Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 321 Flows out of Chaos Genesis!

Chapter 321 Outflow - From the Genesis of Chaos!

All you can see is a dazzling pure white color, and the pure white stone bricks of unknown material that can reflect the human figure extend to the farthest distance that the sight can touch.

Looking upward, the white space even gives people the illusion of covering the entire sky. In this huge temple-like hall, the dome is so high that there is almost no dome, and all you can see is a vast expanse of white.

Sixty-three white stone pillars rise from the ground like pillars that support the sky. They are arranged neatly in rows, just like the temple of the gods in myths and legends.

The unimaginably vast world is like the abode of a giant. The stone pillars are carved with lifelike stone carvings, as if they can all come alive in the next moment.

Moreover, there are no torches or other lighting tools in this building, because all light sources will be eclipsed in this infinitely vast space. I don’t know where the bright white light comes from, shining through the sky and the earth, as if the air itself is glowing. Same.

In the center of this world, there is a simple, ordinary-looking throne that emits soft white light. On the throne, there is a figure wearing a white robe, leaning on the seat and taking a nap with his eyes closed.

This is the bottom core of the world created by Ge Yue. Each pillar here represents the root law of a world, and the ancient throne located in the center of the stone pillar carries Ge Yue's authority and helps him control everything. [Holy Seat], and the figure on that seat is Geyue himself.


Suddenly, Geyue suddenly opened her eyes and looked towards the boundless sky above her head. An invisible, huge and heavy sense of solemnity came across time and space.

Then the heavy air began to fluctuate, a strong wind blew like a giant's breath, and an extremely brilliant golden light descended.

The mere existence of that huge presence almost makes this vast space seem insignificant, causing the entire core area at the bottom to tremble, and there is a faint feeling of being overwhelmed.

"It's so huge, it's comparable to the weight of the universe. Is this an advanced [outflow]?"

Geyue opened her eyes slightly, pointed at the golden ball of light coming across time and space, and shouted: "Disperse!"


Following his command, the golden ball of light suddenly exploded, and a shocking roar of a lion sounded. The terrifying pressure seemed to be able to collapse the entire world.

Sacred, gorgeous, shining, the supreme golden light of destruction raged, and the unimaginable supreme power expanded infinitely like the explosion of the universe, causing violent tremors in the underlying land.


Immediately afterwards, six colorful lights of red, yellow, blue, green, purple, and orange drew six gorgeous trajectories in the air, and then collided together to form a divine pillar that also exuded huge majesty and fell to the ground. The already trembling world became even more violent.


Finally, two more beams of light fell, turning into two stone pillars respectively, and landed on the ground, ranking in the front row of other stone pillars.


Geyue gasped slightly, feeling that this harvest was a bit beyond his expectation.

The clone advanced to [Outflow] and returned with the mass of a universe. Its huge size directly saturated the core of the world he created.

Coupled with the six origin powers of the Marvel Universe and the other two world origin laws, his world has entered an overload state. If it is not handled properly, it may not be long before his world will be destroyed from the inside. break, thus falling apart.

“The harvest this time is a bit beyond imagination.”

Rubbing her eyebrows with a headache, Geyue reached out to touch the golden lion, took back everything the clone saw and heard, sorted and absorbed it, and made a decision.

So far, including clones, he has experienced a total of sixty-seven worlds, but only three are truly under his control, namely: Naruto, Death, and Xingyue.

If you include the universes he created, that's four.

The combined power of these four worlds can barely be regarded as a multi-structure, but in fact, they are independent of each other, and their real contribution is the scale of a single entity.

The reason is that Geyue could only suppress her own realm because she was worried about the pressure it would put on the world after [the leak].

After the [Holy Seat] begins to take shape, it is enough to carry him to flow out, but he wants to wait until the [Holy Seat] is further perfected and can carry multiple worlds to [flow out], and then continue to suppress his own realm.

But it doesn't work now, because after his clone obtained the root law of the Xingyue World, the water overflowed and flowed out of the [source], turning the entire Xingyue World into a part of himself.

The process of advancing to [Outflow] is irreversible. No matter how he suppresses it, sooner or later he will be infected by the power of the clone and passively enter the [Outflow] state.

"One step earlier and one step later makes no difference, that's all."

I don’t know if the [Holy Seat] can support him in dominating multiple worlds after integrating the six original powers of Marvel, the roots of Shape Moon, and the root laws of the other three worlds.

Geyue sighed slightly. If you want to know the difference between the single level and the multi-level, it is really as immeasurable as the abyss.

Thinking like this, Geyue stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The core place created by him began to vibrate continuously, and then everything in the world, as well as the [Holy Seat] under him, began to converge into his body.

Now that he wants to start real outflow, his own structure also needs to be changed.

It is the realm of [Creation] and the world itself, the ‘Eden Eternal Pure Land’ that needs to be changed. The multi-story tower-like structure is no longer suitable.

After all, having to integrate into several real universes was too much of a burden for his yet-to-be-completely mature ‘Eden Eternal Pure Land’.

But fortunately, he received the gift of the 'Imaginary Number Tree' when he collapsed the world. Under Geyue's cultivation over the years, that seed finally took root and sprouted, and grew into a towering tree.

Although this new tree does not have much power, its supreme essence has been clearly revealed. With this as its core, it is not difficult to connect several worlds, but it is perfect for transition. .


Geyue let out a long breath of turbid air. With the strange origin laws of many worlds and the stimulation of the principles flowing out from the highest heaven, the principles he understood began to boil and become extremely active.

Many Dharma principles circulated in his heart, united, and finally reached their ultimate sublimation.

Like a cocoon about to break out of its shell, an extremely terrifying, transcendent, and domineering divine power began to gradually expand and overflow from Geyue's body.


The ultimate bloom of divinity condenses behind Ge Yue a wheel of pure white and pure black moving forward and reversing each other. A world looms inside, and everything flows, is born, is created, evolves, declines, returns to ruins, and ends. , all things are born and die endlessly, reincarnation is endless.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

"The prehistoric era was deviated, and all things were born."

The extremely sacred and majestic chants resounded throughout the world, and the sacred words and spirits were filled with super-quality divinity and divine power, causing the universe ruled by Ge Yue to begin to twist and tremble.

"Everything you see has its origin, Alpha, and what you see later has its end, Omega. It goes round and round, endlessly."

"Therefore, reincarnation and the flow of all things are the eternal principles of nature!"

"What we want is a great deed that will last forever, flow forever, and be immortal."

In the mighty spirit of words, the black and white reciprocal rings began to expand infinitely, and the world collapsed and reorganized. As the y seedlings of the tree of imaginary numbers took root and grew in the void, new stars and phenomena began to show their uniqueness on the canopy. of magnificent colors.

"Outflow - from the chaotic creation!"

The divine power that created the world burst out here, and powerful colors rendered the world image. The saplings of the imaginary tree grew vigorously and turned into a giant tree with lush branches and leaves reaching the sky.

At the top of the tree crown, the four worlds of Eternal Pure Land, Shape Moon, Naruto, and Death hang like four fruits on the branches of the tree, shining brightly.

Under the canopy of the tree, on the throne that exuded pure white light, the god-like and holy Ge Yue opened her eyes, her eyes deep and far-reaching, revealing all things past and present.

The great cause of outflow is achieved here!

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