Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 512

Chapter 447 : Crush! Shame Mo Han! Crazy move!

The reason why Du Bian decided to take the initiative was because Queen Mo Han had too many undead legions.

35 million giants.

Once they reach the capital of the Taikang Empire, they must be surrounded on all sides, and the pressure on defense is too great.

Even if one of the four walls is slightly fragile, it may collapse and collapse.

The most important thing is that whether it is a spar magic cannon or an energy magic cannon, it can easily hit three hundred miles away.

Therefore, it is more reasonable to choose to start the war three hundred miles away from the capital of the Taikang Empire.

As for saying that it’s not easy to aim at a distance of two or three hundred miles?

The key, does this still need to be aimed?

The 35 million undead legions are densely packed like the ocean. There are undead legions everywhere in the mountains, roads, and rivers. You can hit them with a single shot!

Of course, sending out more than a dozen airships is a very risky thing.

After all, the undead legions are powerful in the quarter, and the 35 million undead legions can fly more than a million giants.

Although these dozen or so airships are powerful, they are still as dangerous as the wooden ships in the vast ocean among the millions of flying undead army.

Therefore, Du Bian decided to overdraw the spar power core in the spacecraft and form an unparalleled energy array with 16 spacecraft.


Queen Mo Han was shocked when she saw the sixteen giant airships in the sky, and she couldn’t believe it.

What are these things?

How can there be such a spacecraft on the earth? Any of these spaceships is bigger than the largest aircraft on earth, especially the largest one, which is exactly like a mountain, even bigger than an aircraft carrier on the sea.

At this time, Du Bian’s extremely majestic voice came from the sky.

“Mo Han, the queen of brain damage, I will never let you live through dawn!”

After    Du Bian’s voice was amplified by the powerful energy array, it almost resounded throughout the world.

After hearing this, Mo Han, the brain-disabled queen, became angry.

Dubian on these airships?

She decided not to go to the capital of the Taikang Empire, and destroy the dozen or so spaceships first, and then turn Du to pieces.


With an order from Mo Han, the Queen of Brain Dismemberment.

Suddenly millions of flying undead pounced on these dozen spaceships!

The countless undead legions on the ground also began to gather under a dozen spaceships.

Suddenly, the already dense undead army became even more crowded.

“Crunchy, oh…”

Then there was a loud noise from these spaceships.

These undead races are most susceptible to sound stimulation. Upon hearing these loud noises, all the undead races become extremely manic.

They gathered more frantically towards these spaceship locations, more and more, more and more.

But Du Bian is still not satisfied, and is still stimulating them crazily.

After a few minutes.

A few square kilometers of ground below these spacecraft, there are millions of undead legions gathered.

Seeing from the air, this is really shocking, extremely horrifying scene.

Millions of undead people are crowded on the ground of millions of square meters, and there is an undead family per square meter on average. The key is that some undead clan bodies are very huge, so they are completely stacked on top of each other, squeezed to the extreme.

The time has come!

Du became fiercely ordered!

“All energy magic cannons fire!”

“All spar-powered missiles, fire!”

pause time!

Du Bian’s most terrifying firepower broke out in an instant!

In the capital of the Taikang Empire, more than a thousand energy magic cannons fired fiercely.

Thousands of spar missiles shot out wildly.

The blue light burst out in an instant, illuminating the entire night completely.

Before facing the looter legion, facing the puppet tribe legion, Du Bian did not use these powerful energy weapons against the sky.

And this time, it poured out completely.

Thousands of energy **** traverse a long arc in the sky.

not only illuminates the capital of the Taikang Empire, but completely illuminates the night of these hundreds of miles.

The distance of one hundred and eighty kilometers is less than twenty seconds for the energy magic cannon.

ten seconds later!

These two thousand energy **** fell sharply!

fell on the most secret place of the Undead Legion, on the ground of several square kilometers.

In an instant…

Thousands of energy **** burst open suddenly!

Thousands of spar missiles burst open suddenly!

The most brilliant and most gorgeous scene appeared.

On these thousands of square kilometers of ground, a bright light that is countless times higher than the sun burst out in an instant.

You can see clearly even if you are separated by hundreds of kilometers!

These energy **** were originally blue light, but when they reached the extreme, they turned into white light.

is as if a new white sun suddenly burst on the ground!


On these square kilometers of ground, millions of undead legions were completely wiped out!

is not torn to pieces, but to be wiped out and vaporized.

The undead legion is so awesome that even the Gauss rifle can’t kill it.

However, Du Bian’s energy magic cannon shoots an energy ball, and when it bursts in an instant, the energy is incredibly amazing.

not only has a shocking electric current.

And there is a shocking temperature, the temperature of the core of the explosion exceeds several million degrees, even if the edge is over tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Thousands of energy **** and the explosion of several thousand spar missiles covered several square kilometers of ground without any dead ends!

That’s why there was such a scene that was extremely against the sky.

Millions of undead legions, instantly vanished.

The Marshal of the Marauders Alliance has retreated more than three hundred kilometers, but at this time, you can still see the sky-shattering light erupting here.

His whole body was almost jerked up, and his heart jerked.

The puppet tribe chieftain Sota also saw this scene, only to feel a tremor all over his body, and then a cold breath was suddenly drawn to the top of his head.

Although he was so far apart, he could fully feel the lethal power behind this astounding light.

Because there are hundreds of kilometers away, you can see the entire sky lit up instantly.

What a big killer is this? !

If it were used on the puppet tribe army, or on the head of the marauder army, the whole army would have been wiped out.


This is Dubian’s tactics.

The Undead Legion is different from the Human Legion.

The human legions cooperate in combat, so it is difficult to invest more than one million legions on a battlefield.

But the undead legions are different. They don’t have any IQ, only the instinct to kill.

There is only room for it, not to mention millions or tens of millions, even if there are more, they will appear on the battlefield.

This is almost unsolvable.

But this is another fatal flaw.

There is often a scene in those movies. Humans use sound to attract zombies, gather countless zombies, and then detonate explosive bombs to destroy them collectively.

However, in movies and TV, there is no such weapon as Du Bian!

Dubian’s super energy magic cannons, or spar missiles, have a huge disadvantage.

That is, the aim cannot be locked at a distance of hundreds of miles.

Then, it simply attracted all the undead to a certain position, and then covered it with sky-defying gunfire.

Mo Han was also completely stunned by this scene!

Dubian’s firepower is so against the sky?

Instantly wipe out millions of undead people? !

And it’s not exactly the most ordinary undead, hundreds of undead captains, all disappeared.

The head of the undead tribe, three or four stories high, he can’t even kill a Gauss rifle.

dozens of undead lords have also disappeared.

However, there are five undead lords in the explosion center, one hundred and thirty meters high undead lords.

Their bodies were instantly reddened by the high temperature, completely transparent, and their bodies shrank sharply.

But… they are still alive.

Du Bian was really speechless. Under such a shocking explosion, the undead lord was still alive.

Let alone the undead monarch, the undead monarch at the center of the explosion, a behemoth more than two hundred meters high, his body is just flushing red.

Seeing this scene, Du Bian’s scalp was also numb.

These top undead tribes are too defying, they can’t even blow up like this.

After the brain-disabled queen Mo Han was completely shocked, she quickly returned to normal, and then sneered: “Du Bian, how about your firepower? Even my undead lord can’t blow up, and such an undead lord I There are hundreds of them, there are undead princesses, and undead overlords, you are done! You are the one who will not survive the dawn!”

Then, she sternly said: “All the undead pilots, rush up and destroy all Dubian’s broken spacecraft!”

Suddenly, a million undead pilots surrounded Dubian with dozens of spaceships.

is really an airtight enclosure, three-dimensional enclosure!

Looking from the sky, millions of flying undead formed a huge black ball in the sky, completely enclosing the sixteen spacecrafts that had changed.

“Du Bian, how do I see you escape from my heaven and earth?” Queen Mo Han said coldly: “After I kill you, I will kill your Taikang Empire clean, and your daughter will be skinned and cramped.”


Suddenly, millions of flying undead under Queen Mo Han charged frantically, charging towards Dubian’s sixteen very frantically, suicidal charges.

According to normal circumstances, this seems impossible to defend at all!

Although these spacecrafts are very strong, they are too huge and move relatively slowly.

So even if one-tenth, one-percent of the flying undead rushed into the spacecraft, it meant that the entire army was destroyed.

Although the metal on the surface of these spaceships is very concurrent, the fangs and claws of these undead pilots are sharper, and the armor of these spaceships can be easily torn apart.

Therefore, there is no defense at all!

Then Du Bian thought of such a way.

Let sixteen spacecraft form a circle formation in the air, a circle with a diameter of more than 1500 meters.

Then, the whole formation spun quickly.

While    was spinning, it violently shot laser light outside.

In an instant, an even more stunning scene appeared.

Sixteen spacecrafts formed a whole circle, and countless lasers continued to fire.

This becomes a fast-rotating laser killing array, which fires a crazy 360-degree shot outside without dead angles.

“Swish swish swish swish…”

Millions of flying undead races, charging wildly.

is like a moth to a fire.

Then, it was instantly cut into pieces by countless lasers.

These flying undead are very agile and fly extremely fast, but that also means that their defense power is not as good as the undead lord.

And the temperature and lethality of these lasers are extremely amazing.

Easily, you can cut these undead flying people in half.

There is a famous saying in the game, I am a weapon war, only an electric fan, as soon as I finish spinning, I will be finished immediately.

But that is to say, weapon warfare is very defying when using the electric fan whirlwind.

And the sixteen spacecrafts that Dubian has now constituted a three-hundred-six-degree laser electric fan with no dead ends.

Shocking massacre!

Unprecedented aerial massacre efficiency.

There was another torrential rain of corpses and blood in the sky.

Countless flying undead were killed in the air!

There are countless undead tribes who have successively launched suicide attacks!

The undead corpses falling from the sky a few kilometers in a radius of a few kilometers are really dense and scary than the raindrops.

die! dead! dead!

Chong! Rush! Rush!

Only a few minutes!

is really only a few minutes!

There are fewer and fewer flying undead in the sky!

Finally, the undead that covered the sky and the sun disappeared!

The whole sky is really empty in an instant!

The beautiful eyes of the brain-dead queen opened to the largest extent, completely horrified by this scene.

This, this is too fast!

is terrible!

Millions of flying undead people, the whole army was wiped out in just a few minutes?

This, I was shocked to hear it!

Immediately afterwards, Dubian’s spacecraft in the sky once again burst out a harsh and terrible sound.

The countless undead legions became restless again, and rushed toward the spaceship desperately.

Those few square kilometers of ground have just experienced Du Bian’s anti-sky energy artillery fire, killing millions.

And these undead have no idea what fear is, and once again are attracted by the harsh sound.

Then, Du Bian’s voice resounded between heaven and earth.

“Mo Han, the queen of brain damage, I won’t let you live through the dawn!”

As soon as these words came out, the brain-dead queen jumped into thunder again.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely not be dead with Du Chang. It will definitely order the Undead Legion to spare these spaceships in the sky, and directly rush towards the Taikang Empire capital, beheading the people inside.

But Mo Han, the Queen of Brain Dismemberment, is different from others. Her brain is a stick.

Since Du Bian is here and constantly provokes her, she will fight Du Bian to the end, must destroy Du Bian, and destroy Du Bian’s spacecraft.

However, Du Bian’s spaceships were high in the sky, and her flying undead had already died. No matter how powerful the undead on the ground were, they could not reach the air.

So, countless undead clans once again gathered and crowded into the open space under the Dubian spacecraft, more and more, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

Soon after, millions of undead people were crowded on these square kilometers of ground.

These millions of undead clan roared wildly into the air, waving their hands as if to tear them apart, but they couldn’t reach them at all.

Du Bian sneered and said, “As expected of the Queen of Brain Dismemberment, my mind is exactly the same as these undead people.”

“Fire, fire, fire!”

With Du Bian’s order.

In the direction of the Taikang Empire’s capital, thousands of energy magic cannons fired again.

Thousands of spar missiles, fire again!

“Swish swish swish…”

Thousands of bright lights crossed the sky again, lighting up the night sky hundreds of miles away.

Only ten seconds later!

These thousands of energy balls, thousands of spar missiles, once again fell on this piece of ground less than a square kilometer.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

In an instant!

The white light, which is countless times brighter than the sun, burst out again!

Thousands of miles of night, once again torn apart!

almost completely blinding white light.

Then the millions of undead legions on the ground less than ten square kilometers were completely wiped out once again.

This extremely crowded ground is completely empty and clean again!

However, dozens of undead lords are still alive, and several undead monarchs are still safe and sound.

Queen Mo Han is almost furious!

Her 35 million undead army has not yet reached the capital of the Taikang Empire, but Du Bian took the initiative to attack.

That’s not even counted, the battle was less than an hour away.

Her 35 million undead army, nearly a quarter of the casualties!

The key is that his flying undead is over. The undead legion on the ground is useless no matter how powerful it is. Dubian’s spacecraft is at an altitude of six kilometers.

can’t reach at all!

At this time, Mo Han thought in his mind that he would not attack these spacecrafts, and go directly to attack the capital of the Taikang Empire in Dubian, and kill the people inside.

Especially Du Bian’s daughter, who was still in that city, and cramping her skin should be enough to vent her anger.

But at this moment, Du Bian’s voice sounded again.

“Brain Disabled Queen, do you want to surrender? Do you want to leave with the undead legion to attack the capital of the Taikang Empire?” Du Bian sneered: “There is a shameful fact I don’t know if you paid attention to it. Huh? From the Daning Empire to the present, you have never won a war between you and me. Every time you were beaten and lost by me, you vomited blood. It’s shameful!”

As soon as these words come out!

Mo Han, the brain-disabled queen, is angry again!

bypass Dubian? To bypass these spaceships to attack the capital of the Taikang Empire?

Impossible, Du Bianling must be put to death even if all the undead legions die!

“Du Bian, if I don’t kill you today, I will be a beast, Mo Han.” Mo Han said sharply.

“You are not a beast, you are a brain-dead.” Du Bian said: “I’m in the sky, come and hit me, hit me…”

Then, his dozen or so spaceships once again made strange and harsh sounds.

Those undead who are as brain-stricken as Queen Mo Han are swarming again!

Just when Du Bian felt that he could kill the 35 million undead army with this set, the situation changed drastically!

That undead overlord!

The huge head with a human head over a hundred meters in diameter.

This head has two very small eyes and one very huge eye, which is over sixty meters long.

So it looks like its huge head has only one big eye.

It has no body, only countless claws, more than five hundred meters long.

“Human, you seem to despise me!” The undead overlord said.

It actually talked!

Then, an even more weird and terrifying scene appeared!

Half of the tentacles of the undead overlord suddenly lifted up to the sky!

In an instant, I directly touched the sky 800 meters high.

Countless huge tentacles, flying and twisting in the air, look terrifying.

But even so, it can’t reach a spaceship five or six kilometers high.

But at this time!

The overlord of the undead made a terrifying roar!

Then, it began to devour wildly!

The millions of undead people around, turned into energy and flesh and blood, and were completely swallowed by it.

Millions, tens of millions of undead!

all flew up into the air and broke into pieces, and then formed its new body.

It’s getting bigger and bigger, getting higher and higher!

eight hundred meters, nine hundred meters, one thousand meters, one thousand five hundred meters…

Du Bian was completely stunned by this scene!

He was completely shocked!

Too, it’s terrible!

Finally, most of the undead on the ground were summoned by the undead overlord and flew into the air, turned into energy and flesh and blood, and was swallowed by it.

It increases sharply.

Du sternly said: “Fire, fire!”

Suddenly, more than a dozen spaceships fired fiercely at this undead overlord!

Taikang Empire’s energy magic cannon, spar missiles fired at this undead overlord.

Astronomical energy bombardment!

All the firepower is used, energy cannons, laser cannons, and ultraviolet cannons.

However, to no avail!

is useless at all!

This undead overlord is completely safe and sound!

It still swallows wildly!

In the end, all the undead on the ground disappeared, and they were all swallowed into the body by it, becoming a part of its new body.

And it has become so huge.

is over five kilometers in height!

really surpasses most mountains and rivers.

“Lift into the air, into the air!” Du Fan ordered early, and the sixteen spacecraft hurriedly took off, flew higher, and escaped from the height that the undead overlord could reach.

However, this undead overlord suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed frantically!

An amazing scene appeared!

Its mouth became a terrible huge whirlpool, which produced a shocking suction power. A dozen spaceships exhausted all their power, and they could not escape or lift off. A dozen spaceships were completely out of control, spinning toward immortality. The big mouth of the overlord fell.

“Die, Du Bian, die!” Queen Mo Han screamed!

The situation is at stake These dozen or so spaceships will soon be shattered and the entire army will soon be destroyed!

This is Du Bian’s most powerful force. Once it is destroyed, it will be a disaster. Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of people in these dozen or so spaceships.

And at this time!

Du Bian suddenly rushed out of the spaceship and landed directly on the head of the undead overlord!

landed directly in front of the brain-dead queen!

Mo Han, the brain-disabled queen, was taken aback, and then laughed: “Du Bian, are you going to single me and the undead overlord? You are really seeking your own death, hahaha!”

Indeed, it seems that Du Bian is completely looking for death.

With his strength, even a Queen of Mo Han could not be defeated, let alone an overlord of the undead race against the sky?

Queen Mo Han said: “Do you know what level I am? I am a demon quasi-marquis, you are a martial artist, and my finger is enough to crush you ten times!”

Demon Quasi Marquis?

Is that stronger than the Demon Earl in the Nether Lands of the Daning Empire?

That demon count is already extremely powerful, and Du Bian can’t compete with him at all in pure force.

And the brain-dead queen is stronger than him, and an undead overlord should be added?

Therefore, even if there are a hundred Dubians, they are almost bound to die!

However, Du Bian looked at the brain-dead queen, and said word by word: “I still said that, your end is here, you can’t survive the day!”


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