Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 14. ‘Punishment’ After Abusing the Power of God.




I look at him with deadpanned expression and asked, "Old man... Why are you here?"

Hearing my question, he chuckled on his own and then answered, "Of course, to teach you a lesson young man. While you could do anything you want, you should know the difference between duty and desire. Sit down young man Jin."

I sat down across him, nodded a bit, and replied, "Y-yeah... I am sorry old man, But I won't regret it. Vera deserves a second chance in life. Beside she asked it herself. What kind of God am I if I didn't listen to people's requests?"

After I said that, the old man didn't said anything but just stare at me seriously. Then, it quickly become 'battle of staring' at each other. None of us back down, even though I know the old man in front of me would easily delete me if he want to. 

I need to prove the old man how serious I am about this.




After looking at each other for a while, The old man is the first one break it, smiled at me and said, "Calm down, young man. I know that I said you can do anything you want as a god so I didn't really mad at you."


The old man shook his head and seriously said, "But I still want to punish you."


I shook my head, knowing that there's no way to avoid this and asked, "I see... Then, let's get over with it. What is my punishment, Old man?"

He grinned toward me and said, "Your punishment is..."


The old man take a deep breath and then quickly said, "You need to complete 3 missions in your own world."

I quickly retorted, "W-Wait!! Why I need to do 3 missions to do as my punishment?!"

The old man rolls his eyes, "Just listen to me first."

I back down and muttered, "Y-yeah..."

The old man takes a deep breath and then explains, "Your first mission is to live in that world for 3 years as an academy student and graduate alongside the reincarnator to know them better. The second mission is to learn how your world situation woeked and how to perform your world duty as a god. Lastly, You will also need to be acknowledged by the local god there and make sure they do their work properly." 


I can tell my eyes widened open and my mouth also followed due to shocking info he just told me in rapid suspension.

 I mean, I understand the necessity of a second and third mission but living in another world for 3 years? Are you kidding me?! Did he forget I got a restaurant to manage?!

Also, what is an academy student? Why I should enter a school when I already doing one in this world?!

As I wonder about that, A hologram appeared in front of me showing a building that looks like... a very large mansion?  But there are also a lot of young boys and girls students around it.

The old man continues his explanation, "This is the academy, the place where every young human learns and adapt to the world they living in. I will make sure every reincarnator will be entering the same place as you here, though I will tweak your appearance a bit so you won't be recognized by them. Of course, to have god among students would cause a panic right?"

I quickly raise my hand and asked, "Wait a minute, I have passed the age of entering that school. No matter I see it, all of the students are young! Why do I need to learn among them in the first place?"

The old man shrugged and replied, "Don't worry, I will reduce your age alongside your companion to age 15 so you could enjoy your youth again. Also for your last question, believe me... you will need to know them better in future." 

I quickly commented, "Hey... I am still young though!"

The old man ignored me and continue to explain, "Pffft, Anyway. It will be happening in summer vacation... in July, so don't worry about it will disturb your school time in this world. Even I know the importance of education. When you crossed there,  I will set the time ratio furthermore to 1 day / 1 year so while you are living there for 3 years... only 3 days is passed here.

I stared at him deadpanned and said, "I still need to open my restaurant even when I am not in school. In fact, I would open it from the morning if I don't have any school activity."

The old man carelessly answered, "Nah that's your own problem... I don't think not opening your restaurant would cost you anything. Your customers would understand, after all, I know all of you never really had any break since you restarting your restaurant business. 3 days' break should be nothing right?"

Hearing what I said, in reflex I asked, "How do you know that, old man?"

He snorted and replied, "I am god above you, did you forget young man Jin?"

Ah, I forget he is even stronger god than me. That makes sense, but still... Why I need to do such troublesome mission as punishment? I need to find a way how to broken it...

After thinking a while, I raise my hand again and asked, "Wait a minute old man, should be all the reincarnator still infants when I crossed there? I mean, it is only 4 months away before summer happened."

"Don't sweat the detail! I have set the time ratio there... to 2 weeks here is equal to 1.5 years on there since we are 20 weeks away from your supposed summer vacation. With this, you should have no more questions, right?"


Listening to his answer, I can't help but raise my eyebrow and wonder... What is his plan? 

Aside from his entertainment purposes (I bet), the plan is too... detailed, as if it has been prepared a long time ago.


I let out of breath and asked, "What is your plan to me, old man?"

He smiled and answered, "My plan? I want to you learn your responsibility as a true god while I am having fun watching it."

"Damn, I just your entertainment! Besides what is responsibility?! You are the one who gives it to me!"

Hearing my tantrum, for the first time the old man suddenly stared at me seriously and asked, "Are you running from your responsibility young man Jin? Do you think everything would be free? If you do not become god right now, your crush won't back to this world, Young man Jin. I definitely able to revert your crush back to dead again, young man."


As much I want to deny it, the old man is right.

There is no way I would be able to save Vera without god power. Besides, with god power... I could protect my sister better from now on.


"So, how it is?"

He looks at me, smiling waiting for my answer while sipping on a tea.  

When I really think about it, there is no real disadvantage to being a god. I know a lot of those light novel protagonists' usual goal is want to become powerful and control their own destiny.

In a way, did I already achieve their goal... Should I follow their step?

Also, I am not a guy who runs from responsibility, and this old man really taunting me.

After thinking for a while and realize I got no choice, I look at him seriously and replied, "I accept."

There is no choice but to accept the old man's "punishment plan". Thankfully, I got a system that assisted me in doing my stuff.



Uh, system? You are there? Now I realize you have been quiet for a while.

I expect you to comment or answer me there.




[The system currently undergoing maintenance.]



The old man suddenly called, "Ah young man Jin, about your assistance system... She wouldn't be available for a while until I update it. You won't be able to leave here until it is done. Don't worry, I will add more information about the mission to the system so if you had more questions, just ask her later."

I nodded and replied, "I see... I hope it would be quick."

Well, nothing I can do about that except for waiting. I just hope the girls doing okay with their training... 

"Don't worry about your girls, they are doing very good, believe me."

"Well... If you said so..."

Well, I forget he could read my mind, that's why he does looked at me all time huh?

Though, I wonder why he disabled my own ability to teleport there by myself... After all, I should not need system assistance to transfer there...

As I thought about what I should do to spend my time waiting for the system maintenance, the old man suddenly called me out and said, "Well, anyway since you are here, cook me something. I love your food, young man."

I look at him with deadpanned expression and loudly replied, "After pitted me you still want me to cook for you?!"


Now I know the reason why he disables my teleportation ability. He wanted me to cook for him!

The old man didn't respond to me... instead, he hold his stomach as he laughed so hard after hearing my remark.


I really want to hit him right now but I am sure he would add more punishment for me if I did... Which is not good at all.



In the end, I did what he say and cooked something for him while waiting for my system to come back again.



The old man has long gone after I treat him food that I cooked myself. After that, I spend my time experimenting again with my ability until the system come back.

About an hour or so, finally the system is done being maintained. 



[The system is back online. The maintenance is complete.]



Welcome back, system. Finally, I can join the girl's training... since I can't move out from this place until you come back because of that old man.

["Thank you, Jin-sama. And I am sorry for my creator antics."]

Why does it take you so long?

["I have got various upgrades and information from Original One to provide you better service as your assistance."]

Unn. Alright, I can't wait for you to prove it. But now...

I wish to be teleported to the girl's location.



After I wish for it, a very strong light suddenly appeared to surround me... It is getting brighter until I can't look outside beyond the white light.

I thought it will take me instantly to there but why do I need to wait?

["It is because the current girl location is a bit deeper than the entrance and I also need to adjust your presence to the dungeon or the whole space would be breaking down due to your sheer presence alone."] The system explained.

Ah, that's why that old man insist that I only able to teleport out when you comeback.




Waiting about a minute, suddenly I felt my whole body tense up like I was suddenly in a dangerous place. I took a breath and smelled... sulfur? We are in a volcano? I guess I have been teleported to the girl's location.

Still... I can't see anything since the light from the transfer effect is still there. 



"Vera, attack him from the side!"

"Hiyaa!! [Destructive Punch!]"




I heard metal and banging sounds, a monster roar, along with the voices of girls I knew followed by an earthquake. Is that the voice of Rin and Vera? What the fuck they are fighting with?

A few seconds later, the after-effect light slowly dissipated.. and I couldn't believe what I was seeing at all. 

The girls who a few hours ago were just normal humans now fighting bravely together in knight armor set against a 30-meter black dragon at the location I assume this is a vulcanic dungeon area as the temperature, barren dark earth with lava flow, and strong sulfur smell giving enough hint.

How high this dungeon level is?!

["This dungeon level is 60, Jin-sama."] The system replied.

Really!? Level 60?! I know the fact level 60 is equivalent to rank A adventure in my world, Theon... thanks to Esmeralda who asked previously. But seriously, I leave them in a few hours and they are already level 60?!

As I want to ask more about the system, the dark dragon suddenly release a mighty roar that shook the earth.





[Warning! Vulcanic Dark Dragon is about to release his special attack!]


Uh, what?

While I still figuring out what happens, my sister suddenly yelled out, "You guys hear the notification. He's about to breathe again! Everyone, gather! Commence defensive A formation!"

""Yes!!"" The other girls quickly replied.

What is defensive A formation? They are looks so cool!

As I wonder about that, I saw all the girls in a second gather together in one place and then release their defensive spell at the same time. The fusion of all their defensive spells in one place made it like they were surrounded by a rainbow shield which looks very impressive... as if I just witnessed a cutscene in normal hero gacha game final battle.


"[Ice wall]" (Saya)

"[Fire wall]" (Kaya)

"[Wood wall]" (Rin)

"[Taunt!]" (Vera)


Just a few second later after their spell release, the dragon releases his mighty dark breath toward the girl's defensive formation. 

The clash between the dragon's breath and the girl's fusion shield made the surroundings tremble and extremely dangerous with random energy trashing around due to amount of energy generated from their clash.





[Warning, The area is not safe! A very high amount of energy explosion is detected!]



Watching a spectacular battle happen in front of me, I can feel my jaw dropped and I can't help but yell, "What the fuck happened with the girls when I am gone?!"



[Intermission: Why did the old man give me 3 missions as my punishment?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, Can you tell me why that stinky old man gives me troublesome missions to do as punishment? Did he got any purpose for me?."

(System): ["I know the purpose, but I won't tell you Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Wait, why?! You should tell me! After all, the purpose of this intermission session is to give extra info to readers!"

(System): ["Because it will be a spoiler! Stop breaking the 4th wall Jin-sama!"]

(MC): "I thought breaking 4th is okay, this is a comedy story anyway."

(System): ["Stop your tantrum Jin-sama, why have you become so childish like this?!"]

(MC): "I mean when I think about it, That old man punishment is a bit unreasonable, you know?  I just want to know the reason why I need to do it!

(System): ["Believe me, it was for your own good Jin-sama. Also, it is because the plot goes like that so it can't be helped."]

(MC): "Oi, system. Using plot as a reason also 4th wall breaking you know? "

(System): ["You are the one who did it first, Jin-sama!"]


That's it... I have laid the real plan for the next arc lol... which would be where the main story happens. Why does the plan need to be that precise, I did have reason prepared. Expect a real chaos setting lol (chuckle).

About the girl's situation explanation, I will do a side chapter next to explain what actually happened naturally.

Anyway, no editor. Tell me if there is something wrong!

Also, a bit shorter chapter since I have been busy playing Evenicle 2 in my spare time instead of writing lmao.


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