Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 5. Accept my gift

Go to the wedding ceremony with the main villain… This was not part of my plans at all.

Not only had all hope of escape collapsed, but other difficulties had also been added. I was sure that in the presence of the Crown Princess, I would have to carefully monitor my every move. There was no question of enjoying the holiday.

For a while I was worried about how to behave at the upcoming celebration, but then I decided not to think about it yet. In the end, I can't influence anything anyway.

«It's okay. If I keep quiet and stay inconspicuous, as if I'm not there at all, there shouldn't be any problems.» — this is the plan I decided to stick to.

Since the trip to the north was supposed to take some time, we left a week earlier in order to make it to the appointed day. As expected, I rode in the same carriage with the main villain, which guaranteed me tense nerves for the rest of the journey.

I looked out the window as the carriage rolled along a remote forest path that ran among densely planted bare trees. This forest, which looked more like an extinct one, was conveniently located near the territory of the Heilos lands. The trees cast long, thin shadows on the frozen ground. After examining the gloomy landscape, I turned away and took a long breath to calm my pounding heart.

«Camille,» a voice said at that moment. I turned around and saw the princess sitting right in front of me.

«Is she all right?» Kaena watched the woman in front of her look weak and trembling. This gave her some ideas. «This woman must be looking forward to the holiday.»

In fact, the Crown Princess didn't really care about someone else's wedding. She had never been to such events in her life, considering them only a burdensome waste of time. Except for his own, of course. However, even if Kaena had a desire to stay and do more important things, there was a reason why she still chose to go.

«Camilla was so happy when she found out that I was going with her. So I can't let her down.»

«Don't worry so much,» she decided to reassure her in a warm voice.

I looked at her in surprise. What does she want to say?

I had an ominous feeling when the main villain smiled beautifully and said:

«Because I'll be there for you.»

I didn't quite understand why she said something like that to me, but I assumed it was a threat. Don't do anything unnecessary, because I'm always watching you. I swallowed a lump in my throat from excitement, but nevertheless I had to save my face.

Predators are even more excited when they detect fear in the behavior of their prey.

— Oh, I'm so glad about that,» I lied, forcing a smile.

«Okay, if I try not to cause any problems, everything will be fine.»

Calming myself with such thoughts, I involuntarily noticed that the villain was smiling strangely again. Her behavior sometimes confused me. However, no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't understand her, so I just gave up.

Going down a steep hill, the carriage leaned forward slightly. We had been on the road for two days. And, if everything goes well, the crew will arrive at the place by the appointed time. That is, in five days.

I felt tired, because I hadn't really had a chance to rest for two days on the road. It was very difficult for me to force myself to relax when the Crown Princess was next to me and did not take her eyes off me.

«Oh, I'm so sleepy.» — nevertheless, I couldn't fight my natural urge.

On the other hand, if this woman wanted to do something to me, she wouldn't have to wait for me to fall asleep. This thought eased my anxiety a little. It's okay if I take a nap.

But as soon as my eyelids drooped slightly, the heavens themselves seemed to oppose my peaceful rest.

Before I knew it, the ground rumbled around me. At the same time, a loud roar reached my ears. It was like the growling of wild animals. It happened so suddenly that I could barely hold back a scream.

Kaena frowned.

— What's going on? She asked one of her subordinates who accompanied us.

«Your Highness, these are demonic beasts! The answer came from outside.

The very phrase froze my blood in my veins. Demonic beasts? That's not enough yet!

Of course, I knew about their existence, but I did not suspect that I would ever have to face them.

As in any fantasy novel, there were creatures that the characters had to fight, among other things. They were demonic beasts. They vaguely resembled ordinary wild animals, but their strength exceeded several times, and their appearance was distorted by the influence of dark energy.

Where these creatures came from was not mentioned in the novel. Well, or maybe I was reading it inattentively… Anyway, I just knew that monsters like this exist in this world.

Thanks to the efforts of brave warriors, the demonic beasts were driven all the way to the borders of the empire. In other words, it was almost impossible to meet them in a city or an ordinary settlement. That's why I was so surprised. Although, on the other hand, considering that it wasn't that far from the lands of the main villain…

When some conclusion suggested itself in my head, a cold palm covered mine, and made me shudder a little more than from the wild roar that had just been heard.

«Don't worry and stay here,» the princess told me calmly, — I'll deal with it quickly.

If I had heard these words from any other person who went to fight demonic creatures, I would have felt justified doubt. But in this case, I took her confident statement for granted. I wasn't even too scared of these monsters. After all, I've been in an enclosed space with a creature scarier than them for several days now…

Anyway, as soon as I nodded my head weakly, the villain left me alone in the carriage. Out of pure curiosity, to see what the demonic beasts looked like, I opened the curtain a crack. I saw creatures covered with dark thick scales, and had vicious mouths with a row of sharp teeth. What freaks…

In my opinion, they looked like a mixture of a land animal and a fish.

However, despite how scary they looked, for the knights of the Dark Host, this battle was nothing more than an ordinary hunt for wild animals. The warriors quickly dispersed and skillfully cleared the area, keeping the creatures away from the crew. Perhaps for the first time, I felt a fleeting relief that it was these thugs who accompanied me on my journey. After all, for ordinary people, this battle would be life and death.

I pulled the curtain back and just waited for the battle to end. The battle cries of the knights, the rattling of paws and the clanging of swords continued for some time. Then, finally, the situation gradually calmed down.

— Camille, are you okay?

When the Crown Princess returned to the carriage, she smelled of blood, which I had never smelled before. This smell was different from the blood of humans and ordinary animals. I wanted to say that I was fine, but I couldn't speak. And all because the villain suddenly reached into her pocket and pulled out some kind of thing.

I stared at her, puzzled.

This rounded thing, slightly glittering in the sun, at first glance resembled some kind of precious stone. However, I couldn't figure out where he could have come from in such places. But the next moment, the princess dispelled my doubts.:

— This is the heart of a half-dragon.

Her voice was slightly muffled.

«Wh-what?» I was even more taken aback.

«I know you like jewelry,» she smiled, «but this gift is special. The remains of a half-dragon are extremely rare, especially its heart. It cannot be bought on the regular market. If it is dried, it will shine and become more beautiful than any expensive gemstone.

Hearing that, my jaw dropped.

Well, it's true that most noble ladies like jewelry and things like that. But that means jewelry, not animal entrails…

I didn't know what to say when the main villain forced me to accept the heart of a demonic beast.

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