Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 39. The Morning Before Going to Another World.


After having a sleepover together (without anything happening) last night in the restaurant, everyone woke up early in the morning after getting notice from the system that the old man going to take them away in the morning. Because of that, I and my sister Rin are currently waiting for him in the main area together, to welcome him together since we can't afford to anger him-- according to my sister.

In my own opinion, f*ck that old man-- there is no need to wait for him. I would rather go make breakfast or clean the kitchen rather than waste my time here. 

Thankfully, everyone else still does their own daily routine and even filled out part. The perverted twins took care of the garden (they are the only ones who is great at everything), Raika cleaned the kitchen for me with Oga her ex-fiancee (thanks to my bad taste) and Sakura was cleaning the outside with Vera (they are both close as a former ill person).


["You are quite rude to Original One Jin-sama, but given the history between you and him, I could understand that."] The system commented, probably after hearing my thought.

'Right? I would drop-kick that old man if I have a chance for all the trouble he give to me. Also, that fucking old man never paid me when he ordered something in the restaurant!'

["I mean, he is a god Jin-sama. He can do whatever he wants."]

'Amaterasu-chan is also a god yet she also paid for her food when she comes to eat'

["...She is a local god. She was nowhere as powerful as Original One who grants you the power."]

'So what? So the stronger god, the more stupid and irresponsible he is?' Did he understands that I am running a restaurant, not running a charity?'

["...I admit you are right about that."]

'Of course, I was right. And that's only one of the reasons I don't like him'

["I thought you won't mind about this. After all, one of the factors that decide Original One to pick you as his successor was your kindness."]

'I don't mind if it's to help people, I never forget the motto of the Origami family. However, did that old man actually need any help from me?'

["...No way."]


While I wanted to continue talking with the system in my head, at a sudden I hear my sister yawn which made me curious.


"Speaking of which, I heard some noise last night come from your room, Rin."  

Last night, until 1 AM, I am still hearing some noise coming from my sister's room and I wonder if everyone actually sleep at all.

"About that... We barely had any sleep last night, Onii-chan." 

"What happened?" Hearing her response, being concerned I can't help but ask, "Is there something bad that happened?"

"Not really..." My sister shook her head and explained, "Everyone was too excited. So we ended up talking about what to do in the other world until the morning." 

"Huh? Isn't that exciting for you all?" 

"Umm..." My sister looked away in embarrassment and then muttered, "After all, Onii-chan, going to another world isn't something anyone could do normally, right?" 


"...When you say that, That's true, Rin." I said while nodding in understanding.

In fact, I also feel a bit excited but I remember that I was there to do a lot of things. I could understand that the old man wanted me to learn the world that he assigned for me to manage but...

'Why the fuck I need to become a student again?'

["Because he thinks it's fun for him, Jin-sama."]

'Ah yeah, and you wonder why I never got friendly with him'



"Onii-chan, did you prepare all things you need to bring into another world?" My sister suddenly asked me. 

She didn't ask why I got daydreaming all of a sudden since everyone at this point knows I like to talk with the system in my head.

"Uh, not so much." I answered while scratching my head, "I mean, all I need is just to wish it, and I got everything that I need."

Although it was a lazy excuse, this is undeniably a fact. At first, I thought the same thing last night but then remembering my convenient ability and status made me wonder if I really need to prepare anything. Besides that, I do have a lot of things in my inventory in the first place thanks to it being infinite size and every time I wished with my power, the unused item usually went straight to it, if not into the warehouse.

For example, I have a sound system that we used back then in Valentine's event a few months ago, including a lot of unused supplies on that day. Thankfully the time and space were frozen inside my inventory, so there is no need to be concerned about the ingredients would be spoiled inside.


Hearing my answer, My sister who remembers how conventional my power as a true god was can't help but look envious at me, "That's true. Your ability as a god is really practical, Onii-chan."

Hearing my sister's flattery, I just shook my head slightly and diverted the topic, "How about others?" 

"Don't worry, Onii-chan! We also prepared our luggage last night. Everything is inside my inventory." My sister replied with a proud tone. 

I honestly didn't expect my sister to be this prepared, but it's probably just me alone who thinks that I don't need to prepare for anything.

"As expected of a manager." I give her a thumbs up and continue to say, Well... I guess that's an obvious thing to do when you are all pretty excited."

"Indeed. You can't blame her for getting excited, Jin-kun!" (???)

"We are really really excited, Jin nii-chan!" (???)

Recognizing the owner of the new voice, I quickly turn around at the entrance and smiled, "Ah, Vera and Sakura. Welcome back! The outside is done?"


"So, you guys ready for an adventure in another world?" 


Hearing their excitement as they are answering together, I can only wryly smile at them. Considering, they were both former people who had been seriously ill and lost their opportunity to enjoy a normal teenage school life, I could understand how they could be excited about this. 

This is their chance to start afresh and experience school like never before... not to mention this is about the world where magic exists.

When I think in that aspect, this punishment wasn't too bad after all.


"But, are you okay getting separated from your father again, Vera-chan? This time you will be away for 3 years, you know?" I asked Vera curiously. 

After getting reconciled with her father, Vera pretty much always visited him often while his father also doting his daughter quite well whenever he can for the past 6 months. In fact, a lot of new customers were brought thanks to his father's relationship, and we also had a chance to be inside a magazine also thanks to him.

"I know." Vera solemnly nodded but then she cheerfully said to me, "But don't worry!! I have talked to my dad about this and it was okay, as long you took care of me."

"You will do it, right?"

"Umm. That's naturally what I should do. You are my girlfriend after all." I answered her firmly without hesitation and added, "In fact, I will take care of everyone who is under my wing."

"Hee..." Hearing my statement, Vera looked at me with deadpanned eyes and retorted, "It seems you already become a true harem man, Jin-kun."

"Onii-chan is really bold." My sister added.

"Jin nii-chan, is this a confession? But I am too young to be a bride..." Sakuya also commented shyly.

"Uhh.. No. I mean, all of you are my employee, of course taking care is my obligation." 

Even though I already corrected my sentence a bit, of course, no one buy it, especially my sister and Vera. After that, the topic of the chat quickly devolved into teasing me... Fortunately, such a topic is already occurring often here, and I have been long immune to their teasing.

With that said, I am glad the perverted twins or Oga the siscon didn't hear what I said otherwise I would have a huge problem on my hand right now.


After talking for a while with us, Vera and Sakura excuse themselves to take a bath after cleaning the outside, leaving both me and my sister alone again. 

Now the time on the clock pointed at 7 AM and it's been an hour of waiting. aUsually at this time, we already have prepared and eating breakfast... If not because waiting for that old man. My sister seems okay with waiting as she currently playing with her phone, but I am sure bored as hell here.

I really want to go to the kitchen rather than sitting here doing nothing, but I also don't want to anger my sister.

This is frustrating.

'System, are you sure that old man is coming?'

["Yes. He will come about--- now."]

'Fu*k, I just asked and he comes, I swear that old man should doing this on purpose!'



The moment I came to my senses, a handsome and young western-looking blonde man wearing an expensive suit appeared before me and my sister without our noticing. At first, I didn't realize the identity of the person in front of me until he spoke and let out a voice we recognized.

"Young man, Jin. Miss Rin. Good morning."

"Good morning, One jii-san." My sister who recognized it first quickly greet him back, lifting the hem of her skirt as she slightly bowed her head.

While my sister pretty much welcome him in a manner, on the other hand, I did the opposite. I yelled and point my finger at him with a confusing tone, "What the fuck with your handsome appearance? And why you have suddenly become a Westerner?!"

"Ahahaha!" The old man who probably expect my reaction just laughed and replied, "I am a god, of course, I could change my form into whatever I want!"

"Onii-chan, you are just rude to One jii-san."

"Indeed. As my successor, you should have a good manner like your sister, young man."

"Whatever," Knowing there is no use in the response to that old man's ego, I quickly back to the main topic and asked, "Well... Then, when we are going to go?"

Hearing my question, my sister quickly become excited and said, "I will call the rest of the employees to gather now!"

However, while my sister was about to escape, the old man stopped our move together and shook his head, "No."


"Do you think I want to give a ride for free, young man? Where is my breakfast?!" The old man threw a tantrum which made me and my sister look at him with deadpanned eyes. 


After that, with the help of my sister, I manage to cook him a quick breakfast even though none of us had it yet.


Ten minutes later, the normal simple Japanese breakfast consisting of rice, karage, and miso soup, is ready, and the old man enjoying it while both of me and my sister watching him. I really want to EAT something, but my sister said it would be unprofessional for the business owner to eat under the customer's eyes.

I honestly agree with my sister, as expected of the manager-- However, this old man is the exception. He is not a customer because the customer is paying us!

"It seems your cooking skill indeed getting better and better." The old man said to us while putting the karage into his mouth. He must do it with purpose, after all, we feel quite hungry.

"Then, when we are going? Is there any rules or restriction I should aware of before I am going to do my punishment?"

To avoid getting trapped by the old man's nonsense, this question must be asked otherwise he could probably add more punishment to something that I didn't aware of.

"Well, you can do anything you want in that world, I won't put a restriction on you." The old man replied to me casually.


Hearing his response, I can't help but be surprised. In the past, he always put some restrictions to not abuse my power in this world-- which is a good thing since I don't want to make chaos in this normal modern world anyway. But now, he didn't do anything to restrict me? He is aware that my wish literally can do anything, right? Heck, I haven't found any limit to my ability yet even after trying a lot of things for a long time.

Perhaps reading my thought, the old man shook his head and commented, "Young man Jin, I believe you already understood what's the mean of being a god and how dangerous it is for the past few months."


"One of the reasons why you have become my successor is because you have a sense of proportion and know when you did wrong. You understand what I want to try implying here, right?"

Hearing the old man's statement remind me of the mistake that I did with my power during the few months. I was glad enough that the old man didn't punish me for that mistake, but even then it made me aware of what to be mean to be a god.

With my status, apparently when I hate someone-- I could accidentally make them killed just by pure thought. 

Once a system was out of maintenance once a month, an accident happened. On that seemingly random normal day, I found someone looking at Vera with lust--- and I consciously hope he couldn't see my girlfriend.

Usually, the system probably comments on my thought and block such nonsense wish but on that day, the system wasn't there for me to do that. At that moment, because of just my thought-- the man becomes blind, and it made chaos for the whole restaurant for a day.

I manage to fix it by country scale reality manipulation but I truly learn my lesson on that day. As a god, the life around me is so fragile and that fact alone is truly scary. The sense of proportion the old man means is probably I shouldn't do something that would cause chaos and inbalance to the world, like what I did in this world.

Sigh, in a way that's quite a restriction although even if the old man didn't remind me, I don't want to make chaos anyway. I would like to spend my punishment in another world peacefully, please.


As I still think about what the old man meant, I didn't realize that the old man is done eating breakfast.

"Alright, I am done." the old man said with a satisfying smile as he put the chopstick back.

"So fast, old man? Do you want more?" I asked with a curious tone, when I look at the clock it seems only 5 minutes passed which is quite fast for someone consuming breakfast.

However, without none of expect, the old man stood and replied, "Nope. I just got called by my friend to drink so I will just do the transfer now."

"Huh?! What do you mean with someone to drink with?! In the morning?"

"Literally. Okay, goodbye!"

The old man clap his hand and a magic circle appeared below me and my sister, shining and rotating brightly like an isekai summoning magic circle. This made both me and my sister panic-- especially since the rest of us weren't here yet!

"Old man, everyone is not here yet!" 

"Don't worry, I will send you all." The old man replied with a smug smile, "Although I won't guarantee if you all will be spawned on the same location. Have fun!"


Hearing his nonsense, I can't help but want to punch him now... since he literally said that he want to separate us! However, before I managed to do that, a hole appeared below me and my sister instantly, and unable to react, we immediately fall down to it.

And after that, our scenery changed. It appears both of me and my sisters appeared a thousand meters up in the sky... which is sure another bad taste from him.


"Damn you, stinky senile old man!!" 


[Intermission: Why did the old man love to play with me so many times?]


(MC): "As the title of the intermission said and what happened in this chapter, Why did that stinky old man love to play and troll with me so many times, giving me a lot of trouble?!"

(System): ["Twice in a row, from the previous chapter, you keep asking me a question that I can't answer."]

(MC): "But this is the intermission. I thought you would know the answer."

(System): ["Why didn't you just ask the Original One? I am just his creation, not the person himself."]

(MC): "And he isn't here. And I wonder why you didn't appear in the second half of this chapter."

(System): ["Ah, the reason for that was because at that time, I was busy applying for a visa to another world at the inter-isekai visa office otherwise I wouldn't be able to follow you, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Huh? There is a need to have a visa to go to another world?"

(System): ["Of course not."]

(MC): "..."

(System): ["You are believing my nonsense, don't you?"]

(MC): "Y-You tricked me! You and that old man, stop playing with me damn it."

(System): ["Well, it can't be helped, Jin-sama. I am the Original One creation after all."]

A very long time span for updating this chapter, but can't be helped as I rewrite this chapter several times before sticking with this. The next chapter should come faster though... since I have written the outline.

Sorry for waiting and thanks for reading.

Note : It's 3k+ words chapter oof.


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