Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1038

Chapter 26 Finish 1 cut slowly

Shirley sat cross-legged on the chair, the dinner plate resting on her legs was full of chicken bones, and slowly biting the chicken wings with her hands.

Just when she finished eating the last piece of fried chicken and gently sucking the oil from her fingers, Ethan suddenly came back.


Shirley looked at Ethan and made sure that he was the only one.

“Where is Betty?”

Ethan shook his head and signaled that Betty was not coming back.

He didn’t expect things to change so peculiarly. Seeing Shirley’s face full of doubts, Ethan talked about the situation with her in general.

The empire suddenly broke out in a civil war, causing the empire to fall apart, and Betty fell asleep at that time, and the empire had no energy to manage a small student.

What’s more, the training ground was pushed away from the original place by a huge explosion. At that time, everyone thought that everything in that star field had become dust in the universe during that big bang.

Of course, Betty was regarded as a dead person, and it was this incident that caused Betty’s parents to join the resistance against the empire. They believed that the big bang was triggered by the empire to destroy the resistance. Of course, the empire said it was certain murderers. made.

After the outbreak of the Civil War, the resistance forces were very fierce in the early stage, and the imperial forces retreated.

It was not until the remnants of the Empire gathered all the diehards (royal and nobles) and all the elite legions that the decline was stopped.

If it develops normally, the remaining forces of the empire will resist for a period of time at most, and then be completely wiped out.

It’s a pity that the resistance forces themselves are not united. Before the empire was completely wiped out, problems broke out inside-they split again.

In this case, the situation is interesting. The huge empire has been split into multiple forces in successive years of chaos. After years of warfare, there are currently four relatively large forces and several small forces.

The new star empire formed by the remnants of the empire-Ethan, when he heard this name, the first thing he thought of was the new star legion of the Marvel universe, but there was no connection between the two.

In addition to the new star empire, the most powerful Galaxy Federation.

A space business alliance with strong powers and strong economics.

And… Star Alliance that doesn’t seem to have any outstanding advantages.

These three forces have split from the forces that rebelled against the empire. These forces will split up because of differences in ideas.

For example, these three have different opinions on the attitudes towards those artificial lives in countless training grounds.

The Galaxy Federation believes that man-made life is also life, but they are “backward” and “fragile”. They should not be accepted as federal citizens, but should be “protected”—whether it is to set up a protected area on a certain planet or arrange it separately to a certain planet Above the Livable Star.

The Space Commerce Alliance believes that these are excellent cheap labor and should be used in a reasonable manner. In addition, the Space Commerce Alliance is the only force among the three that allows human trafficking and slave trade.

The last Star Alliance believes that all intelligent life should be treated equally and should exist on an equal basis.

The differences between these three schools are not only artificial life, but also many ‘alien races’ that were conquered and annexed during the Empire. There are also various differences on how to treat these races.

Many disagreements led to the separation of families, and also gave the New Star Empire a chance to breathe. Now several forces are restraining each other, and there are still a few small forces that are going from side to side or acting as dung sticks. Anyway, no one can easily destroy each other.

Among them, the strength of the Star Alliance is the weakest among the big forces, but this is not the point. The point is that the current leader of the Star Alliance is Betty’s father. He was only the innocent death of his angry daughter before he joined the camp against the empire. Working on it, he actually became the overlord of the party.

But the overlord of this party is not easy to be treated. The environment facing the Star Alliance is very bad. If you don’t pay attention, you may become a sinner. This is also the reason why Betty did not return to the ship as previously decided after understanding the situation.

She hopes to stay and accompany her father through the difficulties.

“What kind of trouble is this? Let’s help Betty get rid of those three.”

Ethan spread her hands, and Shirley immediately understood what Ethan meant: Betty did not ask, which means that she did not want Ethan and the others to solve her father’s troubles.

“I think she stayed only to face difficulties with her father, or to protect her father and mother nearby.”

Nebula gave his own guess, and Ethan snapped his fingers and pointed at Nebula to say ‘yes’.

Betty really thinks so. She is not trying to help her father achieve hegemony, she just wants to fulfill her obligations as a daughter.

“Tsk, it’s really troublesome.”

Shirley continued to lick her fingers, and she wanted to rub Ethan’s body easily. As a result, Ethan knocked her head down. She didn’t use much force, but Shirley was dizzy and relieved for a long time.

“But, don’t we really care about Betty?”

Nebula rarely says anything, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about her partner.

“How is it possible? Did you forget that everyone on board has a lot of equipment?”

As a ‘full member’ of the Venus, Betty has all kinds of equipment, including positioning and communication equipment that can be transmitted back to the Venus at any time.

In other words, if you are in trouble, Betty can go back to the ship for help at any time.

For everyone on the Venus, Betty is just like everyone else, except that she has found a world where she can’play’ for a long time, instead of waiting on the Venus for a long time.

Shirley realized that Betty never came back to pack her things. If she really wants to leave, she will definitely bring some things she is used to.

What’s more, all those who joined Ethan’s team are ‘registered’ with him. Regardless of the future, when their life is exhausted, their souls will report to Ethan’s Kingdom of God.

Of course, Betty, who has been strengthened, if she persists in working hard to continue to improve herself, maybe she can send her parents to the end and then go to the kingdom of God alive.

“If you want Betty, you can also find her through the teleportation device.”

Betty has a positioning device on her body, and Ethan is preparing to modify the transmission equipment so that it can also be positioned and transmitted in the universe. Anyway, this is not a difficult task for Ethan, who has gradually mastered the power of the multiverse rules. .

“In other words, in this case, we can also play StarCraft in this world.”

Four powers, joining the weakest one, Shirley began to fantasize about bringing a variety of black technologies and then going to represent the Star Alliance to bully the other three powers. Should it be interesting?

“This is up to you.”

Ethan in the past must be interested in this kind of thing. At this time, he pays more attention to his kingdom of God universe, and has solved Betty’s matter. Next, he will improve the transmission equipment, and then improve his own kingdom of God universe.

He estimated that this might take several years.

“By the way, I still have to create a godhead for Imodun…what kind of godhead should I create for him? The servant god? The propaganda god?”

Walking to the transmission room, while improving the transmission equipment, Ethan wondered what kind of Godhead should be created for Imodun? As a result, after he further improved the teleportation device, he added more functions to it: for example, the function of randomly teleporting the unknown world according to the wishes of the individual, just like when he used the space-time pointer in the past.

After doing this, he still didn’t think of what kind of godhead he should create. He simply decided: Create a blank Godhead for Immortal! The basis for the integration of the power of various rules in this blank **** grid, as for Immortal’s in-depth study of which rules to learn, so that the godhead will evolve accordingly, it depends on his own choice.

Strictly speaking, this kind of godhead is not complete. The only function is to elevate Immortal’s “realm” to a god. Because he is a subordinate **** that relies on Ethan’s existence, in a world where Ethan’s “can influence” he The power of can get a bonus.

After thinking that this method is feasible, Ethan decided to do so, and then he sent a message to everyone through Luna, telling them that he was going to the Kingdom of God for the final improvement work. It is expected to take several years. Everyone should If you are in a hurry, just send yourself a message.

Then he went to find Xiao Ou and Xiao Bai, and brought these two little guys to the Divine Kingdom Universe—compared to the environment in the take-off ship, these two little guys still prefer the ‘wild’ environment. UU reading

After coming to the Kingdom of God Universe, Ethan first found Merlin, who was wandering around, and then threw Xiao Ou and Xiao Bai to him, so that they could be partners with each other.

“Are you going to go to the core of the kingdom of God to perfect this world?”

“Yes, they will be boring following me, and they will have nothing to do if they stay on the spacecraft. It’s better to walk around with you.”

“Of course, I think it’s good.”

Of course Merlin would not refuse, and he found that these two peculiar little animals are very smart, and traveling with a partner is much more interesting than a person.

After saying hello, Ethan teleported directly into the core of the Kingdom of God. Compared with the last time, there was no change here, and it was still the core of a small ball of light in the open.

It would take many, many years to turn this empty core world into an ocean of energy. Under normal circumstances, Ethan came here to speed up this process—the core has enough to overflowing energy that will make the whole The energy level of the universe of the Kingdom of God has become higher, and this kind of high-energy environment is more suitable for their existence and life.

To do this, there are not many shortcuts, the easiest and fastest way is to plunder!

“It always feels like a villain, a big demon, etc. suddenly.”

But it is impossible for Ethan to give up, so he can only find as many “inanimate high-energy universes” as possible. Such worlds are not easy to find, and most of them are only medium or even low-level small worlds.

Many similar small worlds, even powerful human wizards can’t look down on them, have now become Ethan’s targets.

“Small accumulation makes more, accumulation of sand makes a tower, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat…”

After connecting the worlds found in a short period of time to the kingdom of God and letting the core of the kingdom of God automatically extract its energy, Ethan turned his head and entered the universe of the main god, leaving only a clone staring at the core.

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