Eternal Temptation: Awakening Sinful Desires

Chapter 27: I couldn’t control myself... (EDITED)

Chapter 27: I couldn't control myself... (EDITED)

The boys looked helpless. They glanced at Uncle Ben, tears flowing in their eyes as they groaned, unable to do anything beyond that. They cried in despair as they felt hopeless looking at Zoey.

"Ahh.... " Lackey pulled the girl with force and pinned her onto the hard surface, facing William and David as he tried to hit her.

A powerful blow to the door at that precise moment broke it off into pieces and forced it open.


Everyone stared at the closed door in suspicion and tried to open it, but it didn't move at all.

However, Nadia didn't waste any time, and she struck the door hard and broke it.

Before long, they were all staring inside the room, but they were shocked by what they saw as soon as they opened the door.

Two young boys were shackled to the walls, wounded, bloody, and struggling to breathe. Meanwhile, a man pinned down a girl as he was about to hit her.

"William! David! Zoey!" Eleanor shrieked upon witnessing the shocking view.

Nadia, on the other hand, was furious and released her powerful aura, propelling the man away from the girl.

"Kuuh..." The man groaned hard when he was slammed into the wall.

Eleanor, when noticing that Nadia had already gone to help Zoey, headed towards the boys. She checked William and David's conditions. They were injured all over the body; therefore, she circulated her spirit essence energy to heal them.

William and David both eased up and smiled, feeling relieved to see Eleanor arrive. Soon, they both fell unconscious.

Nadia also arrived before the girl without wasting any time, helped her up, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zoey looked at Nadia with tears in her eyes and cried after she hugged her with her trembling body, "Waah... It was scary. Waah... I couldn't do anything. I don't want to be hurt. Please.... Don't..... They are bad... very Bad..."

"It's Okay. Everything is okay now. Nobody will hurt you. You should rest for now." Nadia said it in a calm voice. She let Zoey cry out before she used her spirit essence to soothe her and put her to sleep.

"Hmmm...Thank You." Zoey replied in a low voice as she fell asleep.

Asher observed everything in silence as they helped all the kids. He was filled with immense hatred towards Oswald, but with Nadia here, he didn't have to do anything.

Lackey examined everyone while groaning, and soon, his eyes widened in shock. He cried out, "Eleanor! How... how did you get in here?"

Eleanor glared in fury at Lackey when she heard him, gritting her teeth and demanded, "Ben, you bastard... What did you do to these kids!?"

Lackey looked at the three people who were there to punish him. Fear running in his veins, he pleaded, "Eleanor, wait, it's not what you think... these kids ran away... and... I brought them back... So... Stop..." Lackey tried to lie, but Eleanor became furious upon hearing it.

"Bastard, how dare you lie to me?" Eleanor shouted in anger and punched Lackey hard with her fist full of spirit essence energy, causing his bones to shatter.

From the force, Lackey flew backwards, smashed against the wall, and moaned.

Soon, Nadia took Zoey to Eleanor and said, "Take care of them first. I will handle this bastard." She nodded and took the girl from her.

Following that, Nadia walked towards Lackey, picked him up by grabbing his collar, and demanded, "Tell me. Who told you to do this to those kids?"

Lackey coughed out blood and stuttered upon being gripped by Nadia. "I will tell you... please, don't hurt me... Osw..a..l..d... Mr.Oswald told me to do this. He also did the same with Emma, and these kids saw that. That's why he asked me to punish them when they reported it to me."

Lackey whimpered and continued, "I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself. Mr. Oswald tied Emma and said I could do whatever I wanted. So, I did that and hit her. Sorry... Please forgive me."

When Eleanor found out that Oswald had injured Emma, she was appalled.

In disgust, Nadia gave Lackey a severe arm crush and questioned in an indifferent tone, "Where is Emma now?"

Lackey screamed in pain when his hand was crushed, but he replied between gasps of breath, "Mr.Oswald took Emma to another place... He said he would take care of Emma. Later, she was killed. Stop, please; I told you everything..."

After hearing Lackey's response, Nadia lost her cool. With one hand, she lifted him into the air and gave him a violent, rag doll-like fall.

Nadia slammed Lackey to the ground with such brutality that he wept. His whole body became broken while blood flowed out of his mouth.

"Stop. Ben is already suffering from internal injuries. I want him to suffer for his crimes in prison." Eleanor requested that Nadia refrain from torturing him. She nodded to her request, and she threw him at her.

However, before that, Nadia punched hard in Lackey's stomach, breaking his Dantian and crippling his cultivation, causing Lackey to spit out blood as well as pass out right there.

Eleanor controlled her emotions after discovering that Emma was killed and said, "Young Master Asher, We need to inform the authorities about this and arrest Oswald. I didn't know that he did all those evil things because of his usual caring personality." Asher nodded to her request and said, "We have long before informed the police in the capital city about this situation." Then he turned towards Nadia and continued, "You should bring Oswald outside."

Nadia acknowledged his order and disappeared.

Eleanor looked at Nadia vanish and exclaimed in surprise, "Young Master, that lady is fast... It's amazing."

Asher chuckled and said, "She is indeed an amazing woman. Ms.Eleanor, we should go out first, considering the police are expected to arrive here very soon. Also, we should take care of these three kids."

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