Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 534

Chapter 467 : The prince of the pure land knelt down

Seeing the tide rushing into the demon army, the Prince of Pure Land was shocked first, and then angry.

Dream devil, how dare you tease me?

Before you were acting respectfully and respectfully? And giving the Golden King Rod to the Pure Land World is a poisonous trick?

The Prince of Pure Land felt that he had been fooled.

“Prince of Dreamland, I don’t know if you have heard of it?” the Prince of Pure Land said coldly.

The soul clone of the Dream Demon King still respectfully salutes: “I am willing to listen to the teachings of His Highness.”

The pure land prince said: “In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is invalid. I once said a word with Dubian, you know nothing about the power of the pure land world, and now I also relay this sentence to you.”

Then, the prince of the Pure Land straightened his waist, the whole person became noble and arrogant, and said loudly: “Do you think that our Pure Land world is so powerful entirely by the energy shield? Wrong, very wrong. You don’t know the past. For more than a thousand years, how far our energy civilization has developed? We are descendants of the dragon descendants, but our strength has surpassed the ancient dragons!”

“Do you think that tearing apart the dragon energy cover and influx of hundreds of millions of demons will make us face annihilation?” The Prince of Pure Land laughed wildly: “Absurd, you just watch your demon army annihilate. !”

Then, the Prince of Pure Land released a powerful spiritual command.

“All spacecraft, dispatch!”

“All energy cannons, appear!”

Suddenly, an extremely shocking scene appeared.

“Swish swish swish…”

Countless spaceships flew into the sky like locusts.

Countless energy cannons stretch out like a hedgehog.

These spaceships were not as big as the Daning Empire’s spacecraft, but I don’t know how many times they advanced.

Each spacecraft is in the shape of a disc, flying extremely fast, easily surpassing two or three times the speed of sound.

Moreover, the power of the energy cannon on each spaceship far exceeds that of Dubian’s energy magic cannon.

The energy magic cannon protruding from the entire Pure Land world is even more amazing, exceeding tens of meters in length.

The power of these energy magic cannons is more than thousands of times that of Dubian energy magic cannons!

The dream demon seemed to be stunned by this scene too!

“Dream Demon King, you don’t know anything about the power of the Pure Land World.” The Prince Pure Land sneered: “I really didn’t think of your Trojan horse tactics, but do you know why I didn’t think about it? Because our Pure Land world is powerful enough!”

“In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trickery are useless. Dream Demon King, since your demon legion is here, don’t leave, just wait for the entire army to be destroyed!”

Just as the Prince of Pure Land was speaking, the hundreds of thousands of spacecraft in the Pure Land World were all arranged in a large array in the air.

Moreover, all are unmanned spacecraft.

“Dreamland Demon King, your entire army will be destroyed!” The Pure Land Prince roared wildly.

“Fire, fire, fire!”

“Swish swish swish swish…”

An incomparable scene appeared!

In the Pure Land World, more than a dozen energy cannons on each of the hundreds of thousands of swoosh spacecraft fired quickly.

More than one million energy **** blasted out, more than fifty times the speed of sound.

On the ground, tens of thousands of super energy magic cannons fired.

A huge energy ball shot out wildly at a speed of over a hundred times the speed of sound.

This scene looks almost like a war between galaxies.

In an instant.

The entire Pure Land world was filled with completely powerful energy artillery fire.

Cover the sky and the sun, countless!

It’s really like the shining galaxy in the sky.

The entire northern hemisphere can almost be seen, and the sky above the North Pole bursts brightly.

The energy density of this artillery fire was more than 100,000 times higher than that of the Dubian Taikang Empire.

It can be said that under such intensive and terrible artillery fire.

Not to mention the millions of troops, even tens of millions of troops will be wiped out in an instant.

When the prince of pure land saw this scene, his whole body began to tremble.

The big scene is so fascinating.

This is the power of the Pure Land World.

Almost instantly!

Millions of energy artillery fires in the Pure Land world slammed into the tens of millions of demon legions.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

In an instant, the sky over a thousand miles burst into an extremely bright light, surpassing the sun’s light hundreds of times.

At this time, the sky in the entire northern hemisphere seemed to have an extra sun, and half of the world was completely illuminated.

The prince of the Pure Land World laughed and said: “Dream Demon King, I really want to thank you very much. Our Pure Land World has developed for a thousand years, and our energy has advanced by leaps and bounds. We know countless powerful weapons, but there are few opportunities to use them. It was you who made me complete and saw this incomparable super big scene.”

The next result is no suspense, the demon army must be destroyed.

The energy artillery fire in the Pure Land World is too powerful and too cheat. The only result is a spike.

The Prince of Pure Land was intoxicated with his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes and waited to look at the empty sky.

The sky was densely packed and completely occupied by the demon army, now it should be completely emptied by a million artillery fire.


After the millions of energy artillery fire dissipated.

The prince of the Pure Land World saw a terrifying scene!

All the demon legions are safe and sound.

Not to mention the destruction of the entire army, almost a single demon was not killed by these million artillery fires.

These demons were flushed at this time, as if they had eaten a big meal, and their faces were full of intoxication.

How is this possible?

The Prince of Pure Land couldn’t believe his eyes at all, and his whole person trembled completely.

This, this is impossible.

How amazing is the power of a million-energy artillery fire? Why is the Demon Legion safe and sound?

An ironic smile appeared on the face of the Dream Demon King, and he said faintly: “His Royal Highness, after more than a thousand years of development in your Pure Land World, the energy civilization has indeed become very advanced, but… it is not powerful. You should have also watched the modern earth. History, and dismissive of it.”

“The earth created atomic bombs in the 1940s, and atomic bombs in the 1950s. Then in 2018, during the sixty to seventy years, their computers became faster and faster, and their airplanes became increasingly faster. Fast, the degree of industrial precision is getting higher and higher, and they have produced supersonic aircraft, stealth fighters, and silent submarines. But their highest energy weapons have not made any progress.”

“The same is true of your Pure Land World. Your energy civilization is many times more advanced than the energy civilization of the Daning Empire. However, the energy level and energy attributes are exactly the same. Your energy magic cannons are more powerful and more powerful. Smaller, faster rate of fire, but the energy at the moment of the explosion is still exactly the same.”

“So your Royal Highness, your power is virtual power!” The Dream Demon King said: “Thousands of years ago, we endured this kind of energy cannon fire, and we still endure this kind of energy cannon fire. But our bodies have evolved. It’s been a few generations, so instead of your energy artillery fires can not harm us, they are our food! We can swallow these energies and become powerful!”

“His Royal Highness, haven’t you discovered that after your round of energy bombardment, my demon army has become stronger?” The Dream Demon King laughed and said: “Not long after we invaded the earth, we detonated everything on the earth. Nuclear bombs, why do you think this is? Is it because we want to use these nuclear bombs to kill humans? Is it because we like nuclear winter? Not at all, but we want to swallow the energy of nuclear bomb explosions!”

As soon as these words came out, it was suffocating.

The energy of a nuclear bomb explosion is the highest level weapon that the modern earth can produce.

However, for the demons, it turned out to be a kind of energy enjoyment and energy swallowing.

“No, it’s impossible…” The Prince of Pure Land staggered for a while.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze became sharp again, saying: “Not only have our energy civilization developed tremendously, our martial arts civilization has also advanced by leaps and bounds. We are better than blue from the blue, and we have even begun to create new dragons. Our energy cannon fires to kill. Not to kill you, but our martial arts masters can also kill you.”

Then, the Prince of Pure Land slammed an order: “All Dragonborn warriors, kill the dream demon in front of you!”


Suddenly, the tens of thousands of dragon-born warriors around the Prince of Pure Land suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot towards the Demon King of Dreamland.

At the same time!

“Swish swish swish…”

Hundreds of thousands, millions of dragonborn warriors flew out of various buildings.

Distributed in the air into a big martial arts formation.


Tens of thousands of strong dragon descendants launched an earth-shattering attack on the Dream Demon King.

At this time, the soul clone of the Dream Demon King was a thousand meters huge, and these tens of thousands of dragonborn powerhouses could easily attack every place of him.

Suddenly saw countless sword lights, frantically cutting the soul clone of the dream demon king.

“Ah…ah…ah…” the Dream Demon screamed, sounding very tragic.

The prince of the Pure Land felt relieved, and then he was overjoyed: “Have you seen the Devil of Dreams? You still know nothing about the power of our Pure Land world! The proud and noble dragonborn powerhouses, kill him and smash him into pieces! ”

Suddenly, tens of thousands of dragonborn powerhouses attacked the dream demon even more frantically, and tens of thousands of sword lights pierced and cut frantically.

“Ah…Ah…Ah…” The scream of the Dream Demon King became more sorrowful. Is his throat hoarse, and howled miserably: “Wow, it’s so cool, it’s so cool, try harder, harder… ”

It turns out that his scream is similar to the super sourness of a horse killing a chicken (massage).

Some people will make screams like killing pigs when they are massaged to the key points of the acupuncture points.

In fact, the Dream Demon King did not exaggerate his performance. To him, the crazy killing of these tens of thousands of dragon descendants was really like a horse killing a chicken.

“It’s so cool. I haven’t been so cool for thousands of years. It seems that it is not unreasonable for the people on the earth to like tuina massage. It is really so cool that people scream, sore, painful and enjoyable…” Dreaming Demon King sighed Said: “It’s a pity, I can’t fall, I can’t indulge in this sour feeling!”

Then, it slapped it violently.

In an instant, the tens of thousands of dragonborn powerhouses were wiped out in an instant.

Dead clean!

The pure land prince trembled all over, and he couldn’t believe the scene before him.

How is this possible?

No matter how powerful the Dream Demon King is, it is impossible to kill tens of thousands of dragonborn powerhouses at once, and this is just an energy clone of the Dream Demon King.

“His Royal Highness, you are a sad world.” The Dream Demon King said: “Over the past thousand years, you feel that your martial arts level has developed by leaps and bounds, to a certain extent. For example, your martial artist before. Cultivating a cubic centimeter of flame, and now you have cultivated a cubic meter of flame, each of your martial artists’ martial arts energy has increased a lot, but not only has the energy level not increased, on the contrary… it has retreated!”

“It’s you who sit in the well and watch the sky.” The Dream Demon sarcastically said, “It’s impossible to build a car behind closed doors.”

The Prince of Pure Land stood shivering in place.

Everything seems to have been subverted!

The strength of the Pure Land is really like a beautiful soap bubble, can it burst with a single poke?

The Dream Demon King said: “You keep saying that blue is better than blue, and you keep saying that you have surpassed the dragon. However, your energy level is far from the dragon. For our demon army, the only scary thing in the Pure Land world is the dragon energy shield. , This top-level energy law is insurmountable for us now, so no demon can pass through the dragon energy shield.”

Then, the Dream Demon King raised his huge palm and patted it towards the Prince of Pure Land.

At that time, Du Bian, who was already a Destroyer-level cultivation base, was wiped out by the slap of the Dream Demon King’s clone.

Although the Prince of Pure Land is much stronger than Du Chang, the result will not be any different.

He would still be slapped to death by the avatar of the Dream Demon King.

Because this is no longer a question of martial arts cultivation, but a question of the law of energy.

Seeing the slap of the Dream Demon King, the Prince of Pure Land was filled with infinite fear and cowardice. Then he softened his legs and knelt down and said, “Your Majesty, Dream Demon King, I… I am willing to surrender, please accept My surrender, my service!”

“Are you going to ravage the Queen of Pure Land? No problem, I will take you there!”

“Your Majesty, Du Bian is not dead yet, and he has a powerful and perfect energy body. I dedicate him to you to ravage him. You can torture him as much as you want and put him to death.”

“Your Majesty, Du Bian’s wife Ren Yexiao is also in my hands. I also dedicate her to you. You can trample her 10,000 times and put countless green hats on Du Bian.”

“Your Majesty, using the big impact theory, we have really created a new dragon clan, a new dragon clan that seems to have just hatched. It is extremely beautiful and extremely luxurious. You can treat her as a pet, and you can ravage her in any form. , No demon can refuse to blast the glory of the dragon clan.”

The huge palm of the Dream Demon King pressed down more and more, almost completely squashing the body of the Prince of Pure Land and exploding.

In order to survive, the Prince of Pure Land desperately vomited everything he knew and gave everything he had.

The Dream Demon King raised his palm, looked at the prince of Pure Land who was paralyzed on the ground, and said lightly: “Once a person breaks through the bottom line, there will be no bottom line!”

Then, the Demon King of Dream said: “In your Dragon Temple, there is still a dragon corpse?”

“Yes, yes… If your Majesty the Demon King wants it, I will take you immediately.” The Pure Land Prince said.

In an instant, the figure of the Dream Demon King shrank, from a huge kilometer to a height of four or five meters, and then suddenly split into three clones.

“Does the avatar perform?” asked the Dream Demon King.

“Yes!” The Pure Land Prince said, and then he also transformed into three clones.

“Your first clone takes me to explode your Pure Land Queen. The second clone takes me to catch the created new dragon clan, and your deity takes me to the Dragon Temple to capture the dragon corpse.” Dream Demon King Tao.

“Yes!” The pure land prince’s deity and clone humbly bowed.

Then, the three avatars of the Dream Demon King turned into three lights and flew in three directions.

For him, the Queen of Sleeping Pure Land and the capture of the new dragon clan are secondary, and the most important thing is to capture the huge dragon corpse under the Dragon Temple.

Outside, it was already shaking.

Ren Yexiao quickly rushed into the Dragon Temple with the dragon girl Mo Han, and then ran towards the underground passage.

Because this dragon corpse is tens of thousands of meters underground.

Run all the way, run wild, run wild…

Along the underground passage of the Long Temple, it was tens of thousands of meters deep.

After a while, I came to the end of the underground passage, where there is a simple stone gate.

At the door, there are six dragon temple elders guarding!

After all, this is a powerful dragon corpse, and no one can approach it.

“Pure land forbidden, no one is allowed to enter, otherwise it will be killed.” The six elders of Longsi roared.

Ren Yexiao said: “The six elders, the dragon energy cover of the Pure Land World has been broken. The Dream Demon King and the tens of millions of demon army have already killed in, and the Pure Land World is at stake. This is a real dragon by my side, even though it was just born. Newborn baby of the dragon clan, but only she can manipulate the power of the dragon corpse to save the entire Pure Land world.”

The sixth elder of Longsi said coldly: “The pure land is forbidden, no one is allowed to enter without the order of the queen or the prince, otherwise it will be killed.”

Ren Yexiao said angrily: “The Pure Land World is about to be destroyed. Let the dragon next to me go in and manipulate the power of the dragon corpse. This is the only way to save. Do you want to watch the Pure Land World destroy?”

The six elders of Longsi said: “It is absurd and ridiculous. How powerful is the world energy artillery of our Pure Land? How powerful is our martial arts civilization? The Devil of Dreams is like a tamed wild dog in front of our Pure Land. What kind of catastrophe? It’s ridiculous!”

This is where Ren Yexiao hates Pure Land the most. Everyone is aloof, everyone is plunged into vain strength and prosperity.

Obviously it was the dragon energy shield that made the demon army not dare to invade, but they felt that it was because they became stronger that the demon army bowed its head.

“Leave here immediately, or else you will kill you!”

The six elders drew their swords abruptly!

They can really kill people, and the hearts of these people are like stones.

Ren Yexiao said: “Open your eyes and see clearly. This is a real dragon, a great and noble dragon. As the elders of the Dragon Temple, what you worship is the dragon, and the dragon is your totem and belief. , Is this how you treat the real dragons?”

The elder of Longsi said: “Dragons? Represents decay and backwardness. Our dragon descendants have long surpassed the dragons. This new dragon is created by us. Since we can create the dragons, then it is only worthy of being a humble pet. Our Dragonborn civilization is truly powerful and advanced. Dragon Race? It’s just an animal that has betrayed us!”

This is the Pure Land World!

Accepting the protection of this dragon clan law, but incomparably despising the dragon clan, as if only in this way can he prove his strength.

“Leave immediately, or else kill you!”

Six elders of the Dragon Temple drew their swords and surrounded Ren Yexiao and Dragon Girl Mo Han.

But at this moment, a figure flashed quickly, it was the Prince of Pure Land.

He glanced at Ren Yexiao lightly, and said, “This is a traitor from the Pure Land World. I immediately arrested him, dare to resist, and kill him!”

“Yes!” said several Longsi elders, and then put the energy lightsaber across her neck.

“This new dragon is my pet. Use the energy array to imprison her. Don’t let her run around.” The Pure Land Prince said.

“Yes!” said the two dragon temple elders, and then cast a spell to create an energy array, like a golden energy cage, imprisoning the dragon girl Mo Han.

“Let me out, let me out…” Dragon Girl Mo Han struggled desperately.

However, she was just a newborn baby of the dragon clan. Before the power to manipulate the dragon corpse, she was very weak.

The Prince of Pure Land said: “Open this door of energy.”

The elder of Longsi was taken aback.

This energy gate is also protected by the dragon law, and only six people can cast spells at the same time to open it. Once opened, the dragon corpse inside was exposed.

“His Royal Highness…” a Longsi elder asked suspiciously.

“I asked you to open this energy door, didn’t you hear it? Or do you want to resist the decree?” The Pure Land Prince said coldly.


The three Longsi elders created an energy prison that trapped Ren Yexiao.

Then, the six dragon temple elders stepped forward and cast spells on the energy gate together, releasing spiritual imprints.

Suddenly, complex and mysterious energy runes were released from the bodies of six people, forming a gate of light and shadow in the air.

This gate of light and shadow is projected onto the gate of energy, which is exactly the same.

“Rumble…” After a loud noise!

This energy door was opened.

Then, the dragon corpse inside was completely exposed in front of several people.

Everyone, took a deep breath.

This…this is the dragon?

This is an oriental dragon!

Even if it was dead, it was just a cold corpse, but it seemed extremely majestic.

Just looking at it, it seemed that there was a feeling of Taishan pressing on the top, and people couldn’t help but soften their legs and bow before bowing.

It has a body of more than 1,600 meters long and releases an extremely powerful energy shock.

This is not only a dragon corpse, but also the energy core of the entire Pure Land world.

Just when everyone was shocked, a figure appeared.

Dream Devil!

He walked over without anyone else and glanced at Ren Yexiao.

Du Bian’s woman? Not bad?

He glanced at the dragon girl Mo Han who was imprisoned in the energy cage, her eyes bursting.

The dragon’s newborn? Even better!

But what excites him most is the dragon corpse in front of him!

The Pure Land World deliberately ignored its value, but the Dream Demon King knew how powerful this dragon corpse possessed.

Once it blackens the power of this dragon corpse, and then takes over!

Then, he will surpass the Demon King of Destiny in one fell swoop and become the master of this world.

An elder of Long Temple glanced at the Dream Demon King and then at the Prince of Pure Land.

Ren Yexiaohan said: “Prince, have you surrendered to the Devil of Dreams?”

The Prince of Pure Land sneered and said, “So what? Those who know the current affairs are handsome!”

As soon as these words came out the six elders of the Dragon Temple could hardly believe their ears.

His Royal Highness betrayed the Pure Land and surrendered to the Demon King of Dreams?

Moreover, the six of them just opened the energy door?

Sinners of the ages, sinners of the ages!

Once the dream demon king gets the power of the dragon corpse? That…that is the end of the Dragonborn civilization.

The Dream Demon King walked through the energy gate and walked towards the powerful dragon corpse.

“You belong to me, you belong to me…”

“As long as I get you, I can defeat the Demon King of Destiny. I am the master of this world!”

At this moment, Ren Yexiao suddenly shouted: “Dragon Girl, Mo Han, breathe fire, breathe fire!”

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