Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 348 RE: Holy Grail War

When the world is brought together by some kind of force, any change is no longer limited to a certain area.

As the 'animation' generated by Geyue's manipulation of electronic devices with the power of erosion was spread around the world in the form of live broadcast, a grand feast slowly kicked off.

"Let me go, what is this, such a cool picture, a new work?"

"This exquisite picture and smooth impact feel like a CG animation from some game!"

"Also, this CG is done with great care. The buildings in this picture are near my home, and they are restored one to one!"

"Hey, isn't this Alicetria-chan!"

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on with that bastard? Why did he treat my Alicetelia like this!"

"Who is Alistria?"

"Haven't you seen "Scarlet Alicetria"? It's a very popular new show recently!"

"No wonder it looks so familiar. Wait, who is the other character?"

"It's an ability I haven't seen before, and it's not a character that appeared in "Scarlet Alicetria"."

"Look at this, does it look like the new character?"

"Where did this come from?"

"A character in a street novel."

"Why do the characters in Poujie novels appear? Aren't they different works?"

"Don't talk about the work, even the dimension is completely different!"

"Why did Alicetlia lose to such a character that she has never heard of? Doesn't the producer have anything to explain?"

"This already constitutes infringement!"

"But he looks so handsome, this new character!"

"I will never admit that Alicetlia-chan will lose or anything!"

"I really like the character Alictria, but the new character looks good too."

"Those strange eyes are so handsome, and the ability to conjure weapons and giant skeletons is awesome!"

"I'll go, Mirokuji Yuya, Serega Eubitilia, Meteora Estresh, Karuya Rui, Altair... are all popular characters!"

"Is this a big fight across dimensions?"

"Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, really looking forward to the follow-up!"

"Looking forward to +1!"

"Looking forward to +2!"



Turning off the screen of her mobile phone, Geyue leaned on the shabby sofa, turned to look at the person coming from behind, and said with a smile: "First meeting, Mr. Blitz Tokar from "codeBabylon"."

"It seems that the princess in military uniform has already introduced me to you. No, if it goes according to your settings, there should be nothing in this world that can be hidden from you."

A middle-aged man in a coat appeared from the corner, raising his hands to show that he was not hostile. After confirming Songyue's reaction, he walked nearby: "Your battle was very successful. The entire network has been obsessed with the latest anime you produced. 'There are discussions about you everywhere."

"It's expected. In this era of entertainment to death, the more 'subversive' a topic is, the more attention it attracts, and the more 'recognition' it gets."

“Even if you don’t know anything about the character ‘Utatsuki’, you will become interested in it after seeing this battle, and then you will dig into the existence of this character.”

"And their actions are the food for me to restore my strength."

Geyue laughed mockingly, lightly snapped her fingers, and looked at a force that subverted the rules of physics and distorted the real world. It instantly transformed this dilapidated stronghold into a luxuriously decorated restaurant filled with all kinds of expensive wines. bar.

With a random wave of his palm, two wine glasses flew off the counter and landed in front of Geyue and Blitzcrank. Then a bottle of red wine opened on its own, and the wine flew out to fill the two glasses.

"It's incredible."

Blitz took the glass and sighed.

"Blitzcrank, you must have some special motive for coming to me."

Swirling the wine in the glass, Geyue looked at him with interest.

Different from the medieval battlefield of Alicetlia, the character of Briz Tokar is a bounty hunter who was once a detective from the comics with a cyberpunk worldview.

But apart from the difference in background, he had a similar reason for joining Altair's camp as Alistria, who had already changed his camp - the person he valued most was killed by him.

Under the writing of "The Creator", Briz Tokar's daughter was infected by some kind of foreign substance. If she was not killed, it would very likely lead to a huge crisis.

In such a dramatic 'plot', the father who obviously valued his daughter the most had to kill his daughter himself.

If one does not know the existence of the ‘Creator’, then no matter how much one grieves for the character Briz Tokar, he will continue to move forward, even if he is burdened with sin.

However, after learning about the existence of the 'Creator' under the guidance of Altair, the former detective could no longer bear it. He turned all his anger towards fate towards his 'Creator'.

This is not surprising, after all, the greatest sorrow in his life was described by his Creator, and it is completely natural to be angry at it.

After sorting out the information about Blitzcrank, the smile on Geyue's face grew stronger. He looked at Blitzcrank and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, the 'Creator' of this world is really too much."


Blitz raised his eyebrows slightly and whispered: "This sentence from you is particularly unconvincing, compared to us, a cruel and arrogant creator."

"Okay, let's stop chatting here."

Geyue turned her head and said casually: "Compared to the knight lady who joined Altair's camp for the sad wish of saving her own world, your reason is just because of your daughter."

"But one thing you all have in common is that when something that satisfies your wishes appears, you can change camps at any time without any psychological burden."

"Not just you, but also Altair. That guy's heart is not as tough as she appears on the surface."

"If you see the thing you pray for in your heart, you will definitely give up your current force field without hesitation and switch to the other side's camp."

"After careful calculation, I am the only one who truly belongs to the 'World Destruction' camp."

Having said this, Geyue couldn't help but chuckle, her tone full of pleasure at seeing something interesting.

Blitz took a sip of wine and looked at Ge Yue's back, her cheeks twitching slightly, revealing extremely intense emotional fluctuations.

"Blitz, I know what you are thinking, and I can realize what you are thinking. It is not difficult for me to resurrect Alina, but can you really feel at ease and let the world be destroyed for the sake of your daughter? "

The joy at the corner of her mouth became more and more intense. Geyue raised her wine glass and said with a smile: "Don't you think that now you have once again returned to the most important moment of decision-making in your 'story'? On the one hand is your beloved daughter, on the other hand It is the safety of the world, and this time, you will..."


The sound of breaking glass was heard, and Blitzcrank crushed the wine glass in his hand with a ferocious expression, and roared like a beast: "That's enough! Please stop talking."

"Pleasant expression. I seem to understand some of the bad taste of some bad guys who like to play with people's hearts."

Geyue drank the wine in the cup with satisfaction and said: "Your struggling expression is very interesting. As a reward, I will give you a good advice. Jump to the other side's camp and you will get unexpected gains."


Blitz rolled his eyes, thanked her hoarsely, and dragged his heavy body out of the room.

"Same to you, Altair."

After Blitzcrank left, Geyue suddenly said to the empty room: "You have other choices like him, and they are 'just' choices."

"Will not!"

Altair's decisive voice echoed in the room, and her figure appeared in a burst of blue light. Her eyes were firm and she said: "We have only one goal, and that is - to destroy the world!"

"hope so."


For the Special Disaster Headquarters, a special department specially established by Neon officials, everyone stared at the latest beautifully produced animation on the screen and a series of rising data, all with frowns on their faces.

Three hours ago, after Katsuki dominated the global network by eroding power and uploaded a large number of battle scenes about them, as well as a series of other animations, there was no smile on the faces of these people.

"It can't be deleted. It can't be deleted at all. That god has definitely controlled the entire network through his power. Our existing methods are simply unable to delete and isolate information."

After trying countless methods, a staff member finally resigned and gave up on blocking the animation created by Song Yue.

"It's really capable of being malicious towards human technology."

Kikuchihara Aki rubbed the center of his eyebrows and let out a weak sigh.

From the moment those animations began to circulate on the Internet, the pressure on those 'insiders' suddenly increased several times.

On the one hand, it is the commotion spread on the Internet, and on the other hand, it is Altair’s growing ‘recognition power’.

Fortunately, the other party does not seem to care about their side's role, or perhaps it is because they are using their side's role for comparison to enhance their own recognition, and they have not deleted their side's role.

Because of this, their character has benefited a lot, and their recognition has been greatly improved.

"Miss Kikuchihara."

Meteora walked to Aki Kikuchihara's side and said: "Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to solve the situation outside the sight of ordinary people, unless a huge one that can restrain all 'characters' is specially created. Form a barrier, and then resolve all disputes internally at once, otherwise continuing to wait will only make Altair's side's combat effectiveness continue to expand."

"But, such a large-scale barrier cannot be completed so easily, right?"

Kikuchihara Aki frowned and said worriedly.

"Just leave this aspect to me. As long as the headquarters can cooperate with my actions, it should be no problem to create a barrier of this size."

Meteora said a little feebly: "What really needs to be troubled is how we are going to deal with the 'gods' who appear in Altair. God knows what level the other party's power will return to after gaining such huge recognition."

"It doesn't matter, Meteora. Even if the opponent recovers some power, it is impossible for him to recover to the level of destroying the planet at every turn. Moreover, we have also regained our original power and have strengthened it. If we really want to fight If you get up, you won’t be helpless to fight back.”

Serejia on the side came over and said energetically: "Maybe we can still complete the feat of killing gods."

"Seleja, you are too optimistic."

Meteora shook his head, looked at someone who had been silent, and asked: "His Royal Highness, you are the only one who has fought with that god. Do you have any opinions?"

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to the female knight who was silent throughout the whole process.

"That guy is very dangerous."

Alictria subconsciously clenched the spear, and after a moment she spoke under the sorcerer's encouraging gaze: "It's not about combat effectiveness. At least at that time, his power in frontal combat wouldn't make me despair. That guy really The danger is not in terms of strength."

"Alictelia, what do you mean?"

The smile on Selejia's face slowly faded and she asked humbly.


Alictelia said in a deep voice: "That guy is completely different from us. He is absolutely self-centered and more arrogant than anyone else. In this world, he has no flaws at all."

Saying that, Alicetrea looked at Selejia and asked; "Seleijia, if 'Karon Sega' appears in front of you, can you still fight him with all your strength with your current mentality? "

Probably imagining that scene, Selesia's face suddenly stiffened, and she pursed her lips and remained speechless.

"Similarly, if I meet a character that appears in my world, I will also feel hesitant or even confused. This will not change no matter how powerful I am."

"Everyone has their own beliefs, will hesitate when faced with choices, and will be confused when faced with setbacks, but that bastard is different. In his story, he never seems to have similar elements."

Alictria clenched her fists and said in a deep voice: "Because he is a god, everything in the world will flow according to his will. Those that conform to his will will be kept by him, and those that do not conform to his will will be destroyed."

"Because of this, in order to destroy the world, he can really do things beyond anything we know."

After the words fell, everyone fell silent. They really couldn't imagine what terrible consequences a super powerful being would have if he gave up the so-called lower limit and acted unscrupulously.

"So we have to defeat him and send him back to his original world."

After a moment of silence, Meteora rubbed his brows and said: "He is too strong. If we really confront him head-on, we have little chance of winning, so I have a bold idea."

"What do you think, Meteora?"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they asked hopefully.

"Holy Grail."

"Holy Grail?"

"According to a story told by the other party, there is a conceptual treasure called the 'Holy Grail', which can fulfill a wish of the winner after completing a ritual called the 'Holy Grail War'."

"Although the Holy Grail mostly appears as something full of disaster in one of the opponent's stories, there is no doubt about its power."

Meteora opened the magic book and said seriously: "With the power of recognition, I can try to copy it and use it as our trump card."

"I understand, I will discuss it with the countermeasures room!"

Kikuchihara Aki pushed up his glasses and said solemnly: "If it is feasible, we will use the strength of the whole country to help you complete the Holy Grail!"

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