Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 17

Chapter 15 : Dream power soars, great godfather

Du Bian did not speak, but his expression was gloomy.

“Is it uncomfortable?” Li Wei sighed: “To give up your ideals completely is like losing your life. I have a thorough experience of this feeling. You may not know my story yet.”

Seeing that Du Bian was so sad, Li Wei hesitated for a while, but still told his own story, comforting Du Bian with his own experience.

“You may have always been curious, why do I have a beard, why do eunuchs have a beard?” Li Wei said: “That’s because I was castrated after 30 years old. Before that… I was a cavalry thousand households, no By the thirty-year-old cavalry Qianhu, you can imagine how good I am and how good my future will be. Not only that, I also have a beautiful and gentle wife, a son, a daughter…”

Li Wei whispered and told his story. This is a very common, but very tragic story.

Li Wei was born as a civilian. Because of his high talent, he entered a martial arts school in the military. At the age of 19, he graduated with excellent grades and entered the Northern Army of the Daning Dynasty, becoming an elite scout cavalry. After that, he killed countless enemies and made great feats, and he worshipped a military leader as his adoptive father. At the age of twenty-three, he became one of the most elite cavalry families, and married the most beautiful woman in his hometown.

If nothing else, Li Wei’s future is bright. Before the age of forty-five years old, he is likely to become a general officer, commanding the army of a town.

Next, Li Wei talked about the process of getting acquainted with Li Wenying.

“At that time, I was a cavalry member of the Northern Army. Li Wenyu entered the army as an **** who passed the order. At that time, I was very disdainful of the **** like other generals, and even snorted to him. After the order was passed, the general ordered me to **** Li Wenyu. The adults left, and we didn’t speak along the way. Suddenly we encountered a surprise attack by the northern captives on the road, and we fought side by side to repel the attacked enemy. Only then did we have a little friendship, and after talking, we found that the two were very speculative. At that time, I was very naive. , I also said that it’s a pity that you are so good, Brother Li Wenyu, but you have joined the castration party.” Li Wei said: “At that time, Li Wenyu just smiled and did not refute.”

Next, Li Wei is still young and successful.

However, when he was thirty years old, something disgusting and vulgar happened. A powerful son accidentally saw his beautiful wife and wanted to be a concubine. First, Li Wei directly asked Li Wei to offer his wife in exchange for prosperity and wealth, but Li Wei refused, even punched him directly, and directly broke the other person’s face.

Then… he was planted to collude with foreigners to try to rebel. The whole family was killed, his parents, wife and children were no exception. Li Wei himself was sentenced to Ling Chi.

“Everyone knows that I was wronged, but no one saved me. My teacher did not save me. My Lord did not save me. He even set a trap in his camp and arrested me.” Li Wei said: “I I was really desperate at the time and felt that the whole world was dark. However, I did not expect that the eunuchs rescued me, cleared me of the crime, and helped me take half of my revenge.”

Speaking of this, Li Wei smiled sadly: “I only talked to Master Li Wenyu a few times at the time, and there was another friendship that fought side by side, which was not deep at all. As a result, Master Li Wenyu heard about me and went to Dongchang University. Kneeled in front of the governor for three days and three nights. He was the most trusted son of the governor. The governor really couldn’t hold him back. That’s why I intervened in this matter, and I was saved.

After a while, Li Wenying’s image in Du Bian’s mind suddenly became plump and three-dimensional.

and Li Wei’s image has also become a lot thicker and deeper. Even if he suffered such misfortune, his heart was full of justice. That’s why he was desperate to save Dubian. Although Dubian had poor results, he always responded with sympathy, which was not as snobbish as other eunuchs. There can be such a pillar among the eunuchs. No wonder the eunuchs are the weakest among the three major forces, but they have always stood firm, and have even been on the offensive.

“After being released from prison, my parents, wives, children and children are no longer there.” Li Wei said: “I have nothing. I have nothing. In order to repay Master Li Wenyu’s kindness, I self-castrated and joined the castration party that I used to be the most contemptuous. , Follow Master Li Wenyu all his life.”

Li Wei is just a riding instructor at the academy, and he is more of Li Wenyu’s most trusted personal henchman, but he does not hold an important position.

“My dream once was to become a commander of the Daning Dynasty, leading thousands of troops to sweep the northern captives, and becoming famous all over the world.” Li Wei said: “As a result, the reality forced me to become a castrated party. I have no complaints or regrets. But after all, it was the destruction of my ideals. So your situation at this time is similar to mine at the time, but it is far less tragic.”

More than that, Du Bian is simply much luckier than Li Wei.

Li Wei narrowed the tears in his eyes and smiled: “Hearing my tragic story, do you feel better? It is painful to give up, and to be expelled from the college is also painful, but it is better than losing one’s life.”

Du changed into a wry smile, and couldn’t explain it to him too much at this time.

Li Wei said: “Take care of your injury, I’m leaving.”

When he walked to the door, he turned around and said, “By the way, the head of the mountain also asked me to tell you that you are his godson, and you will always be.”

The whole room fell silent, Du Bian soaked in the medicinal soup and closed his eyes to rest, recalling Li Wei’s words.

The story told by Li Wei really shocked him. Such Li Wenyu Du Bian is willing to worship him as a godfather. Du Bian is also willing to win honor for such an eunuch.

Therefore, he will never give up.

In the gambling game half a month later, he wants to win Shirakawa. In the graduation exam six months later, he will win first place. He wants to enter the East Factory, he wants to shine in the castrated party, and he wants to be the absolute pride of Li Wenyu.

After the medicinal soup was cold, Du Bian stood up with difficulty, his body sore as if he was about to break, he almost used all his strength to get out of the bucket, and it took him a full quarter of an hour to put on his clothes. . It is impossible to continue practicing in this way, and you may not even be able to walk for the next ten days.

Dubian’s only hope is the dream system. I hope that it is not only used for the improvement of the brain, but also for the improvement of the body. Otherwise, Du Bian would really be defeated.

He didn’t go back to the dormitory, but continued to stay in the room where Li Wenhuan specifically let him heal his injuries. After eating something casually, he immediately lay in bed to sleep, he couldn’t wait to enter a dream.

Although he just woke up from a faint, Du Bian was too tired. After lying on the bed, he fell asleep again and fell asleep.


However, in the dream state, Du Bian did not practice strength training, but was still soaked in the medicinal soup, just like in reality.

But the medicinal soup in the dreamland is never cold. What’s more surprising is the energy absorption of the medicinal soup and leopard fetal oil by his muscles.

In reality, whether it is soaking medicinal soup or applying leopard fetal oil, it is passively absorbed, and the utilization rate is extremely low. After being absorbed into the body, most of it is wasted by the muscles, and only a small part enters the muscles and veins for nourishment and recovery.

In the dream, Dubian’s injured muscles actively absorbed the energy of the medicinal soup and leopard fetal oil, and the utilization rate rose directly from less than 5% to nearly 100%. Immediately, the speed of healing was accelerated by about ten times or twenty times, and even every minute, the injury of the muscles and veins could be felt to improve.

Although he was asleep, the pain on Du Bian’s face became lighter and lighter, and finally disappeared completely, falling into a sweet sleep.

After this sleep, Du changed to sleep for eight hours. When he opened his eyes, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the soreness in his whole body had disappeared without a trace.

“Ah…” Du Bian suddenly sat up and waved his fist fiercely. He really felt that his power was unprecedented.

Du Bian’s damaged muscles and veins, which originally took more than ten days to heal, were intact in just eight hours. They were even tougher and stronger than before. This dream system is really awesome.

One more thing, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Dubian clearly felt that his strength seemed to be stronger, and he couldn’t wait to verify it.

It just so happens that there are stone locks for practicing arm strength in this room, ranging from fifty catties to five hundred catties.

Yesterday, Du Bian was planted on a 25-jin bucket. The two buckets add up to 50 catties. So he first chose a stone lock of fifty catties. Take a deep breath and grab the two stone locks with left and right hands, and lift them up forcefully.

The accident happened again. Du Bian thought it would be very difficult just like yesterday, but he didn’t expect to pick it up easily.

Du Bian could hardly believe his ears. Could it be that the label was wrong? Why is the fifty catty stone lock held in your hand just like the thirty catty in the past?

Yesterday, Du Bian was shaking his whole body when he lifted two 25-jin buckets, which is very reluctant. At this time, it was completely a leisurely stroll, and he could even lift fifty catties of stone locks over his head effortlessly.

Next, Du Bian set his eyes on the seventy-jin stone lock, grabbed the wooden pole of the stone lock with both hands, and took a deep breath and lifted it sharply.

However… it is still relatively easy. Although it is a little bit hard, at least the body does not shake, and it is stable. Then Du Bian hurriedly snatched directly over his head, still very stable.

Next, Du Bian tried another 80-jin stone lock. It was a bit difficult now. Although he still snatched above his head, his body was already shaking a bit. Obviously, this was already Du Bian’s limit.

At this time, no words can describe the surprise in Dubian’s heart. This dream system is too bad. In just one night’s effort, Du Bian’s **** strength increased from 40 kg to 80 kg. The double increase was simply explosive.


Note: Li Wei, the **** has a beard, do you guys still give a recommendation?

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