes fully. Sigh.

Well, even though I was terribly frightened now, the unchanging future was a solid fact I had to face. Was all I had to do was wait for my death?

«Whether I try to win her favor or try to escape, either way, death awaits me at the end…»

The resentment of my miserable life continued to eat away at me with renewed vigor.

I had only dreamed of a carefree life of luxury! Is that such an unattainable goal?

At this time, while I was trying to overcome the growing excitement in my chest, a thought suddenly crept into my head. I felt as if I had been doused with ice water. I sat up abruptly on the bed, breathing deeply.

Really… How could I have forgotten about it?

My friend's wedding ceremony was approaching.

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