Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 24. Behind the Scenes. (2)


{3rd POV}


After making sure their stealth was working, the twins entered the underworld club bar carefully without touching anyone else so there should be no one noticing their presence. Stealth might eliminate their appearance, sounds, breath, and energy coming from their body, but it could still be canceled if someone touched them.

While they are still in stealth, both twins were able to communicate with their voices normally, thanks to the system's help adjusting their stealth setting.


"Now, we are inside, now what, Holmes?" Kaya asked her twin.

"We disguised ourselves? Blend in, you know Watson?" Saya gives an idea.

"I don't have disguised magic, Holmes." Kaya shook her head.

"Well... Me too. None of us have disguised magic, Watson." Saya sighed.

["I can't provide any disguised magic either as no one of us has one. Not even Jin-sama."] The system replied.

"We really should learn Henry Potter's magic later." Kaya also sighed.


Since they had no idea what they should do here, they decided to keep exploring the full area of this club.

The Interior is much darker than the outside, but considering it is location and purpose it does make sense. The twins thought that this place should be full of rude people who fought with each other, but surprisingly... this place is still in order. 

A handful of patrons are dancing to upbeat music, others are enjoying their drinks at their tables. The twin did notice there are several bad transactions like drugs happening here but that's not their purpose. But... this club bar wasn't half bad at all. 

In appearance, the place really gives out the feel of a modern club, with various expensive sofas, glass tables, and decorations. And there is also ambient yellow light hanging on the ceiling making the atmosphere of the club quite nice. Not to mention it's quite spacious, the twins could approximately tell that it's probably 3 times larger than their restaurant's main area.

After investigating the place for a while and looking at all the entrances and areas, the twins finally find out the location of their target, the bounty wall... where they could see their own bounty poster on hanging on the wall.


"We found our first clue." Saya said as she pointed to the bounty wall located in the VIP area.

"So, what's now?" Kaya asked non chalantly. 

Kaya doesn't really care what happened here, she just needs to know who and why their restaurant was targeted. Meanwhile, Saya takes out the poster of the bounty with her that she took from the previous thug and said, "Of course, we need to get information about who is the person put the bounty here."


Bounty Issue


Subject: Employee of Sweet Carrot Restaurant in Easter Tokyo at xxx Street

Target : [Photo of Every Employee on Sweet Carrot Restaurant]

Goal: Beat up the employees Any method is okay. Killing is okay, however, the host won't take responsibility for the corpse.

Reward :

300.000 Yen for each person.

1.000.000 Yen for the Origami Jin.


Looking at the content of the poster again, Saya's determination to get the bottom up this, no matter the way it is.

Kaya nodded but then she tilted her head and answered, "But how? We are invisible, remember?"

Saya holds her chin for a while, thinking of any possible way to do it... Though, shortly after she shook her head and then replied, "Then we reveal ourselves. There's no other way, but to beat everyone and start asking."

"I thought you won't suggest something like that, Holmes. That's not so Holmes thing to do." Kaya said disappointed with her twin's ideas.

"The thing is, I am not smart as Rin or Owner, Watson... And you agree violence is the best answer, yes?" Kaya explained.

Kaya look around her, there are a lot of bad men who reeks of violence, and then she muttered, "I agree...I don't like everyone on here either and I am very eager to beat them up..." 

Saya sagely nodded, "Good, Watson! You can start anytime you want. I will follow behind you."

Saya summoned her staff in her hand, as she was prepared for combat.

"Okay. But how about the owner? Wouldn't he be mad if he know what we have done here?" Kaya asked as she also summoned her dagger with her. 

"Owner won't be mad, the system will help us on that besides... We need to get back to the restaurant asap. We don't have time to slowly investigate here." Saya explained.

[*Sigh* "Just kill all of them, and burn down this place so there would be no witnesses on here. The only concern is probably the reaction of local supernatural power on here... But I think it is time for Jin-sama to learn about them."] The system is suggested in their head.

Hearing the system suggestion, both twins shook their heads simultaneously, knowing that would be a bad idea.

'No-kill, it would be troublesome' Kaya commented in her mind.

'Police could track, never underestimate modern equipment, and detective' Saya followed.

'Just beat them all up?' Kaya told her opinion.

'But our identity... We don't have disguised magic...' Saya murmured.


As they were confused about how to start their 'beating up' session, the twin suddenly hear a ring bell in their mind, followed by a system comment.

["The Original One just sent me a costume to help both of you in order to disguise, do you want to use it?"] The system commented.

'Costume? From a higher god than the owner?' Kaya asked.

'Why does he wants to help us?' Saya followed.

["I don't know either... But something given by my creator should be not useless. Let me see the description... It was called costume of Power Raider Pink and Yellow... Complete with indestructible properties and anti-wet."] The system answered.

Yep. It is a power ranger reference. I just misspelled the name a bit, afraid of copyright issue lmao


Both twin eyes lighten up hearing the system explanation and then grinning at each other. Using a popular tv show figure costume to beat up everyone? 

The twins would happily do that.


Meanwhile, the culprit who send the twins the costume in the first place also grinned widely, excited for the next development as he sat in the front of his TV.



When Kaya and I wanted to start their action, at the same time there were several men having a heated discussion about the bounty poster about the Sweet Carrot restaurant. They are intrigued by his bounty appeal, but they also suspect that there is a conspiracy behind it. Easy bounty posters with great rewards? They will not easily believe it. Some of them were veterans of doing bounty missions, and they suspected that this poster was a trap.

"This bounty is oddly specific. But the reward is very good! It's too good, in fact!" Thug A exclaimed.

"OI, I know that restaurant. It was a small restaurant managed by several high school students since their parents died last year. I was their customer after all." Thug B commented.

"I remember that place got protection from Kobayashi Group for years though. It seems there is a conspiracy behind this bounty." Thug C explained.

"One of Major wealthy family? Does it mean the bounty was hanged by another major family?" Thug A asked.

"Big chance, yes." Thug C nodded.

"Does it mean it will be dangerous to do this bounty?" Thug B asked another question.

"But I remember there are already some people who accept this bounty. It seems that this bounty was issued by the mysterious owner of this club." Thug A explained

"What we should do, Boss?" Thug B asked.

"I think we can take this. Money is money after all. Besides, I wouldn't like to miss such an easy mission." Thug C said as he ripped off the bounty.

After thinking for a while, he was confident to complete this bounty. That rumor of protection was said to be happening a long time ago and there is a big chance that there is no protection anymore. Even with Kobayashi Group protection still existing, he is sure that beating up a bunch of high school students was easy with a lot of people so he plans to recruit more people to do this bounty.

"I will also join! We can attack that place together with my group!" Thug A excitedly commented.

"Me too! I might be a customer, but money is money! I agree about that!" Thug B followed.

"Alright, who else wants to participate? I had a connection with the police, so we could attack that place together and there is no risk of getting caught." Thug C announced.


"I'm going to join!"

"Me too! Who doesn't want an easy task!"

"I can't wait to take the girls!"



Thug C is one of the most popular bounty hunters in this place, and well known for his high success rate of completion. All other men in the club that noticed the thug C announcement quickly followed him with enthusiasm, as they believe in the thug C ability. Almost all the people in the bar wanted to join since no one hate free money and they would have fun too.

Thug C continue said, "Alright, Let's attack at the night! We can--"

However, the moment thug C begins his speech, a punch suddenly landed on his face, so fast that he is not even aware of it. The punch is so strong that it throws the thug C stuck to the wall, made it cracker like a web, and obviously one-hit K.O him. 



Seeing thug C who was suddenly flung away for no reason, everyone in the club immediately panicked and readied their weapons. They quickly looked around, and before long they found the culprit who had carried out the attack, standing close to the place where thug C was standing earlier.

"Justice has been delivered! Power Raider Pink is ready to take action!"


"That costume, Power Raider Pink?!" One of the men yelled out in surprise.

"That children's TV show figure?! I thought she was not real?!" 

Kaya, showing herself as Power Raider Pink said while performing an iconic backflip of Power Raider pose. The thugs who looked at Kaya, were shocked as they recognized the costume Kaya was wearing was the costume of a popular children's TV show.


One of the bodyguards tried to shoot Kaya without notice, but Kaya with her very high stat was able to easily see it coming and deflected all of the bullets to the ground.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

"How rude!" Kaya muttered.

Unhappy being shoot with a gun, Kaya immediately rushed to the bodyguard who shot her and delivered a punch to his guts, blowing him away, and sticking him to the wall beside the thug C did earlier. 



"Shit Robert goes down!" One of the bodyguards yelled in surprise.

Kaya didn't stop moving and moved to another bodyguard to beat them up... it is a part of the plan since only they could pose a threat to the twins with their guns if the twins are not careful.

The bodyguards noticed that they are become the target and quickly scramble away among the crowds, but Kaya with superior stats and [Accelerate] literally unstoppable in this enclosed space. Her speed and reflex easily exceed the speed of sound multiple times so Kaya has no problem avoiding bullets.



"What kind of monster is this?!"

"We can't shoot her!"

"Keep shooting! She is just alone--- Arrrgh!!"

The security tried their best to shoot Kaya, but Kaya is just untouchable. Kaya jumped around, avoiding or deflecting some of the bullets while some of them even wildly shot the other thugs since they were in such an enclosed space. Kaya was having a field day punching and sticking the bodyguard to the wall of the club, wrecking the place without a care. 

A mix of screams and sounds of guns shooting fully resounding in this place, full of despair from the bodyguards who getting beat up by Kaya or just get randomly shot. 


Watching Kaya beating up all the strong bodyguards, the thugs was believe that Kaya was the real deal, even though they forget that Power Raider didn't use a dagger in their career. 

Knowing there was no chance to defeat a superhuman in front of them, most of the thugs frantically went to the entrance of the bar to escape. Unfortunately, all the possible exits were already sealed with a magic [Ice wall], cast by Saya earlier when the crowd didn't notice it 

"The entrance is blocked by ice! We can't break it!"

"I don't remember Power Raider Pink having an ice power?!"

Some of the thugs try to break the ice wall with chairs, bats, and even axes but the wall is not even get chipped. After all, the ice wall was able to withstand dragon breath on it is own, thanks to Saya's level being so high.


The situation quickly delved into chaos, but this was something the twins have been planned. Now, after sure that no one can escape this place, the second part of the plan is to beat everyone inside and then ask them for information

Saya who has been hiding with stealth, silently cast ice-binding magic on the thugs as they have been planned. Unlike Kaya, Saya rather doesn't want to even touch them, so she decides to freeze all of them into an ice sculpture.


"My legs!! It is frozen!"

"Me too! I can't get out!"

"I can't break the ice on my legs either!"

"The ice is growing! Help!!"


In under 10 minutes, the famous underworld club bar in Tokyo has been wrecked up with all destroyed properties, and all of its inhabitants were sent to the hospital.

Either because of hypothermia caused by Saya or just because of bone fracture caused by Kaya. When the police investigated and asked what happened, all their answers were the same, A fake-Power Raiden Pink are beating them and asking for information, but all of them were also forget what kind of information that was asked them.

For now, various people in power noticed the abnormality of this event, and decide to hide this event information from the public as it would cause a sensation. Even so, that did not make the government find out and put up a competition to find out information about the Power Raider Pink that attacked the underworld bar club.

Later, the legendary famous story about the Power Raider Team protecting Tokyo from evil starts from this moment.





It is already about 5 PM and the twin still has not come back. The old man was already back at his place a long time ago since he got something to do. Because of that all of us stop asking him furthermore and let the old man go back, otherwise, we wouldn't stop asking him. Not to mention Raika who preaches to all of us about how precious his grandfather's time spent here every day.

I got so many questions about my parents in my head, such as why my mother main family never visited us, not even at her funeral, and why my parents never told us about them in the first place. I really want to know the answer, since I had a bad feeling I would regret it if I don't.

Right now, I am standing at the entrance of the main area waiting for them. My restaurant is about to enter business hours in 1 hour and my best 2 employees have not come back yet!

["They are on the way, Jin-sama. The reason why they were so late is that they decide to take a bath in their place before coming back to the restaurant."]

...Why they did not clean themselves in the restaurant? It is not like we don't have a bathroom.

["Errr... Its because their place is closer than the restaurant!"] The system sounds panicked while replying to me.

Hmm? Is that so? I know where the twins live, but I don't know where they ordered the costume (uniform)... 

So that place is close to their home, I see.

["Yes! A-Anyway Jin-sama, even if the twins are late. You should be able to handle the busy hours. After all, you got Miss Vera and Miss Raiha replacing them."]

...Are you saying that a clumsy Vera and employee in training could handle the busy hours in this restaurant? 

["...I am sorry."]

Damn it, if the twins are really late, I will cut their salary!




As I still wondered when the twins would come back, Our new employee in training, Raika-san called me out. I turn around and see her facing me with confidence while bringing a plate of fried rice in her hand. It should be the food that she made on her own after I give her the instruction and the recipe.

Appearance-wise the food, is already very good for newbies. She is really following the recipe and the instruction I have been provided. The smell is good, the egg texture looks smooth and the fried rice seems to be spread equally. 

"Jin-san, can you taste this fried rice? I have followed the recipe and wondered if I am doing okay." Raika asked confidently.

I nodded and replied, "Alright, let me see how is the result of your first cooking is."


The texture of the fried rice... Although it's not equally balanced, most of them are already properly seasoned. The taste is okay, the sweet and salt really mix well in my mouth. I would rate it as 7/10... compared to my own cooking.

"The taste is still not that even but this is very good for newbies. " I said while putting my thumbs up, complimenting her.

Raika listening to my comment nodded seriously and answered, "Thank you! Well, cooking was one of the subjects that I need to master back in Kobayashi Group so naturally, I have confidence in my cooking."

"What kind of training you have received?"

"A lot of things. Singing, cooking, sewing, carpentry, poetry, music, dancing, riding, some martial arts, and more importantly, of course, academic things." Raika answered while counting with her finger.

Hearing her answer, I can't help but look at her with pity. Seriously, Is she superhuman? That's too much to learn! I am glad that my mother had already left her family so I didn't have to experience to the same subject as this girl had experienced. 

I don't know what kind of comment I should make... so the best thing I should do is move on.


I cleared my voice and said to Raika, "Anyway, we are about to enter busy hours soon. So, please rest and prepare your energy to withstand it very soon." 

"Don't worry Jin-san, I had confidence in my stamina due to all the training I have been doing. I will do my best doing the job that my grandpa has recommended to me." Raika said proudly while tapping her huge breast. It's jiggling upon contact so I can't help being captivated by its sight. Is that the legendary E+ cup? how the duck she grow that much hope in her chest?


As I think about it, I feel a chill in my spine. I realize that my sister and Vera are watching me right now... and she did notice my current action. Damn it!

I hurriedly take a step back to the kitchen while saying, "A-Alright, if you said so! Please look at the entrance! I will come back to the kitchen!"

Raika was dumbfounded about how I responded and replied, "O-Ok?"

She seems confused by my sudden reaction but I hastily retreat to the kitchen. My sister and Vera seem approached Raika the moment I retreat but I didn't dare to take a peek at what kind of talk they are doing right now. I have learned my lesson from the experience in the past.


["Good job, Jin-sama. You notice that shura field actually going to open if you keep staring at Miss Raika so you decide to retreat."] The system suddenly commented.

Y-Yeah. I just hope that my sister and Vera spare Raika from being too hard with her. We still really need help on the incoming event after all!

Anyway! Where the duck is the twins?! Me and my sister won't be able to survive without them!


Later, I would know what happened and what kind of mess they were causing to the entire country due to their action. And it would remind me to never believe the system 100% ever again.


[Intermission: What are supernatural forces in this world?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, System... Can I ask you about the supernatural forces in this world?"

(System): ["You literally asked about spoiler in the future plot in here, Jin-sama? Do you have no shame?"]

(MC): "Pfft. Compared to you who constantly broke the 4th wall in the past intermission? Are you sure you are not talking about yourself, the system?"

(System): ["But spoiler is a sin! No one would be happy if their story got spoiled, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "I would not rather hear that coming from you!"

(System): ["You seem really mad because I did lie to you in this chapter. Alright, I will answer it. The supernatural forces, there is a lot of them. Various gods and myths who hiding behind the modern society are real."]

(MC): "Can you elaborate on the detail? 'Various' does not explain anything, you know?"

(System): ["I don't want to spoil it. Well, no matter what kind of choice you take, you will beat them up in the future Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Why I would beat up gods?! I don't like violence, you know?!"

(System): ["I don't want to spoil the answer."]

(MC): "If you don't want to spoil it, stop triggering my curiosity!"

(System): ["But you are the one who asked Jin-sama. I just answer what you asked for. Pffft."]

(MC): "Not that kind of answer I actually seek for...."

(System): ["Because I don't want to fully spoil the future. The intermission is a place to talk about anything, but not to ruin the main story, you know? Pffft."]

(MC): "Hah...I give up. Just forget my question, I want to beat you up right now!"


[The system has left the intermission.]

(MC): "@#%#^^#"


It takes me a lot of time to write and rewrite that fight scene. I change the bar into the club bar because it does make more sense and I will edit the previous chapter too after this. This arc shouldn't take a long time by the way... depend on how much I actually over-worded the chapter so it makes the progress of the story slower lmao.

Also, Raika based appearance is based on marshmallow all the way home visual novel heroine, Raiha. Here, so you can imagine it better how beautiful actually she is. I really love her appearance. 
(People who read all of my works probably realize what kind of girl I really preference lol.)



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