Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 158: Meeting an Old Acquaintance Again

"We should stay in touch all the time!" Luke Channing, the communication officer, always remembered his job.

When I got outside, I spread my wings and flew up high above the city.

Since it was time for the final showdown, I didn't need to worry about hiding who I was anymore.

The trip was surprisingly easy. Maybe most of the vampires nearby were attracted by Adrian. Soon, I arrived alone above the M-country president's house, the "Blue Palace".

"I heard you left early? Looks like one or two teams haven't finished their jobs yet. Is this really okay?" Adrian's voice suddenly came from the small earpiece.

"Those worries don't matter now!" I turned on the microphone to answer.

Before, Adrian's worries would have been important. We were supposed to wait until all other teams finished their jobs, to avoid making the Ancestor feel threatened and launch nuclear bombs in desperation.

But now, things are totally different! Suppose the Ancestor really showed up where the rescue team is. That means he already knows what we're trying to do! Since we can't get there in time to help, we need to find out the secrets hidden in this "Blue Palace" as soon as possible.

As for the other possibility, if the Ancestor is actually still in this mansion below me, then the radar shows he might be stronger than me!

In this case, the idea that the Ancestor would feel his life is in danger is nonsense! Even if it's true, I can't just sit by and watch him threaten the whole Earth without doing anything!

"I'm coming right now, wait for me!" Adrian clearly realized how serious the problem was.

But it's quite far from the IAA headquarters to here, and Adrian can't fly. It's not something he can do in just a few minutes.

Moreover, enemies kept coming out of the "Blue Palace", and I couldn't pay attention to anything else. I had to put the communication aside for now and focus on dealing with these high-level vampires who seemed to be the Ancestor's personal guards.

"It's really an angel attacking! Everyone, quickly guard all the important passages. We must protect the President's safety!"

Soon, I heard many noisy shouts from below. Even though I was floating hundreds of meters high in the sky, the enemy noticed me.

"President?" Could they be protecting the M-country president who was turned into a vampire? When I heard this, I was stunned for a moment, but soon thought it was nonsense.

As the president of M-country, it's not surprising if the Ancestor treated him specially and made him a high-level vampire. But he definitely can't be the "purple pancake" target I'm looking for!

These vampires changed from infected humans don't have any flying abilities. The only thing they can do against an eight-winged angel high above is defend. They use their bodies to block every entrance and exit of the "Blue Palace" tightly.

But I didn't come here to waste time with these servants.

"The light elements around here are quite plentiful. They can help me use large-scale magic!" I snapped my fingers twice without hesitation. Two thick "Paradise Lost Shockwaves" covered the whole area of the "Blue Palace". In just a moment, the whole purification process was done.

As for the magic power inside me, without any doubt, these two big moves used up most of it. But light elements quickly filled it up again through the wings on my back.

According to what Reed said before, after the Battle Qi in Earth's environment is broken down faster by dark elements, it should keep producing more equal amounts of different types of elements through chain reactions. The light element feeling around the "Blue Palace" is so strong, which means the matching dark elements have probably been absorbed, used to make the vampires stronger.

"Was that noise just now you? It looked like your magic?" Adrian's worried voice came from the earpiece again. Two bright beams of light came down from the sky. Like other local M-country people, he saw this beautiful scene from far away.

"That's right!" I tapped the communicator and answered. After two rounds of attacks, they all lost consciousness and turned back into humans. They can't be any threat now.

But things weren't over yet...

The biggest problem now is that the dark element feeling around the "Blue Palace" didn't get weaker. Instead, it all gathered in one place inside the "Blue Palace", on some strong monster that's still alive.

In other words, is this the "President" the servants wanted to protect?

Sure enough, Adrian immediately told me what he found out in a very worried voice:

"Almost all the small red dots have disappeared, but that purple pancake the radar showed before hasn't gotten any smaller!!"

"I know. Now we can be sure this isn't a radar mistake!". As soon as I landed on the ground, I noticed something was wrong. After getting rid of all the small fry's interference, feeling the "President's" real energy up close, it was really hard not to be shocked.

It's just too strong, much stronger than expected! Compared to this, those small fry really were just small fry!

Actually, no matter how strong a monster is, it's impossible to take a "Paradise Lost Shockwave" head-on without any damage. But now the enemy clearly did this. All signs show they're not only much stronger than me, but also have some special way to resist light magic!

The only thing that fits all these conditions must be a monster from another world!

Of course, it wasn't this strong at first. It's hard for me to imagine that after coming to Earth, a monster could grow this much by breaking down Battle Qi!

But this guy's attitude seems a bit strange too. Even at this point, it's still so calm! It keep staying in the room and won't come out. It's like they're waiting for me to come into the "Blue Palace".

"Things have changed. The enemy is tough. You'd better prepare more before coming!" I gritted my teeth quietly warned Adrian about the situation here. Then I reluctantly lifted my foot and finally stepped into this famous building for the first time.

No exaggeration, this is the strongest dark element energy I've felt in my life! Compared to all the strong enemies before, this "President's" power is not only beyond level seven, it even seems to be beyond Fernando, who I fought before!

This kind of scene would be very rare even in another world. According to historical records, in the whole Dark Continent, there's probably only one monster who could reach this level - that's the first generation Demon King, Hadan!

But of course, I'm not facing this so-called Hadan now.

"How come it's you?" I walked through the empty hallway and came to the door of the legendary president's office. After pushing open the door, I finally saw the "President" sitting at the presidential desk.

"Finally here, you're so slow!" The president's chair turned around, and my old acquaintance Camille was smiling at me like a powerful female CEO. At the side of the desk, the real M-country president was standing straight like a professional servant, waiting for orders anytime.

"How did you get to M-country?" You can imagine my face must have been very interesting at this moment. No wonder we hadn't heard any news about her since our first fight. But I never expected to meet her again in this place!

"In the end, it's all thanks to you and that six-winged angel holding Elara's Sword of Apollos!" The Camille now looks completely different from when she was in my neighborhood in H-country. After hearing her explanation, I learned that she had gone mad before, but luckily got her mind back because of the light element attack from the angels.

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