Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 501

Chapter 438 : Du Bian and his wife reunited! The god

Air battleship Dubian, command room!

This is completely different from the high-tech spacecraft in the imagination. The people who control this aerial battleship are all psychics.

Regardless of whether the driver is in charge of shooting, all are psychiatrists! Everything here seems so primitive and so advanced. At least more than two hundred spiritual masters must be used on the entire spacecraft.

In the command room of this aerial battleship, a portrait of Du Bian hangs in the most conspicuous place

“See Your Majesty!”

When Captain Fu Hongling knelt down, he was so excited that he could hardly speak to himself.

Fifteen years later, she finally saw Du Bian again.

After Du Bian drove the huge bone dragon and the demons to die that day, the news spread throughout the world.

But neither the Eastern United Empire nor the Daning Empire held any funerals for Dubian.

Because no one wants to believe that Du Bian is dead!

After that, all kings of the Holy Fire taught the world, all kings of the Western world, including the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, personally came to visit the capital of the Daning Empire.

Then, under the witness of all the monarchs of the world’s great powers, Du Bian became the emperor of the Eastern United Empire.

And this was the only time I did not attend the enthronement ceremony.

Dubian, the throne of the Eastern United Empire, has not been seated in a day, but Dubian is everywhere in the entire Eastern world.

All the gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins have Du Cheng’s face printed on them.

Even in the world of the Holy Flame, some of the gold coins are printed with the head of Pope Grisis, and the other part is the head of Du Bian.

In many colleges of the Daning Empire, there are portraits of Du Bian hanging everywhere, and statues of Du Bian standing everywhere.

In this almost deified atmosphere, although Du Bian had been away for fifteen years, he was still in everyone’s hearts.

At least in the entire command room, the gazes of hundreds of spiritual masters and hundreds of warriors looking at Du Bian were completely a light of faith.

They knelt in front of Du Bian, their entire hearts trembling, and their whole bodies seemed to be burning.

Looking at Du Bian’s gaze, it was like a reincarnation god.

Du Bian wanted to take a look at the city of the Daning Empire, and then go to the front line of the war in the Netherlands of South America.

Soon, the spacecraft came to the sky above Tianjin.

The changes in the city are indeed not as great as imagined, and there are still antique houses everywhere.

There are indeed many three- and four-story buildings, but they are basically brick-and-tile structures, which seem to be relatively tall classical houses.

The basic science of the Daning Empire is weak, but because it has received all the science and technology of the Eastern United Empire, cement is still available, and it has been used on a large scale.

As a result, the road has changed the most in the entire city.

All roads have been cement hardened and have been widened a lot.

In addition, I insist that it is different, and there are airships flying in the sky!

That’s right, it’s an airship!

This kind of airship flies at low altitudes and is responsible for inter-city manned transportation. It can transport about 100 people at a time and still uses spar power.

In addition, Du Bian finally saw the railway.

“This is the first railway. Most of it has been completed from Tianjin to Beijing, but it has not yet been opened to traffic.” Crown Prince Du Xiao said: “According to the highest will of the Eastern United Empire and the Daning Empire, everyone thinks that their father will return. It will need our strength. So the long-term strategy of the entire Eastern United Empire is to develop militarization, develop air battleships, and develop energy weapons. Therefore, almost all research forces have been invested in these two directions, and other projects have greatly regressed.”

Not only that, but the forces of the Daning Empire and the Eastern United Empire also appeared at two extremes.

Either completely follow the martial arts route, or basically do not practice martial arts much.

Because ordinary soldiers no longer need to wield a knife to fight, the spar magic spear can solve the enemy one or two kilometers away, and there is basically no chance for melee combat in ordinary warfare.

Of course, the Netherland is a special war.

“Father, are you going to the capital?” Crown Prince Du Xiao asked: “Prime Minister Chen Ping must really want to see you, and Lin Qinian has already become the deputy head of the Intelligence Department.”

Du Bian said: “I miss them too, but the military is like a fire. Let’s go directly to the front line of the battlefield in the Netherlands of South America!”


Then, the Dubian aerial battle train turned around in the air and flew towards the west of South America, advancing at full speed, reaching a speed of nearly 400 kilometers per second.

This speed made Du Bian very surprised.

Because of the propeller aircraft of the modern Earth World War I, the flying speed is 200 kilometers per hour.

But after Du Bian checked the design drawings of the spacecraft again, he was not surprised.

Because the spar power core is too strong, it provides extremely huge power. Although the engine of this spacecraft is a backward propeller, there are too many engines. And because of the existence of light gold, the material of the propeller engine far exceeds that of modern earth during World War I.

And this spacecraft uses streamlined shooting. Although the aerodynamics are not very advanced, it is not bad anymore.

In addition, the entire spacecraft is forged with light gold, and the quality is very low, so it is not surprising that it can fly to 400 kilometers per hour.

Du Bian also checked the welding and rivets of this spacecraft, which is superb. However, he quickly realized that because the spar laser device was very mature, the welding technology was also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Energy civilization is really good.

The beautiful girl crown prince Du Xiao listened to the story of Du Bian on the modern earth and opened his eyes to the extreme.

However, she did not make a fuss.

Because she imagined wildly every day, and she told Ning Xue’s mother a few years ago that Dubian’s father had gone to another world.

Not only that, she also has a great power, and that is to one day be able to explore the world of the devil.

Only now did he know that the other world was not the plane of the devil, but the continent of dragon blood. It was originally ruled by a group of dragon descendants, but was completely occupied by the devil and exhausted all the energy, almost becoming a dead planet.

Du Bian traveled from the modern earth, the modern earth has been destroyed and the like, can excite this girl, but can’t shock her.

Because in her little head, she also conceived many more terrifying things.

“In the last days of the earth, you also have an older sister who is about five years older than you and whose name is also Du Xiao.” Du Bian said.

“Yeah, what should I do then?” The beautiful girl crown prince said: “My sister is also called Du Xiao, and I am also called Du Xiao. From now on, I will follow you to the end of the earth, what should I call it.”

Du Bian said, “I’ll call my sister Daxiao from now on and you Xiaoxiao. Or call her Thin Xiao or you Fat Xiao?”

“Okay, okay!” The beautiful girl crown prince clapped her hands without any upset.

It is indeed a child who grew up in a honeypot, innocent and innocent. It is not at all annoying to hear Du Bian calling her fat Xiao, in fact, she is not fat at all, but a little fat baby, beautiful and very cute at the same time.

There are not many Du Xiao talks on the earth, and the beautiful girl Fat Xiaoxiao in front of me is simply talkative.

She sleeps for nine hours a day, and she talks to Du Bian for the remaining 25 hours except for meals.

There are 100,000 whys, and the questions asked are very tricky.

She is most interested in the civilized form and technological level of the modern earth. And he asked each layer of the Tower of Purgatory clearly, and finally concentrated all the interest on the door of space.

This girl is too smart.

Many things are clear at one point!

And sometimes, I don’t like the mouth to speak too slowly and not accurately enough. The two people communicate directly with each other, and countless design drawings and countless data are flying around in the two people’s minds.

“Turbine engines are definitely the next goal of our air battleship development.” The beautiful girl crown prince said: “Dad, do you have detailed information and drawings of turbo engines in your mind?”

Du Bian was helpless, how could he possibly have it.

The Taikang Empire had large airplanes and jet fighters, but Du Bian focused on martial arts in the last days of the earth. Where can I find time to care about airplanes?

“No.” Du Bian said, “But there are a few jet fighters in the Taikang Empire, and the engines inside can be disassembled.”

“It’s great.” The beautiful girl emperor said: “There are also computers. The modern earth computer you mentioned should not be the development direction of our civilization. Our Eastern United Empire uses a spar energy array to amplify mental power to achieve intensive calculations. The result of this. Of course, the efficiency of the computer is far less than that of the computer you mentioned, but I think the future prospects are even better than the computer in your world.”

Before Du Bian was hiding on the seabed, it was scanned and locked by this spacecraft. It did not use radar or infrared, but directly used mental power.

The spiritual power of every spiritual master in this world is limited, but it can be amplified by a special energy array, which can increase the detection range hundreds of times.

“The energy civilization developed by our Eastern United Empire has a greater future than the modern earth, but unfortunately there is one thing that is not as good as yours.” The beautiful girl crown prince said: “That’s movies, TV, and mobile phones! It’s very interesting to listen to my father. , Our communication method is still very backward, even on the battlefield, once the two spaceships are more than 100 miles away, they will be completely unable to communicate. Our communication is still in the primitive stage, relying entirely on roaring, and then amplified by the spar energy array. ”

Certain technologies in this world have no enlightenment at all, not even the simplest radio, or even a concept.

“After the modern earth, Dad will find you the most primitive radio for you to disassemble and analyze.” Du Bian said, “But our enemy seems to have a more powerful means of communication. The devil is thousands of miles away. In addition, the picture is projected over the sky of our city, and the whole sky is used as the screen to broadcast the picture.”

The beautiful girl crown prince said: “This world is so wonderful, I can’t wait to follow you to the 21st century earth in the last days.”

With this daughter who speaks like a tuberculosis, these forty-eight hours of flying are not boring at all, almost the time passed in a flash.

The air battleship Dubian flew to the headquarters of the Allied Forces of Humanity in the North American continent!

This is another world completely!

The entire base is extremely huge, completely surpassing the scale of a city.

This is also a super ugly city, a square city with countless houses lined up neatly.

The house is also very ugly, all made of bricks and cement.

Around the headquarters base, there are huge chimneys everywhere, one after another smelters, and military factories stand upright.

Piles of various spars, mountains of metals, mountains of grain, and all kinds of materials.

The ground was densely packed with people.

The first iron furnace in the Daning Empire has just been built, and there are railways everywhere, even running through the entire headquarters base.

The base of the Allied Forces of Mankind is on the coast, with an extremely huge port. Hundreds of large cargo ships of all kinds are parked on the sea, and all kinds of materials are continuously transported to the North American continent.

Outside the coalition base, there are endless cotton fields, wheat fields, and rice fields, and countless Indians are cultivating in the farmland.

In the past few years, the war with the Netherlands has been the absolute theme of the entire world.

The emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the emperor of the Persian Empire, and the emperor of the Daning Empire, the three of them took turns sitting in the human coalition base.

This year, it happened to be Ning Xue’s turn.

When Du Bian rushed to the human coalition base in North America, the situation here was very bad!

Countless people’s faces are in panic all day long.

Because, just came a huge bad news.

The front-line human coalition, the entire army was destroyed, and the two lines of defense were completely lost.

The highest command of the human coalition.

“Your Majesty, you must evacuate immediately and go to the second base in the north.” Marshal Fu Hongbing said: “The battle on the front line has completely collapsed. The whole army of hundreds of thousands of human allies has been annihilated, the entire human martial arts army has been annihilated, and the twelve airborne troops have been destroyed. Three flying ships escaped, and the remaining nine were captured by the Nether King.”

Marshal Ji Shi said: “Yes, your majesty needs to evacuate immediately. Marshal Fu Hongbing protects your majesty to retreat to the second base in the north. I need to use the original materials of the first base to form a new line of defense to prevent the northward expansion of the Nether Army.”

Marshal Fu Hongbing shook his head painfully and said: “It can’t be stopped. Numerous demon souls have completely polluted the dead souls of the dragon. No army can stop it, and no energy magic cannon can stop it.”

Marshal Ji Shi didn’t speak, and he knew he couldn’t stop it.

The moment the dead soul of the dragon flew into the sky, it represented the complete failure of this war.

Ten hours later, the Netherland will expand to this human coalition base in front of you, and soon the entire North American continent will fall.

Grandmaster Li Wenyu suddenly said: “Your Majesty, it may be necessary for you to withdraw directly to the Daning Empire.”

Duke Li Zhan said: “The minister also suggested that your Majesty directly withdraw from the Daning Empire. There is no point in staying in the North American continent. The American continent is doomed to fall, and the human coalition is doomed to fall. We now have no more than 150,000 troops. Can’t stop the Nether Legion. Taking advantage of our three spaceships, Your Majesty immediately withdrew to the Daning Empire.”

Ning Xue, Emperor Zhenwu of the Daning Empire, said: “Fifteen years ago, the husband saved the world. Is the end of the world coming again now?”

The original battle situation hadn’t reached the point of despair. Although the Nether King commanded the Nether army, he was relatively restrained, and the speed of expansion was not fast.

But after countless demons polluted the dragon’s soul, the dragon soared into the sky.

Suddenly, the human coalition forces had no resistance, and the expansion of the Nether Land accelerated dozens of times.

Forty-eight hours ago, the human coalition on the front line was annihilated, and the martial arts army was annihilated.

Therefore, at this time the entire human coalition base is like the end of the day, and everyone is panicked.

At least, there is no hope of salvation in sight!

If this continues, it is only a matter of time before the Netherland spreads across the world.

The reality is so terrible. After tens of thousands of demonic ghosts contaminate the dragon’s soul, they can destroy the entire plane world.

Fifteen years ago, these demons that poured in through the rift in the world were all killed by Dubian, and only the ghosts were left, they were already so powerful.

And at this moment, there was a sensation outside!

Ning Xue came to the window and looked towards the sky!

Suddenly, I saw an extremely huge spaceship appearing in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

In this world, only the Eastern United Empire and the Daning Empire have spaceships.

“Has the Dubian air battleship finally succeeded?” Ning Xue said: “Xiaoxiao is really amazing, but unfortunately it’s too late. It’s no longer useful.”

If it had been before, this unprecedentedly huge spacecraft could completely invigorate and boost morale.

But now, the destruction of the human coalition has become a foregone conclusion, and the fall of the entire American continent has also become a foregone conclusion.

Even the fall of the entire world seemed unstoppable.

Even this giant spaceship can’t stop the undead dragon contaminated by the devil, it can easily destroy this spaceship.

The human beings on this world plane are once again in desperation!

But at this moment!

A figure suddenly landed from the spaceship in the sky.

In the next second, a figure rushed towards Ning Xue: “Mother, you want to kill me!”

The beautiful girl Crown Prince Du Xiao broke into the window directly, rushing into Ning Xue’s arms like a bird, acting like a baby.

Although Nishang is her mother, this girl has been closer to Ning Xue since she was a child.

Nishang’s mother is too deserted and will always focus on martial arts. Ning Xue’s mother has been gentle and considerate to her since she was a child. She said more than once that she doesn’t want a mother of neon clothes. She only needs a mother like Ning Xue, and mother of neon clothes will always have only one reaction, haha!

“What about the younger brother?” the beautiful girl Crown Prince Du Xiao asked.

The younger brother she said was the son of Du Bian and Ning Xue, the prince Ning Ye of the Daning Empire, who was a few months younger than her.

The crown prince had two names, the public name was Ning Ye, and privately, Ning Xue called him Du Ye.

“Here.” Ning Xue said.

Speaking of this son, he was really helpless, completely idiotic, and not talking at all.

Now that the entire frontline army has been destroyed, and the human coalition base is in danger, he is still calm.

“What a nerd!” the beautiful girl crown prince said.

Ning Xue said, “Girl, you really shouldn’t have come, the front-line coalition forces have been wiped out. The American continent will soon fall completely, and even the whole world may not be able to keep it.”

The beautiful girl crown prince Du Xiao said: “Nether King Fang Qingyi is not that powerful, isn’t it?”

Ning Xue said, “Your father’s former comrade-in-arms, the undead dragon has been resurrected, and it has been polluted by countless demonic souls. It is impossible for the human coalition to stop it!”

The beautiful girl crown prince Du Xiao muttered to herself: “Is it God’s will? Is my father going to save the world twice?”

When these words came out, Ning Xue’s body trembled.

At this moment, she finally saw clearly.

The person under the huge spaceship, that familiar and unfamiliar face!

Her husband, the husband who thinks about!

Although his face has undergone some changes, the mental aura has not changed, and the expression in his eyes has not changed.

Ning Xue recognized it at a glance.

Suddenly, she couldn’t believe her eyes at all!

The whole body has lost its response!

She felt as if an ecstasy bomb had exploded in her mind, and her whole body was blown dizzy.

And Li Wenyu, Fu Hongbing, Ji Shi, Li Zhan and others also discovered Du Bian . Suddenly, their totally unbelievable eyes seemed to be completely petrified.

Everyone fantasized about this scene countless times.

For fifteen years, these people dreamed of Du Bian appearing in front of them all the time.

at the same time!

The continent of South America, like a hell-like land, continues to expand northward.

Nether Queen Fang Qingyi led countless Nether Legions to the north, frantically devouring the land under the sun.

The huge undead flying dragon in the sky is getting bigger and bigger and more terrifying!

The demon soul on the surface of its body also became more and more ferocious, and it made a shrill laugh.

The Undead Dragon and the Nether Legion led by Nether Queen Fang Qingyi are getting closer and closer to the human coalition base, and Ning Xue and Du Bian are getting closer.

As she rushed, all the vitality on the ground was completely wiped out.

Countless earth energy has been swallowed by countless demons, undead dragons, and Nether Legion!

They are devouring the earth!

The Queen Nether cursed in her heart: “Du Bian, if you don’t come again, the last trace of my old lady’s mind will be swallowed by the devil, and my old lady will be completely demonized!”

Note: The second one is here, please ask for your support, ask for a monthly pass, thank you!

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