Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 335 Millions of Gods

The overwhelming terrifying momentum swept across the world, causing the entire world to be stained with a layer of filthy darkness.

The light, full of disaster and ominous filth, stretched out like dragons one after another, roaring with teeth and claws, as if to declare its existence to the world.

And in the center of this dark and dirty light, Geyue has returned to her human form, but her previous holy and holy posture has disappeared.

Its whole body was covered with a layer of pitch black and ferocious, covered with thorn-like barbs, squirming like a living body, and wrapped in a calamity armor with a blood-colored vertical pupil on its chest, like a demon king who came to the world from hell.

When all the gods saw this scene, their eyes suddenly opened wide, and their pupils shrank to the size of a needle at this moment.

Fear, confusion, disbelief!

Some kind of extremely vicious spirit began to expand in an instant, just like the 'particle' in the theory of the origin of the explosion of the universe, it exploded!

The mass, density, size, energy, and impact are advancing by leaps and bounds like an explosion.

Something invisible between heaven and earth is gradually appearing in a tangible form.

The strong sense of existence that gradually expanded to the point of swallowing up the world caused everyone to have the most instinctive fear in their hearts. That was - the Demon King!

"Really, I was tricked into being put into such a disgusting posture."

Ge Yue lowered her eyes and looked at her palms, which were wrapped in the armor of disaster and transformed into ferocious claws. Her crimson vertical pupils were filled with unspeakable coldness.

At the last moment when Az Dahaka was about to be assimilated and swallowed up, the self-will of this world, the center of the small garden, gave him the blessing of infinite power.

Then, the concept of 'humanity' in his body was deprived, and then the concept of 'human evil' in his body multiplied and expanded infinitely. Finally, it broke through a certain limit and sublimated into the spirit of 'The Final Trial of Humanity·Human Evil' .

Boom——! ! ! "

At the same time, a heartbeat that sounded like a mountain shaking suddenly echoed throughout the sky, and the six dimmed red jade eyes of the three-headed dragon once again bloomed with light.


Accompanied by the shrill roar that stirred the wind and clouds, the three-headed dragon broke free from Ge Yue's shackles and stood in the sky again in full glory.


Az Dahaka opened his arms, showed a ferocious smile, and shouted words that made everyone present completely speechless.

"Welcome to this willful world full of possibilities - my compatriots! The Demon King who is also the [Last Embryo], gives everything in the world and everything in the world a final trial. !”

Aziz Dahaka's declaration swept the entire battlefield like a storm. This was not a metaphor. A typhoon of level 13 or above was completely rolled around.

The strong will and message contained in that declaration impacted the rationality of everyone in the world.

"Same compatriot? The final test of mankind. Why!!!"

Black Rabbit looked blankly at Geyue's ominous and disaster-filled posture in the sky, and his heart was buzzing.

It was supposed to be a story about a hero killing the devil, like a heroic tale, the most legendary, the most classic, and the most anticipated story, but why did it become like this?

What does it mean when a brave man falls to heaven and becomes an existence that is even more evil than the Demon King and consumes the world like a walking human hell? !

It was clear that a moment ago, he was still a saint and a brave man who had placed the hope of all mankind and transcended the end of mankind.


What exactly is this for!

There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, and she clenched her white hands tightly, looking around subconsciously, as if she wanted to figure out the situation.

However, a black rain suddenly fell in the sky.

It was the rain of black contracts, falling like a feather on the whole world, falling in front of everyone - there was no writing on the dark ancient scroll, but it contained pure and innocent words. Malice'.

This is the contract document that holds the gift game and stipulates everything.

The black contract document is the mandatory organizer authority of the Demon King.

It should have the rules of the game written on it...

but none.

There is no writing on the dark ancient scroll.

Trial object? game rules? Customs clearance conditions?

Absolutely not, this is the posture of the oldest demon king.

The test object is everything living in this world - human beings!

"The gods of heaven and everyone present——"

A huge and majestic voice sounded between heaven and earth, and the voice contained the will of 'thunder and lightning', which was the side of Emperor Shitian, the thunder god.

His voice was like thunder, forcibly waking everyone up from the devil's power and forcing their hearts to regain their composure.

"It is confirmed that a new demon king of the 'Final Trial of Humanity' was born in the outer gate of Hakoden 2222, the original capital of Moon Shadow. Here, two of the oldest demon kings coexist, and the oldest god will be held. Magic game.”

The moment the words fell, the contract document floated down from the sky again. It was a pure white contract document that had not been infected by the Demon King.

It was a contract document engraved with the 'swastika' pattern.

It says on it——

Gift game name: The Punitive Of Last Embryo

List of contestants:

‘Absolute Evil’ The Final Trial of Humanity: Aziz Dahaka.

The final human trial of ‘human evil’: Utatsuki.

and - Participants who voluntarily join the game.

Winning condition: Surpass the final trial of humanity.

Oath: Respect the above content, hold the Gods and Demons (Gift) game based on the honor, flag and organizer's authority.

——[Three Thousand Worlds] Seal.

At the same time, brilliance bloomed in the sky, and an extremely huge heavenly door opened. It was densely packed, and an endless army of gods slowly walked out of it. With eyes mixed with endless divine will, they looked at Geyue and Aziz Dahaka.

From beginning to end, Aziz Dahaka and Ge Yue paid no attention to the commotion in the outside world.

Geyue opened and closed her palms expressionlessly, clenched her fists, and weighed her strength, as if she was adapting to the influence of this new spirit, not paying attention to the movements of the outside world.

As for Aziz Dahaka, he was simply interested in Ge Yue.

He is a being who voluntarily carries the fate of the end, and he encourages good and punishes evil. This is his path, a factor that has existed since the birth of the myth.

The existence chosen by the Hakoba Central Committee as the final trial of mankind has the element of "destroying the world" in the original myth.

But now, he is curious, what kind of experience will make this compatriot in front of him bear the heavy concept of "human evil" and sublimate it into the final trial of mankind?

After a long absence, Aziz Dahaka was aroused with strong curiosity, but even if he asked now, it is estimated that the compatriots in front of him would not answer him.

Aziz Dahaka thought.

"How about it?"

Suddenly, the three-headed dragon smiled and said to Ge Yue.

"what you mean?"

Geyue clenched her fists and looked at him coldly.

"Of course, it's the feeling of becoming a human being in the final trial."


A trace of gloom flashed in Geyue's eyes, and she stared at the three-headed dragon and said: "For you, this thing will make your spiritual power expand infinitely, from an ant that can be crushed to death by me to one that can fight with me. Lizard. But for me, it is unprecedentedly weakened!"

Yes, after becoming the final trial of mankind, Geyue's power has been severely weakened, and her own 'principle' has been blocked by the impact of the external 'principle of the final trial of mankind', and the flow of Yin and Yang has been blocked. , the ever-growing bipolarity has weakened into a single extreme unipolarity.

Even though the level of power has not declined, the smooth and smooth flow of legal principles has been lost.


Thinking of this, Ge Yue clicked her tongue, with a strong cold light in her eyes, staring at the group of gods pouring out of the Tianmen, and said with a ferocious smile: "I am very unhappy now, very unhappy!"

"Haha, let's vent together!"

Aziz Dahaka grinned widely, slowly raised his head, and looked at the surrounding sky.

Greek gods, Norse gods, Biblical gods, Aztec gods, Hebrew gods, Taoist gods, Buddhist gods.

Hundreds of thousands of gods, more numerous than the stars, more brilliant than the stars, millions of gods all arrived in the lower realm through the Tianmen, and surrounded the battlefield.

You can name several of the famous Shura gods and Buddhas at a casual glance. Among them, the weakest soldiers have five-digit numbers, most of the elite members have four-digit numbers, and the strongest ones have three-digit numbers. The main gods.

Even in the entire multiverse, this can be considered the strongest master.

Not to mention, among the biblical gods, the one who is surrounded by hazy divine radiance and whose aura is as deep as the sea is undoubtedly the most dazzling biblical god among the millions of gods.

"Feeling the pressure?"

Even though he faced millions of gods, multiple main gods, and even the one exceptional being who should have been on the high seat in the sky, Aziz Dahaka's expression did not change at all. Instead, he continued to talk to Ge Yue leisurely.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's just a group of millions of gods."

Geyue glanced at him indifferently, then looked at the millions of gods in the sky, and said: "Thanks to the transformation of the spirit, I don't have time to deal with you for the time being. So pray, these millions of gods don't be too busy." You are so weak that after I deal with them, I will not spare the time to deal with you."

The two of them were never friends, but facing millions of gods, they were not enemies. If anything, it was just the relationship between the defeated and the victor who should have died.

"Oh, if you can do it, then come here!"

Az Dahaka grinned, then jumped high into the sky. His dark wings spread like shadows among the millions of gods, revealing his fangs.

"Gods and Buddhas from the gods in the gods, I am the final test of mankind and absolute evil. If you want to defeat me, if you can, just come here!"

The fuse-like declaration resounded throughout the world, making the whole world quiet for a moment.

Then, the air felt like a landslide, like a tsunami, like the sky was furious, and the entire space trembled due to the actions of the gods.

Millions of gods slid down rapidly like a meteor shower falling to the ground.

"Yes, that's it, come here!"

Aziz Dahaka raised his hands and folded them in front of him.


The silver-white brilliance was like a star being born, and a dazzling ball of light bloomed in those hands.

"Avesta is activated! The stars in the universe are rotating, let's fight against them one by one! Simulate the star creation diagram——!"

Incomparably dazzling starlight bloomed from the hands of the three-headed dragon, as if the stars in the universe were rotating. An invisible universe was constantly devouring the world, reorganizing the entire world, and tampering with the rules.

Using personal will and mental power to devour the world and interfere with the rules of the world - that is the authority of the organizer.

Interfering with the entire world using the mythological cosmology that has been shaped long ago is a principle that simulates the creation of the star chart and the central mystery of the gods.

The dualism of good and evil that belongs to Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism, is filling the entire world at an alarming rate. The surrounding world is all included in the universe of good and evil polarization, and it is constantly rotating.


The terrifying momentum suddenly surged.

Aziz Dahaka's body exudes bright starlight.

His aura and spiritual energy expanded, rising uncontrollably. The aura that had been weakened to the extreme during the battle with Ge Yue disappeared at this moment. It's like a big tree that is constantly expanding as it absorbs nutrients.

Just like the expansion of Geyue's spiritual power before, Aziz Dahaka's spiritual power is also expanding rapidly now.

In this world full of 'good and evil dualism', he defines himself as the rightmost side of good and evil - the position of 'absolute evil'.

Like the reverse side of a mirror, the cosmology of millions of gods is imprinted on his body.

The more enemies there are, the stronger the performance he gets.

Endless expansion——

Feeling the expanding power inside its body, the three-headed dragon raised its head high, flapped its wings suddenly, and let out a roar burning with fighting intent toward the millions of gods falling like meteors above.


The storm, which was completely different from before, suddenly exploded from the scream.


Stirring, the hurricane expanded towards the sky like a visible blade.

Then, an incredible scene happened. The falling meteor shower was swept by this stormy hurricane, and the trajectory of the starlight shook violently. The devastating storm completely disintegrated the offensive of millions of gods in an instant.


The stars stirred and fell to the ground like meteorites.

Countless potholes appeared on the earth, and the gods who walked out of them, exuding divine power, were surprised and uncertain, with expressions of disbelief in their pupils.

Although the gods cannot overcome the final trial of mankind, in the past, after dispatching millions of gods, the final trial of mankind could be easily sealed. Then we can train suitable human heroes, or let the famous Lord God "come to heaven and become a human being" to overcome the trial.

Most gods hold this idea.

It would be great if Az Dahaka was sealed and humans could be trained to rival him.


They could not imagine that the phenomenon of 'driving back the army of gods' could happen right before their eyes.

"Impossible, this is Aziz Dahaka?..."

"It can actually expand to such an extent..."

"Not inferior to the White Night Demon at all..."


With absolute momentum and arrogance accumulated over thousands of years, the self-confident army of millions of gods - under the decisive roar of the three-headed dragon, it took just a moment to feel "invincible", and its pride was shaken. Shattered.

"What's wrong?"

With a ferocious smile, Aziz Dahaka is only three meters tall, but he dominates the world like a star in the universe.

The moment he witnessed it, the god was speechless.

As if aware of this wavering mentality, Az Dahaka flapped his wings.

"There is no need to be ashamed. If you don't know, learn here. This trembling is fear. And - don't forget, even if you are trembling with fear, you still take a step forward. This is courage."

"As gods - show me your justice here."

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