Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 510

Chapter 445 : Massacre 100,000! Fate Demon Lord is s

“Swish swish swish…”

Once Dubian’s 900 spar cannons fired, they did not stop.

These spar magic cannons are no more than fifteen years ago, and the rate of fire has been greatly improved, reaching an astonishing 15 rounds per minute.

Therefore, more than 10,000 shells can be fired per minute.

This is the real artillery washing the ground!

This is the real carpet attack!

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery of the Marauder Alliance was easily torn to pieces.

All rocket launchers fly into the air like toys.

The marshal Yan Tuo, the marshal of the plunder, looked at the sky, and then felt that the whole earth was trembling, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

“What about our air defense firepower? What about our anti-missile system?” Yan Tuo shouted.

No one answered him, not even he himself.

Du Bian’s **** of the shell was too fast and too fast, and it couldn’t be intercepted at such a close distance.

And even if it can be intercepted, how many can you intercept?

There were explosions everywhere on the ten-six-square-kilometer position, and countless artillery and rocket launchers were completely shattered.

Yan Tuo’s heart was bleeding!

These artillery, these rockets are his belongings, and it took more than ten years to accumulate to have the current scale.

How many arsenals did he rob, how many looters’ arms he annexed.

Ten years, ten years of belongings are all destroyed!

“Counter-attack, counter-attack…” Young Marshal Yan Zhu roared: “All artillery counterattack, rockets counterattack?!”

Fight back?

Fight back!

Don’t you see Dubian’s anti-aircraft firepower?

Especially the spar magnetic bomb, it is simply against the sky, and a net of electromagnetic force is directly deployed in the air, and any metal shell can never pass through it.

“Swish swish swish…”

The nine hundred spar cannons in the Taikang Empire city seemed to be tireless, firing frantically.

The terrifying cannonball smashed down like a storm at 12 times the speed of sound.

Although the artillery fire of the Marauders Alliance also had counterattacks, these counterattacks were completely insignificant in the face of the amazing protective power of the Taikang Empire.

The battle was completely overwhelmed.

The millions of forces of the Marauders Alliance have absolutely no power to fight back.

A full quarter of an hour!

Du Bian’s 900 spar cannons carried out a carpet bombing for 15 minutes, and nearly 200,000 shells were fired.

The warhead of each shell is over 100 kilograms, and the power of the explosion seems to be extremely amazing.

A whole dozen square kilometers of the Predator Alliance’s position has been thinned alive.

All the artillery above, all the rockets, were all blown up to scrap iron, and everything really was razed to the ground.

Yan Tuo, Yan Zhu’s father and son are cold all over.

Just half an hour ago, they felt that victory was so easy to come by. The position of the emperor of the human empire seemed to be hanging on the top of their heads, and they could be taken off easily.

Their rhetoric is still vivid.

Within an hour, the hundreds of thousands of old, weak, sick and disabled Du Bian will be completely destroyed, and the capital of the Taikang Empire will be blown into rubble.

And now only a quarter of an hour, all their long-range firepower was completely wiped out.

Of course, he still has an army of nearly a million marauders, hundreds of tanks, hundreds of helicopters, and a group of fighters and bombers.

But does it make sense?

Under Du Bian’s defying artillery fire, are these troops still meaningful?

Whether it is a helicopter, a fighter jet or a bomber, can it fly over the capital of the Taikang Empire alive?

No doubt not!

There are also hundreds of tanks, under Du Bian’s anti-sky artillery fire, they are completely living coffins.

No matter how thick the armor of these tanks is, it will be torn apart by Dubian’s spar cannon easily!

Yan Tuo also saw Yan Zhu face to face.

What should I do next?

Retreat dingyly?

The Million Army Division of the Marauders Alliance is within this depth of more than one hundred miles.

Because of the tight time and the underestimation of the enemy, these looting legions did not even have time to dig their trenches.

“Don’t worry, father, many of our troops are hundreds of miles away, and Du Bian’s artillery can’t go so far!” The Young Marshal Yan Zhu said.

But the next second!

“Swish swish swish…”

Du Bian’s 900 spar cannons fired again.

Hundreds of cannonballs flashed across the sky like a meteor shower, flying over the heads of the looters’ alliance.

Nearly twenty seconds later!

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The intensive explosion sounded!

“General Marshal, our missile position was attacked by enemy artillery fire. The loss was huge, and the loss was huge…”

Then, there is no sound in the communicator!

Obviously, the missile positions of the Raiders Alliance were completely destroyed.

The most precious missile force was also annihilated.

Damn it, this missile position is more than a hundred kilometers away.

The faces of the grand marshal of the Marauders Alliance, father and son, are green!

I just said that Du Bian’s artillery could not hit that far, and as a result, he directly destroyed the missile position more than a hundred kilometers away.

What does this prove?

The millions of troops of the Predator Alliance are within the range of Dubian, and they have no protection.

“Father, shall we retreat?” Yan Zhu said.

Once Dubian’s artillery washes the ground again, his looters’ alliance army will face annihilation.

The artillery is gone, and the missile is gone. It’s just heartbreaking, but if the army in your hand is gone, then there is really nothing.

But without the command of the Demon Lord, how dare he retreat?

The air not far away at this time.

The messenger of the Demon Lord of Destiny rode a flying horse, floating in the air, reporting the battle here to Zhao Yanping bit by bit.

“Master, all the long-range firepower of the Marauder Alliance has been annihilated.”

Zhao Yanping, the demon master of fate, was astonished and said: “So fast?”

“Just a quarter of an hour.” The messenger said: “Dubian destroyed all the artillery, missiles, and rockets of the Raiders Alliance.”

“Awesome!” Zhao Yanping not only was not angry, but became excited.

The messenger said: “Sure enough, as expected by the master, Du Bian has hidden the big killer. This is a very powerful electromagnetic gun, as well as an electromagnetic anti-aircraft gun. The master regards the Raiders Alliance as cannon fodder, and immediately Du Bian’s hidden killer was ignited.”

Zhao Yanping smiled contemptuously.

Human beings are so stupid, a little bit of excitement, they can’t wait to kill each other.

The messenger said: “But the minions have already seen that these electromagnetic guns of Du Bian have tremendous lethality against the Marauder Alliance Legion. However, they are completely useless against the Puppet Legion. The Undead Legion does not even have to take action in this battle , Five million puppet tribes can kill Dubian.”

If this is the case, it is best.

Because there are still hundreds of thousands of people in the capital of the Taikang Empire, if it is killed by the puppet army, it is still fresh meat, and it can also be used to feed the newly hatched demons.

But if the 35 million undead legion is allowed to take action, there will only be a lump of mud left.

The hundreds of thousands of people in the city are not enough for these undead legions to stuff their teeth.

Demon Lord Zhao Yanping said: “Order the Puppet Tribe Chief Chief Tower to destroy Du Bian and kill everyone in the capital of the Taikang Empire.”

The messenger said: “According to the purpose! The master is waiting for good news, and within today you will hear the news that Du Bian’s army is destroyed!”

The Marshal of the Marauders Alliance is in a dilemma, not knowing whether to retreat.

At this moment, Young Marshal Yanzhu said: “Father, Du Bian seems to have no intention of firing.”

Indeed, after destroying the missile positions of the Raiders Alliance, Dubian’s spar cannon ceased fire!

Young Marshal Yan Zhu said: “I know, our Marauder Alliance forces are all humans. Now the number of humans in the last days is very small, so Du Bian is unwilling to kill each other. He wants to let us go. !”

At this moment, Li Sisi, the first marshal of the Taikang Empire, appeared again, and said coldly: “Marshal Yantuo, Your Majesty is unwilling to slaughter the same kind. Leave you a way out and immediately lead your army to retreat and flee. The farther you go, the better.”

Yan Tuo’s face twitched suddenly!

First Marshal Li Sisi said coldly: “I count the five to the bottom. If you don’t order the retreat, your majesty will order the firing to kill your raiders!”





The Marshal of the Marauders Alliance gritted his teeth and said: “We retreat!”

Then, he shouted into the communicator: “All combat units, turn around and retreat!”

Suddenly, the Marauder Alliance army began to retreat!

The first marshal Li Sisi looked at the dusty and retreating enemy, and her heart was filled with helplessness and anger.

This is the end of the world, and the total number of human beings is less than 20 million. The millions of looters in front of them are no matter how human beings. Once they are cut to extinction, they can be regarded as loved ones and enemies.

However, it is at this time!

To the west, dust suddenly burst into the sky.

Then, the earth began to tremble!

Marshal Yan Tuo of the Marauders Alliance is ecstatic!

The five million army of the puppet tribe has arrived!

Immediately, he immediately ordered: “The whole army should stop retreating!”

The first marshal of the Taikang Empire Li Sisi said coldly: “Yantuo, what do you mean? Your majesty kindly puts you alive, do you want to die?”

“Hahaha…” Young Marshal Yan Zhu laughed and said, “You are the ones who are going to die! The five million puppet tribe’s army is here, Du Bian’s end is here, and your end is here!”

Yan Zhu laughed arrogantly and said: “Your artillery fire is very powerful, especially your protective fire net is simply against the sky. But facing the 5 million legion of the puppet tribe is useless, you are doomed to a dead end, a dead end!”

Yan Tuo’s psychology has gone through a very complicated process.

At the beginning, he didn’t want the puppet tribe chieftain to arrive. He wanted to monopolize the credit for destroying Dubian alone, and he wanted to become the new emperor of the human empire.

However, now that hope is shattered, he hopes that the Puppet Legion will be able to kill Dubian!

“Go back and tell Du Bian, the clown, let him wait for death, wait for death! The puppet legion is your nemesis, there is no need for the undead legion to take action, you will die clean, and there will be no dead bodies!”

“All the army is ready to cooperate with the puppet tribe army, seize the opportunity to kill the Anti-Bian army, and occupy the capital of the Taikang Empire.”

Suddenly, the legions of millions of looters turned their heads back again, approaching the capital of the Taikang Empire, ready to take advantage of the fire and looting, and flanking Dubian with the puppet tribe legions.

Du Bian stood at the highest point of the palace, looking to the west, really creepy!

As I said before, it is basically impossible to invest a million troops on a single battlefield, and it is impossible to use it at all!

But there is a prerequisite, and that is the human army!

And the puppet army in front of you is undoubtedly not a human army!

All mutant monsters!

There are all kinds of monsters, mutant wolves, mutant dogs, mutant ligers, mutant centipedes, mutant scorpions, mutant snakes, mutant bats, mutant black harriers…

Wait, wait, countless mutant monsters.

From the ground to the air, the ground is densely dense, black and black, and the ground for nearly a hundred miles is covered by these mutant beasts.

Really overwhelming, it’s hard to fly!

Du Bian originally thought that five million was an exaggerated figure.

And now he can be sure that the puppet army in front of him definitely has five million, or even more.

This, this is the puppet army? Obviously it seems a mutant beast army?

If you don’t change enough, you will soon understand why it is called a puppet army? Because these millions of mutant beast legions are completely controlled by spiritual masters.

Look down from the sky!

The five million puppet army, really like a tide of darkness, overflowed the village and the town.

The color of the entire ground has changed, and the color of the entire sky has also changed!

Thousands of square kilometers of ground and sky are all occupied by these strange beasts!

The area of ​​this puppet army is several times larger than the capital of the Taikang Empire!

Duke Fu Hongbing is in charge of the defense of the west wall!

Seeing this scene before me, I was completely terrified.

Even in the Netherland battlefield on the Daning Empire plane, there was no such astronomical number of enemies.

The key to these mutant monsters is extremely fast.

The speed of the mutant centipede reached an astonishing ten meters per second.

The speed of the mutant dog is more than 30 meters per second, and the size is huge, like Dubian’s mutant giant wolf in the Daning Empire.

However, there are only 5,000 mutant giant wolves in Dubian, and there are more than hundreds of thousands of mutant dogs in front of them!

Let alone the mutant bats in the sky and the mutant birds!

This is almost the most powerful army Du Bian has ever encountered, an astronomical army!

Even if only one-tenth of the mutant army swarms into the city, it is a disaster of extinction.

The five million puppet army is getting closer and closer.

The ground is like a dark tide, and the sky is like a dark cloud.

Soon the entire Taikang Empire will be completely submerged!

In the distance, the puppet tribe warchief Sota faintly said: “The Taikang Empire is going to perish.”

The Marshal of the Plundering Alliance Yan Tuo grinned and said, “Du Bian, isn’t your artillery very sharp? Can’t it be carpet bombing? You bomb the five million puppet army!”

If Du Bian had only 900 spar cannons, facing a five million puppet army, no one would be able to save the capital of the Taikang Empire. !

Because the number of these mutant beasts is too much, the speed is too fast, there is no time to explode!

General Fu Hongbing shouted: “All soldiers prepare!”

The western wall of the Taikang Empire is thirty miles long and is defended by more than one hundred thousand troops. Everyone is holding a magic spear of energy!

The energy magic gun fires not bullets, all kinds of energy rays.

“All anti-aircraft laser cannons are ready!”

The mutant beast army, which is generally in the dark tide, is getting closer and closer.

Soon, it was only five kilometers away from the west wall!

Duke Fu Hongbing shouted suddenly: “Fire!”


“Swish swish swish…”

One hundred thousand soldiers shoot wildly!

If it is a rifle at this time, even if it is a Gauss rifle, the firepower is definitely not enough. Even adding a thousand spar cannons to you is not enough.

Because there are too many mutant beasts in the puppet tribe.

But they are equipped with an energy magic gun, which can fire five times per second, and can easily reach five kilometers away, and it only takes more than one second.

In an instant… an extremely gorgeous scene appeared again.

On the 30-mile city wall to the west of the Taikang Empire, hundreds of thousands of energy light curtains burst out in an instant.

Hundreds of laser anti-aircraft guns exploded into the sky.

Moreover, the laser light emitted by this laser gun is not one-time, but continuous, and a long laser light directly sweeps over it.

Hundreds of lasers criss-cross the sky, forming an extremely terrifying energy killing array.

In an instant, the fragments of the corpses of these flying aliens fell like raindrops.

The skin and flesh of these mutant monsters were extremely tough, even if they were shot, they couldn’t die at once.

And this is a laser with extremely strong energy and extremely high temperature, which can easily cut the entire body of these flying mutant beasts.


Crazy slaughter!

There was a rain of corpses, a terrible rain of blood.

And the killing on the ground is equally terrible!

The energy magic spear of a hundred thousand soldiers shoots out energy rays, which are terrible lasers.

One hundred thousand people are enough to create a complete death zone!

The millions of mutant legions of the puppet tribe, like the tide hitting the reef, were instantly broken into pieces.

Die in pieces!

This kind of massacre is not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of thousands, millions!

The five million mutant beast army of the puppet tribe was completely restrained in this way.

No matter on the ground or in the air, Du Bian was slaughtered insanely!

The marshal of the marauder could hardly believe his eyes.

How is this possible?

After Du Bian arranged such a sky-defying firepower on the northern city wall, there was even stronger firepower on the western city wall?

The five million mutant beast army can’t break through Dubian’s defense line?

The puppet tribe great chief Sota and the little chief Somo seemed to be shocked.

How many people are Du Bian? Can actually block the 5 million mutant army?

“Du Bian, you really surprised me, really shocked me!” Sota said grimly, “But it’s useless, your destruction is completely doomed.”

“Earth Burrowing Corps, attack!”

Following the order of the puppet tribe chief.

Millions of mutant beasts slammed into the ground and rushed towards the capital of the Taikang Empire from the ground.

This, this is terrible!

In addition to the five million mutant beast army, the chief chief of the puppet tribe actually has a secret assassin?

There are not only air legions, ground legions, and underground legions?

“Haha, Dubian, you can defend against the air and sweep the mutant legion on the ground, but what can you do with the mutant beasts underground?”

“Wait, millions of underground beasts will come out of your city and kill your people cleanly and eat cleanly!”

In the sky, the messenger of the Demon Lord of Destiny said lightly: “Master, Du has changed, and the capital of the Taikang Empire is over.”

The underground legion of the puppet tribe warchief is completely unsolvable.

No firepower from Du Bian can hit the ground!

Most of the underground legions of the puppet tribe are mutant moles, and there are also mutant pangolins.

These are not the most terrifying, the most terrifying seems to be the mutant demon worm. Each one is tens of meters long, full of toxic mucus, and there are countless fangs in the mouthparts. It can survive even if you cut it into dozens of segments.

It seemed that the Dubian Army had nothing to do.

It seems that the demise of the capital of the Taikang Empire is a foregone conclusion?

Can’t even wait for the emergence of the undead, will Du Bian be annihilated?

Because once these underground mutant beast legions drilled out of the city, the consequences would be unthinkable, because there was no idea where it would drill out, and it was completely impossible to guard against.

Once they were allowed to penetrate into the city from the bottom of the earth, it would be a catastrophe and a massacre.

And just now!

Fat Xiao, a beautiful girl who was disassembling the engine while watching cartoons, issued a spiritual command to the ground: “Little Huohuo, it’s time for you to be dispatched!”


Suddenly, under the ground outside the western wall of the Taikang Empire, an incomparably huge distant relative of the Dragon Clan, the Flame Beast, uttered a terrifying roar!

The whole earth is trembling! This is one of Du Bian’s two eggs of alien beasts in the Daning Empire. It has hatched more than ten years ago, and has become an extremely powerful alien beast after being nurtured with special energy.

At the same time, the southern region of the Taikang Empire.

Countless legions of the undead came overwhelmingly.

Queen Mo Han flew in the air, looking at the direction of the Taikang Empire’s capital, revealing a bitter hatred.

“Clown Dubian, I will kill every family around you to death. I will definitely make you feel bad and regret that you will come back to life again.

Note: The first one will be sent to Kuala Lumpur to participate in the reading activity. I will be on the plane during the day. This chapter is written at the airport. Please ask for a monthly pass. Thank you!

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