Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 18

Chapter 17:

Qin Yan asked Yang Yue to ask the second-hand landlord for the door key, and opened the door cautiously.

The house is very sloppy, clothes and shoes are casually thrown on the ground, and a single bed is placed against the wall.

This is a room separated from the master bedroom. It also has no windows, and the taste is indescribable.

Shen Qiu jumped over a pile of takeaway boxes on his toes and began to sniff around the room.

Then accurately dragged out a wooden box from under the bed, which was filled with dazzling white.

Storing all the things, Qin Yan asked the tenants who lived in this group rental room, and learned that the friend of the deceased lived in this room.

The two moved in at the same time and spent most of their time together.

“But these days, I haven’t seen the one in the utility room. I guess it’s some kind of Internet cafe. They used to do this often.”

Qin Yan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“They don’t come here often?”

The tenant scratched his head, “I don’t know about that. I only know that they like to go to Internet cafes, but I don’t count how often they come back, and the working hours don’t match.”

Qin Yan nodded thoughtfully, indicating that it was all right, let him go first.

After the tenant left, Qin Yan asked the second-hand landlord for the personal information of the deceased friend.

“Excuse me, do you know which Internet cafe he might go to?”

Second-hand landlords can also see now that these police officers are definitely not here to check the group rentals. It seems that the two men should have caused the trouble.

Hearing the words, he said, “There are many Internet cafes nearby, but the most popular one is a black Internet cafe in a waste gas car factory.”

“There is a residential area on the left, and the central square on the right. There is a lot of traffic. If there is anything, there are doors extending in all directions for them to escape.”

Qin Yan asked someone to point out the location and left with Shen Qiu.

As for this group rental property, it must be dealt with, so I called the police from the bureau.

In order to avoid being shocked by the grass, Qin Yan specially changed into casual clothes in the car, and then took off Shen Qiu’s shoulder strap.

“Qiu Qiu, stay on my shoulders later, don’t run around, do you hear?”

Shen Qiu flicked his tail to show that he knew, a pair of golden cat pupils kept jumping with excitement.

Black Internet cafes hunt down du criminals, this is his old business! There can be absolutely no problem!

Qin Yan’s face was too upright, and before getting off the car, Yang Yue found a peaked cap to put on for him.

One person and one cat enter the Internet cafe directly from the dilapidated gate of the depot.

Black Internet cafes are dirty and messy, and when you enter, a strong smell of smoke lingers, almost choking Shen Qiu out.

At first glance, the rows of computers are full of people.

The phone screens are all flashing with colorful lights, and when the game is on the rise, it is even more swearing.

As soon as Shen Qiu came in, his tail swayed anxiously on Qin Yan’s back.

This strange combination of man and cat came in and didn’t attract anyone’s attention.

Qin Yan swept around quickly and walked to the cashier without seeing the suspect.

“Hello, help me drive a quieter machine.”

The person guarding the cashier with yellow hair looked at Qin Yan impatiently, “This is the place, where can I sit.”

Qin Yan’s expression didn’t change, he just smiled, “I’m sorry, I’m here to handle company work, it’s too noisy, I can’t do it, do you have any other places here? Private rooms or something. ?”

Yellow hair frowned irritably, just as he was about to speak, the door behind him was pushed open, and another man with dyed red hair walked out while raising his pants.


“That cub didn’t flush the toilet, it stinks to death.”

He looked up and walked out, and suddenly met Qin Yan’s eyes.

Then looked at Shen Qiu on Qin Yan’s shoulder, his face changed suddenly, he pushed Huang Mao over and returned to the room just now, slamming the door with a “bang”.

“Meow?!” Why does this person seem to recognize him?

Having no time to think about it, Qin Yan put Shen Qiu on the cashier counter.

“Ball! Chase!”

Using the yellow hair’s head as a springboard to break open the door, and then drifting in the air chasing the red hair.

Shen Qiu kept chasing, how could two legs outrun four legs.

Seeing that Shen Qiu was about to catch up, Hong Mao threw two stones from the upstairs.

Shen Qiu dodged, silently speeding up.

Going up the corridor on the second floor, Hong Mao looked left and right, and ran into the original workshop.

The windows of the workshop are dilapidated and connected to the corridor outside. As long as Shen Qiu is not careful, he can turn from the window to the corridor and escape quietly.

How could Shen Qiu let this happen?

He let out a snort, turned directly to the corridor, and blocked people at the window of the third workshop.


The red hair scolded a swear word, and the fierce face was about to kick Shen Qiu with his feet.

Shen Qiu dodged sideways, jumped on the spot, and stretched out his claws to pounce.

“Bang!” I fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and the painful red hair kept screaming.

What does it feel like to hit a 25-pound cat like this?

It’s probably the kind of feeling that the rib is about to break, and you can’t breathe at all.

Hongmao gasped for a few breaths before he recovered, realizing that he was caught by a cat, his face was ruthless, and he raised his hand to hit Shen Qiu.

“Meow!” Hey, I gave you the courage, right! Do you still want to hit me? Can you be patient? !

He raised his hand with a paw.

Even without sharp claws, the claws of “Bang Bang” are still quite painful.

Red hair immediately had red marks on her hands.

The footsteps of Qin Yan came from outside, and the red-haired face tried to turn Shen Qiu down and escape.

Shen Qiu did not follow him, raising his claws was a set of meow fists, rain-like flesh-pad fists on the red-haired head, his face and chest kept falling.

As soon as Qin Yan arrived, he saw Shen Qiu sitting upright on the red-haired chest, licking his paws leisurely.

Seeing Qin Yan, she made a “meow” and flicked her tail.

Hong Mao had been beaten stupidly, staring at him with tears in his eyes, and when Qin Yan pulled him up, he saw a black circle around his eyes.

Qin Yan looked at Shen Qiu a little helplessly.

“Qiu Qiu, your subordinates are a bit ruthless.”

Shen Qiu turned around and used his **** to face him.

This kind of person doesn’t save it for the New Year.

Qin Yan took out a pair of rose gold bracelets to be fastened, and said in a joking tone, “If you want to hit, hit where you can’t see it. It’s not good to go out and let people see it.”

Shen Qiu: Meow Meow Meow?

School is over!

The author has something to say:

Qiuqiu: Don’t look at me as ‘small”, it hurts when I hit someone!

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