Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 41. Entering the Capital City in Another World.




After grieving about our situation enough in the wilderness, we decide to move on and go to the nearby capital to take a look. Although I really want to teleport into the capital directly, my sister was forbidden to me to do so since she want to taste the so-called 'journey' in another world. 

Thanks to her silly idea, it took us more than an hour later to get to our destination since we literally walked on foot. She is even forbidden me to summon a carriage, damn. Fortunately, there is a system in my head to talk with so I am not too bored on this journey, but she is also quite annoying too most of the time.

If our body wasn't strengthened by our status, I believe we would be passed out already!

["Stop whining in your thoughts, Jin-sama. It's honestly annoying."] The system suddenly commented. 

'But it can't be helped! I truly feel this is stupid.'

["It's indeed stupid, but you who followed your sister's idea instead of rejecting it are more stupid in my eyes."]

'Uh... but she is my sister...'

["I'm sorry but I don't have siblings. Either way, only siscon like you would follow his sister's very stupid idea without any courage to refuse."]

'I'm just afraid to hurt her feeling, it's clear she is very excited'

["Sounds the same to me."]



While I was still thinking how to answer the system mocking in my head, it got interrupted by my sister's excited yell out of nowhere.

"Look Onii-chan, we finally arrived at our destination!" 

My sister, wearing her knight armor pointed at the distance with excitement, which is our destination the Capital of Gehenna. A typical capital city in another world where the entire settlement was surrounded by a big wall like in the anime Attack of Titan. I didn't realize we are finally here!

"Ah, yeah." 

Noticing my tone which sounds flat, my sister turned to me and asked, "You don't look excited, Onii-chan. Are you angry?" 

"Not really. I was a bit tired from our journey. It has been a while since I walked this far."  

I said while patting my sister's head trying to reassure her but my sister seems to be annoyed instead, pretty sure seems aware that I was lying to her. 

"Onii-chan, you are angry."

"No." I shook my head and this time answered her with truth, "I guess I just don't excited to walk this far when I could teleport instantly with magic."


Hearing my answer, My sister doesn't seem pleased and quickly replied, "But Onii-chan, you really need to move more! Why you don't feel excited exploring this new world with magic?!" 

"I did, but not as much as you did." I answered honestly and added, "Besides that sister, My profession is a chef, not a traveler." 

"You are a god though?" 

My sister said as tilted her head cutely, but it was clear it was sarcasm for me. Oh god, sometimes I really forget my own status!

["Duh, Oh god? You are a god. Why do you call yourself out, Jin-sama?"]

'Don't add more salt into the wound, damn it!'




Taking a breath to calm myself down after taking my sister and system sarcasm, I quickly replied, "...Well yes, a god but still not a traveler." 

"Did we already travel to this world from our world? Technically, It's not wrong to call ourselves 'traveler' Onii-chan."


Hearing my sister reply, This time I can't really refute her, since she was 100% right. 

I was trying to persuade my sister with my reason, but it seems my sister is still smarter than me in the end. I guess that's also the reason why her grade was always better than mine in school back then.

"Well, whatever sis." I said with a helpless tone and added, "You won, sis."

"Pffft." My sister giggled at my reaction and then shortly after she proudly declared, "Since I won, you don't have the right to complain anymore, Onii-chan!"

"Yes, yes my millady." 



After managing to enter the capital without a problem using the identity provided by the old man, both of me and my sister found ourselves inside the bustling capital city of another world. Unlike the capital city in modern times, the capital city is stuck in medieval times-- like that generic isekai setting I have read about on the internet. 

While I do already learn about this world before on my first day become a god-- witnessing the scenery directly with my eyes gave me a novel experience, and I also found myself a bit excited to explore this city. After all, the atmosphere in this city is far different from the modern world. There are magic, nobility, princess, religious church, elf, cat girl, fox girl, dog girl, bunny girl--

["Jin-sama, I honestly appreciated it if you could stop expressing your pervertedness on your mind."]

 'Ehm... I am sorry, but I think it's normal for me to be interested in such thing as a normal healthy human being'

["But you are a god though."]

'Yes, I am a god so what? I remember that fricking old man also love cat girl'

["...No wonder you have become the Original One successor, Jin-sama."]


"Onii-chan! There are a lot of different races here!" 

"Everything looks cool! And there are so many people here!"

"I can't wait to explore around!"


My sister yelled in excitement continuously, which invite a look from the surrounding toward us. 

"I know, I can see it. Don't yell sister, you will embarrass yourself..."

I don't want people to look at us like a bumpkin, even though it wouldn't be wrong to call us like that because technically it's our first time in here and we are curious about this city.

"Ah, I am sorry!"

Realizing her mistake, my sister quickly shut up-- but it was clear that she is still excited... Maybe even more excited than the outside since she can't stop looking around with a wide smile on her face. As I state earlier, I also feel excited like my sister did, however, I know there is a more important matter to care about at the moment.

Especially when I could tell there are to be people who seem taking an interest in us. 

["For information, Rin is also aware of them but she chooses to leave everything to you, Jin-sama."]

Is that so? I guess I will take care of them later.


"Rin, my sister, since we already reach our first goal, we need to talk about our next goal." 

I said while we are still walking toward the center of the capital, pretending still didn't notice the people who currently following us.

"Umm!" Hearing my words, my sister nodded at me seriously, take a peek at my face, and asked, "What we should do now, Onii-chan?"

"I think we should find a place for us to live in first and after that find a way to make money." 


As people who will live in the world for a few years, we certainly need a place to live and a way to make money in order to survive in this world. We are 3 months away before we can enter the academy, there is no way we would live on the street during this period!

"I understood the importance of money and living place..." My sister groaned a little bit, clearly disliking my idea, and then suggested, "How about we checked out the adventure guild first? We could make money by doing an adventure job, Onii-chan!"

I shook my head, and refused her idea, "I don't want to be an adventurer in this world. Unlike you guys, I am not suitable as an adventurer at all."

After all, my status is already way beyond an adventurer.

Like, what do I want to achieve by being an adventurer? Getting stronger? I am already a god now. 

Getting rich? I just need to wish that I could get everything I want.

Getting famous? Nah, I am not interested at all.

The only reason why I am here was due to that old man's punishment, and looking at the scenery in another world.


Probably understanding my reason, my sister suggested a better idea for each of us, "Then, we can only be separated for now, Onii-chan. I will go to the adventurer guild alone while you also can do what you want."

"How about it, Onii-chan?"

I nodded, and agreed with her idea, "Good idea. I will do the second goal alone. I will also contact you once I have a place for us to live here, sis."

Using my godlike ability, there is nothing I need to concern about even if we got separated. Heck, my sister also could protect herself just fine. 6 months of training have given all my employee strength comparable to the high-level dragon which is a peak creature in this world which means no one could harm her easily in this world.

"Great!! Anyway, What do you want to do, Onii-chan? I mean we are going to be here for 3 months..." My sister asked curiously, "I plan to go on an adventure and explore this world for 3 months with others... but I would feel bad to leave you alone."

"Don't worry, I already found what I want to do. Can you guess it, sister?"

"Be a traveler?"

"No. As I said, I am not a traveler." 

I don't know why Rin seems to be fascinated about being a traveler, even though I am literally much better than that.

"Not an adventurer?"

"Obviously yes, but that still does not guess anything."

"Cuddling a cat girl and fox girl in this world?"


Hearing her guess, my eyes widened, and then muttered, "That's a good proposal..."

To be honest, I haven't had such an idea before until my sister suggests it... And I really like that idea!

["I already retorted about your pervertedness earlier, I won't repeat the same thing."] The system commented on my thought.

'Finally, you understand the greatness of fluffiness'

["No, I am not. But as your system, I can only compromise with your behavior."]

'Don't worry, I will try my best to enlighten you later'

["Please do not try corrupt the system with your degenerate thought, Jin-sama."]


Looking at my expression, My sister seems to be shocked at my excited reaction and asked, "Are you serious?!"

"Of course not." I shook my head and explained, "What I want to do is to establish a restaurant in this world, and introduce the dishes from Earth!"

No way I would forget my goal to become the best restaurant owner and great chef, especially in the new world with many opportunities. After learning how different the dishes and ingredients are between here and earth, I am really excited to be the most unique restaurant owner while also learning the dishes from this world.

Back to the topic, after hearing my idea, my sister doesn't seem to be surprised-- instead just smiled wryly.

"Establish a restaurant in this world... Onii-chan, we have done it back on the earth."

"It's a new branch, Rin! And I want to achieve the same goal, become the best restaurant owner in this world!" I said with an enthusiastic tone, trying to convince my sister. 

However, of course, she doesn't seem to be affected and stares at me with deadpanned eyes, "Well, at least that's still better than gathering a fluffy harem for yourself."


Well, I am sorry sister... But I do want to do something about that after establishing the restaurant. Well, regardless I will not make them as my harem, at least.


After being separated from my sister, I walked alone through the capital city while enjoying the scenery of cities in another world. I honestly really want to go to the market and inspect the ingredients available in this world with my own eyes, but I have to take care of people who are still following me with bad intentions. Apparently, these people think that I'm much easier to target than my sister, but I can't blame them. Unlike my sister who is wearing awesome knight armor, I'm here just walking around in my chef's clothes, minus the chef's hat.

Thus, I deliberately walked towards an area where there were no people-- to lure them out. I also remember my sister said to handle them, of course, I have to finish this quickly.

Arriving at the area of the passage between the buildings where no one was passing, I looked in the direction the people were hiding and shouted, "I know you guys are there, get out!"


"Shit, we got caught?!"

"Who made us get caught by this boy, it must be you, Aton!"

"Not me, I have carefully followed him from the gate with magic."

"Then who caused this to happen?"

"Maybe you are Reo, your voice is noisy."

"But I haven't said anything since earlier!"


Seeing 3 people blaming each other in front of me and literally ignoring my presence, it's clear that they're not that smart.


"Uh man, Can you tell me why all of you follow me and my sister?"

Hearing my question, these 3 people immediately realized that I was here and their mohawk-haired leader replied angrily, "Of course, we want to rob you! Don't you realize that? Huh?! You idiot!"


Seeing their angry reactions, made me twitch my mouth because being called stupid by the 'robber' in front of me made me feel a little humiliated.

"I see... Should I shout 'robber, help me' here?" I replied calmly, but once again what greeted me more unbelievable reaction.

"Are you stupid? It's clear here that no one will hear your screams."

"Maybe he really is stupid, he walked here himself, making our job easy."

Just like their leader, hearing 2 bald guys comment humiliated me once again... but they were absolutely telling the truth. In their eyes, what I did was stupid, even though I did this on purpose.

["This is really stupid, Jin-sama. You shouldn't waste your time here with them."] The system commented.

'I agree... Well, let's wrap this up'  

For once, I agree with the system suggestion. It's already late noon and I don't even have lunch yet, so I am really looking forward to getting everything done before evening. 

Anyway, Maybe seeing that I was ignoring them (because I was talking to the system), the three robber idiots reacted even more furiously and even drew their swords in front of me. Everything seems to develop from 0 to 100 real quick, which really saved me time.

"Oi, boy. Did you listen to us? This is a robbery!"

"Leave everything you have with us, otherwise we will beat you!"

"Without your knight girlfriend, you have no chance to fight against us!"


"Yeah yeah yeah..." Ignoring their rudeness, which only make people surrounding me get angrier, I let out a tiny bit of my divine energy and then ordered, "Kneel."


Instantly, these three idiots immediately fell and kneeled in front of me with terrified expressions, realizing that they might have chosen the wrong target. My divine power makes anyone who feels it instinctively submit before me, so I'm not surprised by what happens to them. This even works with Amaterasu, who is the big local god in Japan, compared to him, these 3 humans in front of me are nothing.

Luckily, I wasn't planning to make them suffer or anything-- because after touching them, I could tell that this was their first attempt at robbery and they were actually forced to do this out of hunger.

Fortunate--- or I should say unfortunately them to attempt to rob me? After all, no one knows my identity here as a god.


"Grovel and Stay like that until night, I guess?"

Three of them immediately groveled to the dirty ground after hearing my order and probably would stay here until night without being able to do anything else, thanks to my convenience almighty power. While I feel bad for them,  I still have to punish them because they are determined to commit a crime after all.

["I think these punishment are too lenient for them."]

'Murdered all of them because they want to rob me? I am not that barbaric! Even on earth, I probably just call the police or leave them alone.'

Well, I doubt they would like to try these again in the future... I got a feeling about that.


"Well I know all of you are hungry then I guess, I wish all of your stomachs are filled."

"Goodbye. I hope you guys didn't try to commit crime again in the future."



After that, I quickly teleported to the main street, leaving the 3 bandits alone to finish the business I wanted to do today. At least, I have filled their stomach using my ability, so I wouldn't be concerned about them passing out of hunger during their punishment.

I didn't know later I would meet them again and would give me a headache.



[Intermission: Do all the bandits and robbers in this world have low IQs like the ones I met today?]


(MC): "As the title of the intermission said and what happened in this chapter situation, Do all the bandits and robbers in this world have low IQs like the ones I met today, system? I am a bit concerned if that's the case with this world/"

(System): ["Isn't the answer obvious? Of course, no. You are lucky to meet an amateur robber that doesn't know how to do their work."]

(MC): "I guess so, but I wouldn't call myself lucky to encounter a robbery in the first place."

(System): ["It's another world where the law and security are nowhere as good as earth, you should be already aware of that Jin-sama."]

(MC): "I guess so. Perhaps that old man wants me to do something about this? What do you think, system?"

(System): ["It's up to your choice. In the end, This world, Theon is the world under your management, and you can do anything you want as long you complete the Original One task without problem."

(MC): "That's good to know. Yosh! I guess, I will do it!"

(System): ["Implement better law to improve the security of the capital city, you might need to think your wish properly, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "What are you talking about? Law or something is not my strength. I was thinking to improve the food and maybe bring some ingredients to this world... In my opinion, better food means happier people, and more happy people and less crime, got it?"

(MC): "My plan should work, 100%! What do you think, system?"

(System): ["..."]

(System): ["I see, I am confused but I could see your good intention."]

(System): ["...Now, I also understand why your sister doesn't want to follow you today, Jin-sama."]


Lol, 1 month+ late update but I guess this still counts as an update. To be honest, writing in 1st pov while I write my other 2 fics with 3rd pov made me feel slightly difficult.

Also, the theme is the same. I still want to mc run a restaurant instead of adventuring (obviously the title lol) so I guess no one should be surprised. I probably will do a side chapter with sister or Vera's POV to reveal what kind of adventure you can get in this world later.


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