Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 520

Chapter 455 : Zhao Yanping vomits blood violently! D

Seeing this scene before him, Zhao Yanping, the master of fate, was completely stunned.

What happened? !

Why is the capital of the Taikang Empire still safe and sound, why are the people inside still not dead?

Where did his Million Demon Legion go? !

Just now, he was completely intoxicated in his art world.

The big scene, the biggest movie scene ever.

The attack of the Million Demon Legion instantly wiped out the entire city and all the humans in it. There shouldn’t be any suspense, all humans under Du Bian’s command should die instantly.

Why is this happening?

And Du Bian still stood on the top floor of the palace and watched him quietly, his face full of faint irony.

Fate Master Zhao Yanping felt that he couldn’t breathe a little, the feeling of numb scalp was as if he had lifted his skull.

Everything is unreal like a dream!

After a long time, Zhao Yanping, the demon master of fate, regained his ability to move.

He rushed to a video camera to replay it.

Then, he saw clearly.

Everything happened too fast!

is only an instant, that is, an instant of less than 0.1 second.

His 1.9 million demon army released all the energy attacks in an instant, but it hasn’t been released yet, and a golden sun seemed to light up above the Taikang Imperial Palace.

Then, the 1.9 million demon army disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, it was really amazing and shocking.

Of course, there is also an incomparable slap in the face.

Zhao Yanping kept saying that he wanted a spike, but he was killed by a spike!

He completely regarded Du Bian as a prop, and he didn’t look at the same, but he was killed by Du Bian and the whole army was destroyed.

Zhao Yanping only felt extremely absurd, as if all this was completely unreal, it was an illusion he had imagined.

Because life is so boring, Zhao Yanping often makes various conjectures in his mind.

He shook his head vigorously to wake himself up, and then played back the camera over and over again!

The faithful video record tells him all the time that all this is true.

His army of millions of demons is destroyed!

First of all, what he felt was not pain, but complete numbness, as if he had lost all of his feelings at once.

And Taikandi, at home and abroad, is even more deadly silent.

The beautiful body of Zhang Xiaoman next to Zhao Yanping also began to tremble, his face was so pale that he couldn’t even breathe.

The tens of thousands of troops led by the governor of the eastern provinces of the Taikang Empire began to tremble. They were even more horrified than Zhao Yanping.

How could this be? !

Zhao Yanping’s Million Demon Legion is more than a hundred times stronger than Du Bian’s Human Legion?

Even if the sun comes out from the west, Du Bian will definitely lose. Therefore, the governor of the eastern provinces took the initiative to be Zhao Yanping as lackeys, and even sacrificed two million humans and gave them to millions of demons as food.

But now Du Bian has won.

Then where should they, human traitors go?

After a long time, Zhao Yanping asked, “Du Bian, what was that just now? Annihilated my millions of demons in an instant?”

Unconsciously, his voice became very hoarse, and it was the kind of desperate hoarse, without any magnetism at all.

Du changed his way: “Qiankun Devil Devil Array.”

Zhao Yanping, the Great Demon Lord of Destiny, said: “Since you have this great killer against the sky, why didn’t you use it before? The battle with the demon messenger was so tragically, your human legion suffered countless deaths and injuries, and the battle was even desperate To the point, if it were not for the betrayal of Mo Han, the brain-dead woman, your Taikang Empire would have been completely destroyed.”

Du changed his way: “Since it is a great killer against the sky, of course it must be used in the most critical place. If it is used for the demon messenger, how can I destroy your entire army?”

The whole army is destroyed? !

The word    made Zhao Yanping’s heart tremble suddenly.

Yes, his whole army was destroyed. All the demons died cleanly, and almost none were left.

Originally to destroy the Taikang Empire capital, there was no need to dispatch so many demon army, but who made him like the big scene, who asked him to make a big movie, so all the demon army in the eastern hemisphere was poured out.

In other words, he is now a polished commander.

He is no longer the supreme master of fate!

Although he keeps saying that invincibility is really lonely, he said that there is no fun in life, because it is too invincible, so the whole life has completely lost suspense.

But once you lose the Million Demon Legion, you lose the supremacy of the Eastern Hemisphere, and you lose all power.

What’s the point of living like that? !

Du Bian’s gaze towards Zhao Yanping was still full of irony, and he said lightly: “Zhao Yanping, you have never been a protagonist, you are just a trivial supporting role, you are just a stepping stone for me to save the world. You always look down on Emperor Taikang. Li Xiaoqiang, but in the Daning Empire, he fought me for four or five years before losing the entire army, and you only supported me for less than half a year, so you still can’t compare to Li Xiaoqiang! You are just It’s just a clown, a clown with no artistic accomplishments and no aesthetic point of view, so your **** clown at that time dressed up very correctly, which means that you know exactly what you are in your heart.”

These words madly impacted Zhao Yanping’s heart!

And now the numb period has passed, and endless pain is beginning to hit.

He felt unable to breathe, and his entire chest seemed to be suppressed by a powerful force.

He desperately released his power to suppress this depression and pain.

Suddenly two forces entangled between his chest and abdomen, tumbling, tearing!

He felt sick, and then retched desperately.


kept retching, the last bite of blood gushing out.



a dozen mouthfuls of blood spurted wildly.

The depressive and painful feeling in Zhao Yanping’s heart gradually eased, and he gradually calmed down!

Then, the cynicism on his face disappeared.

is replaced by cold, spiteful!

“Du Bian, my entire army was destroyed, and I became a polished commander, but what about it?”

Du changed his way: “Not only did you become a polished commander, you also became a big idiot. Instead of pretending to be forceful, you pretended to be a big idiot, a complete joke!”

Zhao Yan’s flat hole convulsed.

“So what?” Zhao Yanping said: “At least I am still the devil duke, and my cultivation base is still a hundred times and a thousand times higher than yours. Your Universe Demon Slayer Array is very powerful, but you can stay in it forever. Can you kill me?”

really can’t.

The cultivation base of the Demon Lord Destiny is too powerful.

The cultivation base of the Demon Earl completely crushed Dubian, let alone Zhao Yanping, the Demon Duke.

Zhao Yanping said: “But as long as you leave the capital of the Taikang Empire, I will be able to smash you into ten thousand pieces. Including your wife and your daughter. Once you dare to leave for half a step, once you leave the protection of the Qiankun Devil Array, I They can be caught and trampled a thousand times, ten thousand times, so that they can’t survive or die!”

“Not only that!” Zhao Yanping said: “Yes, I have become a polished commander. But there are countless humans outside the capital of the Taikang Empire, and I can easily kill them clean. I am a lunatic, I You can kill people for fun, killing 10,000 a day! Such a day is also very interesting, what can you do with me?”

Du became silent!

Zhao Yanping said: “The more important thing is that Li Houhou is in my hands, and Ahn’Qiraj, the holy flame of the Holy Flame, is also in my hands. They two are your wives. Now you have killed all my millions of demons. How do you think I will retaliate? How do you think I will torture them?”

“Not only Li Huhou and Ahn’Qiraj, but also Ms. Jiang Yuhan next to me. Not only did she save the lives of you and your daughter, but she also took care of you for more than ten years. How kind is she to you?” Zhao Yanping said : “How do you think I will torture her?”

“As the old saying goes, it’s no misfortune to your wife and children!” Zhao Yanping grinned bitterly: “But I just want to do this. You hide under the protection of the Universe Energy Array. I can’t help you. Then I will get your wife, and I will do it. Put a few green hats on you, and I will ravage them to death. This should be super cool, hahahaha…”

After a burst of laughter.

Fate Master Zhao Yanping had a fierce cough, and then spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood.

But he laughed even more arrogantly: “Du Bian, I ravaged your woman, I will give you a cuckold, what can you do with me? What can you do with me?”

Du Bian never spoke, but looked at Zhao Yanping quietly, his eyes full of pity and irony.

“Du Bian, do you want to save your woman? Do you want to save Li Houhou, Ahn’Qiraj and Jiang Yuhan?” Zhao Yanping asked.

Du changed his way: “Of course.”

Zhao Yanping said: “My Destiny Palace is in the central area of ​​the East Pacific. Looking down from the sky, there is a huge whirlpool. That is my palace and my lair. I will wait for you there. I will give you 48 hours. ”

“Du Bian, don’t you want to kill me? Don’t you want to save your three women?” Zhao Yanping said: “We have a final duel, and we can only live one! If you win, then Take your woman away. If you lose, go to death, and these three women will be buried with you? How?!”

When    said this, everyone scolded.

What cultivation base Du has changed, what cultivation base is your demon master, more than a thousand times more than Du change? !

You turned Du into a duel? And duel in your lair?

Even if there are one hundred, one thousand Dubians cannot be your opponent. This is a mortal duel, who would be so stupid to agree?

“Du Bian, remember, I will only give you 48 hours, from now on.” Zhao Yanping said: “If you haven’t shown up in 48 hours, you will wait for these three women to be ravaged by me. No ghost or ghost, just wait to cuckold, just wait to collect corpses for these three women!”

Then, Zhao Yanping, the Demon Lord of Destiny, suddenly flashed and disappeared.

also disappeared with Jiang Yuhan. She couldn’t say a word from beginning to end. She could only tell Du Bian desperately with her eyes, don’t come, don’t come, leave me alone!

“Du Bian, I will only give you 48 hours, we will fight a life and death duel, two live one!”

Zhao Yanping’s voice still came from the air, but his figure had disappeared without a trace.

No one can stop him, because his cultivation is too powerful. Even if all Du Bian’s subordinates were assembled, he would not be able to keep him.

On the contrary, as long as the people with Dubian leave the protection range of the Qiankun Demon Slayer, they will be horribly slaughtered immediately.

Du faded and said: “Okay, I will definitely come!”


Zhao Yanping left, with Du Bian’s benefactor Jiang Yuhan.

But Du Bian’s first love, Zhang Xiaoman, remained, as did the governor of the eastern provinces of the Taikang Empire and his fifty thousand army.

Zhang Xiaoman didn’t have any blood on his face, he was scaryly pale.

Her eyes are very complicated, full of fear, but full of stubbornness, as if she would not bow her head.

If you want to kill Du Bian, kill it, but don’t want my Zhang Xiaoman to beg you for mercy, you Du Bian can’t be too ambitious.

But instead of being rampant, Du Bian has a very gentle attitude.

“I am very sorry for the harm I did to you in high school. I was really young and ignorant at that time.” Du Bian said, “I was so annoying at the time.”

Zhang Xiaoman’s beautiful face twitched.

Du changed his way: “But you deceived me, not because you hate me, but because you are afraid of death. If you don’t act to deceive me, Zhao Yanping will let you survive. Can’t you ask for death? You are afraid of death!”

“I am greedy for life and fear of death, is it wrong?” Zhang Xiaoman said sharply: “I am not as crazy as you, I am not as great as you, I am just a vulgar woman, is this wrong?”

“There is nothing wrong, you are not wrong!” Du changed.

Then, he took out a tube of poison and handed it to her: “You won’t have any pain after drinking it. It’s like falling asleep. This is the most comfortable way to die.”

Zhang Xiaoman took it with trembling hands, she felt a little hard to breathe.

After a long time, she calmed down and said, “Du Bian, can you prepare a small room for me?”

Du changed his way: “Yes!”

In this small room, there are only Du Bian and Zhang Xiaoman.

She tore open her skirt abruptly, without any strands on her body. Then she turned her back and said loudly: “Du Bian, now you open your eyes to see if my **** is white enough? Is there a little black? spot?”

Du changed his way: “No, very white, very perfect!”

“Thank you.” Zhang Xiaoman drank the poison in one gulp.

A second later, she fell directly to the ground and died.

As expected, there is no pain, it is like falling asleep!


On the square in front of the Taikang Imperial Palace.

The governor of the eastern provinces kneeled neatly with 50,000 people!

The governor knelt in front of Du Bian and kowtowed desperately. After a while, the blood donation on his forehead was blurred.

“Your Majesty, the minister is wrong, the minister is wrong!”

“The minister should die, the minister is so scared!”

“You killed the minister, the minister dare not have any complaints, but please spare your majesty the minister’s wife and children, the minister’s and fifty thousand soldiers.”

“Your Majesty, more than ten years have passed since the end of the world, and mankind has withered incomparably. Every human being is very precious, and all the guilty ministers are borne by one person. You kill one minister and let go of the remaining 50,000 people!”

After hearing the Governor’s words, the remaining 50,000 people wept bitterly, and then desperately kowtowed their heads for pity!

“Your Majesty, your Majesty begs you to kill only one minister and spare these fifty thousand people!”

The governor-general of the eastern provinces cried loudly, his voice seemed to be heartbroken.

The fifty thousand army behind him also cried loudly, very moved, and desperately kowtow: “Your Majesty, I beg you to forgive the Governor. He also bears humiliation for the future of mankind.”

“I beg your majesty for mercy, please spare the governor-general!”

50,000 people begged for mercy, their voices getting louder and louder, as if they were getting more and more assertive.

Du Fan said indifferently: “Really a despicable and cunning person. He clearly wants to survive, but he insists on pulling 50,000 people into moral kidnapping. You think the law does not blame the public. You think that there are very few human beings. All of them are very precious and will definitely not kill all these fifty thousand people. So you desperately interceded for them and moved them very much. If I kill you, these fifty thousand people will resent me in their hearts, and even renounce me. If I were I don’t want these 50,000 people to resent me, I want to subdue the hearts of these 50,000 people, and I can only spare you not to die.”

“Good calculation, very cunning heart!” Du Bian’s voice was very calm.

But the governor of the eastern province has already begun to tremble, his face as earthy.

Du Bian said: “I cherish every human life very much. The millions of looters from the Alliance came to attack me I did not kill them. The six marshals and the five governors all betrayed me, too. Millions of people in the capital of the Kang Empire deserted me, and I didn’t kill them.”

“Governor of the East, you turned your back on me, I will not kill you. You secretly colluded with the Marshal of the Marauders Alliance, trying to make him the new emperor of the Taikang Empire, and I will not kill you for it. Even you want to surrender. Zhao Yanping, the great demon of destiny, I will not kill you. Because it is normal to be afraid of death and fear of death,” Du Bian said: “But you, in order to survive and surrender, give two million humans to demons as food. This is a capital sin, an unforgivable capital sin!”

The governor of the eastern provinces collapsed to the ground like a sieve, and tremblingly said: “But the minister has no choice, no choice…”

“With two million lives, in exchange for 50,000 lives.” Du Bian said: “So, you all deserve to die!”

Du Bian directly ordered: “Come here, put to death the former governor of the eastern provinces of the Taikang Empire and his fifty thousand troops!”

As soon as these words came out, all the 50,000 people present collapsed to the ground, almost frightened with feces and urine.

In a quarter of an hour!

“Behead!” Li Sisi, the first marshal of the Taikang Empire, slammed under her hand.

The governor of the eastern provinces, together with his fifty thousand army, were completely killed!


after an hour!

Du Bian bid farewell to his family, left the capital of the Taikang Empire, and headed to the East Pacific. Go to the final duel with Demon Lord, Demon Duke Zhao Yanping!

Two people, only one can live!


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