Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 16. Vera Joining as the New Employee of the Restaurant.




It has been a few days since everyone was introduced to the 'new' side of the world. No reincarnation procedure happen, and in these few days, everyone was working normally as we usually do and at the night we are training our ability in the dungeon.

Pretty busy day, but we did enjoy it.

Today, Vera started her training to become an official employee of this restaurant with my sister's guidance. Of course, she had already gotten the hang of her own strength. Her strength control skill was apparently already raised to SS rank which shows how much control Vera actually needs to control her own ability.

Still... Just for precaution, I also added an anti-ability zone inside the restaurant to add countermeasure in case an employee or myself accidentally used any ability in front of the people.

The system doing a good job of assisting me as always.

["Yeah, Leave it to me Jin-sama. I will also try my best to not disturb you during work time, as we are promised."] The system quickly replied.

I feel sorry for you, system. But I understand everyone is just concerned that I getting carried away by you when we need to focus on our work time.

["Don't worry Jin-sama. Even Original One warns me to not disturb you during your work as much as possible."]

Huh, that stinky old man does care? I guess he just cares anything but about my cooking career.


Well, I will leave you alone for now. Do your best to do your roles, system.

["Leave it to me!"] The system enthusiastically replied.



Anyway right now, it is in the afternoon and we watch my sister teaching Vera the manner and ethics to work in this restaurant. Every time Vera did something wrong, my sister quickly hit her with a harisen.

And obviously, Vera did a lot of mistakes... My sister got a hay day on Vera.




Vera rubbed her head in pain as my sister just hit her with Harisen even though Vera just did a small mistake.

My sister shook her head and said, "Vera-chan, I said you need to walk like a lady... Not like a brute...!! Slow and steady, don't open your leg and walk like a Yankee!"

Vera nodded and try to take a step again while saying, "Alright, L-Like this?"



"Its hurtss!!"

Honestly, I am having fun watching their antics. And I could tell the twins also feel the same.

Vera rubbed her head again and asked, "W-What I did wrong, Rin-chan?!"

My sister rolled her eyes and quickly replied, "Vera-chan, you need to be steady! Also, try to be cute Vera-chan!"

"Uhh... But I am cute! Right, Jin?"

Vera looked at me with puppy eyes asking for help from me. No way I would side with Vera as much I like her because my sister is much scarier than her!

I cross my hands, pretend to be strict, and answered, "Not cute enough, Try again."

"Everyone is so mean! This is so hard!"


She hold her head and yelled in frustration while I am trying my best to hold my laugh. This feels really nice since when we are kids, she is the one who loves to tease me the most.




"Don't get distracted!"

My sister once again hit Vera just because she is distracted for a bit and this time is a bit stronger. My sister is a slave driver. She really got no mercy for Vera. 

Does she have a grudge against Vera? It seems a bit excessive when she hit her... but I really have no gut to stop my sister.


"Vera-chan, please take this training seriously!"

Vera looked at my sister with teary eyes and replied, "I am trying here, and please stop hitting me at the same spot, Rin-chan!"

"Vera-chan, you want to get hit on your ass?" Kaya suddenly commented.

"Spank me, daddy?" Saya followed.

"You can ask Jin to play that kind of game." Kaya replied.

"N-No!" Vera yelped in panic as she got teased by the twins.


And there it is... perverted twins' chance to insert themselves and put their antics too. However, I won't stop them. Instead, I will join them so we could tease her more together.


I cleared my voice and commented, "Then, you want to get a hit on your breast? Affirmative. Kaya, give her a slap." 

"No! Jin-kun you pervert!" Vera quickly crosses her hand to hide her breast from me. and look at me with a confusing look. Her response just wants me to tease her more.

Kaya's eyes shined and cheerfully replied, "Ohhh!! As your wish, Owner."

Saya nodded and continued, "Add me, Kaya. Let's do Super Twins Spank me, Daddy, together."

Both twins stand beside me and all of us slowly approach Vera. Looking at us, she take a step back while hiding her breast and yelled, "Nooo, please stop!"

However, she forgets my sister is behind her and takes her chance to join our teasing.





My sister this time, however, hit Vera on her breast as I said earlier which made Vera get more embarrassed.

The twins especially give a thumbs up and together say, ""Good Job, Rin-chan!""

Vera with teary eyes asked, "Uhh...why only me is getting hit?! Specially why you are hit me on breast, Rin-chan?!"

My sister cheerfully replied, "Pffft. Well, I mean that was Onii-chan request. I can't fight the owner's request." 

"Good Job, Manager." I sagely nodded as I really appreciated the sight in front of me.

""Perverted owner.""

The twins call me out, but I can't refute them at all. I just want to tease her badly after all these years... and that night when she came back to life in front of my sister.

Now, I have gotten the payback.


Vera shook her head quickly and said, "Nononono! Please hit me back again on the head! This is embarrassing!"

I pretend to be serious, hold my chin, and said, "Did we just awaken her masochistic trait?"

Vera quickly reacted, "No!"



All of us laughing together



As we are carried away by our own fun, we didn't realize that there were already customers entering the restaurant and watching our activity from the side.


"Sorry for interrupting, but Is this some kind of punishment game?"


Everyone looked toward the source of the voice and saw a familiar customer with his usual luxury costume. 

"Ahahaha... Kobayashi-san, welcome. Sorry, we didn't realize you are coming here."

I scratch the back of my head while apologizing.


"Who is this, Jin-kun?"

Vera asked in confusion, as she doesn't familiar with our regular customer yet.


As I am about to reply, my sister cut me and answered, "Vera-chan, this is one of our best regular customers,  Kobayashi-san. Try to serve him first. This is the part of your training."


"Hahaha... Everyone is sure energetic as always. Is this your new employee, Jin-kun?"

I nodded and replied, "Yeah, she needs a lot of things to learn but I believe in her. I believe that as much as she understands the theory, the best way to understand what she is going to work with is with real practice. With that said, Can you test her, Old man?"

"Test?" The old man asked with interest.

Once again, I nodded and continue to explain, "Yeah, she will be the one who serves you today. Try to test her a bit... While we are going to comment and watch her from the side looking how much she understands my sister teaching so far."

"Good idea, owner." Kaya reacted.

"As expected of Onii-chan." My sister added.

"Jin-kun?!"  Vera responded in panic, but I ignore her pleading. We walk aside together while my sister pushes Vera toward the old man while trying to convince her.

"Oh, also! She is a newbie, old man. Try to bit easier with her, okay?" 

I blink my eyes to convey that the old man Kobayashi actually needs to do the opposite.

The old man seems got my intention, hummed in understanding, and replied, "Got it."

The old man nodded and then asked Vera, "Young miss, I have high expectations of you."

"Y-Yes! I will do my best!"



The test has begun for Vera to practice what she learn so far.

Vera brings the old man Kobayashi to his favorite table and then offers the menu. Meanwhile, the others including myself watched from afar and looked at how Vera did her first-time service to a customer.

I can tell she is very nervous at the moment since her leg shaking a lot. This will be hard for her considering her past circumstances, but I believe she was able to overcome this.

"H-Have you pick the order, Goshuujin-sama?" Vera timidly asked.

"Goshuujin-sama?" The old man reacted.

I shook my head and commented, "Pffft. One point minus, This is not a maid cafe, Vera-chan. You don't need to call our customer goshuujin-sama."

Vera groaned hearing my comment and quickly fixing what she just said, "Can I have your order, Esteemed Customer?"

"That's much better." I said as I put a thumbs up.

"Keep it up, Rin-chan!" My sister followed.

The old man Kobayashi hummed and then replied, "Hmm... I don't know what I want to eat today. Can you tell me your recommendation, miss?"



Hearing the old man's Kobayashi request, we can't help but be surprised and get dumbfounded together because we forget to tell her about this. Vera looked at us asking for help and it could be seen there was visible panic and confusion on her face.

My sister with a low voice said, "Uh, I forget to teach about that."

"Well... Maybe I should take it over this time?" I replied.

There is no way Vera would be able to recommend anything, considering she is not familiar yet with the food in this restaurant. My sister didn't say anything so I guess, I will go forward.

However, as I was about to move, Saya wave her hand and said, "Don't worry owner, I got this." 

After that Saya shouted, "Try to give recommendations for food with the owner's name on it!"


Vera nodded, quickly pointed to the menu, and calmly said, "Then, I will recommend eating Origami Cheese Balls for today, Esteemed customer!"


Once again, We are getting dumbfounded together because Vera's recommendation is literally the worst choice for old man Kobayashi. We all know that old man doesn't like cheese and she literally pick it out of random.

I wonder if her luck stat is actually a scam?


And as we expected, The old man smiled wryly and answered, "I am sorry miss, But I don't like any cheese in my food "

"I-I am sorry!!!"

She put both of her hands on her face due to embarrassment. I could tell she was getting embarrassed because her entire face getting redder in shame. She literally hit the zonk this time.


"Such misfortune for Vera-chan." Kaya commented.

"Vera-chan stepping on a landmine without her realizing it." Saya followed.

I hold my chin and asked, "Should I minus her point here?"

My sister answered, "Just blank it Onii-chan, she didn't know that Kobayashi-dan does not like cheese after all."

I nodded and this time I yelled, "Continue, Vera-chan! Don't give up!"


Hearing my motivational cheer, she slaps both of her cheeks to calm herself while taking a deep breath.



After she calmed down and put all her courage up, she put a smile and then said, "Then, I will recommend you to try Origami Special Fried Rice. I believe it would be delicious!"


"She is learning how to put a fake business smile without any of us showing it to her! Not to mention she managed to add more persuasive sentences to her service." I quickly exclaimed.

"That's a double bonus point, Onii-chan!" My sister also followed.

"Unn. Owner, she is learning quickly." Kaya added.


Responding to Vera's recommendation, the old man Kobayashi this time genuinely smiled and answered, "I see. Then I will take that recommendation."

"Yes! I did it!"


Vera literally jumps out of happiness because she is done with her first service as an employee of this restaurant.

"Actually, I need to remind her that jumping in front of a customer isn't something she should do, but I guess she was just that happy." 

My sister beside me quickly reminds her "Vera-chan, It is not over! You still need to ask for the drink!"

Vera hearing my sister just said quickly reacted, "Ah! Yes thank you, Rin-chan"


I shook my head, turn over to the kitchen, and said, "Well, since the order has been received. Time to make the order. Also... Saya, please help me to cut some meat and onion."

Saya quickly followed me, "Got it, Owner."

My sister also commented, "Good luck Onii-chan. Call us when the order is done!! I will take the drink order, don't worry!"


I wave my hand and walked toward the kitchen with Saya to prepare the order we have received.



A few hours later after the first practice and intense training with my sister (which is dinner time), Vera was finally able to at least receive an order and deliver an order. Though Sometimes she messed up like tripping on the floor or delivering food to the wrong table... and this is without her newfound ability.

Imagine if anti-magic isn't set up in this place. Probably this place has been turned into a ruin instead of a restaurant.

Also, She is for sure 100% banned from the cashier and kitchen. That girl somehow is even managed to burn an egg to crisp and mess up with a plain ice water drink. We literally give on teaching her for now as she has zero knowledge of cooking, but considering her circumstances... it was understandable.

Even with all of that, there is something Vera actually good at... That is being our new mascot. Apparently, our customer is pretty hype about Vera which they called with the title "Klutzy girl." 

They are goddamn right with her title though.

I take a peek at the diner room and damn, customers really cheer for her.  


"Vera-chan kawaii!" (Customer A)

"She is comparable to Rin-chan in terms of cuteness!" (Customer B)

"I will ask for more food as long Vera-chan is the one who serves it!" (Customer C)

"Vera-chan, Don't give up!" (Customer D)

"No matter how much you messed up, we are going to cheer for you!" (Customer E)

"E-Everyone, Thank you very much! (Vera)


As expected, any normal human being should have noticed that this girl is precious.

Once again, I really have no regret in reviving her back to life.

I really want to watch her more as I genuinely like how she does not give up and keep trying her best, but then I hear a notification bell and a holographic notice that came from the chat group... which means I got new order again.



[Someone mentioned your name inside the chat group.]


I quickly open the chat group within my mind and send my reply.


Opening the chat group...



(Rin): @Jin. Onii-chan, Table number 7, Order the Origami Salad and Steak, 2 portions.

(Jin): Got it. @Saya, take the Salad order, please. I will take the Steak.

(Saya): Roger, owner.

(Rin): New customer entered, @Everyone, someone please clean table number 5!

(Kaya): I can't move, I am on the cashier.

(Vera): I will clean that table! Also, in Table number 3 order more lemon tea and fried rice!

(Jin): Order accepted! @Saya, take the drink too!

(System): [...I am dumbfounded here. Never did I expect, Everyone is using this feature to help with the restaurant.]

(Jin): Well, it increased our efficiency and made the kitchen less chaotic with our yell and people rapidly in-out of the kitchen.

(Rin): Unn. The customer also notice that and also like it!

(Vera): Ano, Jin-kun. Is it really okay for me to serve in the front? What if there is people who actually know my appearance?

(Jin): Don't worry, I am sure the system has anticipated it.

(System): [Yes, Jin-sama. I have applied 'Misdirect Information' on Miss Vera's appearance, so even your own father should not recognize you as Amamiya Vera even if he is standing in front of you.]

(Saya): That's actually the perfect skill for infiltrating something.

(Kaya): Or peeping.

(Saya): What if the owner actually does that?

(Kaya): Nah, Jin owns us. He doesn't need to be sneaky to do that.

(Saya): You can peep on us owner, no need to use the help of the system.

(Jin): @Saya @Kaya Stop chattering! Get back to the work! We have customers to feed on!

(Vera): The perverted twins sure really up with their names.

(Rin): @Vera, please clean the table already! The customer is waiting!

(Vera): Ah, Yes!!



After that, I close the chat group and then prepare the order that I have received along with Saya in the kitchen. 

You know, for once I will say thanks to that stinky old man because the chat group is his greatest idea ever, system.

["Your welcome, Jin-sama. Though I wonder if it is still considered as 'praise' when you call a person 'stinky old man.'"]

Pffft. My life has been miserable from his antics and forced god duty. He should be glad I didn't outright hate him.

["Well, that's why I am here to help, right?"] The system commented.

...Well, double praise for him to give you an assist for me.

["Your welcome."]


After that, I stop my conversation with the system and put all my energy into my work.



{3rd POV}



When the restaurant is busy and all the employees inside are busy serving customers, outside the restaurant, there is someone wearing an all-black costume who looks suspiciously lurking and observing the restaurant for quite a long time. None of the employees in the restaurant is currently aware of this person because of how busy they are serving customers and also their ability has been deactivated inside the anti-ability area so their hostility detection isn't working either.

The guy seemed really displeased with the condition of the restaurant which was running very well, even occasionally cursing and clicking his tongue. 

"Damn it, these Origami brats doing so well with their restaurant! This place should be mine!" He cursed.

If either Rin or Jin hears his curses, they should be able to recognize the man's voice. After all, this person is one of the people who want to adopt them to get their legacy in the form of a restaurant business. 



As he keeps cursing the restaurant, suddenly his phone ringing interrupts his observation. Looked at who called him, he quickly walked toward a deserted spot and answered the call.


'Hello, Kumagaya here.'

'What is the restaurant situation?'

'As much I dislike it, They are doing well, boss. Apparently, there is a new girl who joined them today and this made the restaurant even more popular'

'New girl? What is her identity?'

'From what I gather, she was just a random orphan without any background'

'Hmm... Interesting. For now, keep observing it to gather more information. We could do something with this new employee for our situation. Also, please be careful.'

'Don't worry, boss'



Hearing his boss hang up the call, The guy put his phone back in his pocket and walked back toward his hiding spot to continue his observation. 

He smirked and muttered, "Enjoy your time until the moment where you brats are going to be destroyed."



[Intermission: Why do you are called every older people with the title 'old man'?]


(System): ["As the title of this intermission said, Jin-sama, can you tell us why you are calling every older man that has appeared so far with an 'old man' title? Isn't it a bit rude for you to do that?"]

(MC): "Wait, why you are the one who questioning me, system?"

(System): ["There are no rules saying that our roles can't be swapped. Also, please answer my question, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Well... Isn't it obvious? Because they are old and a man. Hell, I even called my own father with old man monicker and I didn't feel anything wrong about it."

(System): ["...What kind of logic is that? So, Jin-sama... If there's an older woman coming to you, you will call them 'old woman'? "]

(MC): "Of course not! No way I would do that. As a gentleman, I would call them Miss or a bit worse... Milady."

(System): ["Something is wrong is your head, Jin-sama. Where is your gender equality rule? "]

(MC): "I mean, they are a girl, system. Tell me, I know you are a girl and might be older than me by thousand years. Do you want me to call you 'old woman'?"

(System): ["How rude, Jin-sama! Do your parent does not teach you that it is rude to talk about a woman's age?!"]

(MC): "See? Even you are agree with me. Pffft."

You didn't expect I would update faster this week huh? Well, I feel bad about my update schedule so I intend to write a bit faster for a while (4 days update until I came back to weekly again). Enjoy this 3.5k words worth of chapter... and here's our conflict(?) soon to come. I really enjoy writing that chat group banter lol.

Also as always, no editor lol. Please spare me.


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