Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 18. Plan for Valentine Day Event. (2)

Warning, this chapter would be heavily focused on dialogue. And 3rd POV for the whole chapter. (+time dilation topic too, lol)


{3rd POV}


The system explained quickly what is valentine's day event by memory transfer, and after a bunch of Q&A with the system personally, Esmeralda finally understood what her god friend want to ask for. 

Completing her mission, the system notified all of the group members to join the chat group again. Shortly after, All sweet carrot employees are right now in the chat group, hopefully, this time Esmeralda could give them her opinion and idea about their upcoming plan.


(Chat Group)


(Esmeralda): Humm... Humm... I see. From my understanding, Valentine's event is just a special event for a couple to flex their love more to their soulmate, and it only happens once a year. And you want to use this event to create a chance to promote your restaurant and gain more income than usual.

(Jin): Flex... You are not wrong.

(Rin): Well... It sounds about right.

(Esmeralda): Then, it should be easy. So far, everyone only planned to have costumes and decorations, right?

(Vera): Only decoration. The costume is still not decided, yet.

(Kaya): Both me and my sister already suggested a lot of kinds of costumes, but the owner rejected them all.

(Jin): That's because all of your suggestions are terrible!

(Rin): Even the decoration ideas that come from me were pretty basic, like putting everything heart-shaped on the restaurant.

(Jin): At least you are coming with actual ideas, sis. Not like others who were useless.

(Vera): I am sorry for being useless! 

(Kaya): I am sorry for being useless! +1

(Saya): I am sorry for being useless! +2

(Rin): Onii-chan, you are also not coming up with any ideas, you know?

(Jin): I am sorry for being useless! +3

(Esmeralda): Uh, Everyone sure is energetic huh... I mean the topic is quickly drifting away from the valentine's day event in a matter of seconds...

(System): [It's always been like this Miss Mera. Jin-sama and her harem... even in real life, they are also like this.]

(Jin): They are not my harem!

(Rin): Disagree!

(Saya): Disagree! +1

(Kaya): Disagree! +2

(Vera): Disagree! +3

(Jin): Stop repeating sentences!

(Esmeralda): Uh.. anyway, since we were talking about what kind of event should be done in valentine for your restaurant, the first thing everyone should be aware of is the restaurant is serving food, so the first thing that needs to be planned is the food.

(Jin): Ah, you don't have to worry about the food. We have a special menu every year when the valentine comes and our regular aware of this.

(Rin): Origami Valentine Steak Special.

(Esmeralda): Okay... then, how about your nonregular? Did they also aware of this?

(Jin): Probably not. But we are sure to put something on the front door to notify our customers. As far as I remember, it works well every year.

(Esmeralda): Really? Jin, you are a businessman. You need to innovate and gain maximum benefit to improve your business. Don't be complacent.

(Rin): Then, what we should do?

(Esmeralda): It is easy, to promote your restaurant about the valentine's event, like giving out flyers so more people aware of your event.

(Saya): Oh, I can do that.

(Kaya): Me too!

(Vera): I am still afraid of the crowd, but I will do my best!

(Esmeralda): Good, now about food... Since you insist on using heart shape decoration in the restaurant, how about serving out heart-shaped food on everything on the menu on that day?

(Rin): But, as Onii-chan said we already have a special menu for that day.

(Esmeralda): Keep the special menu, I don't say we need to remove it.

(Jin): I see... That would be a good idea.

(Esmeralda): Great! I also have come up with a plan that should work to benefit everyone more, like a special couple event where the winner would get a free serving of food on that day.

(Rin): Saya, Take a note!

(Jin): System please record this conversation!

(System): [We got a 'backlog' here, Jin-sama].

(Vera): What should I do?

(Esmeralda): Seriously, Can you guys seriously let me explain first?!


After that Esmeralda suggested more great ideas for Jin to be implemented in the valentine's day events, such as valentine's music and atmosphere, a special event for couples, and many more... which everyone gladly accepted. 

The written plan on the whiteboard :


Valentine Event

1. Costume - Red heart color version of the normal costume.

2. Decoration - Anything heart-shaped.

3. Promotion - Flyers

4. Event of the day - A couple of special events with rewards. The detail is omitted.




Later in the night when the restaurant is full of customers, everyone in the chat group temporarily stops the discussion of the valentine's event as they need to fully focus to serve their hungry customers. For an unknown reason, a lot more customers came to the restaurant this night, making all of the employees of sweet carrot really busy as every table is full of orders by customers. Strangely enough, it already happens for 2 hours from 6 PM and there's no sign of customers stopping coming in.

If not because of their current superhuman physique, all the girls would be passed out right now because of how much activity they have done in the last 2 hours.

It's also not surprising that the atmosphere inside the chat group is also as intense as inside the restaurant.


(Chat Group)


(Rin): @Jin, Table number 3, Origami Fried Rice 4 portions, followed with 4 orange juice as the drink.

(Jin): Uh, someone please take care of the drink, I will prepare the fried rice.

(Kaya): I am still processing the previous order! Give me 2 minutes!

(Saya): @Jin, Table number 7, Origami Curry 2 portions, 2 lemon tea as the drink.

(Jin): I am still occupied with the previous 2 orders!

(Vera): Awawawa, I am not allowed to enter the kitchen to help.

(Rin): @Jin, Onii-chan, I will be going to the kitchen to take care of the curry real quick. I just need to heat it, and put it on the plate, right? Should be done in a jiffy!

(Vera): @Jin, Someone ordering more food at table number 6, Origami Soup, and one ice tea!

(Jin): A-Alright! @Everyone Someone please, take this steak to table number 10!

(Vera): I will get it!

(Kaya): The drink for tables number 10 and 3 is also ready. Vera-chan, please!

(Vera): I only have 2 arms but leave it to me!

(Saya): I am sorry I can't help because I need to stay at the cashier!

(Rin): No, you are just doing your part, Saya. Don't worry!


On another side...

A red-haired baby currently lying inside a luxury cradle box. She widely open her eyes often while smiling, sometimes even suddenly laughing, even though there was nothing in front of her. She is not a normal baby by the way, but the princess of the human kingdom. And her name is Esmeralda La Titania.

Some of the nanny and guard inside the room were concerned about her recent weird behavior. They quickly assume it was because the princess could see something that they can't see and then find it funny (since she is still a baby). At first, they thought it was because her room was cursed, but then they tried to move the princess's location and she still does the same. 

Her mother, the queen, even release a special order to powerful magicians and illusionists to check whether her daughter got enchanted or cursed by something, but so far they found nothing. Still, people can't help but be bewildered by her behavior, and soon she would be known as the 'Delusional Princess'.

Esmeralda who actually just watching and enjoying the chat group didn't realize how much this would give her trouble in the future.


Esmeralda has been watching the chat group for a few hours even though she was not even participating right now. There's a time dilation between her world and Jin's world (about 1 day equal to 39 days in her world) which technically, could make her a lot younger than other people of the same age as her. But thankfully, the system did something about it... the time would be synchronized to 1:1 until she leave the chat group. After that, the time would sync and corrected itself when she doesn't get connected to the chat group.

As an infant who barely reaches 1 year old, she really can't do anything. Esmeralda might have learned how to walk and talk a bit in advance, but until her body developed strong enough to truly walk around and open a book, she can't learn furthermore to achieve her goal.

Heck, she doesn't even have tried her 'Cheat' yet since she was born in this world. She is just too young.

That's why she loves to stay inside the chat group because it is something exciting and it won't bore her. Moreover, Jin... Requested her to help himself, and she won't dare to refuse him at all, not mention their deal. Anyway, She doesn't really concerned about age in her world. After all, the God who reincarnated her in the first place is in this chat group.

Also, in the past few hours, Esmeralda has learned that his friend Jin.... true god that is powerful enough to be in charge of life and death for her, seems to have a weird hobby to live as a mortal... Particularly being a human.

 The system (Mera assume it is Jin's creation) even told her that Jin owns a restaurant in his world where human is the dominant species. No matter how she thinks about it, it doesn't make sense to her why Jin would run a restaurant despite being a powerful god himself.

And she realizes that the reason was able to join the chat group in the first place is because Jin needs her help to think of more ideas that could be used inside his restaurant! 

Why does Jin need her help? He is supposed to be a powerful god, and God is omnipotent. This is really confusing to her. Either way, she was able to accept that fact easily. Jin is not like other gods in her previous life who were just a bunch of assholes after all.

Aside from Jin, she also learned about other members, supposedly employees/harem of his restaurant. Another proof of her opinion that Jin is weird, he created a chat group that could connect to another world so it could help with his restaurant business! 

Well... In Esmeralda's opinion, Jin was weird, but his employees were also weird.

The first member is someone called Rin, who should Esmeralda learn that she is Jin's little sister which also in love with Jin. She seems to be the leader of the Jin harem despite being his sister and also offers herself to join the Jin harem!

Oh, don't forget that she seems to be the manager of the restaurant and more capable than Jin herself. Yep, god is not mighty at all.

Esmeralda also learned about the second girl named Vera is actually already dead. But, Instead reincarnated her to another world like Esmeralda herself, Jin actually revived her back and made her his employee in the restaurant. 

Esmeralda wondered if this new MLM method from Jin to get employees for himself, by kidnapping souls after death. Thankfully, Esmeralda didn't get the same offer when she was under reincarnation procedure.

And at last, For Esmeralda, the weirdest members in the chat group are the Saya and Kaya. In the chat group, they are well known as perverted twins, proud of their title and love teasing Jin. They also seem kinkiest among others, as they called Jin the owner because they said Jin owned them. Not to mention, they love to suggest an absurd idea to the chat group and often mess around with the topic.

Esmeralda had no idea why Jin hire them at all... because it seems they give him more trouble than benefit him. But again, she remembers Jin himself is weird.

At this moment, Jin suddenly sneezes a lot without reason.


After the restaurant closed, as always every girl went into the dungeon to train themselves as always, while Jin stayed at home chatting with Mera in the chat group to talk more about the valentine event.


(Chat Group)


(Esmeralda): Looking at everyone's work earlier, I think we are overlooking a very serious problem for the event.

(Jin): A very serious problem?

(Esmeralda): Your restaurant needs more manpower, Jin. Can you imagine how crowded your restaurant is when the event happened? Are you sure everyone would run the restaurant just fine when it seems you guys are barely able to run it during busy hours?

(System): [As expected of Miss Mera, you are really helpful!]

(Esmeralda): Well, I was managing a country in my past life after all.

(Jin): You are right, Mera. I might need to require temporary employees for that day... And I also need to look for security too. Thank you!

(Esmeralda): Well, since you are a god you could solve those problems by just using your power. Perhaps creating servants to help you on event day?

(Jin): I can't do that. I am still learning how to create a life, and based on what the system said... First, I need to understand what is a soul and how the humanoid body works before I was able to create my first life.

(Esmeralda): Are you really a god? I thought you should be able to do that... Being a god as powerful as you are. What kind of god are you?!

(System): [Jin-sama is still a newbie, Miss Mera. Please stop roasting him. Pffft.]

(Jin): I can technically force my way out with power, like immediately wish myself to master my own power, but the system said I would lose my emotion and enjoyment as a person if I have done that.

(System): [That would be the case. In fact, according to Original One himself, he mastered his own power by learning step by step too.]

(Jin): Wait, did that old man actually not born as a god too?

(System): I don't have specific info about that Jin-sama, but based on the information he provided, should be yes... Which is weird. Well, I can't tell Original One is lying or not either.

(Jin): Huh?

(Esmeralda): Uh, by the way... Who is this Original One?

(Jin): An asshole old man who made me a god.

(System): [The strongest god of all multiverse. Jin-sama position actually directly below him by the way. So, you can imagine how strong Jin-sama actually is.]

(Esmeralda): Wait, you are not born as a god, Jin?

(Jin): Of course not!

(System): [But you did have the qualification, Jin-sama. By the way Miss Mera, your current world fate is actually in Jin-sama hand.]

(Esmeralda): Huh?

(Jin): Stop inviting people into my own problem!

(System): [But you need help! Especially from Miss Mera who is excellent at planning and thinking. Jin-sama, you might be a good leader but you are in no way a good thinker.]

(Jin): Uh, stop stabbing at the same place over and over again...

(Esmeralda): Can you guys explain to me first what is actually happening?

(System): [Well, like what happened before, let me explain to you Miss Mera, by memory transfer like previously I did with valentine information.]

(Esmeralda): I am always ready. I mean, I'm just being a baby here, you know?

(Jin): Well, I will clean this restaurant a little bit until you are done, I guess.


At that moment, a bunch of memory and explanation about how Jin become a god entered Esmeralda's mind. From the moment Jin helps an old man who turns out to be the strongest god, until Jin is punished by the Original One after Jin reincarnates herself. 

After fully digesting the information coming from the system, Esmeralda immediately frowned and feel a huge threat that would fatal if she tried to ignore it. While she can tell that Jin is very responsible, kind, and hardworking, he also lacks experience in terms of governing or politics... Which could spell disaster in her world. (Owning a restaurant didn't need to be political). 

Esmeralda feels she needs to do something in this matter, or her world would be doomed.

Her previous life was ruined by an irresponsible goddess and her council, who bless the human race and keep summoning the heroes instead of making peace with the oppressed demon race. She believes that it is impossible for Jin to be that stupid, but still... she won't let it have a chance.


(Chat Group)


(Esmeralda): @Jin, let's make a deal.

(Jin): Yes? Did the system already explain my godhood story to you? Unbelievable, right?

(Esmeralda): Yeah, I agree. But I think the Original One choose you because he needs someone who can help or inherit his job... And you are a good choice.

(Jin): Uh, thanks? Wait, what do you mean?

(Esmeralda): In my perspective, it was clear that the Original One tried to train you to become a full-fledging god, Jin.

(System): [As expected Miss Mera, you are so sharp. Indeed, Original One did tell me that he really want Jin-sama to master his power and fully accepted his position.]

(Jin): I just want to be a normal restaurant owner! Why me?

(Esmeralda): Who knows? I have no idea either but I am happy that you are not like stupid gods like in my previous life.

(Jin): Ugh, anyway... What is your deal again, Mera?

(Esmeralda): Ah, yes! I will fully help you with any of your requests to assist any time from now on BUT you will let me join your pantheon or god council for that matter.

(Jin): Wait, I don't even have a plan to create that kind of thing yet.

(Esmeralda): You will need it. 

(System): [You will need it. +1]

(Jin): Stop teasing me, also please explain what is this about?

(Esmeralda): I just want to make sure that my world is okay under your ownership, Jin. To prevent any chance that you do something stupid and my second life is ruined.

(Jin): Hey, I won't do that! I'm sure it would be okay, I promise. 

(Esmeralda): But you are inexperienced in this matter, Jin. No matter how strong you are! You can't even plan a simple event for your restaurant correctly and you can reassure me that my world would be okay?! You... who are just teenagers, understand how to manage a world? Even I don't have that much confidence to say that... and I was a princess for years and watched my father the demon king governing a whole race. Are you kidding me, Jin?!

(System): [Well said. Miss Mera really has no mercy. Pffft.]

(Jin): Alright Alright! I promise you, Mera! Stop biting me hard... please have mercy!

(Esmeralda): Good. Don't worry, our relationship will be pure beneficial to each other. I will give you more info about your 'own' world periodically, like every 39 days (?) since that's how much our time difference, and on your side, Jin. perhaps you could grant me more ability to protect myself.

(Jin): Huh? What kind of ability? I mean, you got yourself ability of your choice already.

(Esmeralda): But, what I pick actually doesn't help much to protect myself! And I am a princess.. and I am sure I will face a lot of assassination attempts later because I will fight for the position when I grow up. You know, to achieve my goal.

(Jin): I see... then, what kind of ability do you want to?

(Esmeralda): Hmm... I don't know. Can you provide me a choice again, Jin? 

(Jin): System, can you do that?

(System): [Yes, Jin-sama. I can temporarily upload the golden cards to the chat group so Miss Mera could pick the ability on her own.]

(Esmeralda): Alright, please!

(Jin): You hear her request system.


After that, the System uploads the cards to the chat group successfully and Esmeralda begins to pick her second ability. 

In the end, both Jin, system, and Esmeralda completely forget to talk about the valentine's event that night.


[Intermission: How does time dilation work?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, system, can you tell us how the time dilation thing works? Especially there seems to be an absurd time difference between Mera's world and my world."

(System): ["Time and Space have always been very hard topics to explain, Jin-sama. Can you just change your question?"]

(MC): "No, and don't forget you also have bullied me for the last 2 chapters. I will forgive you if you manage to answer my question."

(System): ["Well... how to explain, it is like what it is. The difference between Miss Mera and us is 1 day equal on our side to 39 days on there if roughly converted... as you said the difference is too absurd. However, Original One did something about it, like the synchronization between this world with Miss Mera's world time would be on 1:1 when she had access to the chat group, but then the time corrected itself after she leaves."]

(MC): "Time corrected itself?"

(System): ["For example, Miss Mera had access to the chat group for 1 hour, and then she leave the chat group. The time automatically syncs back to 1:39 at that time. And let's say, if Miss Mera connected to the chat group again 18 days later in her world, it's only passed about 12 hours in our world. Vice versa, if we have called Miss Mera today and call her again tomorrow in our world, in fact, we are calling  Miss Mera 39 days later in her world. It would be run that way, and you don't need to think about it too much, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "This time thingy is really confusing..."

(System): ["Yes it is, especially when you are not too smart to understand to begin with. Just understand, that it's all possible thanks to the power of God. Also, the time would be back to 1:1 when your summer vacation arrived, so you actually don't need to think too much about this Jin-sama, it will hurt your brain."]

(MC): "Uh... stop dissing me. Seriously, I just asked because I was curious you know?"

(System): ["Don't worry, I believe you will master the space and time aspect in the future, Jin-sama. For now, please refrain from asking something that makes you look dumb."

(MC): "..."

Damn, this chapter is something... the time thing is complicated but I think it should be understandable. Enjoy 3.5k+ words worth of content again (while a lot of it is dialogue xD). I had hinted at a lot of things in this chapter though.

Don't worry, this kind of chapter going to be rare. The chapter was full-on dialogue because of the chat group thingy.

And lol, my story rating keeps going down. I guess, I really can't keep up the quality lmao xD



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